1st - Internal Assessment - WELL FOR LIFE

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1st Int, Well for Life

II Year B.A., LL. B (Div.-D and E) – Semester-IV (2023)

1st -Internal Assessment – WELL FOR LIFE

‘Top Chinese Swimmers Tested Positive for Banned Drug, Then
Won Olympic Gold’- ARTICLE REVIEW’

NAME: Manavi Sinha

PRN: 21010125366
BATCH: 2021-2026

1st Int, Well for Life

INTRODUCTION –............................................................................................................................2
MY REACTION AND ANALYSIS OF THE ARTICLE -................................................................3
WHY I CHOSE THE ARTICLE........................................................................................................4
THOUGHTS ON THE SUBJECT.....................................................................................................4
THE INTRIGUE OF THE ARTICLE-..............................................................................................5
DO I AGREE WITH THE AUTHOR'S OPINION...........................................................................5
LEARNINGS -.....................................................................................................................................6
SIMILAR INSTANCES IN THE PAST -...........................................................................................6
WOULD I WANT TO BE STUCK IN A SIMILAR SITUATION?.................................................7

1st Int, Well for Life


 The doping scandal involving Chinese swimmers, which was recently exposed, has caused
widespread apprehension in the sports community and has brought to the forefront significant
doubts regarding the integrity of international athletic competitions. The scandal, which
twenty-three elite Chinese swimmers tested positive for the banned substance trimetazidine
mere months prior to the highly anticipated Tokyo Olympics in 2021, was reported by The
New York Times1.

 Not only are the positive test results in and of themselves concerning, but Chinese officials'
subsequent covert clearance of these athletes, which allowed them to compete without public
scrutiny, is even more concerning. This flagrant violation of ethical standards not only raises
doubts regarding the effectiveness of antidoping protocols but also underscores substantial
deficiencies in the supervision and implementation of doping policies by international sports
governing bodies.


 This article explores a disconcerting incident involving Chinese swimmers who, months prior
to the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games, tested positive for the prohibited substance trimetazidine

Michael S. Schmidt and Tariq Panja,Top Chinese Swimmers Tested Positive for Banned Drug, Then Won
Olympic Gold, Published April 20, 2024,https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/20/world/asia/chinese-swimmers-

1st Int, Well for Life

(TMZ). Notwithstanding the favorable test results and suspicions regarding a cover-up,
Chinese authorities exonerated the athletes, permitting them to resume their competitions.
Officials and experts in the United States expressed disapproval of this decision,
contending that the swimmers ought to have been subjected to public identification or
suspension pending the outcome of an additional inquiry. Nevertheless, the World Anti-
Doping Agency (WADA) and Chinese sports officials both abstained from any action, which
precipitated a severe schism within the antidoping community.

 Furthermore, the article emphasizes the lack of intervention by the World Anti-Doping
Agency (WADA), despite being provided with intelligence indicating that Chinese swimmers
engaged in doping and a cover-up. Upon learning of the positive tests and the ensuing
inaction by WADA, even the FBI
became involved.
The episode prompts inquiries
regarding the efficacy of the WADA
and its management of doping
incidents involving influential
countries such as China. The
divergence in the manner in which
the WADA handled comparable
incidents involving Russian athletes
serves to emphasize apprehensions
regarding the organization's
steadiness and objectivity in the
enforcement of antidoping policies.
 Moreover, the article emphasizes
the wider ramifications of this case,
which encompass the possible
manipulation of global sporting
events via doping. The dearth of
responsibility exhibited towards the
Chinese swimmers, as well as the
inaction of national and international antidoping agencies, serve to underscore systemic
deficiencies within the existing antidoping structure. The aforementioned disclosures incite
demands for WADA reform, which aim to strengthen regulatory measures and deter countries

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from evading repercussions for doping transgressions, especially when significant occasions
such as the Olympic Games are involved.


 It is apparent from the article that the manner in which this doping scandal was managed
gives rise to significant apprehensions regarding the credibility of worldwide antidoping
initiatives. Not only does the failure to hold accountable those who tested positive undermine
public confidence in the institutions entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring fair play in
sports, but it also undermines these principles themselves. Particularly troubling is the
revelation that the WADA, despite receiving intelligence on the matter, chose not to act; it
implies a lack of dedication to its mission of ensuring pure competition.

 The disparity between the approach used by WADA in this specific case and similar incidents
involving other countries, such as Russia, highlights the need for more openness and
consistency in the application of antidoping laws. The up to now secrecy surrounding the
positive tests highlights how urgently WADA and other regulating bodies must implement
changes to effectively reduce the possibility of future incidents of this kind. The possibility of
FBI involvement in this inquiry stresses the seriousness of the issue and the need of
thoroughly investigating all parties.

1st Int, Well for Life

 The Chinese swimmers' doping scandal should serve as a catalyst for the international sports
community to confront structural deficiencies in antidoping protocols and governance.
Prioritizing transparency, accountability, and a resolute dedication to fair play is imperative in
order to safeguard the rights of pure athletes globally and maintain the integrity of sports.


 This article was selected due to its comprehensive exploration of a profoundly

relevant subject in the realm of sports: doping scandals and the subsequent
management of such occurrences by international sports governing organizations.
 The comprehensive analysis presented by The New York Times provides significant
perspectives on the intricacies of antidoping enforcement and illuminates the
challenges that entail in preserving the ethical standards of athletic competitions.
 For example, the article examines a pivotal moment when the values of
sportsmanship and fair play were called into question: just months prior to the Tokyo
Olympics, twenty-three of the most accomplished Chinese swimmers tested positive
for a prohibited substance.

 Concerns
are raised in the
article regarding the
inconsistency of
specifically in regards
to the WADA's
treatment of the
Chinese swimmers'
case in comparison to
analogous situations involving athletes from other nations. The lack of consistency in
these actions undermines the credibility of antidoping initiatives and erodes public
confidence in the ethical management of sports. This revelation holds significant
relevance in comprehending the subject matter in its entirety.

1st Int, Well for Life


 Due to the profound ramifications that doping scandals have on the integrity of athletics, I
am extremely concerned about this subject. The article reveals a concerning situation in
which elite athletes were permitted to participate in competitions despite testing positive for
prohibited substances. This casts significant doubt on the efficacy of antidoping protocols
and the dedication of governing organizations to maintain equitable competition. This
emphasizes the necessity for strong regulatory structures and open supervision in order to
protect the values of impartiality and guarantee an equitable environment for every athlete.


 The article further examines the function of investigative journalism, which was
to expose the scandal and ensure that governing bodies were held responsible.
By means of thorough investigation and critical examination, journalists have
exposed deficiencies in supervision and systemic problems that exist within the
sports industry.
 Notwithstanding the discouraging aspects of the disclosures, I discovered the subject
matter to be exceedingly captivating on account of its complex characteristics and the
ethical quandaries it poses. By examining the complex interplay of decisions and
actions undertaken by diverse stakeholders, the article provides readers with an
insight into the inner workings of the sports industry and the difficulties organizations

1st Int, Well for Life

such as WADA encounter when attempting to reconcile concerns regarding doping

and integrity.


 Indeed, I share the author's viewpoint as expressed in the piece. The author draws attention to
serious issues with the doping controversy involving Chinese swimmers and the way that
international sports governing organizations handled the matter after that. Sportsmanship and
fair play are undermined when athletes are not held responsible for doping infractions, which
finally damages the credibility of athletic events.
 Furthermore, it begs the issue of whether organizations like WADA are really committed
to maintaining antidoping laws and guaranteeing a level playing field for all athletes
given their lack of action in the face of intelligence on the issue.
 The article also highlights the need of consistency, responsibility, and openness in the
enforcement of antidoping laws. Through pointing out the differences in the handling of
comparable doping cases, the author emphasizes the necessity of more control and
investigation in the sports business. The possibility of outside parties, like the FBI, looking
into the issue highlights the gravity of the problem and the need for responsibility even more.

 I gained valuable insights into the complexities of antidoping enforcement and the
management of doping controversies on an international scale from this exhaustive
article. The significance of transparency, accountability, and consistency in dealing
with doping violations was emphasized, as the supervision lapses involving the
Chinese swimmers demonstrated. Furthermore, it underscored the pivotal
significance of investigative journalism in revealing these types of controversies and
ensuring that governing bodies are held responsible for maintaining the standards of
impartiality in athletics.


1st Int, Well for Life

 A prominent illustration of a comparable doping controversy pertains to

Russian athletes implicated in systematic doping, specifically throughout the
2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. 2Widespread doping practices were exposed in this
particular case, which implicated a considerable number of Russian athletes from
diverse sports. In spite of Russian authorities' initial denials and attempts at
concealment, subsequent inquiries conducted by WADA and other autonomous
organizations unveiled the full scope of the doping scheme. Subsequently, a number
of Russian athletes were subjected to sanctions, while the Russian Olympic
Committee encountered consequences such as prohibitions from engaging in global

 An additional
pertains to
Armstrong, a
cyclist whose
seven Tour de
France titles
were revoked
subsequent to his involvement in a doping scandal. Armstrong ultimately
admitted after years of evasion and vehement protestations that he had utilized
performance-enhancing drugs during his career. This particular case brought to light
the pervasiveness of doping in the realm of professional cycling and prompted
extensive reforms in the sport's antidoping protocols.

 These instances illustrate the necessity for prompt and decisive measures to be taken
in response to doping controversies and the significance of robust antidoping
initiatives. Furthermore, they emphasize the significance of investigative journalism
Rebecca R. Ruiz & Michael Schwirtz, Russian Insider Says State-Run Doping Fueled Olympic Gold, N.Y. TIMES
(May 12, 2016), https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/13/sports/russia-doping-sochi-olympics-2014.html.
(accessed 16th may 2024)
Juliet Macur,Lance Armstrong Is Stripped of His 7 Tour de France Titles,Oct. 22, 2012,
(Accessed 16/05/2024)

1st Int, Well for Life

and external supervision

in revealing such
unethical behavior and
ensuring that those
responsible are held
accountable. Given the
occurrences at hand, it is
critical that international
sports governance
organizations such as
WADA place integrity
and equity as their highest priorities in order to preserve the legitimacy of athletic


 I for one thing would abstain from putting myself in a position comparable to that which the
athletes embroiled in the doping scandal delineated in the article did. Engaging in such
unethical behavior may result in significant consequences, including career-ending sanctions,
legal ramifications, and enduring harm to one's personal and professional integrity. The
consequences transcend individual athletes and affect the reputation of sports organizations as
well as the confidence of their supporters and admirers.


 It is praiseworthy to strive for athletic prowess; nevertheless, this aspiration must be

accomplished in a just and morally upright manner. Doping undermines the spirit of
sport and erodes the integrity of competitions by compromising the fundamental
principles of sportsmanship and fair play. Athletes must adhere to the principles of
honesty, integrity, and adherence to the regulations that regulate their specific sports.
Through this action, individuals not only safeguard their personal reputations but also

1st Int, Well for Life

make a valuable contribution to the overall conservation of sports' integrity and



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