The Nine Workplace Essential Skills

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The Nine Workplace Essential Skills

1. Reading: This is your ability to understand reading materials in the form of sentences or
paragraphs. You use this skill to scan for information, skim for overall meaning, and evaluate
what you read.
2. Document Use: This is your ability to understand how words, numbers, symbols and other visual
characteristics are given meaning. You use this skill to read signs, labels, lists, as well as to
interpret graphs and charts.
3. Numeracy: This is your ability to use numbers. You use this skill to do estimating, money math,
scheduling or budgeting and to analyze measurements or data.
4. Thinking: This is your ability to evaluate ideas or information to reach a rational decision. You
use this skill to solve problems, make decisions, think critically and plan and organize job tasks.
5. Oral Communication: This is your ability to use speech to give and exchange thoughts and
information. You use this skill to greet people, take messages, reassure, persuade, seek
information, and resolve conflicts.
6. Working With Others: This is your ability to work with other workers to carry out tasks. You use
this skill to work as a member of a team or with a partner.
7. Writing: This is your ability to write text and documents, including non paper-based writing such
as typing on a computer. You use this skill to organize, record, document, provide information to
persuade, and request information from others.
8. Computer Use: This is your ability to use different kinds of computer applications and other
related technical tools. You use this skill to send e-mails, use word processing software, and
create and modify spreadsheets.
9. Continuous Learning: This is your ability to participate in an ongoing process of acquiring skills
and knowledge. You use this skill to learn at work, alone, or from co-workers, and when you
access training in the workplace or off-site.

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