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Scientific method

Things you need:

Petri dishes with agar
Cotton bud
Filter paper
Antibiotic (Detol
Turmeric solution in distilled water (1gm/ml)
Garlic extract in distilled water (1gm/ml)

1. Clean and wipe the working surface with 70% isopropanol (Sanitizer).
2. Make solution of fresh garlic extract, turmeric and antibiotic in small
containers. (Fig1)
3. Take saliva sample on cotton buds and rub it in the petri dish with the
agar gelatin in a zigzag motion. Repeat the process in 5 petri dishes.
4. Label one petri dish as control and keep it sealed in a dark place for 3-4
5. Place a circular piece of filter paper in garlic solution and then place it in
the center of the petri dish. Label it with G and date and place it in a
dark place.
6. Repeat with rest of the solutions.
7. After 3 to 4 days, you would see the bacteria growing in the petri dishes
and see that the bacteria did not grow anywhere near the antibiotic.

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