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Word choice
1. Jenifer’s unpleasant ………..suggested that she knew about Barbara’s terrible
A. Grimace
B. Smirk
C. Wince
D. Snort
2. We knew Tom was looking for the right tool from the……..of sounds which came
from the shed
A. Sputter
B. Clatter
C. Mutter
D. Flutter
3. I put my……..down and told Andy he couldn’t use our car anymore
A. Hand
B. Finger
C. Arm
D. Foot
4. Your face looks red. You’ve really ………..the sun, haven’t you?
A. Caught
B. Had
C. Made
D. Owned
5. He had never acted before, but he………to the task and gave a very convincing
A. Rose
B. Arose
C. Aroused
D. Raised
6. ……………….economic change by investigating the fluctuations in the
relationship between workers’s wages and their buying power
A. Economists gauging
B. Economists gauge how
C. Economists gauge
D. Whenever economists gauge
7. A horse’s teeth……..its age
A. Is believed to reveal
B. Is believed to be revealed
C. Believes to be revealed
D. Are believed to reveal
8. The city………at one time prosperous,……….it enjoyed a high level of
A. Must have been – for
B. Can have been – and
C. May have been – and
D. Was for
9. I don’t think you’ll show a callous disregard for life and prosperty,……
A. Will you
B. Do I
C. Won’t you
D. Didn’t I
10. Sorry, I can’t go out with all these dishes and plates…….
A. To be washed
B. Washed
C. Washing
D. To have washed
II. Wordform
1. When the lab findings and research results were…….., an amazing
discovery came out ( RELATE )
2. Being surrounded, I think the best thing we can do to defend ourselves is to
build a………..Let’s move out wagons into a circle ( STOCK )
3. If the weather is particularly hot and humid, it might be said to be
4. Unemployment may be a(n)………..cause of the rising crime rate (LIE)
5. The lake near to where I live is one of the deepest and most………in the
world. They don’t come much bigger ( VOLUME )
6. Mark and Helen had a stormy…………….., but still decided in the end to
get married. Whenever it will work and not remain to to be seen?
7. Keith has a sweet tooth and especially like …………..( CRYSTAL ) fruit
8. He is ………for his charitable activities than for his business in the steel
industry ( KNOW )
9. I think my last statement………the situation pretty well. At least, I can’t
think of any better summary! ( CAPSULE )
Myths relating to ( relating – related ) the causes and symptoms of “
colorblindness ” abound throughout the world. The definition ( definition –
term ) itself is misleading since it is extremely rare for anyone to have a
complete lack of color perception.By looking at( at – into ) the myths related
to color blindness, one can learn many facts about the structure and genetic
( genetics ) of the human eye. It is a myth that colorblind people see the world
through( through – as ) if it were a black and white movie. There are very few
cases of complete colorblindness. Those who have complete lack of color
perception are referred to like monochromatics, and usually have a serious
problem with their overall vision as well as an ability ( inability ) to see colors.
The fact is that in most cases of colorblindness, there are only certain shades
that a person cannot distinguish from.( from – between ) These people are said
to be dichromatic. They may not be able to tell the difference between red and
green, or orange and yellow. A person with normal color vision has what is
called trichromatic vision. The difference between the three levels of color
perception has to make ( make – do )with the cones in the human eye. A
normal human eye has three cones located inside the retina: the red cone, the
green cone, and the yellow cone. One ( one – each ) cone contains a special
( special – specific ) pigment whose function is to absorb the light of these
colors and the combinations of them. People with trichromatic vision have all
three cones in working order. When one of the three cones does not function
properly, dichromatic vision occurs.
Pigment : chất nhuộm đầu
1. Jane persuaded thte others to agree with her point of view
 Jane brought the others round to her point of view
 Persuade so to do sth : thuyết phục = bring so round to sth
2. Brenda never takes the trouble to help anyone
 Brenda never puts herself out for everyone
 Put yourself out for sth : make a great effort to help so
3. The men were going at it tooth and nail when the police arrived
 The men were going at it hammer and tongs when the police arrived
 Go at it hammer and tongs : try very hard to do sth
4. The coach has a strong and secure influence on the members of the team
 The coach has a hold on the members of the team
 Have a hold on so : have a great influence on sth
5. They felt anxious while waiting for the results of their exams
 They waited with bated breath for the results of their exams
 Do sth With bated breath = feel anxious
6. Our classmates were extremely happy when we got three medals in 21st
Olympic competition ( TAILS )
 Our classmates were like a dog with two tails when we got three
medals in 21st ….
 Be like a dog with two tails : very very happy
7. Miss Hoai should have been praised by her boss when she finished the
 Miss Hoai’s boss should have been given a pat on the back when she
finished the project
 Give a pat on the back : praise
8. Mr Son has been a gardener for years so let’s consult his option first ( PICK
 Let’s …pick Mr Son’s brains because of his wealth of
………………………experience as a gardener
 Pick so brains = ask so for advice
9. The woman didn’t have faith in the director’s crazy ideas ( STOCK )
 The woman took no stock in the director’s crazy ideas
 Take no stoc = have no faith
10. I am beginning to understand the new computer system ( GRASP )
 I am beginning to have a grasp of the new computer system
 Have/get a grasp of sth = understand sth

11. Linda was so nervous, which made her look like a bashful girl ( CAME )
 Such was Linda’s nervousness that she came across as a bashful girl
 Came across: thoát ra vẻ là 1 người như thế nào mặc dù mik không có
tính cách như v
12. As soon as the funds ran out, they had to abandon the scheme ( PETERED )
 The instant the funds petered out, they had …..
 Peter out = run out
13. why did you reveal my plan to Kathy ? ( BREATHED )
 I would rather you hadn’t breathed a word about my plan to Kathy
 Breathe a word : tiết lộ bí mật cho ai đó
14. David was responsible for the family business as soon as his father retired.
 Scarcely had his father retired when he took charge of his family
 Take charge of = tiếp quản
 No sooner …. Than
15. Your encouragement helped to make things less grievous after such a heavy
loss ( CUSHION )
 It was your encouragement that helped to cushion the blow after such a
heavy loss
 Cushion the blow : làm cho sự việc bớt nghiêm trọng hơn
16. Tina was crazy about stamps, so she spends lots of money on them every
month ( SPLASHED )
 Had it not been for her crazy stamps, Tina wouldn’t have splashed out
on them every month
 Splash out : spend a lot money
17. He tried hard but couldn’t compensate for what he had done ( AMENDS )
 Try as he did, he couldn’t make amends for what he had done
 Make amends for : compensate for = make up for : bù đắp
18. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves ( DESCENDED )
=> All dogs are thought be descended from wolves
19. We didn’t learn he still managed to live with very little money as a waiter
until later ( EKED )
=> Not until later did we learn he still eked out a living as a waiter
=> eke out : xoay sở để kiếm sống
20. Nobody is certain if the project will be permitted to continue ( GO-AHEAD
 It’s still touch and go whether the project will be given a go-ahead or
 Touch and go : uncertain
 A Go-ahead = permission

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