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I had a lot of caffeine. This ramble is for Ibukun Adegola. Everyone else keep scrolling.

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Ibukun: "was the DHV story along the lines of you breaking up with your ex because she always
wanted ridiculous number of oral orgasms and your jaws began to lock?"
I don't have an exact word for word sequence. I use the story mostly in person. Sometimes I don't
need it and I can DHV sexually with job routine or running type routine, etc.. But if I need to ease into
it. I may start with talking about past relationships and bait them into asking about mine (Well, even if
they ask me back or not)... I'll eventually say something along the lines of "She's was amazing. We
had so much fun. My type. But I had to break up with her unfortunately recently" -- some will ask
why and some will not want to in case it offends you or makes you sad. So I don't say it in a sad way.
It's more of a enthusiastic way so she feels more invited to ask why. Then I go into the story.
I DHV the girl. She was super hot. Like model hot. She had the perfect body. I'd say something like
she was way better looking than me, but I would give her 10 to 15 oral orgasms nearly every single
day for over a year. She went from not being able to orgasm with any guys to up to 15 a session. She
became super obsessed. I loved how sexual she was. But after a year my jaw locked. If you've
experienced it, you know how painful it is. I took a break from it, but the girl was going through
withdrawals. So I had to cut it off with her.
It goes along these lines. I calibrate the story to the girl or situation. This story is actually true. Except
that I didn't break up with her because of that.
But once I get to 15 orgasms a day for over a year usually the story ends there and the girl cannot get
off the 15 orgasms part. Which happens literally 98% of the time. They ask "wait 15 per day or
what?" then I tell them per session. Then they inquire how many minutes. Then I tell them usually it's
around 30 minutes. They're amazed. I then get a bit cocky and tell them I love it, I can eat pussy for
an hour straight without stopping. Honestly it's probably the main reason why I got this model
girlfriend. I liked her but I had to cut it off.
I can see (and have heard other guys) butcher the story and tell it at very uncalibrated times. You must
really understand why and how the story works. What I put into the story and why. And when to use
it. There are situations where I just don't have enough sexual compliance and I don't think I would if I
told this story, so I don't tell it. Or I sit on it for a better time.
if you have trouble or believe you'll have trouble sexualizing more directly and explicitly, then easing
into a story like this will help a lot. It's not direct and about the girl. You're telling a story about your
relationship that she asked for. It's packed of preselection and sexual DHV's. It's not as powerful as
saying you wrote a guide or a sex coach (though this gives more push back to handle) but it's very
effective. You just need to know how to go from that story and get her to open up sexually about her
experience. How many orgasms does she normally have? What she's into, her sexual experiences,
etc... Then you need to transition into making the sexual topic about you and her. How you do this
really depends on the situation and girl. Sometimes when she says something like "I cannot orgasm
with a guy" or "more than once" which is very common. I will directly say "Oh.. I could make you
cum more than 10 times. I just need one hour and you'll be orgasming at least 10 times for sure". -- "I
mean, my record is 55, but it took me 3-4 meets with that girl to get her up to that." -- Then they are
shocked. In disbelief. They may say it's not possible, etc...
Then I tell them the story of me giving a calendar model 40 orgasms and putting her in an orgasmic
coma. She wasn't talking another language and passed out. {which is a true story} -- Then I may go
into the story. "It's actually one of my favorite stories because this girl was actually on my calendar in
my office. It was the international Hooters calendar" {true story}.
I constantly move the interaction forward. I have a lot of DHV stories. Preselection. Ways to
sexualize more and more. Thankfully I can use true stories so it is more congruent and genuine. Of
course I may exaggerate or change a few things to better suit the situation.
When I get to this point in any interaction, I know with full confidence this is 100% done. The only
thing I need to do is go for the pull. I'll just have to handle any objections like her friends or having
work in the morning or etc... In my experience it's very difficult to not pull when I've gotten to this
point. When I've DHV'd and sexualized this much and this well.
I am sure you've noticed in all my stories and sequences there's a purpose to them. And they are used
at different stages. It's packed full of DHV's, preselection, sexual value, cold reading which displays a
lot including social intelligence/awareness. Calibrating is important. Knowing when is the right time
or to use which sequence / stories. Or if more sexual DHV's are needed. Or more qualifying. Or more
sexualization. If I think I need her to open up more sexually. Whatever it may be. That requires
experience. Of course understanding the principles and why they work. Or don't work. The most
common reactions and responses from them. if you know the most responses, then you can be better
prepared to make the next appropriate move. This takes a lot of experience and testing.
Your subcommunication is important obviously. You can tell the perfect story or sequence word for
word, but if your body language is bad. Your tonality is weak and uncertain. If you are conveying low
value. Conveying the opposite of what you're saying, then there will be red flags and many cases
you'll be shut down before you even get started. Like Nnae, who has a massive loser, victim
mentality. It will show in his subcomms. He will cry that he recited lines word for word and it doesn't
work. But if you see him in the field and observe his tonality and body language, you'll see why.

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