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21K School(I)

7-Mar G2 More Multiplication & Money Revision 3

Grade: Grade 2
Total: 25 points
Authors: Bhavya Vijayan

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Section 1

Q 1.1 Identify the keywords. [3]

Division Multiplication

Each Product Share Equal group Double Times

Q 1.2 State true or false. [2]

True False

True False

True False

True False

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Q 1.3 Two 50 paise coins will make ___________. [1]

A ₹2

B ₹1

C ₹3

D ₹100

Q 1.4 Match the amount with the correct answer. [2]

Two ₹ 50 rupee notes Three ₹200 rupee Three 50 paise coins ₹ 500 - ₹ 100

₹600 ₹400 ₹1.50 ₹100

Q 1.5 What is the next number? [1]

Quiz image

A 19

B 20

C 21

Q 1.6 3 times 4 is __________ [1]

A 12

B 16

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Q 1.7 True or false [3]

True False
The answer of division is called Quotient.

True False
20 divided by 4 is 6

True False
5 times 5 is 20

Q 1.8 Ana has 4 trays. [2]

Each tray has 2 muf ns.
How many muf ns are there in all?
What is the correct addition sentence for this problem?

A 4+4=8

B 2+2+2+2=8

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Section 2

Q 2.1 Subtract : ₹ 400 - ₹ 252 (Write the answer in C.W) [2]


Q 2.2 Make a bill for Steve's purchases. (Make the bill in the C.W) [3]


Q 2.3 Calculate: [2]

a)3 x 7

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Q 2.4 Joseph had 25 trophies. He put an equal number of trophies on each of his 5 [1]
shelves. How many trophies were on each shelf?

Q 2.5 John had 3 bags of cookies. Each bag had 4 cookies. How many cookies does he [1]
have in all?

Q 2.6 An insect has 6 legs. How many legs do 2 insects have? [1]

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