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Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during hard times when the hero within us is revealed. 14
years ago, India faced a dreadful night in Mumbai on 26th November 2008 when such great
heroes divulged. It was the day when our brave heroes fought valiantly sacrificing their lives to
safeguard ours. Ten young men stormed into the financial capital of the country with the sole aim
of wrecking it to the core - for three consecutive days, the city of Mumbai was wrapped in the
grip of terror. Mumbai was brought down to its knees. Up until November 2008, terror was
associated with the fear that vexed the life of the common man. For the first time, the elite in
India and the foreigners in the country were the target of an attack. Famous landmarks were
severely affected.
The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) was attacked by two gunmen. They entered
the passenger hall and opened fire; their pursuit lasted for an hour.
Leopold cafe was an early site of gunfire and grenade explosions. The terrorists sprayed fire
inside the restaurant from outside killing 10 people and injuring many others. The restaurant was
extensively damaged during the attacks.
The Oberoi-Trident Hotel which plays host to a large number of tourists and foreign nationals
was attacked as foreign nationals were reported to be the prime point of target for the terrorists.
By the time the siege ended, 143 hostages were rescued alive.
The attack on Nariman House was distinctive in nature as it was on the Chabad House. The
house was visited by a large number of Jews from across the world. The news of the attack was
quick to have international reverberations across other worldwide Jewish centers. Never before
had Jews in India been the target of attack for any terrorist group.
The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, the symbol of opulence, laid at the mercy of four heavily armed
terrorists for more than 60 hours, 2 entered from the front door whereas 2 opened fire from the
back door. By midnight Mumbai Police surrounded the Hotel and the evacuation was done from
both the doors by the commandos.
Two terrorists tried to enter Cama hospital however our brave police forces restricted them with
great courage, then the terrorists tried to flee away from the scene by stealing a police jeep which
was then obstructed and neutralized by police forces.

We at Technovanza VJTI salute our brave heroes and applaud their valiant efforts on the
battlefield and present to you VRC 10.0 where you will be the brave hero saving hundreds of
lives, helping the police and evacuating the citizens to safe places. So, buckle up to undergo an
audacious experience.


A team can consist of a maximum of 6 participants.

Students from different educational institutes can form a team.


1. Certificate of Participation will be awarded to all the teams.

2. Certificate of Excellence will be given to the top three teams.
3. Disqualified teams will not be considered for any certification.

Total prizes worth INR 80,000 to be won.

FREE Registration for all the events and non-commercial exhibitions.


● Fire Brigade (Manual robot)

● Ambulance (Auto robot)

● The field consists of an area having dimension 7.2m × 6m.
● The game field consists of-
1. Refugee areas
2. CSMT Station bridge
3. Leopold Cafe
4. Trident
5. Taj Mahal Palace Hotel
6. Nariman House
7. Cama Hospital









As the terrorists are trying to travel from CSMT to Leopold cafe, the manual bot has to break the
bridge by pulling the block below the bridge to disrupt the way of the terrorists.

Manual bot has to then place the extracted block inside the Landfill besides CSMT station.
Points for that task will not be given unless the Manual bot does not place the block completely
within the boundaries of the Landfill on the arena.

● Landfill-


Manual Robot has to rotate the Auto bot gate (extended in the Manual Arena) such that the
part of the gate in the auto arena gets rotated to clear the passage for Auto Robot.

Autobot handler has to put the below shown police officers on the autobot once the autobot
reaches point 1.

Refugee Area:
Manual bot will travel to the refugee area to collect the Medical Kits kept in the refugee area.

Manual Robot has to collect the medical supplies which are initially placed at the refugee area
and deliver it by putting it on the base of the plank attached to the door of the Leopold cafe and
then close the door.

The Manual bot has to take a police Officer batch from the autobot which will be stopping at
point NA and place it at the lower drawer of the Hotel and close the drawer. Both the upper
windows will be closed till then. After that, Manual bot can open any of the windows first in no
particular order and extract the block depicting people and place them in the refugee area.
● Trident Front View:

● Trident Closed Door:


● Trident Open Door:

Manual Bot now will have to place the batch of police officers from the autobot and place it on
the empty side of the See-Saw at Nariman Business Centre. This will result in See-Saw rising
and thus the side containing Hostages will rise. Now the manual bot has to pick up the hostages
from the other side of the see-saw and then place the hostages on the Auto Bot.
● Initial Position of the See-Saw:

● Elevated Position of the See-Saw:


Manual bot has to perform front door and back door evacuation at Taj Mahal Palace Hotel by
sliding the door above and evacuating the people stuck there. The manual bot has to first conduct
evacuation at one door and transfer these people to the refugee area. Then the manual bot has to
conduct evacuation at the second door and transfer those people to refugee areas.
● Front view:

● Side view:


The autobot has to position itself behind the line of the blue area. Then the Manual bot has to
shoot 2 different distant targets depicting terrorists. The points will be awarded when the ball
lands in the Net of the target.

Manual bot will unload hostages from the auto bot when it reaches point AP and then place them
on Cama Hospital.

● Ramp leading to Cama hospital



1. Manual bot will start its work as a fire brigade, travel towards the entry gate of the
autobot and will first rotate the auto bot gate to clear the passage for the Auto bot.
2. The autobot gate will open enabling the autobot to function as Ambulance and then the
auto bot will traverse through Path 1 to the police force wherein the autobot operator will
place the police force (Blocks portrayed as police officers) onto the auto bot.
3. Auto Bot will now carry police force from point 1(police force) to point NA through path
4. The Manual Bot will remove the block under the bridge joining the CSMT station and
adjoining building and thus the terrorists trying to commute using the bridge will have no
path to escape.
5. Manual bot will then further put the block removed from under the bridge in the Landfill.
6. Manual bot will then collect medical supplies from the refugee area and provide medical
supplies to the distressed at the Leopold Cafe. Manual bot will place the medical supplies
inside the LEOPOLD CAFE’S DOORS and then close the door.
7. Manual Bot will collect one batch of police officers from the autobot at point NA and
place them in the open drawer at the Base of the Trident Hotel and then close the drawer.
8. Manual bot will then open the window on the first level of the Hotel. Order of the
window won't matter. Either window can be opened first and the people seeking help
could be evacuated from the building. Manual bot will have to carry an Evacuated batch
of people to the refugee areas first. The manual bot will have to repeat the same for the
next window.
9. Meanwhile the autobot will proceed from the point NA to point NB through Path 3 and
wait near the Nariman House.

10. The manual bot will now unload the remnant batch of police officers from the autobot
and place them on the empty side of the see saw at Nariman house which would result in
the rising of the see saw and depict releasing of hostages.
11. People evacuated at Nariman house seem to have undergone some serious injuries and
hence need to be provided with immediate medical assistance. Manual bot will now place
the evacuated hostages carefully on the autobot at point NB.
12. The Auto Bot will then travel from point NB to point AP (Ambulance Park) through
Path 4.
13. Manual Bot will now perform evacuation at Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, wherein evacuations
were carried out in a dual fashion, i.e. front door and back door evacuations. So manual
bot have to rescue people by sliding the front door of the Hotel and transferring the
people to the refugee area and same for the back door to evacuate the 2nd batch of
14. Manual bot will unload hostages from the auto bot when it reaches point AP and then
place them on Cama Hospital.
15. The Auto Bot goes from point AP to point EP (Evacuation Point) through path 5 for
giving medical assistance to the evacuated hostages.
16. Meanwhile the manual bot tries striking down the Terrorists which are depicted by the
Frames by performing projectile motion. It is necessary to note that the target for the
projectile motion is not the Frame, but rather the area enclosed around with the net. There
are 2 targets placed with nets. Manual bot will be given 4 shots in total and it has to hit
both the targets. Points will be given only when the ball lands in the net.
17. Manual bot will then place the evacuated hostages (only 2 blocks of people) from the
refugee area on top of the autobot which is at point EP.
18. The Autobot will now transfer the hostages for medical assistance from point EP to point
AP through Path 6.
19. Manual bot will then place the hostages at the Cama hospital from the top of the Auto


1. The maximum time given for completing the tasks is 6 minutes.

2. The operator of the Fire Brigade (Manual Robot) cannot be changed during the match.
3. Auto Robot is allowed to move in the Auto zone and Manual Robot is allowed to move in
the manual zone only.
4. Manual Robot must pick/place the people block, police block appropriately in their
respective locations.
5. If a Manual Robot drops any of the people block, police box or it must restart the current
6. The projectile mechanism should be loaded before the start of the match. Team should
ensure that the ball will not fall before performing a projectile mechanism.
7. Maximum 4 chances (with 1 load and 3 reload) will be given to Manual Robot to perform
projectile. If in case Manual Robot fails to hit one or many targets the points for that
event will not be awarded.
8. The ball will be provided by organizers (40mm table tennis ball).
9. The first successful throw’s outcome would be the final outcome. Manual bot will not be
allowed to use any further chances.
10. All 3 attempts need to be used successively without performing any other task in
11. Auto Robot operator would be allowed to reload manual bot only after it reaches to the
spot behind the projectile line.
12. In case of a wired robot (Manual Robot), the wire must remain slack the entire time
during the game. The total length of wire extending from the remote control to the
Manual Robot must be of minimum 2.5 meters.

13. After starting the Auto Robot, the team- member who performs the starting action must
leave the game arena immediately
14. Both robots cannot enter the arena of the opponent’s team.
15. Laptops/personal computers are not allowed near the arena once the match starts. Other
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc devices must be switched off. The organizers hold the rights to
check for these devices and their usage and disqualify the team.
16. High pressure pneumatics, hydraulics , compressed air and piston mechanisms are not
allowed for projectile mechanisms.
17. The organizers may stop any Robot at any time if the task that it is being performed or is
about to perform is of any danger or hazard to people or equipment. No Robot is allowed
to use any inflammable, combustible, explosive or potentially dangerous process.
18. Time measured by organizers will be final and will be used for scoring the teams. Time
measured by any contestant by any other means is not acceptable for scoring. In case of
any disputes/discrepancies, the organizer’s decision will be final and binding. The
organizer reserves the right to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit.
Change in rules, if any will be highlighted on the website and notified to the
registered team.





PATH 3 :







1. Auto Bot Gate.
2. Loading Police officers onto the Manual Bot.
3. NA
4. NB
5. Ambulance Parking(AP)
6. Evacuation Point(EP)

Participants can ask organizers to select the code for Auto Robot. The switch used
for this must be easily accessible and visible to organizers.


1. All Robots must be designed and manufactured so as to cause no damage to any robots of
the opposing team or to the game field. Combustible-fuel-driven engines, Explosives,
high-pressure pneumatics (e.g. 1 mega Pascal), power-generating chemicals and
undamped spring actuators (which make an action in less than half a second) are all
prohibited for propulsion or expansion of Robot’s size.
2. If a laser emitting device is used, it must be of class 2 or less. In deploying the laser, full
care must be taken to protect all people at the venue from harm during all procedures. In
particular, the laser beams must be oriented such that the beam will not be aimed sloping
upwards, or horizontally to hit the eyes of sitting spectators.
3. All Robots must be designed and manufactured so as to pose no danger of any kind to
any person at the venue.


1. If the Auto Robot drops any Block or box , it must restart from its previous destination.
2. If the Auto Robot doesn’t choose the correct path then it must restart from the starting
point of that path.
3. In case of a restart, the timer will not be set back to zero and time will not be paused.
4. During restarts for the Auto Robot, a contestant cannot feed any information to it.
However, participants are allowed to adjust sensors (gain, position etc.) and make minor
repairs. A participant should not alter it in a manner that changes its weight (e.g. removal
of bulky sensor array or switching to lighter batteries to get better speed).
5. Any restart for Auto Robot requires the approval of the organizers before it can be
removed from the arena. If removed without approval, it will be considered as a


One Manual Robot (Rescue Force )

One Line follower Robot (Ambulance) are required for each team.

Ambulance (Auto Robot):

1. The Auto Robot must be completely autonomous and it must run on principles of line
2. The Auto Robot should not exceed the dimensions of size 35cm×35cm×35cm (l×b×h).
Auto-bot can expand, stretch or extend within a cylinder of length 35cm considered from
the top view. No stretch up in height is allowed.
3. The starting procedure of Auto Robot should be simple and should not involve giving it
any manual force or impulse in any direction.
4. The weight of Auto Robot should not exceed 8 Kg.
5. The Auto Robot must be a single body and should not split into parts.
6. Only one Auto Robot is allowed.

Fire brigade (Manual Robot):

1. Teams should use wired or wireless remote control for controlling the Manual Robot.
2. Only one team member is allowed to control the robot in the game field.
3. Robot should not exceed the dimensions of 50cm×50cm×60cm (l×b×h).Manual robot can
expand, stretch or extend without any limits after the start of the run.
4. Manual Robot is not allowed to leave anything behind or make any marks while
traversing or damage the arena in any way. If it is found damaging the arena , the team
will be immediately disqualified.
5. The Manual Robot cannot be constructed using readymade Lego kits or any readymade
mechanism or readymade base/chassis. However, readymade gear assemblies can be
used. Violating this clause will lead to disqualification of the team.
6. Only one Manual Robot is allowed.
7. High pressure pneumatics, compressed air and piston mechanisms are not allowed for
projectile mechanisms.


1. Both the robots must use an on-board power supply. External power supply is not
allowed and will not be given.
2. The potential difference between any two points should not be greater than 24V DC.


1. Manual Robot (Fire Brigade) should receive signals from a remote control. It can be
wired or wireless.
2. Auto Robot (Ambulance) cannot be controlled by wireless or wired controller.


Sr.No. Name of the Tasks Total Points Allocated.

1. Removing the block under the CSMT bridge and the 5

bridges fall apart

2. Placing the Block on the Landfill. (The block should be 5

completely within the boundaries of the block.)

3. Opening the Autobot gate such that the gate should 5

completely open.

4. Placing both medical supplies in Leopold cafe and 10

closing the doors of Leopold cafe.

5. Collecting police officers from autobot, placing them in 10

the drawer of the Trident Hotel and closing the drawer.

7. Opening window 1 and extraction of hostages from 10

Trident Hotel and placing them in the Refugee Area.

9. Opening window 2 and extraction of hostages from 10

Trident Hotel and placing them in the Refugee Area.

11. Placing the block of police officers on one end of the 10

see-saw of Nariman House.

12. Evacuate hostages from the other end of the see-saw and 5
placing them on the autobot.

13. Front door evacuation from Taj Mahal Palace Hotel and 5
carrying evacuated people to the refugee area.

14. Back door evacuation from Taj Mahal Palace Hotel and 5
carrying evacuated people to the refugee area.




Manual bot will be getting 4 Shots to hit 2 nets. Point wise distribution has been given to all the

Number of Shots. Points Allocated.

1 15

2 10

3 5

4 5

The Manual Bot has to hit both the targets within 4 shots failing which 10 points will be
deducted from the total score.


Autobot Judging System:

Path Taken Points Allocated.

1- Point 0 to Point 1 5
2- Point 1 to Point NA 10
3- Point NA to Point NB 15
4- Point NB to Point AP 10
5- Point AP to Point EP 15
6- Point EP to Point AP 5

Note: Auto Bot will gain full points for the task only after the autobot successfully stops at
the end point of the path where it is supposed to. If the autobot fails to do so the points will
be deducted (as mentioned in penalties) and the autobot will have to start at the starting
point of the path again.

Penalty System (Manual Bot):

Sr. No. Foul Committed Deductible Points

1. Damaging the models of the Arena. 10

2. Dropping evacuated People while evacuation. 5

3. Dropping medical packages. 5

4. Dropping Police Force. 5

Penalty System (Auto Bot):

Sr. No. Foul Committed Deductible Points

1. Autobot not stopping before end of point 1 10

2. Autobot not stopping at point NA. 10

3. Autobot not stopping at point NB. 10

4. Autobot not stopping at point AP. 20

5. Autobot not stopping at point EP. 10

1. A team will be disqualified if it commits any of the following actions during the match:
A. The team performs any acts that are not in the spirit of fair play.
B. The team fails to obey instructions or warnings issued by the referees.
C. Auto robots must not receive remote instructions from any human in the venue, sent via
any form of RF or non-RF communication. This will lead to disqualification.
2. Auto Robot is not allowed to leave anything behind or make any marks while
Traversing the path in the autonomous zone. Any bot found damaging the arena will be
disqualified immediately.


A. The team with five Violations in a match will be disqualified. Negative scores may
appear in some cases.
B. When the Violations occur, 10 points will be deducted from the team. The team must
bring the violating Robot back to the point where the referee indicates. The violations are
categorized as follows:
1. Any part of the Robot entering their respective restricted areas or opponents. The Auto
bot cannot enter a Manual bot arena and vice versa.
2. Other actions that infringe on the rules without mentioning in the Disqualification are
considered as Violations.

1. Team completing all the tasks first and correctly will be considered as winners.
2. If both the teams could not complete the tasks then team with maximum points will be
3. The rules and the regulations for the tie break would be told by the organizers during the



Rules mentioned above are subject to change any time. Participants should check for the
latest updated PDFS on the official website of Technovanza 2022-23 However, this draft is
to be followed as the latest version. Technovanza reserves all right regarding rules and

Any ingenious exploitation of the mentioned/gameplay must be notified to and

clarified with the organizers beforehand.

In case of any ambiguity, feel free to contact

● Vedant Berde: +91 9136121168
● Aryan Pawaskar: +91 9967968577
● Parina Jain: +91 7400398391

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