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Green blood

Morgan Jeddeloh

A piece of paper is placed into my hands, I never even bothered to look down at what it

would be. Because the light beamed down on him in the school building. As he walked in,

everyone was staring at him, including me. I looked down at his name tag around his neck.

“Franklin” it read. He was walking up to one of his friends. He walks just as majestically as

he looks. He looks sweet. But maybe there's something about him he doesn’t let people


His hair was strawberry blonde. He wore a shirt that wasn’t ironed and baggy sweatpants

and the color of blackberries. His hair was like curly fries that were all over his head. He

also had a jawline that could cut fruits. His cheekbones were high and very noticeable. But

one of his best qualities was his eyes. They were prettier than the ocean, prettier than the

sky. Too pretty to bring words to. He was not too tall and not too short. He was shorter than

a Christmas tree but then taller than an average 16-year-old boy. I can’t hear what he's

saying, but the way he moves his mouth and body, it's probably sweet and sincere. He

must have a kind personality. There's so many people staring at him or interacting with

Looking at him was like playing a little melody in your head. Or after finishing a good book.

He attracted people and people were attached to him.

He was the kind of guy that had all three. Brains, looks, happiness. One of the luckier


I look to my left and then the other way. How am I supposed to find my way around this

place? It’s huge. 3 floors. What if my locker is on the first floor but my next class is on the

3rd? What if I don’t get used to my classes for a long time and I’m late every time? What if

I’m just not good enough for this school.

I’m already thinking badly, and school time hasn’t even started. I have about 10 minutes

before it does which should be enough time to find my first period.

I look down at my paper. Geometry first, which is a great way to start the day. Thankfully

there's signs on the wall saying which rooms are where. First floor is 100-120. 2nd floor is

121-130. And the 3rd floor is 131-140. A lot of rooms. But this one is on the first floor

luckily. Room 118.

I make my way around the school and after wondering a bit, I finally find my first. I walk in

and see a couple of people already there. I sit down in a random seat and wait for class to

Once the bell rings, a bunch of people come rushing in. They all sit in their seats and class

begins. Welcome to another day of geometry class. The teacher has a big smile on his face.

He’s wearing a shirt and tie with hair blacker than the nighttime. I look to his desk which

read, ‘Mr. Ravon.’ His last name matches his hair, but not his energy.

Looking around the classroom, there are big windows that cover the whole left side of the

wall. You can see the football field outside and see all the kids playing.

“Ok we’ll start off today with...”

I can’t help but look around the room. Totally zoned out. I look out the window again. And

instead of seeing kids playing, they are running laps. I think. But when they reach the end,

they don’t stop. They run towards the gate of the school and jump over the gate. Running in


I lean in closer looking for why they could be running.

“Megan” My chair falls back into place and I look at the teacher. He looks happy, as he

asks me “Would you like to answer this question?” On my first day, not exciting.

“Sure, uh which question is it?”

“Question 3 in your workbook.” I look down at my workbook. Thankfully he gave me an

easy one.
“The answer would be 129.13.” He smiles in approval and begins to explain the answer and

how to do the problem.

I look back outside, and the field is empty. Like nothing happened. It looks untouched.

Maybe they were just doing something for that class.

I go back to my work and then the bell rings. Looking back down and my schedule, my next

period is art. Something easier than geometry. I start packin up when a girl walks up to me.

She also had strawberry blonde hair like the guy I saw this morning. She had emerald-like

eyes and I had to look down to see her. Her hair was the length of spaghetti.

“Can I help you with your next class?” She tilts her head.

“Please, I have no clue where to go.” I smile at her, and she smiles back. We start walking

out of class together.

“What’s your name?”

“Mega, and you?”

“I’m Kiley. What school did you go to before this?” We start walking down the hallway

which has a wall of windows on the right side this time.

“I went to a school in South Carolina. My family didn’t like it there and wanted to try here.

Have you lived in Florida your whole life?”

“Yea I have. I want to live somewhere colder. I’ve never seen snow before.”
I smile because you can tell she’s so sweet. You can tell by her personality she has dreams

and skills.

“Snow is ok. It gets old after a while.” I shrug

“I still want to see it. But my brother doesn’t. He wants to stay here for a while.”

“How old is your brother?”

“He’s 16. He goes to this school. You might’ve seen him, his names Franklin.”

“Oh, yea I’ve seen him around. He seems friendly.”

Kiley rolls her eyes. “Maybe at school.”

I laugh a little and we made it to the art room. We both walk in, and I follow Kiley to her seat

and sat next to her.

“Alright everybody, keep working on your projects and I’ll be helping the new students.” A

teacher with a long cardigan and a paper white shirt stands with her arms crossed in front

of the class. Her room has art stuff everywhere but it’s more creative than just motivational

words. She walks up to me and smiles. “Hey, I’m Mrs. Remmy, or you can just call me Mrs.

R doesn’t matter.”

I smile back “I’m Morgan.”

“Ok so we're working on a drawing of something that gives you Deja vu. Some kids drew

their favorite meal as a kid, or toy. It’s a simple project but I want it to be realism.”

I nod and she hands me a huge piece of paper to draw on. I take out a wood pencil and
lightly start to outline. I look at Kiley’s drawing which is a huge mess. Art might not be her

best. But I smile a little. It’s a messy drawing that looks like a pineapple, maybe a dragon


I think I’m going to draw-

My thoughts cut out from a loud bang. Not like pots and pans, like an explosion. Everyone

stands up scared and panicked. Kiley is too. I stand up next to her keeping her close by.

The explosions keep going. Everyone gets under the desks and panics. I

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