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Theme: tindakan social

Enchensia kingdom, wei-ling and khaldoun every year they hold a royal picnic. They will do whatever they like.
And there is one competency that will be cerried out by the princes and princesses of each kingdom to get the
golden chalice.

Pelayan kerajaan enchensia : They’re Here!! Prepare the picnic ground!!

Pelayan kerajaan wei-ling : I present to you, the royal family from, the kingdom of wei-ling!!

I now present, the royal family from, the kingdom of khaldoun!

And finaly the royal family, from the kingdom of enchensia!

Has arrived at the tri-kingdom picnic.

Make way for the cakes!

Amber: hold up, sofia. This will take a moment. Just so you know, the tri-kingdom picnic is no ordinary picnic

Sofia: I’m starting to see that

Maya: hi sofia !! are you ready for the picnic games?

Sofia: I don’t now I’ve never played them before

Wei-ling princess: you’ll love them. Princess maya and I always have so much fun

Maya: here catch!

{ saling oper oper bola }

{ james berlari kearah sofia}

James: uh, sofia I need to show you something amazing

Sofia: uh, okay I’ll be right back!

{ sofia melempar bola ke maya lalu melambai kepada kedua princess}

Wei-ling princess: we’re gonna get ready for the games!

Maya: see ya out there

King Rolan : I have an important announcement everyone! Every year. It’s a tradition That our children play
picnic games. With neighborly spirit, they take the field

Queen ench : oh, rollie just tell them

King rolan: ok dear. This year for the first time. We the parents are going to play picnic games to

Oueen wei : oh, how delightful

King wei : games, king rolan?? Uh, what kind of games?

King rolan : all kinds emperor quon. This way I’ll show you
James: look at this

Sofia : wow, it is amazing. Uh what is it?

James: it’s the golden chalice. All the kids at the picnic play a bunch of games, and the kingdom that wins the
most games, gets to keep the chalice, until the next picnic. I’ve always wanted to win it.

Sofia: You’ve never won it before?

Amber : no even close. But is not his fault. It’s because, I’ve always been his teammate and I have a small
problem with outdoor sports

Sofia: what’s that?

Amber: they’re outdoors

James: we were thingking, sofia. Since you like flying derby so much, maybe you’d like the picnic games to

Sofia: they sound really fun

James: so….. teammate? { ulurkan tngan}

Sofia: teammate!! {berjabat tangan}

James: thanks sofia, I can’t wait to play

Amber: and I can’t wait not to play

Sofia : but if you’re not playing the games, amber. What are you going to do?

Amber: oh, something much less messy. I’m going to show princess leena here! The fine art, of parasol

Sofia : hi everyone!

Khalid : I see you have a new partner this year james

Jin: I’m prince jin

Khalid: and I’m khalid

Sofia: good to meet you!

PK ench: young majesties it’s time for the golden egg on a spoon race

All: yeay let’s go

PK ench: on your mark, get, set ……… goo

James: go sofia, go,go,go

Maya: whoa!

Sofia: uh, nice save

Maya: thanks!

James: sofia this is a race, there is no time to talk

Sofia: okay, okay …………… oh no. …… wohoo go james!

PK ench: Khaldoun wins

Khalid : u did it maya! Great job!

James: ugh!!!

Princess wei: what’s wrong james?

James: I would’ve won except, the sun was in my eyes!

Maya: but it’s cloudy

James: a-and my shoelaces were untied

Khalid: well, you should have tied them before the race, than james

James: well I didn’t! its not fair! We should do the race over!

PK ench: they won fair and square. A do over will not be necessary

James: hmph!

Sofia: james! Wait!

James: just leave me alone

Maya: what a sore loser

Princess wei: I don’t know

Sofia: I’m sorry about james. Again. I’ll go talk to him

Queen anya (khl): is there going to be a prize for our games, roland?

King roland: hahahhaha, no queen anya, it just for fun

Queen wei: so what are we playing first?

King roland: musical thrones

Queen lin-lin (wei): oh, sound fun, doesn’t it quon?

King quon (wei): I suppose it does, lin-lin

Queen ench: all right, let’s play

King roland: just wait until the music stops

Queen ench: an then we sit as fast as we can

King roland: except, there’s not enough thrones for all of us, get ready

{ king quon fall down}

Queen ench: ooh are u all right, emperor quon?

King quon: yes, I’m fine. I better go clean myself up

Queen lin-lin: oh don’t worry, quon is a little bit clumsy. But he’ll be all right
James: hey, what’s everyone standing around for? We have another game to play!

Princess wei : we’re coming

PK ench: the ruls for tri-kingdom volleyball are simple, u must keep the ball in the air, if it lands on your side, the
other team scores ready?

{ bermain, tiba-tiba james sama sofia tabrakan lalu jatuh}

Sofia: opss I’m sorry about that

James: its not funny. We lost the point

Sofia: its just a game james

James: yeah and I’d like to win it, so stop fooling around and let’s play

Of the many matches they played, It was to announce the champion, between kingdoms there will only be one
who brings home the chalice. And the winner is the kingdom of enchensia.

James: yeah!

Jin: good, game james

PK ench: next up, is enchanted discus, everyone to the great lawn

James: we won and you lost { sambil nari nari kegirangan}

Sofia: james!!

James: we’re gonna win the chalice and you’re not

Maya: first your brother was a sore winner

Princess wei: than a sore loser

Maya: now he’s sore winner again

Sofia: you’ve got to stop acting like that james

James: acting like what? A winner? Oh yeahh. I’m a winner, I’m a winner !

Maya: I don’t wanna play anymore

James: boom goes to canon 2*

Maya: we’ve had enough. No more picnic game for us

James: what??

Jin: us too. If you want the chalice so badly, james. You can have it. We quit

Princess wei: sorry sofia

James: jin, uh, khalid? Were are you going? There are still more games to play. I don’t get it. Why’s everyone

Sofia : because they’re not having any fun. And neither am i. you’ve been a bad sport all day.

James: I’m just trying to win

Sofia : well, it’s a good thing they quit. Because I don’t think I want to be your teamemate anymore.

James: sofia, sofia come back

Amber : now leena, let’s decorated our parasols. First we glue on the jewels.

Leena: okay

Amber: dab, dab, dab, jewel,jewel,jewel

Leena: hah? Hu’um

Amber: dab,dab,jewel,jewel

Leena: hummm, why isn’t it working?

Amber: ohh, isn’t it lovely? No, sweaty, messy sports here. Just a nice, neat art project

Leena: it won’t

Amber: hah! I said dab the glue, dab,dab,dab

Leena: opps!

Amber : now leena, let’s decorated our parasols. First we glue on the jewels.

Leena: okay

Amber: dab, dab, dab, jewel,jewel,jewel

Leena: hah? Hu’um

Amber: dab,dab,jewel,jewel

Leena: hummm, why isn’t it working?

Amber: ohh, isn’t it lovely? No, sweaty, messy sports here. Just a nice, neat art project

Leena: it won’t

Amber: hah! I said dab the glue, dab,dab,dab

Leena: opps!

Amber: oh, perfect!

Sofia: hey! Amber how’s the decorating going?

Amber: let’s show her, leena

Leena: okay

Amber: were twirled leena! What do you think??

Sofia: they’re very sparkly. And so ar you amber, what happened?

Amber: never mind that! What are you doing here? Are the games over already? I remember them taking

Sofia: everyone quit because, james. Was being a poor sport.

Amber: hmm, it’s hard to belive we’re twins when I’m so much more grown up than he is.

Sofia: what do I do?

Amber: maybe,you need to show him, the right way to act

Sofia: show him?

Amber: yes. When leena starting to decorating. She made a lot of mistakes. I realized I need to take a time. To
show her the right way to do things. And now, she’s fabulous.

Leena: thank you

Sofia: that’s the good idea. But how can I show him? We’re not play the games anymore. That’s it I know what
to do, thanks amber

Amber: I’m such a good sister

Sofia: james!!

James: sofia? What are you doing here?

Sofia: I want to show you something

James: what??

Sofia: just come with me, okay?

James: all right

{ berjalan menuju ortu}

James: oh, they’re playing bewitching bowling! I love this game

Sofia: watch how they play

King roland : oke everyone my turn

James: nice roll dad, aw! Dad didn’t knock over any pins!

Sofia: but look at him

King roland: better luck next time. I hope, emperor quon, your turn

Sofia: see? Dad’s having fun, even though he’s not winning

James: but, doesn’t he want to win?

Sofia: sure, but games are supposed to be fun, whether you win or lose

James: I see what you mean. I ruined the games for everyone, didn’t i?

Sofia: maybe, a little bit

James: what do I do now

Sofia: well, you could tell them you’re sorry

James: do you think, they’ll forgive me?

Sofia: there is one way to find out

James: hey there!

All: huh?
James: I owe all of you an apology. I got excited about winning. I forgot what the tri-kingdom picnic is about. All
of us getting together, and having a good time. I’m really sorry.

Jin: you should be, james. I was really looking forward to the games.

Princess wei: so was I

Maya: and we didn’t even get to play enchanted discus, that’s my favorite

James: I know. I know. I’ll be right back.

Sofia: james feels realy bad and he said he’s sorry. Can you forgive him?

Khalid: we can forgive him, sofia. But it doesn’t, change what he did.

James: hey, everybody, you know, I was thingking. There’s still plenty of time to play the rest of games. If we
wanted to. We can pick up. Where we left off, will enchanted discus.

Jin: uh, I don’t know james

James: I’ll be a good sports this time. I promise. What do you say?

Sofia: I’ll play

Maya: me too

Khalid: fine by me

Jin: okay let’s do it

Narator : after they played several games to get the chalice the kingdom of khaldoun won the games

King roland: and the winner of this years golden chalice is PRINCESS MAYA AND PRINCE KHALID, FROM THE

Maya: khalid!! We did it!

Khalid: all right

M&k: wo hooo

Sofia: go khaldoun

{james ambil chalice}

Sofia: james? What are you doing?

James : I want to give this to you myself, congratulations. You deserve it!

Maya: thanks james

Khalid: ya thanks a lot

James: two,four,six,eight!

All: who do we appreciate? MAYA!KHALID! YEAY!

Queen anya: maya, khalid, mommy is so proud of you

King quon: excellent job, well done

Sofia: that was nice of you, and who knows, maybe next year we’ll win the golden chalice, teammate?

James: teammate!

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