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Name: Classmate Q&A

Q&A with Freshman Eden Brown

Sarah Rogers: What are some of your favorite hobbies?

Eden Brown: I like to bake, I do band, and I like acting.

Sarah Rogers: What made you interested in wanting to take journalism?

Eden Brown: I like photography and also journalism is good for practicing writing stories.

Sarah Rogers: What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to school?

Eden Brown: I’m a little bit of a procrastinator, but then I have really good bursts of productivity.
I’m trying to procrastinate less.

Sarah Rogers: How do you handle the stress and pressure from school?

Eden Brown: I just kind of find a way to manage everything and hope for the best.

Sarah Rogers: What are your favorite subjects in school and why?

Eden Brown: Probably history just because I find it interesting. To me, it's the least boring class,
and it just challenges my thinking.

Sarah Rogers: How do you feel about the transition from middle school to high school?

Eden Brown: I think it was pretty smooth for me. I think with band, it was helpful since I already
had friends going into it. And I kinda knew my way around the school so it wasn’t that bad.

Sarah Rogers: What extracurricular activities did you choose and why did you choose them?

Eden Brown: I chose debate because I found it was also good for English skills, which is really
important in life. Journalism, and then band just because it's fun.

Sarah Rogers: Who has been your favorite teacher this year, and what do you like most about
their teaching style?

Eden Brown: Probably just Mrs. Madewell and Mrs. Ferguson because they’re just fun and don’t
take anything too seriously.

Sarah Rogers: What are you most excited about when turning sixteen?
Name: Classmate Q&A

Eden Brown: I’m excited to drive and gain more independence.

Sarah Rogers: Do you have any role models or people who inspire you?

Eden Brown: It’s kind of clique but my mom. She went back to school and she’s doing what she
loves, so I'm really proud of her for that and I really want to do that in the future.

Sarah Rogers: Have you had any memorable experiences or moments in school or your life

Eden Brown: I went to Jamaica, that was really fun. Just hanging out with friends and family.

Sarah Rogers: How do you stay organized with your schoolwork and other extracurricular

Eden Brown: I have a calendar and separate notebooks that I write down what I have to do for
each day.

Sarah Rogers: What classes are you planning on taking next year and why?

Eden Brown: Next year I'm planning on taking geometry honors, chemistry honors, world history
AP, and English honors. I just want to take the hardest classes because it looks best on your
college resume and I want to challenge myself.

Sarah Rogers: What do you find most challenging about high school so far?

Eden Brown: Kind of like finding your voice. I feel like academics have come pretty easy, but I
just feel like people are changing a lot and you have to find where you fit in that.

Sarah Rogers: What advice would you give to incoming ninth graders?

Eden Brown: Don’t procrastinate and don’t overthink about everything.

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