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The toxic waste dump problem:

This problem is to find the point on the Voronoi diagram that is as far as possible from any of
the sites. It is called the toxic waste dump problem because one application might be to find
where waste can be deposited so that it is as far as possible from habitation.

Class Work:
A town lies inside a square of side length 9 units, which marks the boundaries of the town. It
has four coffee shops. A coffee grower wishes to open a new shop in the town but would like it
to be as far as possible from all the other four coffee shops.

Where should he put it?

1) Construct the Voronoi diagram showing the positions of the four coffee shops on a set
of coordinate axes: A(l,6), B(2,2), C(8,2) and D(8,5), where one unit represents 1 km.
2) Find the coordinates of the vertices P and Q in the Voronoi diagram.
3) Determine where a fifth shop should be sited so as to be as far as possible from any
other shop, and how far this will be.
4) Construct the new Voronoi Diagram adding the fifth coffee shop at the position found in
part 3. There is no need to find the equations of the new perpendicular bisectors.

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