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University of Cebu

Department of the General Education

Cebu City
Date: 04/27/24
Subject: NCM Elect 1—Logic
Subject Time/Days: TTH (2:30-4:00)
School Year/Semester: 2023-24/2nd Sem.
Term: Semi-Final—Final Period

Individual Activity 4
(On Concept and Term—Their Practical Significance in Establishing

Name: Elliejenn A Enderes

Course/Year/Section BSN 1-F
EDP No: 82650

I. Instructions:
- Read, refer to and answer the question(s) given below.
- Follow the required number of paragraph and sentences for the
answers. This is a MUST.
- Use Arial as font type with 14 font size. This is a MUST.
- Submit the output into your correct LMS.
- Submit on: April 27, 2024/ 11:59 PM.
- Be on time in the submission.
- 40 point.

II. Guide Question(s):

• How practically significant are the concept and term in sharing of

one’s thought to other knowing beings (other human beings)?

III. Output:

- Starts here below.

- Must be consisted of one paragraph with definitely and exactly
10 sentences only.
- Violation on this requirement means no point of the output.
- Strictly to be followed.

The concept and term in sharing one’s thoughts with other human
beings are practically significant. Our minds are constantly active and
developing, and how we associate concepts with each other. This suggests
that sharing our thoughts with others allows for the exchange and
development of ideas, leading to a deeper understanding and connection
among individuals. Furthermore, communication and sharing of thoughts can
facilitate the process of apprehending and judging concepts. Hence, by
sharing our thoughts with others, we can receive feedback, opinions, and
perspectives that can enrich our understanding and lead to new insights. In
addition to this, sharing our thoughts with others allows us to communicate
these concepts and form a common understanding, fostering collaboration
and collective knowledge. It is also very important to distinguish between
different subjects of objects. It is because by sharing our thoughts, we can
clarify and articulate our ideas, ensuring that others understand our intended
meaning. Therefore, the concept and term in sharing one’s thoughts with
other human beings are practically significant. They facilitates the exchange
of our ideas, deepens our understanding, fosters collaboration, and ensures
effective communication and comprehension.

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