Gen Bio

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GENBIO 1 & 2

3rd Quarter

CELLULAR RESPIRATION Cells do not BURN glucose; they slowly release

How do living things release energy??? energy from it and other food compounds
• Most energy used thru conversion of ATP through several pathways (processes).
molecules into ADP molecules • 1st pathway → Glycolysis: releases only a small
• Thus, cells must continually convert ADP amount of energy (2 net ATP)
molecules back into ATP molecules • If oxygen is present, it will lead to two other
• This process is known as………. pathways that release a lot of energy: Krebs
CELLULAR RESPIRATION cycle & Electron Transport Chain.
• If oxygen absent glycolysis is followed by a
Breathing vs Cellular Respiration different pathway: Alcoholic Fermentation
- Breathing: physical process that allows or Lactic Acid Fermentation.
animals and humans to come into contact with
gases in the air. Overview of Cellular Respiration
- Cellular Respiration: chemical process that - In presence of oxygen (aerobic) glycolysis
releases energy from organic compounds (food), is followed by: Krebs Cycle and Electron
gradually converting it into energy that is stored & Transport Chain.
in ATP molecules.

- A catabolic, exergonic, oxygen (O2) requiring
process that uses energy extracted from
macromolecules (glucose) to produce energy
(ATP) and water (H2O).

- Food is the raw material that provides the
energy for your body to function.
- Cells use food to synthesize new molecules to
carry out their life processes.

Redox Reactions
- Transfer of one or more electrons from one - All three combined make up Cellular
reactant to another. Respiration: Glycolysis + Krebs Cycle +
- Two types: Electron Transport Chain
1. Oxidation - Process that releases energy by breaking
2. Reduction down food molecules in the presence of
Oxidation Reaction Equation for Cellular Respiration:
- The loss of electrons from a substance.
- Or the gain of oxygen

Reduction Reaction
- The gain of electrons to a substance.
- Or the loss of oxygen.
GENBIO 1 & 2
3rd Quarter

Each of these 3 stages captures some of the • It can supply chemical energy to cells when
chemical energy available in food molecules oxygen is NOT available.
and uses it to produce ATP. However, if a cell generates large amounts of
ATP from glycolysis it can
GLYCOLISIS run into problems;
- Process takes place in the cytosol of the 1. the cell’s available NAD+ molecules
cytoplasm outside of mitochondria; become filled up with electrons.
converts glucose with the help of 2 ATP 2. glycolysis shuts down, cannot proceed
molecules and eventually releases 4 ATP without available NAD+ Molecules.
molecules; for a net gain of 2 ATP 3. ATP production stops.
● Glycolysis evolved before the other
stages of cellular respiration; other stages
need oxygen
● No oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere when
life first evolved about 3.5 to 4 b.y.a.
● Without oxygen → anaerobic respiration
● 2 or 3 billion years ago, oxygen was
gradually added to the atmosphere by
early photosynthetic bacteria; period the
CLARIFICATION OF TERMS “oxygen catastrophe” → aerobic
- Cytosol - the fluid (and suspended organisms
molecules of salts, sugars, amino acids,
enzymes, etc.) around the organelles Let’s look at the pathway that follows glycolysis
- Cytoplasm - the cytosol PLUS the with the presence of oxygen.....
organelles suspended within it (o.e., aerobic respiration.
everything EXCEPT the nucleus)
Cell = Plasma membrane + Cytoplasm + Mitochondrion Structure
Nucleus - Mitochondrion has two separate
Cytoplasm = Cytosol + Organelles membranes: inner and outer membrane.
- Three compartments: intermembrane
ATP & NADH Production in Glycolysis space, cristae space, and matrix.

Step 1 : breaks 1 molecule of glucose in half,

producing 2 molecules of pyruvic acid (a
3-carbon compound).
Step 2: 2 NAD+ ;electron carrier accepts 4
high-energy electrons and transfers them to 2
NADH molecules and 2 H+ thus passing the
energy stored in the glucose.
Step 3: 4 ADP added producing 4 ATP.
Step 4: 2 remaining pyruvic acids enter Krebs
Cycle in presence of oxygen; IF no oxygen AEROBIC RESPIRATION:
another pathway is followed. The Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport
• End of glycolysis → 90% of chemical energy
• Glycolysis is a fast process. from glucose still unused, locked in high-energy
• Cells produce thousands of ATP molecules in a electrons of pyruvic acid
few milliseconds. • Extracted by world’s most powerful electron
• Glycolysis alone DOES NOT require oxygen Receptor → OXYGEN
GENBIO 1 & 2
3rd Quarter

• Krebs and Electron Transport require oxygen

thus they are aerobic processes.

Uses for the Products of the Krebs Cycle

● Carbon dioxide is exhaled (waste
● ATP can be used for cellular activities.
● High-energy electrons (stored in NADH &
FADH2) can be used to make huge
amounts of ATP in the presence of


1. 2nd stage of cellular respiration
2. Named after Hans Krebs, British
biochemist in 1937.
3. Here pyruvic acid is broken down into
carbon dioxide in a series of
energy-extracting reactions
4. Citric acid is the 1st compound formed in
this series of reactions, so Krebs is
sometimes called the Citric or Citric Acid

a. Pyruvic acid enters from glycolysis;

One carbon removed = CO2 formed
b. NAD+ again changed to NADH
c. CoA joins remaining 2 carbons =
d. Acetyl-CoA added to 4 carbon
Compound = Citric acid (6-C)
e. Citric acid broken down to 5-carbon then
4 carbon; more CO2 released
f. Along the way more NADH and FADH2
formed 1. Electrons from Krebs cycle are passed to
g. One molecule of ATP also made electron transport chain by NADH & FADH2
2. At end of the chain an enzyme combines
2 turns & 2 pyruvic acid (from glycolysis) electrons from the electron chain with H+ ions
yield: and
10 NADH (2 from glycolysis) oxygen to form water.
2 FADH2 3. Each time 2 high-energy electrons transport
4 ATP (2 from glycolysis) down the electron chain, their energy is used to
Cycle starts anew transport H+ ions across the membrane.
4. H+ ions build up in intermembrane space it is
CHEMICAL EQUATION OF KREBS CYCLE now positively charged, other side of
GENBIO 1 & 2
3rd Quarter

membrane negatively charged.

5. Electrochemical gradient (chemiosmotic
gradient) created for ATP synthase to work.
6. ATP synthase converts ADP into ATP.
GENBIO 1 & 2
3rd Quarter

The Total ATP production of Aerobic Cellular


Alcoholic Fermentation
1. Yeast and a few other microorganisms
use alcoholic fermentation, forming ethyl
alcohol and carbon dioxide as wastes
2. Equation for alcoholic fermentation:
pyruvic acid + NADH → ethyl alcohol + CO2 +

Anaerobic Respiration: Fermentation Lactic Acid Fermentation

- This occurs after glycolysis when oxygen
absent, thus anaerobic process 1. Many cells convert accumulated pyruvic
● Fermentation releases energy from food acid from glycolysis to lactic acid; lactic
molecules in absence of oxygen acid fermentation regenerates NAD+ so
• In this process cells convert NADH to glycolysis can continue
NAD+ by passing high-energy electrons 2. Equation for lactic acid fermentation:
back to pyruvic acid pyruvic acid + NADH → lactic acid + NAD+
• Now glycolysis has NAD+ and can 3. When your body cannot supply enough
continue producing ATP oxygen to muscle tissues during exercise,
• There are 2 types of fermentation: this is produced
a. Alcoholic fermentation 4. Without oxygen the body is unable to
b. Lactic acid fermentation produce all the ATP it requires, so lactic
● Anaerobic and aerobic respiration share acid fermentation takes over.
the glycolysis pathway. If oxygen is
absent, fermentation may take place,
producing lactic acid or ethyl alcohol and
carbon dioxide. Products of fermentation
still contain chemical energy and are
used widely to make foods and fuels.
GENBIO 1 & 2
3rd Quarter

Running, swimming, or riding a bike as fast as

you can = large muscles in your legs and arms
that quickly run out of oxygen...muscles begin to
rapidly produce ATP by lactic acid fermentation.
The buildup of lactic acid fermentation causes a
painful burning sensation making your muscles
feel sore… How do you stop it?????



- It takes place in chloroplast.
- Carbon Dioxide and water react, using
light energy, to produce glucose and
- Light energy from the sun, changes to
chemical energy in glucose

- It takes place in a mitochondrion
- Glucose and oxygen react to produce
carbon dioxide, water, and energy (ATP)
- Chemical Energy in glucose changes to
chemical energy in ATP.

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