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Deadly Reflection

GEORGE NICHOLSON – 18, he is a relatively new private

investigator after only handling a few cases as a learner and
an assistant. He was mostly alone during his childhood as he
had no siblings and his dad had died when he was young. Due to
this he’s grown up to be quite cold to everyone, but then he’s
also really smart.


It fades in with a wide shot of an empty park as someone walks

past the camera. The camera then cuts to a shot of this
person’s legs and seeing a tennis ball bouncing up and down as
he walks. The camera then cuts to an over the shoulder shot
following the person and as were following the person the shot
changes to a close up of the ground as the tennis ball flies
out of frame in the bushes.

The person sighs as the shot changes to a medium shot of him

climbing through the bush. The camera cuts to a close up of
the tennis ball at the bottom of the hill. The camera pans up
to see this person walk through the bush and he becomes
visibly annoyed. It then cuts to the top of the hill.


Come on?! Why down there?

As he starts making his way down the hill to get the ball, on
his way down he almost trips but catches himself before he
falls. When he gets to the bottom, he picks the ball up
inspecting it. Then as he’s about to walk back up the hill,
the birds stop chirping and he hears a twig snap further down
the hill. He looks around trying to see who it was and not
seeing anyone.



The camera then switches to a medium shot far away from this
person looking for whatever made the noise. As he walks
towards the camera he hears a snap behind him again, as he
turns around the camera switches behind him as well. The
camera stays in the same place but he turns around and keeps
walking to investigate the sound and as he does that an
unknown person walks past the camera unknow to tennis ball

Tennis ball guy looks around hoping to see that it was some
sort of animal that made the noise. As he’s looking around a
dark figure appears for a split second. Tennis ball buy starts
to run away and drops the tennis ball.

The camera gets a close up of the tennis ball as he runs.

He starts to slow down and as he stops, he sees the figure in
front of him. The camera cuts as eerie music fades in.

Title fades in


The camera cuts back to the top of the ditch back to the path
at the start of someone else walking. As they walk past an
opening in the bush, he sees tennis ball guy laying on the
ground dead. He rushes down the hill to check if tennis ball
guy is alright but when he gets down the hill, he notices the
blood of tennis ball guys hands and shirt. Upon seeing this,
he panics. It then cuts.

The camera pans up to see a man standing over the body of

tennis ball guy. This person looks at tennis ball guy rubbing
his chin trying to figure out any clues. He crouches down to
see if he’s missed anything on the body, he stands up and
sighs, he also takes his hat off. He pulls a phone out and
makes a phone call.

Detective Nickleson:
Yeah… its him…

We hear a muffled voice on the other side of the phone talking

to the detective. The detective turns around again to look at
the body, he runs his hand through his hair.

Detective Nickleson:
We need to find this guy… The public is getting worried. We’re
gonna have a problem soon if we don’t get this guy.

He hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket. He points at

the body and then waves his finger at some people.

Detective Nickleson:
Clean this up and get him out of here.

The detective walks out of frame and the scene ends.


We enter a room with one person sat inside. It’s the detective
and he’s looking through loads of old files on victims of the
killer. As he’s searching through each case becoming more
infuriated each file he looks through.

Detective Nickleson:
Come one… there has to be something.

The detective sighs as the camera gets a close up of his phone

as it rings. The camera switches to behind the detective
showing his back as he answers his phone.

Detective Nickleson:
Hello, the detective here

We hear a muffled voice on the other side of the phone. The

detective sighs as the camera switches to facing him as he
rubs his hand over his face looking disappointed.

Detective Nickleson:
Another one?! Yeah, I’ll be there. Give me 15 minutes.

The camera switches to a close up of the height of the table.

The detective hangs up the phone and places it down with the
screen on the table as he rests his head in his hands and
groans in annoyance. The camera stays in the same position as
the detective stands up, tucks the chair in and walks out the
room as we hear the door slam shut.



The camera cuts to a dark hallway low the floor with a doorway
out of focus. It opens as we the killer step inside. This
person slowly walks into the hallway, the camera then switches
to a medium shot of the killer’s waist as he pulls out a knife
and keeps walking, showing the bracelet as well. The camera
follows the killer into a dark room and he disappears into the

The camera then cuts to a medium shot of a stair case, where

bag guy walks down before walking out of frame. The camera
then cuts to a shot of the empty hallway as bag guy walks out
of a door in to the hallway. The camera switches to face the
doorway the killer went into as bag guy walks past. The killer
steps out and grabs bag guy and puts his hand over his mouth
before pulling him back into the dark room.

The camera cuts to a shot low to the ground with the door not
in focus. It opens and the detective steps into frame
mimicking the killer as the camera switches to a waist shot of
the detective showing the bracelet. The camera then switches
to a medium shot again walking into the room where bag guy was
killed. The camera goes low the ground looking at bag guy as
the detective steps over the camera and walks towards the
body. He crouches down the get a closer look.

Detective Nickleson:
God’s sake…

He stands up and walks around the body when the detective

starts taking pictures as there’s a couple flashes. He stands
there for a second before walking out. As he walks out it



Female News reporter:

I’m here near where Tom Smith’s body was found 4 years ago and
only a mile from where Matthew Jones was murdered in a similar
situation. The press conference held earlier today deals a
devastating blow to the parents of Tom and Matthew, who still
after so long, are no closer to knowing who murdered their
sons. The investigation lead by Detective Nickleson, despite
his experience and the thousands of police hours has
continuously drawn blanks. The only common elements in both
murders was that a figure dressed in all black was seen
leaving both scenes. Unless any further evidence comes to
hand, it seems like this murderer has got away with it.

Camera pans to the detective as the news reporter points the

microphone to him.

Detective Nickleson:
As I said in the press conference, this person was very
efficient and no evidence has come up to link it to anyone,
the choice to keep this case open for this long has only put
the parents through more pain, but it was clear some time ago
that this case was a dead end.

The tv turns off as the camera pans to the detective sat on a

sofa. It cuts to a top-down view of a footrest as he puts the
tv remote down once again showing the bracelet. (knife just
out of frame) The camera then cuts to the detective looking
over the footrest, he sighs before getting up and walking out
of frame. He walks in front of the mirror before resting his
hands on a chair in front of him. He stairs at himself for a
couple seconds. The camera cuts to facing the detectives face
not in the reflection as he drops his head in a defeated
manner, he lets his head dangle for a couple seconds and as he
brings his head back up to look at himself, the reflection
shows him wearing all black.


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