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Pressure Worksheet

1. An aquarium has a rectangular base that measures 60cm by 30 cm. its height is 45cm
and sea water density of 1150 kg/m3 is used to fill it.

Calculate the weight of water in the aquarium and the pressure of the fish at the
bottom of the aquarium due to the water alone.

2. Find the pressure exerted by a force of 8000N on an area of 25m². Give your answer
in N/m²

3. An object is placed on a table. It exerts a force of 22N on the table. The pressure on
the table is 500 N/m². Calculate the area of the crate that is in contact with the table.
Include suitable units.

4. A swimming pool of width 9.0 m and length 24.0 m is filled with water to a depth of
3.0 m. Calculate pressure on the bottom of the pool due to the water
b. What is the pressure on the side wall of the pool at the junction with the bottom of
the pool in the previous problem?
density of water = 1000 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3
gravity = 10 m/s2

5. What is the total force and the pressure on the bottom of a swimming pool 8.0 m by
15.0 m whose uniform depth is 2.0 m?
density of water = 1000 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3
gravity = 10 m/s2

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