LSP Essay

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Human beings are the only cause of global warming today. Do you agree?

Human beings are the only cause of global warming today. We strongly agree with this
notion. According to research made by scientists on the earth’s climate by analysing the indirect
measure of climate, it is shown that human activities have been the dominant cause of global
warming. The human activities that led to global warming are deforestation, manufacturing, and
the use of modern transportation.

Firstly, deforestation. Deforestation is a human-made act in which people remove trees

from forests and replace them with bare land. Trees are known to be able to absorb carbon
dioxide from the air, which may help to regulate the climate. Large-scale tree cutting may cause
significant beneficial effects to be lost. In fact, every tree that is cut down releases the carbon it
has stored into the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect.

Secondly, manufacturing is also one of the biggest contributors to global warming. It is

because burning fossil fuels in the manufacturing sector is necessary as a main resource for
their energy supplier. As a result of that, carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere,
and in fact, 80% of global warming is caused by carbon dioxide. Excess carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere can trap heat and lead to increased global temperatures. It is clear that human
activities are the only cause of today’s global warming, which may affect us sooner in the future.

Lastly, transportation is equally one of the largest domestic contributors to global

warming. The transportation sector is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions more than any
other sector. Transport-related greenhouse gas emissions are produced by burning the fossil
fuels that power our automobiles, trucks, and trains. Petrol and diesel are two examples of
petroleum-based fuels used in transportation. The impact of global warming will increase as
more transportation is used. The way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to use the same
vehicle as possible to make fewer trips to go to work.

In conclusion, humans are the only cause of global warming because all the activities
that lead to it, like deforestation, manufacturing, and the use of modern transportation, are all
done by humans. Researchers reported that while natural events like volcano eruptions may
contribute to climate change, they have never significantly increased global warming,
suggesting that humans are the primary source of global warming. Thus, we need to limit
climate change to help Earth recover from global warming. [399 words]

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