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Past Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect

Present Present Simple Present Present Perfect Present Perfect
Continuous Continuous
Future Future Simple Future Future Perfect Future Perfect
Continuous Continuous

1, Present Simple
a) Structure
 S + V(s/es) + O (+)
 S + do/ does not + V_inf + O (-)
 Do/ Does + S + V_inf + O?
b) How to use?
 Sth happens all the time or repeatedly: I usually do homework at 9 p.m.
 Sth is true in general: The earth goes round the sun.
 With verbs which perform the action they discribe: I suggest you park outside the city.
o Also: acknowledge, admit, advise, apologise, beg, confess, congratulate, declare,
deny, forbid, guarantee, name, order, permit, predict, promise, refuse, remind,
request, thank, warn
 A plan/ a timetable: The plane leaves tomorrow at 8 a.m.
 Use with verbs: like, want, need, prefer, know, realise, suppose, mean, understand,
believe, remember, belong, fit, contain, consist, seem, see, hear, smell, taste.

2, Present Continuous
a) Structure
 S + to be + V_ing + O (+)
 S + to be not + V_ing + O (-)
 To be + S + V_ing + O?
b) How to use?
 The action is happening at the time of speaking: Please don’t make so much noise. I’m
trying to work.
 Started but haven’t finished: She wants to work in Japan, so she’s learning Japanese.
 Use with periods around now: today, this week, this year.
 Talk about changes happening around now: Your English is getting better.
 Personal arrangements: Alex is getting married next month.
Be going to
 Planned
 Informal context
 Predictions, something is about to happen
 Ex: I’m going to be successful one day.

3, Past Simple
a) Structure
 S + V2 + O (+)
 S + did not + V_inf + O (-)
 Did + S + V_inf + O?
b) How to use?
 A complete past event: Laura passed her exam because she studied very hard.
 Repeated past actions: Did you drive past her house everyday?
 Events that followed one another: She got up when the alarm clock went off.

4, Past Continuous
a) Structure
 S + was/ were + V_ing + O (+)
 S + was/ were not + V_ing + O (-)
 Was/ Were + S + V_ing + O?
b) How to use?
 The action was happening at a certain time: This time last year I was living in Brazil.
 Two events that went on over the same time: Thao was reading books while Mia was
playing games.
 The event (Past Simple) might have interrupted the situation, or happened whil the
situation was in progress (Past Continuous): She was doing her homework when Thao

5, Present Perfect
a) Structure
 S + has/ have + V3 + O (+)
 S + has/ have not + V_inf + O (-)
 Has/ Have + S + V3 + O?
b) How to use?
 New information: The road is closed! There has been an accident.
 The action in the past has a result now: He told me his name, but I’ve forgotten it.
 A period of time that continues from the past until now: I’ve drunk four cups of coffe

6, Present Perfect Continuous

a) Structure
 S + has/ have + been + V_ing + O (+)
 S + has/ have not + V_ing + O (-)
 Has/ Have + S + been + V_ing + O?
b) How to use?
 An activity that has recenly stopped or just stopped: You’re out of breath. Have you been
 Actions repeated over a period of time: Silvia is a very good tennis player. She’s been
playing sice she was eight.

7, Past Perfect
a) Structure
 S + had + V3 + O (+)
 S + had + V_inf + O (-)
 Had + S + V3 + O?
b) How to use?
 Activities happened before the past: When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already
gone home.

8, Past Perfect Continuous

a) Structure
 S + had + been + V_ing + O (+)
 S + had + V_ing + O (-)
 Had + S + been + V_ing + O?
b) How to use?
 The past form of Present Perfect Continuous

9, Future Simple
a) Structure
 S + will/shall + V_inf + O (+)
 S + will/shall not + V_inf + O (-)
 Will/shall + S + V_inf + O?
b) How to use?
 Announce a decision: Oh, I’ve left the door open. I’ll go and shut it.
 Shall: Ask sb’s opinion (offers and suggestions): Shall I open the window?
 Predict a future happening: Anna looks completely different now. You won’t recognise

10, Future Continuous

a) Structure
 S + will/shall + be + V-ing + O (+)
 S + will/shall + not + be + V-ing + O (-)
 Will/shall + S + be + V-ing + O?
b) How to use?
 The action will be happening at a certain time: This time next week I’ll be on holiday. I’ll
be lying on the beach or swimming in the sea.
 For planned actions: We’ll be spending the winter in Australia
 Complete actions in the future: The government will be making a statement about the
crisis later today.

11+12, Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous

a) Structure
 S + will/shall + have + V3 + O (+)/ S + will/shall + have been + V_ing
 S + will/shall + not + have + V3 + O (-)/ S + will not + have been + V_ing
 Shall/Will + S + have + V3?/ Will/shall + S + have been + V-ing?
b) How to use?
 The future form of Perfect tenses: Next year I’ll have been working in the company for
30 years.

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