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Angle Changed

Height Changed
Speed Changed

Distance Changed
In conclusion, projectile motion refers to the motion of an object that is
propelled into the air and then moves in a parabolic arc due to the influence of gravity.
Understanding the principles of projectile motion is essential in various fields, including
physics, engineering, mathematics, and sports. The motion of a projectile is affected by
various factors such as the initial velocity of the object, the angle at which it is launched,
and the presence of air resistance. By analyzing these factors, one can predict the
trajectory and final destination of a projectile. Projectile motion has numerous practical
applications, including ballistics, aerospace engineering, and sports such as basketball
and golf.
Projectile motion refers to the motion of an object that is propelled into
the air or launched into the air and moves along a parabolic path until it reaches the
ground. This concept is important in various fields such as physics, engineering, sports,
and even military applications. Understanding the principles of projectile motion,
including velocity, angle, and gravity, can help in predicting the trajectory of moving
objects and optimizing their performance. Overall, the study of projectile motion is
crucial in many aspects of our daily lives and provides valuable insights for scientific
and technological developments.

In conclusion, if we change even one of the Distance Angle Speed and

the Height of an object if we throw it the result will be different that is because of the
projectile motion.

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