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cinatic Symptom Illnesses — 7 Provide education to clients, fomilies, and Community to increase knoueen ny - Understanding of somatic sympten Sar, a conviction 8. Evaluate your feelings, beliefs, and attitudes “amen Iemcng hon a en a es ing strategies orders refocused coping sd oe eehiced ness “cto order. imoosed on stor others NURSING CONCEPTS {feetonel neurological symptom disonde, Stress & Cope ures Stress & Coping aaa ean ‘yer “Tne arity disorder INTRODUCTION + tration tnuthe carly 18006, the medical field began to consider the ‘is belle nctference Yatious social andy > foTogcal actors tha nace I, + malingering ‘ess The termppaythosee tic Began tobe used to come, + medically unexplained symptoms “Tigfonnection bess + Munchausen syndrome syche) and the body + Munchausen syndrome by proxy Soma) in states of health and Essentially: the] ‘an cause the pan disorder illness D STRE 10 create physical sympuceeet : 40 worsen ph MESES Re Symptoms can begin, * problem-focused coping strategies “Wainue, or be waren + pachosomatic E somatic symptom disorder + somatization Bolan what is meant by “psychos, 2 Describe somatic s laches" SOT RRR The Readithes area mete Woe otses Taher Ten Svmplom of an andes — HmPtom illnesses and identify Behl poblen mpm ofan g ther three central features “arte TDRTEAR rey to _multiple physical com. heracterisics and dynamics of Paints with no ofan baa hee at are usually ‘atic symptom ilinesses, Shel dramatically The comceeo hysteria ls Believed sn smal symptom nesses fem z SEAT soo TN malingering, somatic iliness." that Gan perce theories related to somatic S508, ents with somatic symptom | aps wate + SuRaINO PRACTICE FOF | | | Somatic symptom finesse (satiae ‘Gnd Free frothing with Charo, obsred hat i wth Ryser Taproved wal hen he saemories and expressed emotions. This develop- ment Te POPSET People can OwVER MEX Fecal cmon avo physi syMpIOMS, 4 process now R PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Clients are convinced they harbor se problems despite negative results during dame Tey They actualy experince these phytate a sell as the acompanying pain, dss, ang pee Timitations such symptoms induce. Clients dong conttolthe physica symptoms. Although thei chiatric in nature, many cients do not sek ge peyntal health professionals. Unfortunately, mars © {re professionals who donot understand the ag toate symptom illnesses are not sympathenct e rs Sapants (Black & Andresen, 2021) poste femember that these clients really experience oe = {ams they deserbe and cannot voluntary convo gaee™ Pet G9 concer: Sram Toy reper Tey oe not "naling ha ‘eefabncating Sympioms. ARoug' asyeRolagaly or eee rien sabeaiacoway, cles eed oan "Brenuon, Kis tok purponet, se Faviovatve behavior ini wily tory Alert ‘Somatic symptom disorders include (Boland & Verdun, 2022): + Somatic symptom deordey = ar more physical symplams that Rave no fan Be “Peas aged rt oie nd en nt ‘galih-concerns, often Fl tise of serious less, and expe tresand anxiety about their heal + [Fumstional neurological symp rd omer fr] ios a eed i nfiomatcation This chapter discusses somatic Frapiam nesses, or somatoform disorders, which are brsed on the concept of somatization, OVERVIEW OF SOMATIC SYMPTOM ILLNESSES (Seematzaton js defined as the wasference of ment perc aid sais a Poly sympions. Somatic Sprmprom nesses ean be characterized asthe presence ol Bhyacalsympoms har suggest a medal condivion wr TemnarstrabTe Organ: Bae TaeCUNT Tall Tor The Three central Teatures OF somatic symptom MTnesses lows 1 complaints suggest major medical ness but Teneral popultion, bot estimates cat va sor Tancor Ce, blindness, pa Faget neudlogie ander Bua pee sully sigan "Tee ay Be an aioe cb] physical symptom of has the primar ain which ie generally unreieved by ~ en alezied By psycho Te, Se exacerbation, and Gls who cope wth sees tough comatiing tre recto’ of enacts ae sesamin sesardrerperont sucess toe th ‘Dives unaaed to phe omg * Suing terverton that maybe torte whch tnt whe somatze vce pone cmt le ta tering ernonena era eat neh » Conia stateses tat are hen octets win tomate symptor ness aap ns th >The ‘CHAPTER 21 + SOMATIC SYMPTOM ILLNESSES 417 tichniques such as guided imagery and deep breathing distractions such as music: and problewy Solving strategies such as identifying stressful sit. vations, learning new methods of managing them, ‘8nd role-playing social interactions, Cltents with somatic symptom disorder actualy ex- erience symptoms and the associated discontfort and pain. The nurse should never try to confront the Client about the origin of these symptoms until the Client has learned other coping strategies Somatic symptom ilinesses are chronic or recur- Tent, So progress toward treatment outcomes can bbe slow and difficult. ‘ Nurses caring for clients with somatic symptom illnesses must show patience and understand. ing toward them as they struggle through years Of recurrent somatic complaints and attempts to learn new emotion- and problem-focused coping strategies, REFERENCES Alec UU. & McPherson, PK. (2021). Manger SutPeale Publishing Back DW. & Andreasen. NC (2021), Intec tebok of py hau ih ed)” American PychiatcPoblahing, ej A ony 0.117eappt books s781615977758 Meland & Verdun. ML (2022). Kaplan & Sadcks sop of py chiaory (12th) Weiter Kluwer CCorahen, KT. & Jha, A202). Factious coder SusPenre Publehing uaa MCh, T (2021), Medically unexplained sy {essen and management Clinual Medion Mts Porn dotory/10 7861 /linmed 30200947 KK, Benaet, C. & Rocha, H. (2020), signiicamt im tome Ae 18 bape rary care Journal of TrI-Ie0 peer C. QOI0) Eficay of rans & me grant Morty Hea 2) 10-1385 (oso 020 010354 Sarge ete, ©, Amaee 52020) Reem age sy. terion Cure Poh Repr, pens, 22011). 56 ory0 Horsti9ao-a20011708 Teepe Chapter Study Guig 8 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Sel he et esr or ee 1 the ars i cating fora cent Wi functional new~ Treat symp disorder WHER finding will rere expect during assessment? ns Pe tes over he physical SY PION A Seence about the physi symptom € Labile mood 4 Multiple physical complaints 2. which statement would nda at aching about Winch se ptom disorder hasbeen eECHYE? sete doctor believes 1am faking mY SMPTE ey ander to comrl my syampenes w feel beter” ae fel beter when I begin banding stress more ecively" 1 ng ep me el beer pa)” 3, Paroxetine (Paxil) has been for a client Parting acres, The nue str Ha eat for whichside lt? fcontiaton & incensed apes Incense tle 4 otonfocse coping statis are designe 12 Conpluh which outcome? ett clent manage ict suaons more cure rn he cent manage thine of Tehing the «Wei th cen the eltionshipBeween sess tn phys symptoms et alin tne chents phys symptoms 5, Which is trae about clients with illness anxiety hey may interpret normal body sensations as signs b. They often exaggerne Js (orenion Pt «. They do not show signs of dsr physical symptoms _ d. All of the above. 6. The client’ family asks the nurse,» anxiety disorder?” The best responce by yi Se ey nore persistent preoceupation wih gu : disease” Fg stg b. an illness not fully explained cal condition.” bY dame, ¢. characterized by a variety of ber of years.” ete d. the eventual result of excessive wor a Tg sh, abou 1, Acliem with somatic symptom disor Lees) pow Carers Which rcs thesapy fe having a postive outcome forts, Gee beter phystally jus fom petig say to talk” bl) b. “Ihaven't said much, but I get a to others.” ee etienl * c. “I shouldn't complain too much; my probl en'tas bad as others.” ipa! - di. “The other people n this grou ene a 70up have enti 8. Aclient who developed numbnes mbes in height cele he plan to sched ae consequence of the symptom, is best described as ane 2 emotion focused copin b. phobia. ee (en . secondary gain. CHAPTER\ © SOMATIC SYHPTOM Winesses aig yipLE RESPONSE QUESTIONS He f Rela to discuss o ate o any physical com aio plaints the cient may express ; re fora client with somatic sympto ids the cents phys and emotional di er eri isclede min ee (GQYidate the cents physeat td emote al distress, aerton the cent wih negative results foes ‘lag, 2 The nurse understands that secondary gain forthe ey. ee £41 with a somatic symptom illness car include yencourage the client to participate in. daily routine acceptable absence from work (gett freedom from daily chores £7) he sent see the elatonship between phys increased attention from family SS tear ode recor rovision of care by others 1 frondeaivonal 11 atention when the ciem € Fesolution of family conflc, Gocuses physical symptoms t lemporary rele of anxiety cLINICAL EXAMPLE 2a rs ofa as relred & chon pun cing wih ¢ diagnosis of pain disorder fl been unable to work for 7 months because of tack pain. M tae seen veal dacs, has had magnetic resonance imaging, and hae ‘Wed various anti-inflammna spss he ll the nue hes atthe cle resort because none of her ison will do anything” for he. M.S gait isla ge osture is still and she grimeces fequenty while trying 10 sit ina chair She chien do housework, or enjoy {O0RSbeg abe odie act he any of her previous, letsure activities, rs "maa tee Porty problems that Would be penine fog M¥ plan of care 2 erly wo expected outcomes for M. plano ca

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