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Science Flip Ticket

Class: Year 4
Topic: Food Chain
Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________
Return Date: Monday, 13 May 2024
Objective: To identify and explore the ecological composition and dependence of
organisms in a food chain.
Instruction: Visit the Science year 4 Google classroom and watch the attached
videos before attempting the activity below.
Video Links

A fish, caught by a heron in the U.S. city of
Nokomis, Florida, has another fish in its mouth.
These secondary consumers in the food chain prey
on other organisms. Producers, such as plants,
create their own nutrients, while primary
consumers, also called herbivores, rely on
producers for food.
A food chain is part of a larger web of life that connects all living things. Each
food chain consists of a sequence of organisms that depend on each other for
food. This creates an upward flow of energy and nutrients from the sun’s rays
to the producers, through primary and secondary consumers, and eventually
to the top predator. Let’s see how much you have learnt from the videos
uploaded. Attempt the activities below.
Activity 1
Identify the organisms below and the role they play in a food chain. Use the
words in the table below.
Producer Prey Predator Sparrow hawk
Blue tit Leaves Consumer caterpillar

Activity 2
Make a simple food chain using the organisms identified above.

Activity 3
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate information.
1. The producer in the food chain is the ________________
2. The consumer that is not a predator is the _____________.
3. The ________________ is a predator but not a prey.
4. The ________________ is a predator and also a prey.

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