Physci Prelims Reviewer L1 3 1

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❖ As the universe expands it cools.

I.Formation of Elements

-composed of atoms, which can no longer
be broken down by either physical or
chemical methods.

➢ 118 elements are known to us.


-Perfected the periodic table

The identity of an atom comes from the

Formation of Light Elements in the Big number of proton in its nucleus
Bang Nucleosynthesis
➢ The Big Bang Theory Isotopes of Hydrogen
-Big Bang states that the universe developed 13.8 - Isotopes are members of a family of an
B years ago from a very small, extremely dense, element that all have the same number of
and hot state that expanded rapidly.

Big Bang
protons but different numbers of neutrons.
➢ Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

- the process of creating new atomic nuclei from HYDROGEN (H) – 75%
pre-existing nucleons primarily protons and
neutrons. HELIUM (He)- 25%
Elements heavier than iron cannot be formed
- Light from distant galaxies are from
through fusion as tremendous amounts of
glowing elements which emits spectra energy are needed for the reaction to occur.
of a particular frequencies primarily
Hydrogen and helium.
➢ Neutron Capture Reaction
- Temperature continuously drops Heavy elements are formed in Supernova
making the particles unable to
combine due to the insufficient Heavy elements are created by the addition of more
amount energy neutrons to existing nuclei instead of fusion of light
- Particles bounce back after collision,
no more elements are formed.
Through the process
called NEUTRON
Through the process called BIGBANG

Hydrogen (H)
Helium (He)
Lithium (Li)
Beryllium (Be)

A vast cloud of dust and gas (NEBULA) =

collapsed due to gravity, then

Hundred thousand years later (PROTOSTAR)=

gravity pulled the clouds together

Pressure and temperature rise = The protostar

becomes hot enough for nuclear fusion to

- Process by which elements are formed within the
stars as a result of nuclear fusion.


- The process by which multiple nuclei joined

together to form a heavier nucleus.

* Stars have multiple layers that are differentiated

not only based on the materials they are composed
of but also on their temperature.
LESSON: The Emergence of Ideas about the Atoms ➢ J.J. THOMSON (1897)
- Discovered that an atom is also composed
ATOM - basic unit of matter
of negatively charged particles which was
HISTORY named electrons.
- CATHODE RAYS produced from the
-Theory of the atom- 5 th cathode were actually a stream of
century BCE in ancient negatively charged particles called
Greece. electrons.
➢ Leucippus (480 BCE-460 BCE) He believed ➢ EUGEN GOLDSTEIN (1886)
that all things are made up of tiny, - Discovered the positively charged
indivisible particles. subatomic particle as a component of
➢ Democritus (460 BCE- 370 BCE) A student of ANODE RAYS.
Leucippus. All matter was composed of ➢ ERNEST RUTHERFORD
small indestructible particles which he -coined the term proton for positively
called ATOM (Atomists) charge particle.
➢ Aristotle (384 BCE-322 BCE) All things can - discovered the nucleus of the atom in
be divided infinitely: therefore, there was 1911.
no smallest - used gold foil for his scattering
part of experiment.
The medieval
forerunner of
based on the
supposed transformation of matter. It was
concerned particularly with attempts to
convert base metals into gold or to find a ➢ JAMES CHADWICK (1932)
universal elixir. (Alchemist) -discovered the neutral particles, he then
➢ JOHN DALTON All matter was composed of called neutrons.
atoms, solid, indivisible and indestructible
building blocks.


LESSON Bond Types

CHEMICAL BOND • The difference in the electronegativity

values of the atoms in a molecule or a
- involves atoms combining to form chemical
compound determines the type and polarity
compounds and bring stability to the resulting
of the bond.

Two main types: covalent bonds and ionic bonds

Covalent bonds - electrons are shared equally or

somewhat shared.

Ionic bonds - electrons are completely transferred

from one atom to another

Electronegativity Difference and the Type of Bond

0- less than 0.5 = Non Polar covalent

0.5- 2.0 = Polar covalent

greater than 2.0 = Ionic

Electronegativity Nonpolar Covalent: This type of bond occurs when
Electronegativity- is the ability of an atom to there is equal sharing (between the two atoms) of
attract electrons in a chemical bond. the electrons in the bond.

Atoms with higher electronegativity attract C 2.5 eV

electrons more strongly. S 2.5 eV
DEN 0 eV
-According to Linus Pauling`s Scale Fluorine is the
most electronegative element, while francium is the Polar Covalent: This type of bond occurs when
least electronegative there is unequal sharing (between the two atoms)
of the electrons in the bond.
-The noble gases have no electronegativity because
they don't form bonds. Ar, Ne, He, Rn, Og N 3.0 eV
C 2.5 eV
DEN 0.5 eV

Ionic: This type of bond occurs when there is

complete transfer (between the two atoms) of the
electrons in the bond.

F 4.0 eV
Na 0.9 eV
DEN 3.1 eV

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