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Paper Code and Title: H02DI Decorating the Interiors

Module Code and Title: H02DI19 – Salient features of Modular, Mobile and Office Furniture
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. M.R. Thilagam


There are infinite varieties of furniture type that has been seen through ages in
response to specific needs. Most of these types have changed very little over the years,
responding primarily to changes in taste and style. Recently, developments have introduced new
types of furniture such as the systems or modular, office furniture or mobile furniture which are
used extensively in nonresidential buildings. Even these, however, were need-based designs.
Since recently the consumers give more importance for both utility and beauty it has become
important for the designers to design furniture to expectation of the users. Already we have
discussed about the styles in furniture.
This lesson is planned to project information based on the following objectives:

1. To get familiar with modular furniture

2. To understand the requirements of office furniture
3. To get to know other type of furniture.

Modular Furniture is defined as furniture made up of independent work surface and
storage units with panels used as end panels or space dividers. It includes all modular
components that collectively are required to complete a workstation.
To meet the challenge of flexibility created by complex and changing needs particularly
for non-residential buildings modular furniture were designed and manufactured in modules that
can be assembled and reassembled in different configuration. The spares created may be open,
private, semiprivate or a combination. The modules might consist of full or partial height panels
or divider units to which coat racks, filling cabinets, book cases, storage bins, writing surface,
computer station, work surface, drawing surface and drawer units can be attached.
Modular seating offers individual seats, arms and often corner and end table unit that can
be combined to create sofas or more complex seating groups. Modularity makes it possible to
reconfigure groups as needs change or to suit a move to new location. Modular storage offers
Paper Code and Title: H02DI Decorating the Interiors
Module Code and Title: H02DI19 – Salient features of Modular, Mobile and Office Furniture
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. M.R. Thilagam

similar possibilities for composing specific arrangements to suit unique needs without turning to
custom constructions, with the potential for rearrangement as a bonus. Many office furniture is
modular: desktops, drawer, pedestals and accessory elements are available separately to be
assembled into workstation that can be modified as needs change or totally dismantled and
reconfigured when a major reorganization takes place. Modular Furniture refers to pre-made or
readymade units that can be combined in different ways to furnish a room according to ones
needs and space available. They are often flat packed for home assembly. They are made up of
standard units that can be put together in numerous ways.
It’s easy to install or dismantle according to need of it, gives modern look to the home or
office according to the limitation of space in apartment or flat. It saves space and can be used in
different ways. Modular furniture is less expensive when compared to its utility.It could be
installed and dismantled in short period of time, easy to transport, can be installed according to
use and choice of it, bring modern look and feel in the room. They are flexible enough to arrange
in various colours and designs.
Customization in furniture is possible according to the need. Modular bedroom, living
room, shelf, almairah, cupboard are available in long range. Also TV showcase, study desk and
computer table give different look to the room. Modular office furniture has the advantage of
being customized, accessible and convenient and therefore modular furniture is extremely
popular in modern workplaces such as chairs, desks, workstations, conference tables, storage
partitions, filling cabinets and cubical are the most popular furniture presently preferred by most

The wide acceptance of modular furniture is the result of its tremendous flexibility. The
inflexibility and permanence of wall construction is eliminated by the use of modular dividers
and components that define space in much the same way as conventional constructed walls.
These modules also allow, with very little effort or disturbance, users to reclaim unused space or
space whose designated function has changed. Because of their wide use, manufacturers find it
worthwhile to invest in the aesthetic design of modular components; the result is exciting lines of
modular furniture with great appeal as well as utility.
Paper Code and Title: H02DI Decorating the Interiors
Module Code and Title: H02DI19 – Salient features of Modular, Mobile and Office Furniture
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. M.R. Thilagam


Office furniture is generally designed for office purpose. Its choice will depend on utility
and aesthetic.The people today who are working in office are exposed to number of health
problems. Hence in recent year’s workers, employers and regulators have come to recognize the
importance of making office ergonomic. The first impressions of both a company and a firm
created within the first few minutes of stepping into the office are important. The type of
furniture selected will help a business define itself and reflects the space where a company is
One should always keep some points while arranging the furniture for the office:-
 The most effective presentation of an office is going to come from choosing a theme for the
entire office. The theme should complement the type of business one is running.
 Alternatively paintings or aesthetic accessories in the room can be chosen to reflect the
company’s taste and style.
 Simple comfortable furniture is a great idea for the seating area.
 The office should have a sense of continuity and should not have random mix of styles and
 If the office furniture in consideration is not appropriate for the way people work, it becomes
 The wrong desk and chair can make the employees susceptible to ergonomic disorders such
as backache, headache, eyestrain and other irritations and inconveniences.

Essential office e furniture includes desks, chairs , filing cabinets, bookcases, meeting tables
and suitable furniture in common spaces.

Standard desk height is 30 inches. However consultants recommend 27 – or 28 – inch height

for work stations for people who spend at least half of their work time at a computer.
Monitors should be set up so that the computer is between eye level and 15 degrees below
eye level.
Paper Code and Title: H02DI Decorating the Interiors
Module Code and Title: H02DI19 – Salient features of Modular, Mobile and Office Furniture
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. M.R. Thilagam

The chairs should have adjustable height rotating five – wheel bases, tiltable seats and
adjustable back rests. Knees, hips and elbows should be kept at right angles when sitting.
Employees should familiarize themselves with the features of their chairs so they can
position the chairs for maximum comfort. Proper support for sensitive body parts
encourages blood flow which carries oxygen to muscles and carts away waste.

Cubicle furniture was invented for the small offices and to reduce noise and the right type of
system can do exactly that. Leading cubicle furniture manufacturer’s provide a range of colors
and patterns for fabrics and work surfaces allowing you to choose a look that’s right for one.
Various storage options are available with cubicle furniture including filing drawers,
wheeled pedestals, wall shelving or cabinets, and free – standing bookshelves.

Types of materials commonly used in office furniture:

 Wood
 Plastics
 Stainless Steel
 Glass

 Wood is the one furniture manufacturing material that is being used right from the ancient
 Even today it is the material which is of the highest demand and value.
 Wooden furniture has a life period which beats all other materials. They also have a good
finishing and strong body.
 Wood can be used to manufacture any type of furniture like tables chairs cubicles etc.

 Since plastic is the major ingredient used these are available in many colors.
 Normally the colour of plastic chairs fade over time and also loses its strength and hence
their legs begin to bend when slight extra weight is added .
Paper Code and Title: H02DI Decorating the Interiors
Module Code and Title: H02DI19 – Salient features of Modular, Mobile and Office Furniture
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. M.R. Thilagam

 Plastic can be used in manufacturing of any furniture like chairs ,table for both office and
residential purpose.

Stainless steel:
 `Stainless steel furniture can be manufactured in any shape desired using water jet cutting.
They last for a long time without any damage or corrosion.
 Stainless steel can be used in manufacture of any furniture like chairs, tables etc.

 Even though they are a bit expensive, there is no match for the comfort of leather furniture.
 They offer a comfortable seating in any climate and can be cleaned using a special leather
cleaning liquid.
 Leather can be used in manufacture of chairs for office purpose and sofas also .

 They are seen in almost all office in one form of the other.
 They are available in transparent designs which allow the passage of light through it and
minimalistic designs which give the interiors a classy look.
 One advantage of these is that they can be washed and maintained without any stains for a
long time.
 Glass furniture is manufactured using toughened glass which does not break easily.
 Glass can be used in manufacture of tables for office purpose.


Mobile Furniture is that the furniture which can be moved from one place to another,
portable and also can be folded. The furniture can be in the form movable chair, bench,
wardrobe, shelves, dining table etc. Mobile Furniture is used for more than one purpose and
should be used in more than one room. It is available in different colors and shapes.
Paper Code and Title: H02DI Decorating the Interiors
Module Code and Title: H02DI19 – Salient features of Modular, Mobile and Office Furniture
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. M.R. Thilagam

Other Furniture Types

Ergonomic Super Chairs

In today's society many people spend the greater part of their day in work situations
where they must be seated. In order to be functional, seating must offer sustained comfort.
Consequently, research has led to the design of highly flexible seating pieces. These self-
adjusting chairs are designed to sustain and support the human form and to accommodate the
body, which is constantly shifting and changing. These chairs absorb the shock of sitting down
and support the body in an upright position until the user decides to lean back. When reclining,
the chair shifts to transfer body weight from the buttocks to the back, legs, and thighs. The feet
remain on the floor as user tips back, and the back of the chair flexes to constant support for
the lumbar area. The result is comfort, reduced physical strain, and less muscle fatigue in the
lower back. This kind of comfort is a boon to productivity and satisfaction.

Custom Designs

Design projects often include needs and functions that require specialized fittings and
furniture that may not be available from manufacturers. Such pieces can be designed and built
to exact specifications. For example, restaurant design may include a long padded bench (bar
quite) against a wall, intended for seating with a series of tables. Such pieces must be custom
designed and constructed face a particular set of dimensions. They cannot be ordered, from a
catalog. Custom designs help establish a distinct look for an interior because they are one of a
kind, acted for a unique set of requirements.

Nonresidential Considerations


Unlike residential work, in which the designer often knows the users and can cater to
individual body size sand types, nonresidential design entails the ergono challenge of selecting
furniture for a continually changing group of user's whom the designer has never seen. In many
interiors, a profile of the typical, or target, user is created from demographic information
Paper Code and Title: H02DI Decorating the Interiors
Module Code and Title: H02DI19 – Salient features of Modular, Mobile and Office Furniture
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. M.R. Thilagam

supplied by client. While individual patrons and employees will change, their statistical
similarities in age, height and weight, physical condition, and special needs will remain fairly
constant. The designer's goal is to select furnishings of the right height, shape, and feel to satisfy
the user that the particular interior is intended to serve.

In some interiors, the ergonomics of furniture selection are governed by the interests of the
client rather than those of the users. One may have noticed that the seating in fast-food
restaurants, airports, and shopping malls is somewhat uncomfortable. This is not an accident; the
managers of these locales intend to discourage loitering. Visually, too, the furniture in a
nonresidential interior may be less "comfortable" than that in a residential one, where the same
users will not live with it day after day. Hotel lobbies, restaurants, and retail stores may utilize
elaborately decorative, even outrageous furniture to evoke a memorable impression during the
short time the target user is present.


While it may be obvious that furniture selected for non- residential use needs to be durable,
it is worth considering specific characteristics that can help furniture meet the test of hard wear
over time:

 Patterns, lightly textured surfaces, and medium-dark colors camouflage dirt and scratches
better than solids, smooth surfaces, and light colors.
 Materials and finishes should be suitable for thorough cleaning with detergents or other
 Drawer pulls, cabinet handles, and other operational parts should be chosen with the first-time
user in mind. If the method of operation is not evident at first glance, some users will
inevitably misuse the piece and damage it.

 Quality materials and construction methods are worth the investment. Many manufacturers
describe their merchandise as suitable for both home and institutional settings, but the
designer should evaluate it according to the planned use before accepting this generalization.
Paper Code and Title: H02DI Decorating the Interiors
Module Code and Title: H02DI19 – Salient features of Modular, Mobile and Office Furniture
Name of the Content Writer: Dr. M.R. Thilagam

 Cabinets in nonresidential interiors are often custom made. Even on a modest per-unit budget,
custom-designed furniture may be an option if the project calls for enough units to create an
economy of scale.
 The designer should read any warranties in advance to make sure that they cover
nonresidential use.


Furniture has become an art form that can move us with its beauty. Furniture we choose
reflects ones values and design sense. As furniture often represents a sizable investment it is
particularly important that it be well chosen for its quality of design, construction, function, and
comfort, as well as for its lasting good looks. I have given a brief outline on modular, office and
movable furniture. Hope this will guide you to select suitable furniture for both residential and
nonresidential purpose. The information I have given can only serve you as a guideline to you.
You should explore the availability in the market, find their rates, quality. durability, suitability
etc before you suggest to your clients.

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