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HOMYSPACE by booking only the period they need, and the

transaction is also fast, legal and safe. We take

The company has a multidisciplinary team and
care of everything.
is in the process of recruiting for the
Vigo is a typical example, but if a company
incorporation of new colleagues in the
needs to move workers to Madrid, Barcelona,
development team
Zamora, Oporto, Paris, etc., there is no need to
continue looking for because you can count on
What is homyspace?
Homyspace in all your trips. You can repeat the
In Homyspace we offer apartments for
process of looking for yourself, or use
temporary rent only for companies. It works as
homyspace. We are present throughout Spain
a marketplace, that is, we put companies in
and in the main European cities. From the same
contact who need to move workers in average
platform you have access to everything, and
stays (usually more than a month) with owners
also have a personal portal to take control of all
of flats, housing managers or platforms that
your travels.
have availability. In turn, we manage payments,
contracts and invoices to ensure that the
How were the beginnings?
reservation process is legal, agile and
Over time, the memory of how hard the
beginning was diluted, but it was complicated
and exciting at the same time. While looking for
Who make up homyspace?
the product-market fit, we learned well how
Without a doubt, the best thing about
the sector worked, the difficulty was in getting
homyspace is the staff. We have a
our first customers. One day, we received a
multidisciplinary team that covers the main
request from a company: they needed to move
areas of the business, and we are in the process
12 workers to Palma de Mallorca for 3 months
of recruiting for the incorporation of new
for the construction of Rafa Nadal Academy.
colleagues in the development team, as well as
We look for villas in Palma and manage the
for the expansion of the sales team to open
contract and the invoice. The company saved
two new countries. We also have top-level
more than nine thousand euros and the owner
figures on the board of directors: Carlos Blanco,
of the accommodation managed to rent the
Jorge Dobón, Antonio Gonzalez, Alberto García
house for 3 months in a profitable and safe way
and myself. In addition to advisors such as Oriol
since otherwise it would have been empty
Juncosa- manager of Encomenda and ex-CFO of
during that period. Now we have hundreds of
CARTO; Mario Navarro- ex-CEO of Jinn; and
reservations per month, but we have not
Guillen Serra -CEO de Medicuo; who help us
arrived here by chance. Our clients have taught
and advise us
us the way forward, since we started selling
without even having the company incorporated
What problem solves homyspace?
and everything was totally manual. Little by
It is best to see it with an example:
little we have been automating the processes
Imagine that you have a company and you need
as we sold, with constant feedback from our
to move two workers to Vigo for 3 months for a
customers, who directed us to what they
project there. What solutions do you currently
have in the market? Basically three: resort to a
hotel, find a real estate in Vigo or seek your life
What is the size of the market?
calling portals such as Idealista and
During our first 2 years of life we have received
Milanuncios, or perhaps also on Airbnb. That is
thousands of requests from companies of all
when you would have to negotiate the price,
types of sectors. A fact that we are very proud
ask for a contract, invoice and keep the floor
of is the loyalty of our customers, who have
without paying or making a payment without
turned to our service 5.6 times on average in 24
guarantees. In short, they are expensive
months. Only in Spain there are more than 3.2
solutions, not very flexible, that generate a
million companies, of which 11% displace
great waste of time and are not always safe.
workers in stays longer than one month - this
And just all that is what solves homyspace: our
gives us a turnover of more than 3,600 million
customers save more than 60% on their travels
euros. Europe, where there are more than 28
million companies, the volume of business is managing accommodation (discounts for half-
14,000 million euros only in terms of stay accommodation are usually applied). In
accommodation. short, with this measure both owner and
company that moves can reach a satisfactory
For the company I have it clear, but for an agreement for both. By the way, we are
owner, why leave your apartment in reforming the web and in a few days it will
Homyspace? totally change: new image, and new
First, because it's free. We do not charge functionalities that clients and owners have
anything for hanging your floor on the platform asked us for.
and we will only contact you when a company
requests an accommodation that meets the What are your goals for 2019?
requirements of your flat (price, location, 2019 is exciting for us. On the one hand, we
features, etc.). Another reason is the have launched a new line for large clients
profitability, much higher than in a long-term (mostly multinationals) with a comprehensive
rental. In addition, it is fully compatible with service that is having an excellent reception. On
tourist rental, since we help you complete your the other hand, we are facing the opening of
annual calendar with the stay for business two new countries in Europe. We want to end
seasons. The Homyspace tenant is the ideal the year surpassing 7 million euros and more
tenant: we only work with companies (0% than 54,000 floors in Europe.
defaults), take care of the property (any
damage is invoiced to the company) and the What funding have you received?
use they make is responsible (they do not hold Last year we closed a round to start up the
parties since they travel to work). And, in escalation phase to which Encomenda
addition, it is integrated as a neighbor during (investment vehicle of Carlos Blanco) and
the period that the house inhabits, generating a Banco Sabadell joined. We will destine the
positive impact in the neighborhood and in the current round to the opening of 2 new
shops. In the history of 2 years since our countries and to resources to continue
creation, our owners have generated more developing the technology of Homyspace with
than 4 million euros housing companies-much the objective of improving the experience of
of this volume in the city of Valencia. our clients.

How do tourism regulations affect us in

They do not really affect us, since we do not
need a tourist license to house our clients, we - Macroeconomic factors: PESTEL
are covered by the LAU. In fact, we are - Microeconomic analysis: SWOT
receiving many properties from tourist - Ethical Dilemmas
platforms, either because they are not licensed - Problems
and They need a legal service to operate or - Alternatives
because they want to complete their annual - Solutions
calendar. I have visited your website and the
prices of the published floors do not appear,
why? On many occasions, the owner has the
floor also published on other platforms, so, not
to conflict with the prices of other websites
that do not offer something as specific as
temporary rent for companies, the customer
only sees the price when He has a firm need.
That is, we send you the prices when we
receive the request, not before. We do not put
the price on the floors, the owner puts it. We
only recommend the amount for which you
would rent it quickly based on our experience

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