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Daily Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objective: Sequence steps in a process. (EN7RC-IV-f-10.3)

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Sequencing steps in a process.

b. Reference: K-12 Curriculum Guide pg. 164, K-12 Teacher’s guide,
c. Materials: visual implements, flash cards, copy of recipes
d. Concept: Sequencing steps in a process refers to the arrangement of individual actions or
tasks in a logical and sequential order to achieve a desired outcome.

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
A.1 Pronunciation drill
bit-bet pit-pet meat-met sit-set neat-net

A2 Review
1. What is a process?

B. Checking of Homework
C. Lesson Proper
C.1 Motivation
Let the learners watch a video of a science experiment to illustrate the
significance of proper sequencing.
What have you observe on the process of the recipe shown in the
C.2 Presentation
 Sequencing steps in a process involves arranging individual
actions or tasks in a specific order to achieve a desired outcome. It
is the act of breaking down a complex process into smaller,
manageable steps and organizing them in a logical and sequential
manner. The purpose of sequencing steps is to ensure clarity,
efficiency, and successful completion of the task or goal at hand.
 Importance of sequencing steps
1. Efficiency: Organizing tasks in order reduces waiting time and boosts
2. Resource Use/utilization: Proper sequencing helps use materials, equipment,
and labor effectively, reducing waste.
3. Enhance Productivity: Tasks are finished promptly, increasing productivity.
4. Improve Planning: Helps anticipate and handle setbacks for better project
5. Ensure Quality Control: Ensures tasks are done correctly, reducing mistakes
and rework.
6. Cost Savings: Saves money by streamlining processes and avoiding delays.

A Step-by-step Process in finding the area of a Rectangle.
1. Understand the formula for calculating the area of a rectangle which is Area= Length x
2. Allocate resources such as ruler or measuring tape to measure the side of the rectangle
3. Measure the length (l) and width (w) of the rectangle.
For example, let's consider a rectangle with a length of 10 units and a width of 6 units.
4. Then, substitute the measured values into the area formula: Area = 10x 6.
5. After that, multiply the length and width values to determine the area. Area = 10 x 6
Area = 60 square units.
6. Subsequently, finalize the calculation, indicating that the area of the rectangle is 60 square
7. Lastly, ensure that the units for length and width are consistent, and the area is expressed in
square units.

D. Developmental activity

Activity #1
 The learners will be group into 5 groups.
 The learners will visually represent the steps on “How to plant a
tree” using a graphic organizer, a flow chart or a sequencing
Activity #2
 Arrange the jumbled recipes “How to cook waray-waray-style
adobo sa gata” in a sequential order.
Activity #3
 Tiklos Dance
 In a sequential manner the learners will perform step-by-step the
Tiklos dance.

Tiklos Dance Criteria:


(40%) (30%) (30%)

E. Generalization
1. What is sequencing steps?
2. Why it is important to follow sequence of steps in doing a certain task?

F. Application
 Where can we observe sequence of steps in our4 day-to-day life?
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Arrange the following steps on “Cooking Biko” according to9 a step-by-step
sequence or process.
_____ Cook the glutinous rice.
_____ Simmer the coconut milk sugar mixture.
_____ Prepare your baking dish.
_____ Prepare the glutinous rice into the bottom of a medium pot and wash the rice until the
water runs clear.
_____ Cook the coconut milk sugar mixture until thickened.
_____ Cool, then serve.
_____ Transfer to the prepared baking dish.

V. Assignment
 In a 1 whole A4 size bond paper, write a step-by-step process of your
favorite dessert.

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