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```Daphnie Shane R.

11- Katmon
Member of the Opposition

The right to freedom of expression should not be limited

I am Daphnie Pagayunan the 1st Member of the Opposition. I strongly believe that freedom of

expression should not have a limit for 2 main reasons. First, it leads to an open-minded community and

more exposure to negative truths that aim to teach us a more diverse understanding. Amnesty

International has always placed a high priority on defending freedom of expression because it is

essential to keep the powerful accountable. In addition, freedom of expression supports and promotes

other human rights, including the freedom of religion, thinking, and conscience.

Comfort is not necessarily a requirement for speech or expression. “Everyone has the right to

freedom of speech, which includes the freedom to hold opinions without interference and the freedom

to seek, receive, and share information and ideas across frontiers and through any medium” as stated

in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To live in an open and just society where

individuals can seek justice and enjoy their human rights, these rights must be practiced freely and

without interference by the government or other illegitimate parties. Nevertheless, governments all

across the world regularly put people in jail, or worse, for speaking out, despite the fact that practically

every country's constitution mentions the importance of "freedom of expression." Unrestricted

expression is necessary for a free society.

It is encouraged to hear opposing viewpoints and then critique them in an open discussion

since it fosters cultural variety. As society advances, it is important for listeners to take in the

information being provided and publicly critique diverse concepts. The libel action in the Philippines

against Maria Ressa, the executive editor of the website Rappler, began in July 2019. Maria Ressa a

well-known Duterte critic, was arrested in February 2019 on fabricated libel charges after Rappler
published in-depth investigations into some of the thousands of extrajudicial executions carried out

during drug-related operations, police and unidentified armed persons were assisted by Duterte. Many

individuals feel her case is an example of the government's attack on journalistic freedom. A report

claims that the Philippines placed 147th out of 180 nations in the Reporters Without Borders World

Press Freedom Index, which ranks the press freedom records of each nation for the preceding year.

The poor score of the nation demonstrates the lack of respect for journalists' rights. A troubling number

of at least 197 journalists dead since 1986 is also revealed by data from the National Union of

Journalists of the Philippines. In Myanmar, journalists looking into the murder of Rohingya men and

boys by security forces in Rakhine State were detained and imprisoned until being released as a result

of international pressure. (don’t include if out of parameter) So, if we were to limit our freedom of

expression, do you think the problems that our world has faced ever since back then will be solved?

Additionally, Reason itself can be a source of error, and therefore reason must subject itself to

critique in all its undertakings. So intellectual independence, cannot exist in a community with others

without absolute freedom. Like the important national events in the country, which include the State of

the Nation Address (SONA), many groups and individuals take these as important occasions to express

their views, stances, and grievances on pressing issues concerning national affairs. And If this freedom

is denied, we are deprived at the same time of means of testing the correctness of our judgments, and

we are exposed to error. Therefore putting any limitations on freedom of expression would also limit our

endeavor to build character and our freedom.

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