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Titan Technologies \

Profit & Loss A/c

1-Apr-23 to 31-Mar-24

Particulars 1-Apr-23 to 31-Mar-24 Particulars 1-Apr-23 to 31-Mar-24

Purchase Accounts Sales Accounts

Professional Services for BEAM Project SAP Projects & ABAP Support Services(IGST)
Sub Contract Exp SAP Projects & ABAP Support Services(SGST)
Sub Contract Exp (GST)

Gross Profit c/o

Indirect Expenses Gross Profit b/f

Bank Charges
Bank Charges (GST) Indirect Incomes
Computer Software Exp Interest From Bank FDR
Depreciation Exp Interest on IT Refund
Foreign Exchange Loss/Gain
Fuel Exp
Miscellaneous Cash Exp
Office Expense
Office Exp (GST)
Professional Fees Exp
Professional Fees Exp(GST)
Round Off
Salary Expense
Staff Welfare Exp
Subscription Expense(Chat GPT)
Telephone & Internet Exp
Travelling Expense

Nett Profit

Total Total

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