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Field: Language Subject: English Level: V Class:

and X
Topic: Learning Situation:
Yes/No statements; Study skills Listening situations

Learning Outcomes (competence based) Key words:

The students will be able to:
CV, guarantee, banking,
- Prepare for a listening task.
experience, finance, skills, IT,
- Introduce new vocabulary and prepare for a listening task
computer repair shop, right
- Listen for specific information (multiple matching)
grades, department,full
- Give a summary of a listening script.
training,interview, etc.
Resources: Cross curricular links:

Methodology and activities
Methodology(stages of lesson) :
Link the subject to previous student's knowledge
At the beginning, I am going to present the new topic, prepare the students for the listening task
and ask them about their previous lesson. Check their homeworks.

Contruction of new knowdege

First of all, I am going to prepare the students for the listening task in exercise 1. Read the
sentences below and then asnwer the questions 1, 2, 3 and say which sentences best paraphrases
the first sentence.. Focus their attention on the underlined words. ex: Will definitely, job, might,
etc. Then, in exercise 2a students will hear recruitment consultant helping a person get a job. In
exercise 2b students have to listen and complete the sentences with a word or phrase and compare
with their partner. To continue, in exercise 3a students have to listen to a job interview and take
notes. In exercise 3b students have read the advert and say what kind of word is missing in each
gap 1-6. In exercise 4 students have to say which of the jobs advertised would they like to do and
Presentation and demonstration of the achieved result
In order to reflect on listening for specific information students have to complete exercise 5a.
I will evaluate students on their participation in the lesson.

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