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Thank you honorable chairperson. The delegate of Israel formal

extends greetings to the executive board and the fellow delegates
present in the house. There is no limit what we, as a woman can
accomplish, but what if women have to face multiple obstacles in
their way of just living a peaceful life? Maybe that’s what women
are deprived of in under control of Taliban regime. Before we talk
about man made rights of equality, voting education, we need to
have our focus on whats the most crucial of them all, the right to
even have a life.

The women under Taliban regime women must cover their faces
in public and instructed them to remain in their homes except in
cases of necessity. Women are banned from travelling long
distances without a male chaperone and unchaperoned women
are increasingly being denied access to essential services.
Women are directly or indirectly, highly affected, either as the
victims of violent extremism, or as activist or violent extremist.
And the delegate of Israel is completely against such harsh rules
being imposed on women. In Israel, 83.3% of legal frameworks
promote, enforce and monitor gender equality under the SDG
indicator, with a focus on violence against women. and so it
highly favours for the betterment of conditions.
Taliban regime controlling a country is ultimately affecting the
peace of the whole world.
Decades of progress on gender equality and women’s rights
have been wiped out in mere months. We must continue to act
together, united in our insistence on guarantees of respect for the
full spectrum of women’s rights.
At the end the delegate of isarel would like to conclude with that


I have been informed that my ward will be participating in an Inter

school MUN conference organised at Alwar Public School, Alwar
on 29th to 30th April. The registration charges for the same are
1400/-per student. The remaining expenses of travel and stay will
be from the schools side.

I have no objection in sending my child .................... studying in

class ....... Section............. with the registration fee of 1400/- to
the Goodearth MUN Confrence, at Alwar Public School, Alwar for
the above mentioned dates.

Yours Sincerely

Name -

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