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Unit 7 Test C

1 Dopasuj podpisy do właściwych obrazków.

1 2 3
a a a

4 5 6
a a a

a stomach ache c a sprained ankle e a broken leg

b a black eye d a headache f a sore throat

2 Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą. Zakreśl a lub b.
1 I’m hungry because I _______________ breakfast.
a haven’t ate b haven’t eaten
2 Oh no! My dad _______________ his leg.
a has broken b have broken
3 Daniel _______________ his homework and he’s already tired.
a not finished b hasn’t finished.
4 I’m happy now, it _______________ raining.
a stopped b ’s stopped
5 My brother and sister _______________ the dog for a walk.
a have taken b has taken
6 We _______________ any famous actors.
a haven’t meet b haven’t met

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Editable Steps Plus 6 Unit 7 Test C 1

Unit 7 Test C

3 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Have you tidied your room?
Yes, I have. / Yes, I had.
2 Have you forgot / forgotten your pencil case again?
3 Has Dad finished work?
No, he hasn’t. / No, he isn’t.
4 Have / Has I arrived early?
5 Have you and Sam seen the new film?
No, we haven’t. / No, we not have.
6 Have you done / Did you do your homework yet?

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe ( ) lub fałszywe ( ).

Some people say, ‘An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.’ Can
we really stay healthy by eating apples? What can we do?
• It isn’t only apples that can keep us fit and healthy. We need
to eat lots of different types of food to stay healthy. It is good
to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
• Drink water not cola when you can. Our brains need water to
work well.
• Sport is really important so try to be active every day. Why
don’t you try something new? Have you tried judo, or
skateboarding or ballet?
• Young people also need lots of sleep! Don’t go to bed late or
you’ll be tired in the morning.
Follow these ideas and stay healthy!

1 Doctors eat apples every day. __ _

2 It isn’t good to eat the same food all of the time. _____
3 The writer tells us to eat fruit every day. _____
4 Cola is good for our brains. _____
5 Skateboarding can keep us healthy. _____
6 Sleep is very important for young people. _____
Total 20

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