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Journ al of Scientifi c & Industrial Research

Vol. 59, November 2000, pp 949-954

Effect of Packaging on Quality and Shelf-life of Osmo-air Dried Apricot

K D Sharma, Rajesh Kumar and B B Lal Kaushal
Department of Postharves t T echn o logy, University of H o rti c ulture & Forestry, Solan 173 230, India

Received : 23 M a rch 2000; acce pted : 12 July 2000

Osmoticall y dehydrated apricot with a good consumer acceptability were developed and evaluated for their quality in
different packages during storage at 13-28"C. The critical point for th e storage of os mo-air dehydrated apricot was at 60 per
cent relative humidity with 12.5 per cent eq uilibrium moisture content (EMC) whereas the optimum equilibrium relati ve
humidity (ERH) was found to be 48 per cent at 8.5 1 per cent EM C. The qua lity of dri ed fruit deteriorated signifi cantl y in
polyethylene and glass j ars during storage study of 6 months howeve r, a minimum change in chemical co mposition and
sensory attributes was observed in laminated pouches. At the same time lamin ated pouches were attractive an d conveni ent to
handle which is beneficial for distribut ion and from marketing point of view.

Introduction other hand, apricot varieties commercially grown in

mid hills of Himachal Pradesh are not suitable for
Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) is an important
drying, due to low sugars and high acids content
stone fruit grown in the temperate region s of the
persent in fruits. Thus, there is a need to develop a
world. The world production of apricot is estimated to
tec hnique to produce good quality dried fruits to meet
be 24, II ,000 metric tonnes, toward which India
1 the consumers demand as well as to utilize low
contributes about 7,000 metri c tonnes • In India,
qu ality surplu s fruits in these area to provide
Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Prades h, and hills of
e mployment and better return to the local farmers .
Uttar Pradesh are the major apricot producing areas,
occupying a significant place in the horticultural Osmotic dehydration of fruits in hypertonic
produce of these states and plays a vita l rol e in the solution enhance the quality of dri ed fruits to a great
economy of the local people. However, due to hi ghly extent by increasing the sugar content, reducing
perishable nature, apricot can not be stored beyond 4- ac idity, preventing the loss of natural fl avour
5 d at room temperature and 2 to 4 weeks at low alongwith better retention of nutrients . Therefore, the
temperature. Fruits are utilized for the preparation of present investigation was undertaken to develop the
chutney, jam, and squash on a limited scale th ough, method for osmo-air dehydration of apricot and
they could' be canned, frozen, dri ed, and made into evaluating their quality retention in different packages
JUice, sauce and confectionar/. Dried apricot during storage.
constitutes an important item among the dried fruits
Materials and Methods
consumed in India. Excellent quality fru its for drying
are extensively grown in Kinnaur di strict of Himachal Raw Material - The fruits of apricot cultivar
Pradesh and Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir. ' Farmingdale' harvested at optimum maturity were
However, only a small quantiti es are dried in open obtained from orchard of University of Horticulture
sun by the local people which are unhygienic, and Forestry, Solan (HP) during the year 1998-99 and
contami nated, discoloured and inferior in taste'. At ana lysed for various physico-chemical characteristics
the same time, the dried fruit s are packed and like average fruit weight ( 15 .80 ± 1.10 g), specific
marketed in polyethylene pouches resulting in fast gravity ( 1.03 ± 0 .02 glee) , firnmess (I 0 .85 ± 1.22
deterioration in colour, texture and overall lbs/inch\ pulp-stone ratio (8 .22 ± 0 .86), moisture
acceptability and hence, poor returns to the growers (82.40 ± 1.55 per cent), total soluble solids ( 11.85 ±
and the people associated in thi s industry. On the 0 .06°B), titratabl e acidity ( 1.06 ± 0.02 per cent), total

sugar (9.20 ± 0 .33 per cent), ascorbic acid (8.33 ± Moisture Sorption Behaviour - Moisture sorp-
0.07 mg/lOOg) and total carotenoids (670 ± 8 tion behaviour of dried fruit s was determined by
ug/lOOg). Other materials like sugar, glass jars, weight equilibrium method using H 2S04 of different
polyethylene pouches ( 150 gauge), laminated pouches normalities with rel ative humidities ranging between
(220 gauge) etc. were purchased from local market. 0 to 100 per cent, as described by Ranganna 7 . The
equilibrium moi sture content at which the product
Treatment - The fruit s were washed and lye- showed dark colouration with softening was identified
peeled (1.0 per cent boiling NaOH solution) for 30 as the critical point.
sec followed by washing in running water. A 70°B
sugar (sucrose) syrup containing 0.05 per cent Sensory Evaluation - The sensory evaluati on
potassium meta-bisulphite, at 50°C was used as of dried fruit s was carried out for colour, fl avour,
osmotic solution for immersing the pre-treated fruits tex ture and overall acceptability by a panel of 7 semi -
in I :3 ratio for 6 h without any agitation . After 6 h trained judges using a nine-point Hedo nic scale8 .
osmotic dip, the fruit s were taken out from th e Microorganisms - Slides were prepared from
osmotic solution, drained, was hed in tap water to the growth of the mi crobs on the fru its kept at high
remove adhering syrup and spreads on ti ssue paper to relative humidity during moi sture sorption study and
remove excess surface water. were identified on the bas is of their structure.
Dehydration - The osmoticall y treated fruits Statistical Analysis - The data for different
were further dehydrated in a cabinet drier, on a physico-chemi cal attributes were analysed by using
aluminium tray (76 x 56 em) with 3 kg tray load at ± Complete ly Randomi zed Design (CRD) and data for
2 °C to a constant moi sture content ranging from 8 to sensory evaluation were analysed by Randomized
I 0 per cent, packed in polyethyl ene pouches, glass Block Des ign (RBD), as described by M ahon /. A ll
jars and laminated pouches and stored between 13 to th e experiments were replicated thrice and values
28 °C for studying shelf-life and changes in quality compared at 5 per cen t le vel of significance.
during storage. The product was analysed at 2, 4 and
6 months storage intervals. Results and Discussion
Analysis- Standard analytical procedures were The data for chemical qu ality parameters during
followed for determination of different qu ality storage (T able I) indicated that the polyethyl ene
parameters during storage. Moi sture content was pac ked dried apricot gained more moisture as
determined by drying the samples to a constant co mpared to other pac kages. No gain/loss in moisture
weight in a hot air oven at 70°C for 16 h and total was noticed in lamin ated pouches during storage
soluble solids by hand refractometer after mak in g peri od of 6 month s. The increase in moi sture content
solution sample from dry fruit with 15 times dilution. in polyethylene packed sampl es mi ght be due to the ir
Titratable acidity was estimated as per cent ma li c ac id permeability to a ir and vapours as reported by Sharma
and ascorbic ac id content by titration meth od using et al. 10 for app le sli ces. Reduction in total soluble
standard 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol dye soluti on . solids du rin g storage was observed in all pac kages but
Sugars (reducing and total ) were esti mated by Lane stati stica ll y there was no significant difference.
and Eynon's 6 vo lumetri c method . Total carotenoids However, max imum redu cti on occurred in
content was determined by petroleum ether ex tract of polyethylene packed dri ed apricots. A slight decrease
sample, measuring its intensity with spectrophoto- in ac idity in all packages was noticed during storage
meter (S pectronic-20) at 460 nm as per meth od but, pol yethylene pouches packed sampl e exhibited
described by Ranganna 7 . Non-enzymatic brow ning more decrease. The decrease may be due to the
was determined by measuring the absorbence of a utilization of ac ids in hydrolys is of non-reduc in g
sample ex trac t with 60 per cent aqueous ethyl alcohol sugars and in non-enzymatic brown ing process durin g
at 440 nm using spectrophotometer . Sulphur-dioxide storage. The redu cing sugars increased and total
was estimated by titramatic method as described by sugars decreased in all packages du ring thi s study, it
Ranganna7 , using 0.02 N iodine solution to a blue end was maximum in polyethylene and minimum in
point with starch as an indicator. lami nated pouches. The increase in reduci ng sugars i

Table I -Chemical composition of osmo-air dried apricot in different packages during storage
Storage (months) CDo.os
Parameter Packaging
0 2 4 6 Mean p s PxS

Moisture PEP 8.51 10.26 11.52 12.78 10.77 0.041 0.047 0.082
(per cent)
GJ 8.51 9.05 9.86 I0.52 9.48
LP 8.51 8.51 8.51 8.51 8.51
Mean 8.51 9.27 9.96 10.60 9.58
TSS ("B) PEP 82.24 80.22 78.04 77.61 79.45 NS NS 1.53
GJ 82 .24 80.65 78.50 77 .83 79.80
LP 82.24 81.80 81.08 80.85 81.49
Mean 82.24 80.89 79.21 78.66 80.25
Titratable acidity PEP 3.21 3.16 3.11 3.07 3. 14 0.017 0.020 NS
(per cent) GJ 3.21 3.18 3.13 3.09 3.15
LP 3.21 3.19 3.17 3.13 3.17
Mean 3.21 3.17 3.13 3.10 3.15
Reducing sugars (per cent) PEP 43.75 44.56 45.39 46.22 44.98 0.76 0.88 NS
GJ 43.75 44.50 45 .28 45 .94 44.87
LP 43.75 44.06 44.35 44.65 44.20
Mean 43.75 44.37 45.00 45 .60 44.68
Total sugars PEP 77.55 76.90 76.23 75 .65 76 .58 0.031 0.036 0.063
(per cent) GJ 77.55 77.12 76.58 75 .92 76.79
LP 77.55 77.20 76.77 76.38 76.97
Mean 77.55 77.07 76.53 75 .98 76.78
Ascorbic acid (mg/100 g) PEP 16.42 13.8 3 11.36 8.84 12.61 0. 12 0. 15 0.25
GJ 16.42 14.37 12.39 10.43 13.4 1
LP 16.42 14.75 12.67 11 .57 13 .86
Mean 16.42 14.32 12. 14 10.28 13 .29
Carotenoids (mg/1 00 g) PEP 1.68 1.50 1.35 1.14 1.41 0.018 0.021 0.039
GJ 1.68 1.53 1.41 1.23 1.44
LP 1.68 1.59 1.47 1.35 1.50
Mean 1.68 1.54 1.41 1.24 1.45
NEB (OD at 440 nm) PEl ' 0.010 0.065 0.111 0.250 0. 109 0.003 0.004 0.006
GJ 0.010 0.050 0.105 0.2 15 0.095
LP 0.010 0.010 0.014 0.020 0.013
Mean 0.010 0.042 0.076 0.162 0.072
S02 (ppm) PEP 367.0 331.4 298.9 265.4 315.7 1.15 1.17 2.30
GJ 367.0 336.5 306.7 284.6 323.7
LP 367.0 358.9 349.8 342.7 354.6
Mean 367.0 342.2 3 18.5 297.5 331 .3
PEP= Polyethylene pouches, GJ=Glass j ars, LP=Laminated pouches, P=Package, S=Storage

due to the hydrolysis of non-reducing sugars to in the polyethylene and least in samples packed in
reducing sugars while decrease in total sugars during laminated pouches . Loss of ascorbic acid was due to
storage might be due to utilizatio!l of sugars in non- its oxidation and more loss in polyethylene packed
enzymatic browning. samples might have been due to more availability of
oxygen during storage. Similar results were also
Considerable reduction of ascorbic acid was noticed by Ambrose and Sreenarayanan 12 in stored
observed during 6 months storage of with a maximum garlic powder. Laminated pouches packed samples

showed minimum degradati on of carotenoids to that dark, soft and mouldy with the increase in relati ve
of other two packages during storage. The humidity. The criti cal point during storage of osmo-
degradation could be due to thermol abile and air dehydrated apricot was at 60 per cent re lati ve
photosensitive nature and oxidation of carotenoid s humidity with 12.5 per cent equilibrium mo isture
during storage . After 6 month s of storage, maximum content (EMC) whereas, the optimum equilibrium
(0.250) non-enzymatic brownin g was observed in re lati ve humid ity (ERH) was found to be 48 per cent
polyethylene packed sampl es as a result of hi gher (aw = 0.48) at 25°C. At hi gher leve ls of relative
oxidation which is affected by different fac tors like humidity the dried products have a tendancy to absorb
acids, sugars, oxygen, and water acti vity during moi sture, de pending upon th eir water activity and
storage. Better retention of S02 was found in with thi s additi onal moi sture pick-up dried fruits turn
laminated pouches . It might be due to impermeab ility dark brow n. Thi s may be attributed to oxidation of
of laminated pouches to air, vapour and gases. Similar ascorbic acid to dehydro ascorbic acid and ox idati on
results have been reported by Sagar and Khurdi ya in of tannins to galli c ac id and increased browning due
dehydrated mango s lices. to NEB reactions. During thi s study, the dried apri cot
ERH data of dri ed apricot presented in T able 2 sampl es at and abvoe 80 per cent re lative humidity
which revea led that the moisture pick up by the became succeptible to moulds. The moulds identified
samples held at different relative humidities caused were Aspergillus and Penicillium.
the deterioration of the product. The dri ed fruit s with The sensory qu ality deteriorated s ignifi cantl y in
initia lly attractive colour and crisp texture turned all packagings during 6 months of storage (Tab le 3).

Table 2 - Eq uilibrium relati ve humidity (ERH ) of dehydrated apricot at 25"C

J?quilib ri um Equil ibrium Days to reach Remarks

moisture content humidity equilibriu m
(per cent ) (per cent)

7. 10 0 24 Change in co lour, harder texture

7.32 10 23 Little change in colour, slightl y harder textu re

7.54 20 20 -do-

7.49 30 19 No change in colour and texture

8. 14 40 18 -do-

9.41 50 18 -do-

12.50 60 16 Soft textu re, no change in colour

14.75 70 16 Soft texture, colour light brown

21.71 80 17 Very soft and dark in colour, mould growth appeared after 19 d

29 .76 90 Very soft and mould growth appeared after 13 d

32.38 100 Very soft and mould gro wth appeared after I I J

Initial poi nt (I)= 48 per cent RH (8.5 per cent EMC), Critical point (C) = 60 per cent RH ( 12.50 per cent EMC), Danger point (D)= 55 per
cent RH ( I I .26 per cent EMC)

Table 3 - Senso ry attributes of osmo-air dried apri co t in different packages durin g storage

Storage (months) C Do.os

Attribute Packag ing
0 2 4 6 Mean p s PxS

Colour PEP 8.23 7.74 7.25 6. 75 7.49 0.0 16 0.01 8 0.031

GJ 8.23 7.78 7.34 6.90 7.56
LP 8.23 7.90 7.58 7.25 7.74
Mean 8.23 7.8 1 7. 39 6.96 7.59

Flavour/taste PEP 8. 15 7. 30 6.44 5.55 6.86 0.011 0.013 0.023

GJ 8.15 7.37 6.5 1 5.76 6.94
LP 8. 15 7.70 7.25 6.80 7.47
Mean 8. 15 7.46 6.73 6.04 7.09

Texture PEP 7.70 7. 18 6.65 6. 18 6.92 0.89 1.03 NS

GJ 7.70 7.28 6.86 6.45 7.07
LP 7.70 7. 35 6.98 6.68 7. 17
Mean 7.70 7.27 6.83 6.44 7.06

Overall PEP 8. 15 7. 60 7.02 6.50 7.3 1 0.036 0.042 0.072

. acceptability GJ 8.15 7.68 7.10 6.72 7.41
LP 8. 15 7.76 7.45 7.15 7.62
Mean 8. 15 7. 68 7.19 6.79 7.45

PEP= Polyethylene pouches, GJ=Gl ass j ars, LP=Laminated pouches, P=Package, S=Storage

The maximum deterioration of sensory quality be stored in these pouches beyond 6 months also,
noticed in polyethylene packed dried apricot, while since, the quality was as good as to that of a fresh
samples stored in laminated pouches showed least dried fruits.
changes. Sharma et al. 15 have also reported reduction
in sensory scores of dried apple slices during storage. References
However, there was hardly any spoilage or F A 0, Production Year Book, Food and Agricult ure
Organization , Rome, 1998, 52.
degradation in any sample in the study. Reduction in
2 Lal B B, Joshi V K & Sharma R, Physico-chemi cal and
sensory quality during storage may be attributed to Sensory Evalu ati on of Sauce and Chutney Prepared from
reduction of so2 and increase in moisture in samples Wild Apricot (chulli), Indian Food Pack, 43(4) ( 1989)
resulting in the non-enzymatic browning, oxidation pp 13-16.
and changes in other chemical constituents of product. 3 Bhutan i V P & Sharma Y P, Studies on Drying of Apricot
Keeping in view the changes during storage of 6 Gro wn Under Dry Temperate Conditions, Indian Food Pack,
42(4) (1988) pp 83-88.
months, it was concluded that the packaging of
4 Pa nting 1 D, Walters G. Forrey R R & Stanley W L, Osmotic
dehydra1ed apricot in hermatically sealed laminated Dehydrati on of Fruits, Food Techno/, 20(1 0) (1966)
pouches preserved the carotenoids and ascorbic acid pp 125- 128.
with a little or no changes in chemical and sensory 5 AO A C, Official Methods of Analysis, Association of
attributes of the product. The product can successfully Official An alytical Chemists, Washingto n DC. USA, 1975 .

6 Lane J H & Eynon L, Determinati o n of Reduci ng Sugars by II C legg J S & Mo rton A D , Ca rbonyl Compounds and the
Fehling's Solution with Me thyl ene Blue As An Indi cato r, J Non-e nzymati c Browning of Lemon Juice, J Sci Food Agric,
Soc Chern lnd, 42 (1923) 32T. 16 (1965) pp 19 1-195 .
7 Ranganna S , Handbook of Analysis and Quality Control for 12 Ambrose D C P & Sreenarayana n V V , Studies o n
Fruits and Vegetable Products (Tata McGraw Hill Dehydration of Garlic , J Food Sci Tee/mol, 35(3) ( 1998) pp
Publishing Co, Ltd, New Delhi) 1986. 242-244.
8 Ame rine M A, Pangbo rn R M & Roess ler E B, Principles of
13 Mir M A & Nath N, Storage Changes in Fortified Ma ngo
Sensory Evaluation of Foods (Academi c Press, New York) Bars, J Food Sci Techno{, 30 ( 1993) pp 279-282.
1965 .
14 Sagar V R & Khurdiya D S , Studies on Dehydration of
9 Mahony M 0, Sensory Evaluation of Food : Statistical
Dashe hari Ma ngo Slices, Indian Food Pack, 53(1) ( 1999) pp
Methods and Procedures (Marcel Dekker In c, New York )
1985 .
I0 Sharma K D , Sethi V & Maini S B, Effect of Pretreatment 15 Sharma K D, Sethi V & Maini S B, Changes in Quality of
and Package on Chemi cal and Sensory Characteri sti cs o f Osmo-vac Dried Apple Slices o n Sto rage, J Sci lnd Res,
Dried Apple, Indian Food Pack (In press). 57(7) ( 1998) pp 393-398.

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