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"Wow I'm speechless, I don't know where to start with this one.

Verity was a captivating, fast

paced, twisted and addictive story."
Have you ever finished a book and thought… WTF did I just read ? Verity is one of those
books that will do that to you.
Colleen Hoover writes romance books. This one is a thriller. I have seen authors go from
romance to romantic suspense, but never have I seen an author go from Romance to a
dark and disturbing crazy thriller. She knocked this one out of the ball park.
This one just blew my mind. I could not put this book down
All of the characters were done so well. I could just vision them in my head. I love her writing style
OMG ! OMG ! OMG! The ending was just perfect. I loved that twist. Wow!

Verity has certainly left a lasting impression ! This is definitely not a book for the
faint hearted, it’s twisted, featuring fucked up characters and situations that are
just completely messed up.

Unlike Colleen Hoover’s other books, Verity is definitely not a romance. It’s a dark
and disturbing, twisted book featuring graphic depictions of abuse, so definitely
pay heed to the trigger warnings before picking it up.

The novel begins by introducing us to Lowen Ashleigh, an author (with a bit of a

bad streak going, It seems nothing can go right for her) who has been hired to take
over the series of a famous and successful author of thrillers, Verity Crawford, now
catatonic following a terrible accident. As she’s moved into Verity’s home to
conduct research for the bestselling series, she stumbles upon what appears to be
Verity’s own unpublished biography, a manuscript titled “So Be It.” Though
Lowen’s job doesn’t involve doing much reading, she can’t help herself but become
absorbed in the woman’s recollection of her storied past.
However, as she reads further and further, the subject matter becomes darker and
darker, containing some troubling revelations about the Crawford family.
On one hand, Lowen finds herself increasingly drawn to Jeremy (Verity’s
handsome and charming husband, an attractive, kind and caring father and loving
husband) and wants to share what she knows with him, but on the other hand , she
recognizes there might be reason to fear him. Things start happening which doesn’t
match up to what she’s told and believes, but is it just her anxious mind playing
tricks on her ?

Slowly but surely, she starts to suspect that perhaps things aren’t as they seem,
that perhaps Verity is a truly vile woman, and that maybe, just maybe, the accident
which put her in this state wasn’t an accident at all.
We are given chapter extracts of the autobiography ourselves – and we learn of
a sickening, twisted mind of a horrifying psychopath – who despises some of her
children and who is sex-crazed and obsessed with her husband.
We don’t know whether what she’s experiencing is the truth, or whether things are just in
her imagination, we actually don’t know what to believe. Lowen isn’t the smartest heroine,
despite being a writer and successor of Verity’s series. She’s naive, instantly falls in love
with Jeremy, and doesn’t question things as much as she does. Her character was
believable though, as a young, struggling writer who is suddenly offered a great job and a
place to stay from a handsome man. As you can tell, I really enjoyed this dark and
disturbing journey tale, despite every single character here being messed up.

Verity is a captivating psychological thriller that will have you questioning

everything you’ve believed when you read the very last page. There’s just enough
clues to leave reasonable doubt in our minds about what really happened in the
book – whether Verity’s dark manuscript is fact or fiction. We’re left with an open
ending that shakes everything up, leaving us thinking about these characters long
after it ends.

Colleen Hoover Drops a Mist of Frightening Ambiguity

Nobody knows what they are truly capable of until they are thrust into a situation
allowing all of their dormant aspects to express themselves. I think most of us
assume that we are good people and incapable of crossing certain barriers, but
as Lowen Ashleigh finds out in Verity by Colleen Hoover, life has such insidious
and far-reaching vertices that one might fail to realize they’ve become absorbed
in the first place.

Personally, I enjoy it when authors weave these large and complex tapestries of
information where one can rarely be certain of what is truth and what isn’t. The
author does a fantastic job at playing with this concept in Verity, constantly
showering us with information from different sources about the same events,
leading to clear contradictions we are pushed to try and solve ourselves.
The sources of information and the way it’s imparted to the reader are handled in
just the right way so as to distort the concept of truth, to the point where it feels like
there is no objectively-verifiable version of events left to speak of. Just when it
starts to feel like reality only depends on the person describing it, Hoover brings us
back down to Earth, drops some shattering revelations, and keeps on going

Good and Evil Within Us All

For starters, I think the author made the right choice in limiting the amount of
characters present in this novel to just a few main ones. This decision alone
obviously made it easier to focus in much greater depth on the people present, to
spend more time with them as readers, and as a result, become more invested in
their fates and inner worlds.

Thinking about it now, the author has achieved something rather interesting in
Verity: a cast of characters which only seems to gain from becoming more evil. In
my opinion, it’s probably due to Hoover‘s ability to make characters which feel
naturally-balanced and hosts to both good and evil, allowing a complex contrast to
take place as one side prevails over another. Verity by Colleen Hoover is an
absolutely stunning psychological thriller, with a compelling mystery at the centre
of it and exceptionally well-tailored, realistic and fascinating characters driving the
story forward.

If the idea of a mystery thriller which heavily leans into psychology and is focused
on unearthing a disturbing past filled with fascinating (and terrifying) revelations
sounds good to you, then I think you’ll have an absolute blast with this novel.

"Warning: Verity is not going to melt your heart. It's going to fry your soul."

"Emotionally charged, sinister, evocative, fascinating and very addictive. We read

Verity with a knot in our stomachs from the first to last page! What a brilliant read!"

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