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Wonderware HMI/SCADA Roadmap

2010 Invensys. All Rights Reserved. The names, logos, and taglines identifying the products and services of Invensys are proprietary marks of Invensys or its subsidiaries. All third party trademarks and service marks are the proprietary marks of their respective owners.

InFusion Enterprise Control System y Key Functions

C Corporate BPM

IT Platform P


Corporate Systems

ERP Supply and Demand Chain

Manufa acturing / Pro oduction Operations

Enterprise Integration Workflow Open Device Integration Web Portal Application Services Historian


System Platform P

Operations Management Applications

Invensys and Third Party

Performance Execution


Automation Systems and Equipment

Invensys and Third Party

Safety Measurement and Instrumentation

Device Integration
ABCIP Q2:CY11 Firmware 18/19, L7x CPU, Redundancy Module Support & Hyper-V SIDirect/SimaticS7 Q3:CY11 S400h CPU, Micro Controller S71200 Support & Hyper-V ABTCP Q4:CY11 Windows 7, Windows 2008 Server R2, & Hyper-V GE-SRTP - Q4:CY11 Built In Redundancy, Windows 7, Windows 2008 Server R2 & Hyper-V S H V MODBUS TCP - Q4:CY11 Ethernet/Serial Bridge, OmniFlow Meters, Windows 7, Windows 2008 Server R2 & Hyper-V DAS-PANEL Q4:CY11 Windows 7, Windows 2008 Server R2 & Hyper-V

Previous Platform Releases


Server 4.0

Tech Update


Maintenance Tech Update Maintenance

Jan 2010

Mar 2010

May 2010

Oct 2010

April 2011

ArchestrA System Platform 2012 Release Plan

ArchestrA System Platform 2012
Reduce Barrier to Entry Strengthen Core HMI Security Improvements Strengthen GEO-SCADA Server Consolidation Shift S C lid ti AppServer Stability/Perf

OpsManage 2011


OpsManage 2012

Slide 5

Major Release Themes

Reduce Barrier to Entry Strengthen Core HMI Capabilities Security Improvements Support Shift to Server Consolidation Strengthen GEO-SCADA Capabilities Core AppServer Stability and Performance Improvements

Simplify InTouch Stand Alone

Installation All functionality installed from one media (DVD)
All Traditional InTouch Components IDE ArchestrA Graphic Development Graphic Galaxy Repository SQL Express Silent Install FSGateway OPC out of the box.

Configuration Only Requires InTouch Development License Install Can Be Customized for OEM/Market OEM/M k

Common License File

ArchestrA.LIC now delivers license for:
Wonderware Application Server Wonderware Historian Server Wonderware Information Server InTouch Historian Client

Major Release Themes

Reduce Barrier to Entry Strengthen Core HMI Capabilities Security Improvements Support Shift to Server Consolidation Strengthen GEO-SCADA Capabilities Core AppServer Stability and Performance Improvements

ArchestrA Graphic Navigation S i t Function ti Script F

#1 Customer Requested Feature


Online Tag Browser for InTouch 10.5

TagName.x Fields
Tag Name Space by Alarm Area

Watch Window

Intent to help troubleshooting and commissioning. Brings the highly desired ArchestrA ObjectViewer functionality to InTouch. Can be launched through a script or the special function menu in Window viewer.

In-Memory Window Caching

Unlimited Window Availability Regardless of Memory Available g y Using Window Caching Will Optimize Performance Based on Available Memory Designate High Priority Windows for Almost Instant Access
First in/First out and time based aging. Ma im m Memory Limits of InTouch Maximum Memo InTo ch extended to 3 Gb (64 bit OS).

ArchestrA Graphics Use 15% Less Memory

InTouch Windows (w/AAG) Draw 20% Faster

Thumbnail Preview Window

Slide 13

Windows Embedded Standard 7 Support S t

InTouch WindowViewer tested and supported on:

Slide 14

Lock Window Resolution During Development

Advanced Formatting InTouch Value Displays

Global settings at Runtime to specify the decimal point behavior of Reals. Same is also implemented for Each specific data display. InTouch Native Graphics Only ArchestrA Graphic Equivalent Under Evaluation f Future d l for Project.

Improved InTouch Window Management

1. New Script GetWindowName for use in open window position, size, color, and printing. 2. Close Button Configuration Consistent window behavior for InTouch windows and ArchestrA Pop-ups. 3. Blink Synchronization All blinking is synchronized to a common set of internal timers.

Major Release Themes

Reduce Barrier to Entry Strengthen Core HMI Capabilities Security Improvements Support Shift to Server Consolidation Strengthen GEO-SCADA Capabilities Core AppServer Stability and Performance Improvements

Smart Card Support

InTouch now supports the standard Microsoft interface for secure user access to Active Directory accounts via Smart Cards. Logon using Card/PIN combination. Does not require the interactive OS user to be the same.

Enhanced Electronic Signatures: Done By/Checked By D B /Ch k d B

Reason All Signed Writes present a reason for the action being signed to the user from:
Field Attribute Description Object Description Custom String SignedWrite script function

Comment All signed writes allow for a user entered comment. Reason and Comment stored in the electronic record in the Alarm/Event database.

Signed Alarm Acknowledgement

Configure Signature Required Priority Band in the ArchestrA Alarm Client. All Alarms within this band will have to be electronically signed in order to be acknowledged. New Script Function SignedAlarmAck can be used for signed alarm Acknowledgement for one or more alarm via an operator action outside of the ArchestrA Alarm Client.

Separate Done By/Checked By Permissions P i i

Verified Writes Require 2 Signatures (Done By/Checked By) New Operational Permission for Checked By signature; Can Verify Writes Usage: Can create a separate role for Operators and Supervisors so that actions must be checked by Supervisors.

Checked By Permission Done By Permission

Multi-User Kiosk Usage

All Signed Writes allow entering a different username than the currently logged on user. Combined with new SignedWrites, SignedAlarmAck, and/or Smart Cards can be user to create a shared Kiosk whare all actions are tracked to the user without having to log in/out of the applictaion. Shared Workstation Operator1 Operator2


Major Release Themes

Reduce Barrier to Entry Strengthen Core HMI Capabilities Security Improvements Support Shift to Server Consolidation Strengthen GEO-SCADA Capabilities Core AppServer Stability and Performance Improvements

Provides High Availability

Use of Vlans for Communication

VLANs Supported for all Node to Node Communications

Load Balancing of Terminal Servers 2008 R2

InTouch WindowViewer Automatically Balances Across Internal Cores

Multiple Monitors Supported with Terminal Sessions

Remote Apps 2008 R2

Granular access to concentrated Server Applications using RDP.

Work Station thin client technology form factor No Moving parts independent. No functional loss i d d
Secure Granular access Works on any device that can run RDP.

Major Release Themes

Reduce Barrier to Entry Strengthen Core HMI Capabilities Security Improvements Support Shift to Server Consolidation Strengthen GEO-SCADA Capabilities Core AppServer Stability and Performance Improvements

Provides Disaster Recovery

Buffered Data Support

1. Capture All Data regardless of Scan Period 2. Maintain Field Time Stamp 3. All Alarms Processed with Correct Time 4. All History Stored with Correct Time 5. Custom Processing of all data point possible through script. 6. 6 Common Application: Stream Buffered Data from RTU

Major Release Themes

Reduce Barrier to Entry Strengthen Core HMI Capabilities Security Improvements Support Shift to Server Consolidation Strengthen GEO-SCADA Capabilities Core AppServer Stability and Performance Improvements

Core AppServer Stability and Performance Improvements P f I t

Vast improvement in stability of AppEngine Fail-over when involves multiple engines and h i l lti l i d heavy l d load. Vastly improved stability and performance of Cascade Deploy of entire Galaxy. Sharply R d Sh l Reduce occurrence of Al f Alarm Duplicates due to loss of D li t d t l f connection to provider.

ArchestrA System Platform 2012 Release Plan

ArchestrA System Platform 2012
Reduce Barrier to Entry Strengthen Core HMI Security Improvements Strengthen GEO-SCADA Server Consolidation Shift S C lid ti AppServer Stability/Perf

ArchestrA System Platform 2012 SP1

Cadence Release(s) Hot Fix Rollup Backlog Merge Core Improvements Contd Performance P f Stability Cyber-Security

ArchestrA System Platform 2012 R2

Alarms Standards Compliance Advanced Process Graphics Improved Ease of Use OPC UA Data Client/Server Raised Historian S l bilit R i d Hi t i Scalability Dual Historian Semantic Model

OpsManage 2011


OpsManage 2012

HMI/SCADA Long Term Vision

Collaborative Production Management Framework

Integration Platform for Operations Management Applications Drive Productivity through Situational Awareness (Alarms, Advanced Process Graphics, Dashboards) Graphics Empower Users through Data Contextualization Fully leverage major Technology Trends (Mobile Devices, Multi-Touch y g j gy ( , Interface, Abstraction from H/W, Cloud Computing) Natively Incorporate Procedural Management Scalable to meet Enterprise Demands

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