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How To Get Every

Project Manager
to LOVE You?

A Publication of:
Translation Excellence, Inc.
2620 S. Parker Rd., Suite 210
Aurora, CO 80014
Phone: 720-325-0459
Toll-free: 877-409-6737
Harry Hogue is a Business Development
Specialist with Translation Excellence, where he
guides the company’s outreach and marketing

In addition to his role in business development,

Harry is a bilingual Spanish<>English translator
who received his Bachelor of Arts degree in
Spanish from Arkansas State University and his
Master of Arts degree in English from Arkansas
Tech University.

Nisar Nikzad is the founder and CEO of
Translation Excellence.

He steers the companyís vision and as a

freelance linguist for over 10 years prior to
founding Translation Excellence, has a lot of tips
to share!
3 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Translation agencies are efficient assembly lines. This is not to say they consider every project the
same, nor should it suggest that they take an automated approach to client requests, project completion,
or linguist interaction. Rather, it suggests that translation agencies are generally efficient and experienced
at what they do. They are familiar with numerous types of projects and client needs, and regularly work to
fulfill those needs. Project managers, interpreters, and translators all work together to ensure client projects
are completed successfully. Project managers wouldnít have work without clients, and translators and
interpreters would not receive client work through an agency without a project manager as the contact person.

Translators and interpreters both have an important responsibility, not only to the clients they serve, but

also to the language agencies they work with. They are expected to
complete translation and interpretation assignments professionally,
accurately, and in a timely manner. Furthermore, they are expected
to acknowledge if they are unable to take on a project due to a
lack of experience or other commitments. It is expected they will
promptly notify agencies of any situation which would cause them
to not be able to accept or complete a project. Contrary to what
may be thought, agencies appreciate linguistsí honesty in admitting
they donít feel comfortable taking on a particular assignment. When
a translator or interpreter accepts a project for which he or she isnít

qualified, it often causes many problems for the client, puts the agency in
an awkward position, and damages the linguistís professional reputation.

Following are some of the most important considerations for a linguist

to keep in mind when working with a language agency. Although this list is
not exhaustive, it does cover many of the most common agency concerns.

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Tip # 1 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You


Translation Excellence, Inc.

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5 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Proper formatting matters. The condition of the original requirements. In these kinds of situations, the translator
document is important to ensure a quality final product, of may indicate that he or she does not feel capable of handling
course. After all, if a translator isnít able to clearly read the these formatting requirements or may prefer someone else
content, the translation could suffer as a result. No one enjoys to format the final copy after it has been translated. In other
trying to read words that are faded or otherwise hard to cases, freelance translators may not have the specialized
read, but clear type is especially important when translating software which was used to format the source document.
materials with names, dates, and other specific information
For the most part, however, translators should
that may change during the process of being translated.
always be prepared to format target texts to resemble
Equally and nearly more important, however, is the the source as closely as possible. It is important to
format of the final translated copy. Clients expect the bear in mind that the agencyís client will usually never
translated copy to be a faithful replica of their original think about formatting as a specific service ñ it is simply
document. Language agencies often expect translators to taken for granted that their translated document will look
do much of this formatting themselves, except in cases identical to their original. Clients do not often consider the
of desktop publishing or other specialized formatting process of translation, much less the time and expertise

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6 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

necessary to professionally reformat those translations.

Properly formatted target documents save agencies

time by allowing them to quickly review the translated
copy, certify it and notarize it as necessary, and more
quickly return it to the client. When project managers need
to take time to format translations, that is time they are
unable to spend on other projects, sending quotes to new
clients, and responding to other client/linguistsí questions.

Being able to properly format a target document also

enhances the translatorís professional reputation by giving
him or her a more diverse set of skills. A translator who
can go beyond translation to also make the document
presentable is naturally more attractive both to agencies and
direct clients. Translation, then, may be seen as only half of a
project, with formatting being a very important second part.

Naturally, formatting is generally charged by the

hour rather than on a word-per-word basis, which may
introduce a slightly different pricing structure. It is very
important for the linguist to review the source before
accepting the project and indicate approximately how
much time will be needed to complete both the translation
and necessary formatting. Although project managers can
estimate these costs, the translator is the only one who
can give a true indication of the amount of time involved,
since he or she understands how his or her professional
abilities and limitations may impact the project as a whole.

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Tip # 2 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Timely Delivery

Translation Excellence, Inc.

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8 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Time reflects both a translatorís reputation and A translator who routinely submits projects late will
the amount of money he or she earns per project. be seen as unprofessional and unreliable. Late projects
A translator who submits his or her project before also frequently impact the client, since he or she may have
the stated deadline demonstrates a high standard of an urgent need for the translation. Even in cases where
professionalism and thoughtful consideration for both urgency isnít a factor, agencies are much less likely to
the agency and the end client. Furthermore, the more use translators who consistently return projects behind
quickly a translator is able to complete a project, the schedule, as this practice reflects badly on the agency.
more quickly he or she can move on to another project.

Depending on the particular project and its urgency,

timely delivery could be as much as a couple of days
ahead of schedule or could be as little as an hour before
the agreed upon time. Timely delivery, however, should
not be understood to mean that on-time delivery is bad.
Timely delivery simply means that early/on-time delivery
of projects is preferable to a late project every time.

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Tip # 3 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Spell Check

Translation Excellence, Inc.

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10 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Although it may seem obvious to the point of not versa. Although not common, these kinds of situations
needing to be mentioned, any translation should be due arise, so it is important for the translator to use
proofread before it is submitted. This includes the use the tools that will best assist him or her in providing
of spell check to catch both obvious and less obvious the most accurate and faithful translation possible.
mistakes. Even the most careful typist will occasionally
When using spell check, it is helpful to have notes
misspell a word. Grammar check is typically optional
from the agency about the clientís preferences so you
in word processing programs like Microsoft Word,
can make sure you also follow any specific spelling
and may or may not also be helpful, depending on
conventions, capitalization rules, and other stylistic
the translatorís style, the agencyís requirements, etc.
guidelines indicated by the client. This is especially
Grammar check is often far less accurate important in cases involving date/time formats,
than spell check, since stylistic and other writing measurements, punctuation, etc. Because the final
conventions require the use of non-standard translation will be read by native speakers of the
language, such as fragments, prepositions translated copy, accuracy and consistency is extremely
at the ends of sentences, and symbols. important. Readers of a native language notice
mistakes in their language, even if they are unable to
It is important to note that you should always use
articulate precisely what those mistakes may be. In
the spell check that is specific to the variety of language
cases of dates, measurements, etc., the consistency
you have translated into. The French Canadian spell
is even more important, as using another format may
check and the French/France spell check will evaluate
be counter-intuitive or even harmful. Readers who
words quite differently, and the variety of Spanish
are accustomed to working with feet and inches may
used is not identical in Spain and Mexico. This is
be lost when reading measurements in centimeters,
especially important when translating into a less
and those used to reading temperatures in Celsius
commonly used variety of language, such as a British
may wonder how to convert them to Fahrenheit.
translator translating into American English, and vice

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Tip # 4 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You


Translation Excellence, Inc.

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12 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Unless the client has said otherwise, the translator

Save both time and frustration by double-
should be prepared to translate everything in the
checking what should and should not be translated.
original source document. In cases where it may not
If possible, take notes on these specifications
be clear whether or not to translate a particular word,
before beginning the project so as to more
phrase, or section, it is always best to contact the
accurately and quickly complete the project.
agency so they may ask the client what they prefer.

It is never a good idea to leave text untranslated

or to translate text if unsure. When in doubt, contact
the agency to double-check. The agency, in turn, will
contact the client to ask him or her what is preferred.
Although it may seem obvious to leave proper names
of institutions, names of people, and place names
untranslated, this may not always be the case.

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Tip # 5 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Notify the Project

Manager of
Mistakes in
the Source

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14 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Should translators correct errors found in the present in the source text? Again, no. While preserving
source text? No, because they have not been the meaning of the original text, translators should
contracted to work on the source text. It is helpful for still present an accurate translated copy, because
the client, however, if the translator places a translatorís readers expect accuracy and readability. There is
note to explain the mistake. This way the client is able no reason to introduce mistakes in the translated
to correct it once the translation is received. Clients copy simply because they appear in the source
appreciate this courtesy, as it is oftentimes unexpected. text when such mistakes are clearly unintentional.

This leads us to the next question. Should Translators should always notify the project
translators include mistakes in the translation if they are manager of such mistakes in the source text in
addition to placing a translatorís note, as this helps
facilitate communication with the client, who may
not otherwise look at translatorsí notes. Clients
expect, when receiving a translation, that it is ready
for use, free of errors, and faithfully represents their
original version. They are not often accustomed
to looking for translatorsí notes, so it is helpful for
project managers to indicate if these are present.

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Tip # 6 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You


Translation Excellence, Inc.

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16 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Itís time to get the bill ñ or at least time to send prompt invoices because they are able to keep
it. When translators finish projects, they should be their financial records in order and can refer back
prepared to immediately submit their invoice which to old project invoices should issues ever arise.
indicates how many words/pages they translated,
Translators who submit prompt invoices
their price per word, how much time was spent
are also viewed favorably by agencies, who
on formatting, the associated cost, and any other
understand they are working with professional
associated invoice considerations. By sending prompt
and reliable linguists who strive to keep accurate
invoices, translators help facilitate payment for their
records, which ultimately assists the agency in
services and ensure the agency is able to successfully
providing accurate quotes, submitting and receiving
move from one project to another without delay.
client payments, and reconciling financial data.
Translators also benefit from submitting

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Tip # 7 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You


Translation Excellence, Inc.

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18 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Project managers and translators both have work manager and translator should stay in close contact
to do. It is typically best to limit phone calls and emails in order to ensure the urgent project is completed
to what is necessary to complete the project. Constant accurately while respecting the required deadline.
communication may limit the agencyís ability to
Linguist/project manager communication is
respond to quote requests and client inquiries. At the
helpful because it ensures the project runs smoothly. It
same time, however, translators and project managers
may be problematic only if the level of communication
should remain in contact. For urgent projects or
interferes with the translatorís ability to successfully
rush assignments, a greater than normal amount of
complete the project by the indicated deadline or if
communication may be expected and is acceptable,
the project manager is unable to fully attend to his or
especially for complex projects. Particularly if there
her other agency responsibilities, client requests, etc.
is a question concerning some aspect of the project
or if the client has a question or concern, the project

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Tip # 8 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You


Translation Excellence, Inc.

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20 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Every profession has its tools, and translation is may involve the use of specialized software
no different. From computer assisted translation to unavailable to the average translator. Even in cases
desktop publishing, translation projects may benefit where a translator may have the necessary software,
from or require the use of certain software packages his or her skill in using that software may be limited,
or skills. It is important that a translator understand or he or she may simply not feel comfortable working
what software may be needed to fully complete a with that software package or that type of demanding
given translation project. If a translator doesnít feel formatting/layout.
as if he or she possesses the necessary skills, the
It is very important for translators to be
project manager should be notified in order to make
completely open and honest about their skills
other arrangements to complete the formatting
and abilities. Whether a translator doesnít feel
comfortable accepting a project because of the
In the case of specialized formatting needs subject matter, the deadline, or the formatting
such as brochures and advertising copy, desktop requirements, this information should be conveyed to
publishing may be needed. This type of formatting the agency in order to ensure the client receives the
most accurate possible translation.

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Tip # 9 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Refer Another

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22 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

In those cases where a translator doesnít

feel comfortable accepting a project for whatever
reason, it is helpful and professionally-responsible
if he or she is able to refer a trusted colleague to
complete the project. This saves the agency time
searching for another translator. It also speaks
well of the translator who is able to provide a
professional reference and indicates the translator
is aware of his or her skills, abilities, and limitations.

By referring another translator, this also indicates

the linguist is professionally well-connected. This is
helpful in cases where an agency may need to locate
translators for other kinds of projects. Agencies frequently
turn first to their database of existing translators for
professional references, and a translator who is able
to refer a colleague for a project is greatly valued.

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Tip # 10 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You


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24 How to Get Every Project Manager to Love You

Common sense considerations go a long but it is equally important to know your limitations.
way to ensuring a professional reputation, Professional translators who embody professionalism
regardless of an individualís specific occupation. will be called on again and again for projects and referrals.
Understanding oneís skills, abilities, and limitations
By using spell check, translating
is important for any position. Timely delivery is
everything, submitting timely invoices, and
critical for any professional, and accurate record-
staying in good communication with the
keeping is necessary for any freelance business.
project manager, translators demonstrate their
Having the necessary skills to do the job is important, commitment to both accuracy and excellence.

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