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Pangasinan State University

Urdaneta Campus
2nd Semester 2023-2024


Name: AIRA MAE M. MAMBAG Date: 18/05/2024

Course & Section: Based FIL-3A Score:

1. Why is social etiquette important in today's society? Discuss how social graces can impact personal
and professional relationships.
 Social etiquette is a crucial aspect of today's society, as it promotes respect, enhances
communication, and builds trust. It helps maintain a harmonious and respectful
environment, facilitating smoother interactions and fostering positive relationships. It
encourages mindfulness of others' feelings and perspectives, preventing
misunderstandings and conflicts. Good manners improve communication by ensuring
clear, respectful, and effective interactions. They also build trust and credibility,
creating a positive first impression. Adhering to cultural and social norms reflects
respect for traditions and values. In personal relationships, it promotes mutual respect
and understanding, reduces conflicts, enhances social interactions, and improves the
workplace environment. In professional settings, it contributes to a respectful and
collaborative environment, facilitates networking and enhances the professional
image. Effective leadership, set by respectful and considerate leaders, fosters loyalty
and motivation, contributing to a cohesive and productive work environment.
2. How do social graces and etiquette differ across cultures? Provide examples of cultural variations in
etiquette and discuss how understanding these differences can enhance cross-cultural interactions.
 Social graces and etiquette vary significantly across cultures due to differences in
traditions, values, and social norms. Understanding these differences is crucial for
fostering positive cross-cultural interactions and avoiding misunderstandings.
Examples of cultural variations in etiquette include greetings, personal space, gift-
giving, dining etiquette, and communication styles.
 In Western cultures, a firm handshake is common, while in East Asian cultures, a bow
is a traditional greeting. In Middle Eastern cultures, handshakes are common but may
be softer. Personal space is valued in Western cultures, while in Latin American
cultures, close proximity can indicate trust and camaraderie. Gift-giving is a well-
regarded practice
in Japan, while in Western cultures, gifts are usually opened in front of the giver. In
dining etiquette, meals are often formal, with specific protocols for utensil use and
 Understanding and respecting cultural differences in etiquette can promote mutual
respect, reduce misunderstandings, improve communication, facilitate collaboration,
Pangasinan State University
Urdaneta Campus
2nd Semester 2023-2024
and enhance cultural competence. By understanding and respecting these differences,
individuals can build mutual respect, reduce misunderstandings, improve
communication, facilitate collaboration, and foster a harmonious work environment.

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