AXIA Community FAQs - Updated August '21

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Community Moderation FAQ

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Table of Contents


What is the purpose of AXIA Coin?
Why should I use AXIA?
What makes AXIA unique?
What value does AXIA bring right now?
How does AXIA intend to upend the current financial system?
How are you changing the economic paradigm?


What makes AXIA different?


What is AXIA Coin?
How is AXIA Coin different from fiat?
What is the difference between AXIA Coin and Bitcoin?
Is AXIA Coin a stable coin?
Is AXIA Coin available to residents of any country?
What enables AXIA Coin to act as a store of value?
What role does ‘community’ play?
Is AXIA like (insert project name here) project? General answer for project comparison
Will you make resources available in (x language)?

Does AXIA save our private data?
What are the benefits of tokenization?
How does Tokenization benefit the AXIA economy?
How does data monetization work within the AXIA ecosystem?

Fees That Create Value

Will the community be updated with every fee burned? Not yet approved. Check in
internal before posting.
What happens when fees are ‘burned’? / What is the burn rate?
Where can I see how much has been burned? Don’t use yet
Where can I review the AXIA Coin burner smart contract? Don’t use yet
Where can I confirm the amount of tokens that have been sent to the burner contract?
Don’t use yet
What is the AXIA Transaction Link (ATL)?
What are the benefits of paying with #AXIACoin?
How does AXIA’s value creation principle work?

Why is the AXIA Reserve important?
Where can I see the assets that support the AXIA Reserve?
What are project funders?
What types of assets will be held in the AXIA Reserve?
What are the benefits of having multiple asset types supporting AXIA Coin?
How is the asset value calculated?

What Is The AXIA Ecosystem?
What happens as the AXIA Ecosystem grows?
What does the number of participants mean on the website dashboard?
What are the benefits of being an ecosystem participant?
How many coins have been set aside for rewards - To be used after details about referral
schemes have been released
How can I earn referral rewards? To be used after details about referral schemes have been
Will I get my rewards immediately? To be used after details about referral schemes have
been released
What network does AXIA use?
May I ask why Aion is no longer a fit for you? Is this publicly known info?
Why is AXIA changing the network? Not to be used until we announce there will be a
new network
Can I mine AXIA Coin? Check in internal which answer to use - mining was mentioned in
the newsletter but hasn’t been announced yet.
There’s going to be mining of AXIA Coin? Don’t mention this for now
What are the expectations on the ecosystem participant membership by the end of the
Does AXIA have an app?
Why are there so many apps?
Why would I use AXIA apps over their competitors?
Will there ever be an AXIA Master application? - Don’t mention AXplorer until there’s been
an official announcement / the feature has been released.
How can I earn money using the apps? Check in internal, this aspect of AXplorer has
been mentioned in the Newsletter
What are the benefits of downloading the apps now?
Is there a way to invite members through the bank?
When will the next apps be released?
Is there any technical support for the apps?
What is the AXIA Wallet?
How do I create my wallet?
What is the purpose of having the wallet embedded in the different applications?
What are the benefits of using the wallet for transactions?
What makes AXIA transactions unique?
Can we use non-AXIA wallets to exchange AXIA?
How can we sell AXC?
I attempted to withdraw coins out of the ecosystem but I received an error.
The transaction has been reported as a success but I’ve not received my coins in my
external wallet
How long does it take to send AXC to an external wallet?
What is the batch transfer process?
Why doesn’t the withdrawal transaction show on Etherscan? Check with internal group
before posting
Why are withdrawals using the AXIA Wallet capped at 500 USD per transaction?
Does the 500 USD limit apply everywhere?
Why do bank transactions work differently?
Is there a cost for transferring AXIA Coin outside of the ecosystem?
Can I transfer directly to an exchange wallet?
How do I add AXC to my custody wallet? E.g. Metamask
Via PM only:
To add tokens via Etherscan:
To add tokens via Metamask:
Can AXIA Coin be used all around the world?
Are AXIA transfers secure?
Public and Private Keys
How does AXIA protect my funds from falling into the wrong hands?
How much will key custody and security services cost me?
What is a hot wallet?
What is cold storage?
How do I know that my private keys “hot” and “cold” wallets are secure?
3. AXIA CAPITAL BANK Promotional messages only are to be addressed
in the group, anything else, the person should be invited to DM and they
should be referred to the bank support email
What is AXIA Capital Bank?
Can I exchange currency with AXIA?
How do I become an AXIA Capital Bank member?
Can I change my AXIA account email once I have created an account?
How do I earn up to 12% interest just by holding AXIA?
How does 12% compound interest work?
If I have a banking inquiry, who can I contact?
Where does the money for the interest payments come from?
I've never heard of blockpass how can I be certain my info is safe? (KYC verifier for
Do bank customers get any discounts or rewards?
What makes AXIA Capital Bank different?
How is AXIA Capital Bank redefining banking?
What is the relationship between AXIA Coin and AXIA Capital Bank?
How can we buy AXIA Coin?
What currencies can be exchanged for AXIA Coin through the bank portal? Phrasing Not
yet approved
How do I apply for a virtual debit card? Not approved. Check wording before posting
When can I withdraw my AXC?
Can we pay with AXIA Coin?
When will I receive my bank card?
Why would somebody buy a gift card through AXIA as opposed to directly from the
How can I check if the messages I’ve received for AXIA Help Desk are legitimate?
What is the ATP?
What is the process for tokenization of assets?
What are the benefits of utilizing the ATP?
What is AXelerator?
What is the purpose of AXelerator?
What are the benefits of using the AXelerator platform?
What are the features of AXelerator?
What is the process for an individual/institution to take part in a funding round?
When will the NFT marketplace launch?
Phone specs Not yet confirmed if we are able to post in the group. ALWAYS CHECK
When can we pre-order the AXIA phone?
Where can I pre-order the AXIA phone?
Are the shipping costs paid at the time of pre-order? Not yet approved, check answer in
I made a mistake whilst pre-ordering my phone. Can I cancel the order? Ask in internal.
It hasn’t been clarified yet how they can cancel.
When will I receive my phone?
What is the make and model of the AXIA phone? Check wording in internal before
What are the phone’s features?
What operating system will the phone use?
Is the phone Dual-Sim?
What are the features that other phones don’t have?
Will the phone be SIM-locked? Not yet approved, check wording in internal before
Which carriers will the AXIA SIM plans use?
Does the phone come with a SIM included? Not yet approved. Check in internal before
Is there any information available about the SIM plans?
Does one need that phone to have privacy features? Or can it work on any smartphone?
What are the benefits of merchants accepting AXIA Coin as payment?
What makes the AXIA Loyalty Program unique?
What is the importance of AXIA adopters at this early stage?
What is AXchat?
What is AXemble?
What is AXbox?
What is AXconnect?
What is AXcovery?
What is AXmail?
What is AXperience?
What is AXstore?
What is AXplorer?
How can I use AXplorer to earn rewards?
What is AXpress?
What is AXshare?
What is AXhibit?
What is AXreview?
What is AXdepot?
What is AXblog?
What is AXforum?
What is AXIA Child Birth Benefit?
How is AXIA helping the environment?
What is time banking?
How does time banking impact the AXIA economy?

J. Partnerships
What are the benefits of partnering with AXIA?
What should I do if I want to propose a partnership?
Who should I contact with a marketing offer?
Will AXIA be listed everywhere at the same time or one exchange at a time.
Will AXIA Coin be listed on the exchanges of the listed partners?
Is KuCoin going to change to USDC ?
Why did you change the trading pair?
When will AXIA Coin be listed on CoinMarketCap?
How do I become an AXIA adopter?
What are the benefits of AXIA partnering with MadLipz?

K. Distributed Stakeholders
Who controls AXIA? Not to be confused with authorized/locked supply

L. AXIA Foundation
What is the purpose of the AXIA Foundation?
What steps have been taken by the foundation to ensure transparency?
Is an updated roadmap available?

M. AXIA Project Team

What are some of the ways that the founders have shown their support for AXIA?

N. AXIA Coin Supply And Management

What steps have been taken to assure trust?
How does AXIA ensure transparency?
What factors will affect the price of AXIA Coin?
When does a coin move from authorized to circulating supply?
Concerning the market cap displayed on the network dashboard
Regarding CHANGES to authorized supply calculations
How is the circulating supply calculated / who controls the circulating supply?
Regarding the calculations used for market cap on the website
How big will be AXIA's fluctuations in value?
How are transactions and rewards processed?
How is transparency surrounding tokenomics assured?
If AXIA is a non-profit, who’s paying for the project?
Why are the initial AXIA Asset Reserve tokens not included in the circulating supply?
Why the 5 zeros at the end of the circulating supply?
Why has the circulating supply changed to 106 mil from 315 mil?



What is the purpose of AXIA Coin?

AXIA delivers real fundamental value to as many people as possible around the world through
its suite of apps, its own bank and other offerings - all of which come with an AXIA Wallet
already embedded.

Through AXIA and its native currency, AXIA Coin (AXC), we can provide opportunities and
prosperity for all.

To find out more, please visit our website.

Why should I use AXIA?

Answer 1: AXIA is hyper deflationary digital currency that is supported by real-world assets
through the AXIA Reserve. All fees incurred throughout the AXIA Ecosystem are burned,
creating deflation and ultimately increasing the long-term value of AXIA.

To find out more, please visit our website.

Answer 2: AXIA Coin and its entire related ecosystem was specifically designed to lower
participation costs and deliver constant ongoing value to its community through all its features
and offerings, creating a better form of money and helping people around the world grow their
wealth over time.

To find out more, please visit our website.

What makes AXIA unique?

There are many different factors that make AXIA unique. Every aspect of AXIA’s design
contributes towards creating a participation-based, community-powered economy that delivers
value to all, redistributes wealth, and creates a positive feedback loop and a barrier against

We’re truly a first-of-its-kind digital currency project. Our community stays interconnected
through our suite of apps that come fully embedded with AXC Wallets. We have a
privacy-focused browser that lets users earn AXC just for activity, and we have several other
programs and products geared towards creating a more inclusive and people-first economy
that will allow our community to build their wealth over time.

For further details about how AXIA is changing the economic paradigm, please visit our

What value does AXIA bring right now?

Answer 1: All fees in the AXIA Ecosystem are burned, creating the first truly hyper deflationary
digital currency. You can also earn 12% annual interest at the bank that is paid out daily into
your account and enjoy access to any of the free apps that we’ve already released, all of which
come embedded with an AXIA Wallet. You can send or receive AXC in seconds to anyone
around the world, or use it at point of sale through our AXIA Debit card program.

On top of that, AXIA is supported by roughly 30 billion dollars of pre-tokenized assets that help
provide stability to AXC.

How does AXIA intend to upend the current financial system?

By transitioning to an economic structure that is based on participation, community inclusion,
and prosperity for all. And, by providing the community access to a truly hyper deflationary
currency that will grow in value over time.

For further information, please review the resources available on our website.
How are you changing the economic paradigm?
To go into this - we first need some basics.

The economy runs on transactions. One person’s spending is another person’s income, and
even though we’re all connected, very few see the benefit.

Now, when you spend with AXIA Coin, this interconnection creates value for others. AXIA is all
about productivity, as more transactions occur in the ecosystem, as more people get involved,
the greater the benefit we all receive.

Ultimately we are changing the economic paradigm by building a community through solid
economics whereby we give everyone the opportunity to become a creator of value by
conducting commerce each and every day like they normally would.

For further information, please review the resources available on our website.

What makes AXIA different?

AXIA represents a transition to an economic model that defines serving the “common good” as
a principal goal, and measures success according to values such as opportunity, justice,
democracy, sustainability, and prosperity for all. Its hyper deflationary tokenomics set it apart
from any other existing currency.

To find out more, please visit our website.


What is AXIA Coin?

AXIA Coin is the world’s first-ever hyper deflationary digital currency supported by real world

By combining those real-time reported assets in the AXIA Reserve with the benefits of a
growing participatory ecosystem and fee burning, AXIA Coin facilitates the creation of value
through all forms of economic contribution.

If you’re interested in finding out more, please consider visiting our website for a more detailed
overview of the project.

How is AXIA Coin different from fiat?

In many ways, but its hyper deflationary properties and its asset-supported structure are what
truly set it apart. A more detailed comparison can be found on

What is the difference between AXIA Coin and Bitcoin?

Unlike Bitcoin or any comparable digital currencies, AXIA Coin is supported by real tangible
assets and utilizes innovative smart contract technology structures to deliver value back to the
AXIA Ecosystem, minimizes volatility, and offer higher levels of utility for everyday people.

Is AXIA Coin a stable coin?

Unlike stable coins that are digital forms of their fiat counterparts, AXIA Coin exists as its own
currency, supported by a basket of diversified assets. And, with all AXIA fees burned, the
currency is hyper deflationary, unlike fiat currencies which deflate in value over time.

To find out more, please visit our website.

Is AXIA Coin available to residents of any country?
AXIA Coin is available globally, except to those users who fall in the Restricted Jurisdictions*

(*Restricted Jurisdiction includes: (i) any Financial Action Task Force (FATF) high-risk
jurisdiction or a FATF jurisdiction with strategic deficiencies; (ii) Cuba; (iii) Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea (North Korea); (iv) Iran; (v) Syria; (vi) the Crimea region of Ukraine, or (vii)
any jurisdiction for which the sale of Tokens or Redeemable Trust Units, or any offer or
solicitation in respect of the Tokens or Redeemable Trust Units, would require registration or
licensing not obtained by AXIA or otherwise would be unlawful.)

What enables AXIA Coin to act as a store of value?

AXIA is a non-profit that burns all of the fees generated in the AXIA Ecosystem, creating
deflation and strong long-term prospects for the value of AXC. That, combined with the value
held in the AXIA Reserve, results in AXC serving as an excellent store of value over time.

For further information, please review the resources available on our website.

What role does ‘community’ play?

As ecosystem participants transact and generate activity, they are simultaneously providing
and receiving value. Since all fees are burned, any fee-generating activity will be a deflationary
event, creating a greater outlook for AXC and all coin holders. This value is not just received by
those transacting, but by all participants, creating unheard of value creation on an ongoing

For further information, please review the resources available on our website.

Is AXIA like (insert project name here) project? General answer for project
AXIA has no relation to (project name). We are a unique project that offers a more rewarding
ecosystem than others with hyper-deflationary economics, advantageous programs like the
interest program at AXIA Capital Bank and more.
We do not compare ourselves with other organizations and projects; we have our own goals
and we drive value for our users in a way that hasn’t been done before by alternatives.

Will you make resources available in (x language)?

We plan on making AXIA accessible to our global user base and that means creating assets
that clearly explain the project and all of its offerings in many different languages.

We will be providing information on this to the community as it progresses! 😊


Does AXIA save our private data?

No application data through AXIA is currently traced or collected, nor shared with third parties.

It should also be noted that you can receive a higher level of security at AXIA Capital Bank.
Bank members are offered free cold storage to ensure their AXIA Coin holdings are safe and

To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.

What are the benefits of tokenization?

Tokenization allows for a more equitable system where all parties gain value from any form of
contribution or exchange. There is also greater efficiency, a higher level of trust due to the
transparent nature of public blockchains, and the removal of intermediaries. Finally, the ability
to fractionalize data means that it can now be utilized in several ways and across many

To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.

How does Tokenization benefit the AXIA economy?

As AXC is the medium of exchange and is used for the purchase of data on the network, this
approach creates higher demand, promotes further activity, and allows for the acceleration of
value creation.

To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.

How does data monetization work within the AXIA ecosystem?

Ecosystem participants can opt-in to sell their data to interested parties. This allows
users to monetize their data if they so choose, or be given the peace of mind that it is not
being used without their consent.
In addition, AXIA offers a decentralized platform connecting the buyers of data directly
with the willing sellers. Sellers will have the ability to choose in advance what information
they wish to disclose, knowing that any personal information remains private and

To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.
Fees That Create Value
Will the community be updated with every fee burned? Not yet approved.
Check in internal before posting.
We share a weekly burn report with our community every Sunday!

What happens when fees are ‘burned’? / What is the burn rate?
Whenever any fees are generated through ecosystem activity, these fees are sent to an AXIA
Coin burner smart contract, making them permanently irretrievable from that point onwards.
This means the coins are permanently removed from Total Supply and from existence.

The constant and consistent reduction in supply produces more scarcity which in turn creates
more value for all participants in the community.

Unlike alternatives that have unlimited supply or limited supply the economics of AXIA are
superior based on the fact it is truly hyper-deflationary. There is ongoing value generated for
AXIA Coin every single day that is delivered to community members based on the design that
has been implemented.

As more platforms, applications, businesses and partners join the AXIA Ecosystem, this will
only add more and more velocity to the coin burn rate. Knowing AXIA has an ever expanding
ecosystem, there is much to look forward to for both current and future participants of the AXIA

To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.

Where can I see how much has been burned? Don’t use yet
You can see the total number on the website dashboard, and the contract and transfers can be
reviewed at:

Where can I review the AXIA Coin burner smart contract? Don’t use yet
It can be found at
Where can I confirm the amount of tokens that have been sent to the burner
contract? Don’t use yet
This can be found at
What is the AXIA Transaction Link (ATL)?
The AXIA Transaction Link (ATL) is a smart contract superstructure that directs value back to
you. These smart contracts are open yet immutable programs that define the business rules
that underpin all the transactions that take place in the AXIA Ecosystem.

For further information, please review the resources available on our website.

What are the benefits of paying with #AXIACoin?

The transaction revenue from purchases using AXIA’s cards increases the underlying asset
base and all associated fees are burned, creating deflation for the currency as a whole.

How does AXIA’s value creation principle work?

The ATL can specifically capture the value that is traditionally siphoned away as corporate or
shareholder profit and is directly channeled back to underpin the value of AXIA Coin. This
feature can reward community members for their shared participation in the ecosystem.

To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.
Why is the AXIA Reserve important?
The purpose of the AXIA Reserve is to preserve value and provide stability as well as protect
against currency depreciation regardless of participation and activity.

Please review the website and go through the resource section to learn even more.

Where can I see the assets that support the AXIA Reserve?
You can find all details related to the #AXIA Network, by following the 'View Full Network Data'
button on the website.

What are project funders?

Project funders are contributors who placed assets in the AXIA Reserve at the start of the
project to help create the substantial asset support for AXC. These individuals helped validate
the design and structure of AXC and have been invaluable supporters of the project.

To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.

What types of assets will be held in the AXIA Reserve?

Anything that is transparent to the market and can be easily evaluated and valued by external
actors can be used to collateralize the value of AXIA Coin.

To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.

What are the benefits of having multiple asset types supporting AXIA Coin?
This design ensures that the value of AXIACoin is not influenced by any one factor, resulting in
a better form of money that can provide a superior alternative in terms of its ability to act as a
store of value and preserver of value.
To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.

How is the asset value calculated?

The value of the AXIA reserve has to do with the assets that have already been tokenized and
displayed in USD. To see more information on the assets go to:
What Is The AXIA Ecosystem?
The AXIA Ecosystem is the fusion of all the AXIA-related applications, platforms and services,
and how they interact with each other using blockchain technology, both within the network and
out in the world. The ecosystem goes well beyond just one application. The interrelated
applications and services each play a separate but important role in the overall operation of
AXIA and AXIA Coin itself.

To find out more about the applications that make up the ecosystem, please visit

What happens as the AXIA Ecosystem grows?

The more applications that rely on AXIA, the more value will be generated into the AXIA
Ecosystem and the more fee burning will occur. AXIA is based on a shared prosperity
economic model that provides fundamental value back to its users through participation.

To find out more, please feel free to review the White Paper that can be found in the resources
section of the website.

What does the number of participants mean on the website dashboard?

The number of ecosystem participants is derived from the number of people that are active
across the entire AXIA Ecosystem including our suite of apps that are free for our entire

This number will naturally grow as more people register and join the AXIA ecosystem.

What are the benefits of being an ecosystem participant?

You can immediately start preserving the value of your money. Unlike other cryptocurrencies,
you’re not totally exposed to the market which is always at the mercy of supply and demand

To find out more about the benefits of joining the AXIA ecosystem, please visit our website
How many coins have been set aside for rewards - To be used after details about
referral schemes have been released
We’ve allocated a set number of AXIA Coin from the existing supply, to be used for referral

How can I earn referral rewards? To be used after details about referral schemes
have been released
Users can earn AXIA Coin for referring others using their referral link, encouraging them to
download the apps, and generally become active participants.

Will I get my rewards immediately? To be used after details about referral

schemes have been released
The coins you earn for referrals will be set aside, earning interest until the network goes live
when they’ll be deposited into your wallet.

In the meantime, you will receive weekly reports on what you have earned and what will be in
your AXIA Wallet when the network goes live.

What network does AXIA use?

#AXIACoin is on the Ethereum Network. This network was chosen for greater availability,
transparency, accessibility, and simplified integration with certain partners to the project.

May I ask why Aion is no longer a fit for you? Is this publicly known info?
Aion's viability as a network for AXIA was severely impacted due to the lack of continued
development and support of the network and its network partners. Therefore, the prudent
course of action was to leave for an alternative that allowed AXIA to better begin to design its
world-changing platforms and offerings.
Why is AXIA changing the network? Not to be used until we announce there
will be a new network
Ethereum has served us well as a starting point - it’s very popular and has facilitated greater
accessibility. However, the new network will allow for faster transaction processes, immediate
mining, and several other features that we will discuss in detail at a later date.

Can I mine AXIA Coin? Check in internal which answer to use - mining was
mentioned in the newsletter but hasn’t been announced yet.
AXIA Coin is not currently mineable, however that may be subject to change in the near future
as the project develops moving forward. Please register for the newsletter to get important
updates about this and other matters.

There’s going to be mining of AXIA Coin? Don’t mention this for now
We want to bring out an application that will allow people to mine AXIA Coin from their phones.

Mining has gotten so expensive that for many, the costs outweigh the benefits. We want to
change that and make mining accessible to all, which will create more activity on the network
which means more value for everyone.

What are the expectations on the ecosystem participant membership by the

end of the year?
We have very ambitious targets and goals for expanding the community which our team is
working hard to meet! We look forward to continuing to release services and offerings that
foster the growth of the community.

Recent partnerships with companies like MadLipz, and UBDI are designed to accelerate global
adoption and we will continue to seek out strategic partnerships that help us reach this goal.
We will be announcing additional partnerships that support these goals very soon!
Does AXIA have an app?
A wide range of AXIA applications are available, each offering institutional-grade security and
with a vast assortment of features, functionality, and rewards. All the applications can be
synced across all your devices and include an AXIA Wallet already embedded.

To see a comprehensive list, please visit

Alternatively, you can follow these links to see which apps are currently available for your




Why are there so many apps?

Each app in the AXIA Ecosystem serves a distinct purpose and offers a different set of tools
and technology to participants. Unlike traditional platforms, AXIA gives users the ability to
“opt-in” and take control of their data.

To see a comprehensive list of the applications and their utility, please visit

Why would I use AXIA apps over their competitors?

AXIA apps give users the ability to “opt-in” and take control of their data. Instead of platforms
selling your data to third-party advertisers, you can instead choose to benefit personally from
the monetization of your data by opting in to this service which will, in turn, create value for the
Ecosystem. Plus, earn a variety of other awards in AXC through the apps for basic

By using the apps, you’re making a statement: “I want to become a Creator of Value. I want to
be a part of this new decentralized economy. I want a better form of money.”

To see a comprehensive list of the ecosystem applications, please visit
Will there ever be an AXIA Master application? - Don’t mention AXplorer until
there’s been an official announcement / the feature has been released.
At this stage, there are no plans for anything like that, as it brings with it a lot of complications,
and something of that size would hinder the functionality of the apps.

That said, one of the great things about AXplorer is that it will provide accessibility to a lot of the
other apps through a drop-down.

How can I earn money using the apps? Check in internal, this aspect of AXplorer
has been mentioned in the Newsletter
Setting AXplorer as your default browser and using it accordingly, having a considerable
follower base, or uploading content on a regular basis are all different ways that you can earn

Users can also use the tools at their disposal to monetize their content and run their business
through different applications.

More details will become available as new and exciting features are implemented.

What are the benefits of downloading the apps now?

You immediately have access to the AXIA Wallet, connected ecosystem, and institutional-grade
security that is present in all of our applications. You can also generate a referral code and use
that to invite your friends and start earning referral rewards. (don’t mention the referrals yet)

The sooner you start participating and transacting and accumulating AXC, the better off you’ll be
due to the coin’s deflationary principles, which give it more value over time.

Is there a way to invite members through the bank?

Invitations are currently only available through AXIA Ecosystem apps, not the bank. Should
that change we will let everyone know!
When will the next apps be released?

We’re proud to offer our existing suite of apps that are completely free and have AXIA wallets
already included.

We’re continuing to work on additional apps that will be released soon and you won’t have to
wait long for our next announcement! Stay tuned to the channel for more info.

Is there any technical support for the apps?

Hi (insert name), We’re glad you’re enjoying the AXIA apps! As a note, please be aware that
AXIA will soon be making an exciting formal announcement about the ecosystem apps, as
there are many new applications and platforms coming out along with lots of upgrades and
additional features as well. In the meantime please feel free to contact support by clicking on
the setting tab in the application you are using. Support is available under settings option for
each app, and can also be accessed through zendesk support at


What is the AXIA Wallet?

The AXIA Wallet is connected to AXIA Capital Bank and is the mechanism through which bank
members and broader AXIA Coin users can send and receive AXC. Furthermore, the AXIA
Wallet is the gateway to the AXIA Ecosystem, which allows members to interact with other
ecosystem and non-ecosystem wallet AXIA Coin holders.

Additionally, the AXIA Wallet has recently been updated with several features to make
transactions easier, such as QR code functionality.

How do I create my wallet?

Once a person has registered and created their unique AXIA profile, a wallet will be generated
that can then be accessed from any of the applications that make up the AXIA ecosystem.
What is the purpose of having the wallet embedded in the different
Primarily, this decision was taken to ensure increased accessibility. Additionally, participants can
easily utilize the wallet as a tool to generate additional earnings based on their activity within the
ecosystem and send and receive AXC instantly to other Ecosystem participants.

What are the benefits of using the wallet for transactions?

In addition to the generation of value that arises from Ecosystem activity, all transactions taking
place within the AXIA wallet will be settled instantaneously and completed in a more
cost-efficient manner than would otherwise be possible.

What makes AXIA transactions unique?

In the current system, whenever a transaction takes place, there is an intermediary that takes a
fee for themselves.

With AXIA, any fees that would normally be going to a corporation are instead being burned,
creating deflation and a positive outcome for all coin holder. We are burning our profits because
our goal is to create a more beneficial, inclusive financial system, not to yield profits. This
shared prosperity system will continue to build over time as activity increases

For more details, please visit our website

Can we use non-AXIA wallets to exchange AXIA?

As AXIA is an ERC-20 token, you can move your AXC outside of the ecosystem at any time.
There is a 1% fee to migrate coins outside of the AXIA ecosystem, which is there to provide a
benefit to everyone within the ecosystem and to continuously draw value back to the currency.
We strongly encourage users to utilize a third-party wallet such as MetaMask as an intermediary
to avoid any potential issues.

How can we sell AXC?

If you wish to sell through an external exchange, you would need to send your coins to an
exchange wallet, although we do recommend that you send coins to a custody wallet such as
MetaMask first in order to ensure a smooth transfer.

Other ways to exchange AXC will be announced at a later date, as more banking features
become available.

I attempted to withdraw coins out of the ecosystem but I received an error.

Delete the message with the message that it doesn’t conform to our rules and ask them to DM
you. Establish if they are a bank customer - if yes, ask them to email, if not, ask them to send an email to

The transaction has been reported as a success but I’ve not received my coins in
my external wallet
Delete the message as banking questions don’t conform to our rules, ask them to DM you.
Establish if they are a bank customer - if yes, ask them to email,
if not, ask them to send an email to

If they persist send the following message via PMs (only if they PM’d you first):

Please understand if you have sent your AXC outside of the ecosystem to an external wallet
you must go to the party of the receiving wallet if it is not your own independent wallet.

How long does it take to send AXC to an external wallet?

Due to the batch transfer process, it can take up to 1-2 days for your funds to be fully

What is the batch transfer process?

AXIA provides value to all network participants and has established a transaction service that
currently covers GAS fees for ecosystem users when they send coins internally or outside of
the ecosystem to a non-ecosystem wallet. That service takes transactions and sometimes
sends them in a batch to the Ethereum network.
Why doesn’t the withdrawal transaction show on Etherscan? Check with
internal group before posting
AXIA provides value to all network participants and has established a transaction service that
currently covers GAS fees for ecosystem users when they send coins internally or outside of
the ecosystem to a non-ecosystem wallet. That service takes transactions and sometimes
sends them in a batch to the Ethereum network, which would explain why you don't see your
individual transfer.

Why are withdrawals using the AXIA Wallet capped at 500 USD per transaction?
Ask the member to send you a PM so that you can direct them to bank support. Bank-related
queries are against channel rules due to privacy and security concerns.

In PM: AXIA provides all ecosystem users with a hot spendable wallet at the time of registration
and currently pays gas fees for all transactions. In order to support that service, AXIA is required
to cap transactions at 500 USD per transaction to meet reporting requirements. It is important to
note that this does not apply to transfers sent through the bank.

Does the 500 USD limit apply everywhere?

The 500 USD external withdrawal limit applies to all ecosystem application transactions.
However, transactions sent from the bank are not subject to the same limitations.

Why do bank transactions work differently?

As no KYC is required to join the AXIA Ecosystem, 500 USD is the threshold we’ve set for the
application transactions to keep it that way. Bank members have already undergone this
process and so have no such limitations.

Is there a cost for transferring AXIA Coin outside of the ecosystem?

There is a 1% fee to migrate coins outside of the AXIA ecosystem.
Can I transfer directly to an exchange wallet?
When transferring AXC outside of the ecosystem, we recommend that you first send it to a
custody wallet, e.g. Metamask, before sending to an exchange wallet.

How do I add AXC to my custody wallet? E.g. Metamask

Via PM only:

To add tokens via Etherscan:


2. Click the three dots icon, on the top right of your etherscan profile summary.

3. Click Add token to web3 wallet.

4. Metamask will pop up for you to confirm Add Token.

To add tokens via Metamask:

1. Copy the contract address: 0x37c430c2b5f9ff85e534873c715871818ab1623e

2. Open MetaMask and click on the "burger" menu icon;

3. On the Add Token page, click on the Custom Token tab

4. Paste the copied contract address from the first step to the "Token Address" field:

5. Click the "NEXT" button:

6. Click the "ADD TOKENS" button:

Can AXIA Coin be used all around the world?

Yes, AXIA can be used all around the world and transactions are quick, safe, and secure.
Are AXIA transfers secure?
Any transfer requires multiple factors of authentication to allow tokens to be moved into the
wallet. The tokens will not be at risk even if your phone or computer is lost or stolen.

Public and Private Keys

A user’s public and private keys are tied to a self-selected email address and their system
password can always be regenerated if an individual forgets their password, so that they will
never lose access to their funds. This system allows AXIA holders to recover their existing keys
if lost or forgotten.



How does AXIA protect my funds from falling into the wrong hands?
Through the storage model offered by AXIA Capital Bank, users registered in the AXIA
Ecosystem have the ability to store their holdings in both hot and cold storage wallets.

Hot wallets will allow for immediate access to AXC holdings for transfer/spending purposes
whilst cold wallets enable users to store their holdings in an unhackable offline vault.

If you would like to learn more about the services offered by AXIA Capital Bank, you can do so

How much will key custody and security services cost me?
They are completely free! AXIA will incur any associated AXIA Coin custody costs on behalf of
the user directly.

For more information, please visit the AXIA Capital Bank website.
What is a hot wallet?
A hot wallet is what digital currency holders utilize to keep custody of their funds. Hot wallets
are connected to the internet, allowing you to transact and exchange money freely and quickly.
They are safely guarded with end-to-end encryption to ensure your funds are protected from
malicious parties or hackers.

What is cold storage?

Cold storage is a way for digital currency holders to keep custody of their funds offline. AXIA
Capital Bank offers free cold storage to all of its members on all their AXIA holdings and
competitive rates for doing so versus other digital and fiat currencies.

How do I know that my private keys “hot” and “cold” wallets are secure?
AXIA wallet services are provided by Balance, an industry-leading security custodian, which
ensures that your private keys are secure by generating and managing them on dedicated
hardware, throughout their entire lifecycle. The hardware managing the offline (i.e. “cold”)
wallets is kept offline in bank-grade vaults that are access controlled, monitored, and guarded
24/7. The hardware ultimately managing the warm wallets is provided by a cloud infrastructure
provider and physically kept in a data center subject to similar protections and restrictions.

3. AXIA CAPITAL BANK Promotional messages only are to be

addressed in the group, anything else, the person should be invited
to DM and they should be referred to the bank support email

What is AXIA Capital Bank?

AXIA Capital Bank is a first-of-its-kind digital and fiat currency financial services platform.

For more information, please visit the AXIA Capital Bank website.
Can I exchange currency with AXIA?
AXIA provides full banking functionality for all participants. Bank customers can invest buy AXC
with fiat or cryptocurrencies. Soon, customers will also be able to exchange AXC with other
existing fiat and leading digital currencies, as well.

For more information, please visit the AXIA Capital Bank website.

How do I become an AXIA Capital Bank member?

You can visit the AXIA Capital Bank website and sign up for an account there.

Can I change my AXIA account email once I have created an account?

You cannot change your AXIA account email address because your unique wallet ID is tied to
it. However, if you wish to deactivate an account and re-register with a new email address, you
can create a new account with the desired registration email and contact customer service to
terminate your other account.

How do I earn up to 12% interest just by holding AXIA?

All AXIA Capital Bank members will be eligible to receive 12% annual compound interest paid
out daily on their AXIA Coin holdings.

For more information regarding bank services, please visit the AXIA Capital Bank website.

How does 12% compound interest work?

Delete as it doesn’t conform to rules and ask to PM.

(In PM): For further details about AXIA Capital Bank, you can visit
or contact
If I have a banking inquiry, who can I contact?
Delete as it doesn’t conform to rules and ask to PM.

(In PM): For further details about AXIA Capital Bank, you can visit
or contact

Where does the money for the interest payments come from?
Interest payments come from AXC that is already existing in the circulating supply.

I've never heard of blockpass how can I be certain my info is safe? (KYC verifier
for bank)
Blockpass is one of the world’s leading digital identity verification platforms. Visit their website
to learn more about the security features they offer and other details:

Do bank customers get any discounts or rewards?

AXIA will provide exclusive discounts and rewards from retailers around the world, which will
grow over time as the Ecosystem is adopted around the world.

For more information, please visit the AXIA Capital Bank website.

What makes AXIA Capital Bank different?

You remain in control of your money. AXIA Capital Bank gives you the ability to earn annual
compound interest daily, get rewarded for transactions, buy region-specific gift cards with AXIA
Coin, use AXIA Debit for real-world spending with crypto, and much more.

To find out more about how AXIA Capital Bank is redefining banking, please visit
How is AXIA Capital Bank redefining banking?
By providing all the required financial services you would expect from a traditional bank but
without the balance-sheet risk, and with much more favourable rewards such as reward
programs, 12% annual compound interest paid out daily and the AXIA Debit Card. Additionally,
with the AXIA cold storage system offered at the AXIA Capital Bank, funds are secured in one’s
own personal vault and in their control at all times.

To find out more about how AXIA Capital Bank is redefining banking, please visit

What is the relationship between AXIA Coin and AXIA Capital Bank?
AXIA Capital Bank is the portal that facilitates the acquisition of AXIA Coin directly within the
AXIA ecosystem. Bank members enjoy several benefits such as reward programs, 12% annual
compound interest paid out daily and the AXIA Debit Card that allows you to transact globally
with ease.

Additionally, with the AXIA cold storage system offered at the AXIA Capital Bank, funds are
secured in one’s own personal vault and in their control at all times.

How can we buy AXIA Coin?

You can buy AXC through AXIA Capital Bank and immediately enjoy several member benefits
including 12% annual compound interest paid out daily into your account, free cold storage,
and more!

AXC is also trading live on Kucoin and Bitmart.

What currencies can be exchanged for AXIA Coin through the bank portal?
Phrasing Not yet approved
In addition to USD and Bitcoin (BTC), deposits at AXIA Capital Bank are now officially available
in Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC).
How do I apply for a virtual debit card? Not approved. Check wording before
Ordering a card through AXIA Capital Bank couldn’t be easier. Just follow these very simple
steps and you’ll be transacting online before you can say ‘New economic paradigm’ ;)

1. Sign into your AXIA Capital Bank account at

2. Go to the “Cards” dashboard located on the left-hand side of the site and select “Virtual
Card,” where you will be prompted to go through the purchase flow

3. Once you authorize the creation and activation of your card, you’re done! You can now begin
using the card that is generated for you for all online purchases.

When can I withdraw my AXC?

For all bank-related questions, please contact

Thank you.

Can we pay with AXIA Coin?

Yes, AXIA debit cards are now available as both virtual and plastic, that can be used wherever
MasterCard is accepted.

When will I receive my bank card?

Hi (@username), any services related to AXIA Capital Bank need to be handled by the bank

This is the project-specific channel and we do not handle bank-specific inquiries in this

Please DM me if you’d like any further information on this.

Why would somebody buy a gift card through AXIA as opposed to directly from
the merchant?
When you buy a gift card using AXC, you’re not just getting the value of that gift card. You’re
also triggering a fee burning event within the AXIA Ecosystem which creates deflation for
yourself and others. Unlike in the real world, where the fee you pay goes to the vendor or card
company and creates no benefits for yourself.

How can I check if the messages I’ve received for AXIA Help Desk are
Ask community member to contact you via Direct message, and ask for a screenshot so we
can confirm if it is legit.


What is the ATP?

The AXIA Tokenization Platform (ATP) is a portal for which individuals and institutions
anywhere in the world can easily tokenize, digitize, monetize and fractionalize anything that
could be deemed to have value.

To find out more about the tokenization platform, please consider reviewing the White Paper
that can be found in the resources section of the website.
What is the process for tokenization of assets?
Once an individual has applied for an exchange through the ATP, a vetting process will begin to
allow for analysis and validation, following which a value will be established, and the tokenized
asset will be exchanged through the ATP.

To find out more about the tokenization platform, please consider reviewing the White Paper
that can be found in the resources section of the website.

What are the benefits of utilizing the ATP?

It makes an exchange as easy as buying or selling an item on an e-commerce platform, with
the added benefit of removing the geographical barrier. Any transfer or exchange will be done
in a safe, encrypted fashion only after proper validation and authentication by all parties.


What is AXelerator?
AXelerator is a platform that offers a digital marketplace connecting entrepreneurs to
opportunities for investment, incubation, and acceleration. The platform will be released very

To find out more about AXelerator, please consider reviewing the White Paper that can be
found in the resources section of the website.

What is the purpose of AXelerator?

To breed cooperation between entrepreneurs and the AXIA community in an effort to transform
the lives of people around the world, in a positive and meaningful way.

To find out more about AXelerator, please consider reviewing the White Paper that can be
found in the resources section of the website.
What are the benefits of using the AXelerator platform?
Start-ups can gain access to a large user base, and by utilizing the AXIA ecosystem, the
financing for early stage and mid-stage projects will automatically receive the value delivered
by AXIA, while simultaneously increasing the global adoption of blockchain technology.

To find out more about AXelerator, please consider reviewing the White Paper that can be
found in the resources section of the website.

What are the features of AXelerator?

Full features will be unveiled at the time of release. For now, please consider reviewing the
White Paper that can be found in the resources section of the website.

What is the process for an individual/institution to take part in a funding

All AXelerator details will be unveiled at the time of release. For now, please consider reviewing
the White Paper that can be found in the resources section of the website.

Use this answer after release:

An individual/institution can sign in using their existing AXIA credentials or register for a new
account if they have not yet joined the community.

From there, they can browse the projects and the proposed pitch to make an informed decision.

The contributor’s associated AXIA wallet will be used to process the payment, all collected
payments will be deposited into the AXIA platform cold wallet.

Once the funding round closes, depending on the outcome, the funds will be distributed, and an
online contract signed by the contributor and the start-up.

To find out more about AXelerator, please consider reviewing the White Paper that can be found
in the resources section of the website.

What is an NFT?

Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) are a type of digital asset that are often used for tokenization as
each one has a unique digital signature meaning that no two NFTs are ever the same and
cannot be exchanged for one another.

How does it differ from ERC20?

The main difference is that even though NFT’s use smart contracts and transfer data over a
blockchain network, they are not cryptocurrencies, and cannot be traded or exchanged for

How are AXIA NFTs different?

In addition to the added value from unrelated activity that all participants in the AXIA ecosystem
receive, NFTs that are created or shared on the AXclusiveFdemocr NFT Marketplace are
programmable, allowing owners to set parameters such as royalties and ongoing revenue

There is also the ‘explorer’ functionality of AXclusive that allows users to view both recent and
historical NFT events such as minting and sales in a transparent manner.

For more details about AXclusive, please feel free to view the White Paper that can be found in
the Resources section of the website.

When will the NFT marketplace launch?

Very soon 👀
We encourage all NFT fans and creators to get ready because there is going to be a huge
opportunity to make a name for yourself on the platform!

Plus, any fees generated through the platform will be burned, which benefits every single AXIA
Coin holder.

Get your original NFTs ready!!

Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter to be notified of upcoming updates and

Phone specs Not yet confirmed if we are able to post in the group. ALWAYS

CPU:8 Cores 4xA53@2.3GHz
CPU MT 6765
GPU:IMG GE8320 680MHz
OS Android 11
Memory 6GB+128GB DDR4 LPDDR4 1600MHz
Display resolution:720x1280
Screen 5.5' OLED
Refresh rate:60HZ
VSIM Support
GSM B2/B3/B5/B8
WCDMA B1/B2/B4/B5/B8
23 bands, support 136
B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B7/B8/B12/B13/B regions and countries
TDD B34/B38/B39/B40/B41
NFC Support (Google Pay)
Dimensions 139*71*9mm approx
Front Camera 8MP
Rear Camera 13MP
Battery 5000mAh
INPUT:5V 2A(MAX) 10W-18W Quick
Charger 5V/2A Type-C
SIM Dual SIM Support + eSIM
Bluetooth 5.0 BLE
Dual band ( 2.4GHz/5GHz) IEEE
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac

When can we pre-order the AXIA phone?

Pre-orders are now live and will be available until October 31st, 2021 unless the limit order is
reached before that time.

To reserve yours now, visit:

Where can I pre-order the AXIA phone?
You can reserve your AXIA-exclusive smartphone at

Are the shipping costs paid at the time of pre-order? Not yet approved, check
answer in internal
Only the deposit is taken at the time of pre-order. Other costs will be deducted at a later date.

I made a mistake whilst pre-ordering my phone. Can I cancel the order? Ask in
internal. It hasn’t been clarified yet how they can cancel.
Yes, that’s not a problem.

When will I receive my phone?

Following the conclusion of the sale period, we will update members on delivery timelines in
advance of final orders.

What is the make and model of the AXIA phone? Check wording in internal
before posting
The phone is not an existing make or model and is manufactured exclusively for AXIA Telecom.
It has been custom created for AXIA Ecosystem participants and comes preloaded with
outstanding features such as the entire suite of AXIA apps, which allow users to receive
ongoing rewards through activity. The phone is completely custom built, hence unique features
that aren't currently available in other places on the market such as file and data encryption.


The device acts as a portal to the AXIA world, providing users with immediate access to
financial services and an entire ecosystem of applications that deliver ongoing rewards and

It is fully encrypted, has high speed connectivity, an e-SIM port and near field communication
(NFC) capability, plus a long battery life with rapid charging. It also comes fully loaded with an
ultra high-res display featuring a quick refresh rate and dual stereo speakers with surround

What are the phone’s features?

The device acts as a portal to the AXIA world, promoting financial literacy and providing users
with immediate access to financial services. It’s also fully encrypted.

The phone has 5G connectivity, e-SIM functionality and near field communication (NFC)
capability. Phone users will be able to take advantage of long battery life with rapid charging
capability, a display with ultra-high (and fast) refresh rate, a triple camera set-up (with a 64 MP
main camera, macro zoom shooting, and 8MP for landscape and wide shots), and dual stereo
speakers with surround sound.

To find out more about AXIA Tel and the upcoming AXIA phone, please visit our dedicated
AXIA Tel page on the website.

What operating system will the phone use?

The AXIA encrypted smartphone will run on Android 11.

Is the phone Dual-Sim?

Yes, the phone has dual sim and e-sim capabilities.

What are the features that other phones don’t have?

Full encryption capabilities, access to AXIA Global SIM cards and other features, all of which
are outlined at

Will the phone be SIM-locked? Not yet approved, check wording in internal
before posting
Not at all. The AXIA phone is both SIM and E SIM capable and you can use your existing SIM
or you can make use of our AXIA SIM plans when they become available.
Which carriers will the AXIA SIM plans use?
The carrier can change based on location. The goal is to provide the best coverage for the best

Does the phone come with a SIM included? Not yet approved. Check in internal
before posting.
No. If you want to take advantage of our international SIM plans, that needs to be purchased
separately. We will make an announcement when the option to order SIMs also becomes

Is there any information available about the SIM plans?

AXIA’s international SIM cards can offer significant savings on phone calls, data and SMS for
AXIA community members.

Roaming charges will either be vastly reduced or eliminated altogether. The option will also be
available to roam with a pre-existing phone number or create a local number.

To find out more about AXIA Tel and the upcoming AXIA phone, please visit our dedicated
AXIA Tel page on the website.

Does one need that phone to have privacy features? Or can it work on any
It is the AXIA smartphone itself that offers the extra layer of security.

One can have encrypted applications or software on a phone, but the device itself is not
encrypted leaving you more exposed to the risk of being hacked. Whereas with the AXIA
smartphone it is the phone itself that is encrypted. That means unreadable encrypted codes
are installed to protect your data from hackers and other unwanted individuals. To lock and
unlock an encrypted phone, you will need a special key code. So this makes anything you do
on the AXIA smartphone far more secure and private including even texts and phone calls.

What are the benefits of merchants accepting AXIA Coin as payment?

The great thing about AXIA Coin is that it’s totally free for merchants to adopt AXIA.

Designating yourself a merchant gives you access to a variety of dedicated loyalty point-based
programs and once a merchant has downloaded their merchant wallet they’re able to use that
as their “Coin of Sale” and accept AXIA directly.

AXIA Loyalty partners are also listed online as a preferred partner and/or AXIA adopter. This
can create greater awareness and exposure for businesses globally.

What makes the AXIA Loyalty Program unique?

Just like everyone else involved in AXIA, merchants will be able to benefit from the unrelated
activity that transpires within the AXIA ecosystem.

This not only impacts the merchant but also the rewards that consumers receive, increasing
their purchasing power and improving customer retention.

All for no extra cost to the merchant.

What is the importance of AXIA adopters at this early stage?

Our visibility and use-case are strengthened significantly by the number of merchants adopting
the loyalty points program and ready to immediately accept AXC as a method of payment.

Plus, the more merchants accepting AXC, the higher the number of transactions, and the more
fee burning, deflation and added value being returned to our community.

What is AXchat?
AXchat is a free messaging app that comes embedded with the AXIA Wallet just like the rest of
the AXIA Ecosystem apps. AXchat makes communicating and transacting cost-efficient, simple
and secure and you have full access to a suite of GIFs, emojis and more.


What is AXemble?
AXemble is a free meeting audio and video app that also allows for cost-efficient, simple and
secure exchange with meeting participants thanks to the integrated AXIA Wallet.


What is AXbox?
AXbox is a secure video sharing platform that also allows users to livestream and implement
subscription services through the integrated AXIA Wallet.


What is AXconnect?
AXconnect is a free social networking app that can also be used for global exchange with
people all around the world through the embedded AXIA Wallet.


What is AXcovery?
AXcovery is an internet search engine that protects the privacy of its users. AXcovery can even
block out the trackers from websites they frequent. If a user saves AXcovery as their preferred
homepage and searches the web, their results will be known to them and only them.

What is AXmail?
AXmail is a free, secure, email application that users can use to instantly send and receive
emails safely, whilst also being able to use AXmail as a cost-efficient, simple way to transact
thanks to the integrated AXIA Wallet.


What is AXperience?
AXperience is a photo and video sharing platform where you can curate your own profile, share
content to your feed, connect with friends and followers, and transact to create value and earn
rewards using your embedded AXIA Wallet.


What is AXstore?
AXstore allows you to buy, sell and discover unique products/goods from around the world. List
your items in minutes, direct message buyers/sellers, track your orders and complete safe and
secure transactions directly from your AXIA Wallet.


What is AXplorer?
AXplorer is a private and secure online browser where you can confidently surf the web without
being tracked. AXplorer also gives its users the ability to gain rewards and other benefits
through the integrated AXIA Wallet for simply opting-in to opportunities that don’t exist
elsewhere on the web.

How can I use AXplorer to earn rewards?

By opting into a benefits program, ecosystem participants can monetize their browsing data.

To find out more about this and our other innovative ecosystem offerings, please feel free to
review the available resources on our website.

What is AXpress?
AXpress is a social media application where you can post thoughts, opinions, or ideas across a
global platform. Speak your mind, post news from around the world, broadcast your interests,
ideas and be rewarded with the ability to build a following and transact using your embedded
AXIA Wallet.


What is AXshare?
AXshare is a free file sharing platform where users can share digital files, ranging from movies
to text files, and more from anywhere in the world. Build value and earn rewards by simply
participating as an active member in the community through your embedded AXIA Wallet.


What is AXhibit?
AXhibit is a free social networking app that allows users to share short video clips with friends
and followers all over the world while receiving rewards for their participation through the
integrated AXIA Wallet.


What is AXreview?
AXreview is a free crowdsourced review app that allows users to monetize the valuable
information they share with the public.


What is AXdepot?
AXdepot is a cloud-based file storage app that allows you to securely store and access your
documents and files at any time from any device. Collaborate with others in real-time, set
permissions, view content offline, and transact with your collaborators via your AXIA Wallet all
in one place at any time.

What is AXblog?
AXblog is an innovative public blogging application where you can create and post your own
content or interact with blog content created by friends or public figures you admire. Take
ownership, earn rewards and monetize your activity with the embedded AXIA Wallet.


What is AXforum?
AXforum is a free discussion-based and news aggregation app where users can freely share
information and engage with one another’s posts and content, which can be published in the
form of text, links, images, videos, discussion threads, forums, and more. Through the
innovative participatory model of AXforum, users can also generate rewards for being a part of
the community, getting paid for a wide variety of actions on the platform from posting and
commenting to gaining new followers.


What is AXIA Child Birth Benefit?

When a child is born, their parent or legal guardian will be able to apply for a free birth benefit
on their behalf.

This benefit could involve AXIA Coin held in a designated wallet registered in the name of the
child. This would allow for that child, at a designated age, to assume full access to their AXIA
Coin as granted through a smart contract structure created by their family.

To find out more about this and many of the other great use-cases of the ecosystem
applications, please review the White Paper that can be found in the resources section of the


How is AXIA helping the environment?

AXIA is helping the environment with more effectiveness for charitable donations, making it
easier to improve the standard of living for those in need.

To find out more about this and many of the other great use-cases of the ecosystem
applications, please review the White Paper that can be found in the resources section of the
What is time banking?
Time banking allows any organization to effectively reward individuals for their contributions to
the social or organizational good. When AXIA Coin is used as remuneration for volunteer work
for a charitable organization, it can be utilized as currency or could be donated back to

To find out more about this and many of the other great use-cases of the ecosystem
applications, please review the White Paper that can be found in the resources section of the

How does time banking impact the AXIA economy?

AXIA Time Banking can assist with increasing adoption and transaction volume by bringing in
some that may not otherwise be in the position to join the community.

To find out more about this and many of the other great use-cases of the ecosystem
applications, please review the White Paper that can be found in the resources section of the
J. Partnerships
What are the benefits of partnering with AXIA?
By participating in the AXIA ecosystem, businesses are immediately exposed to the AXIA
global user base and its deflationary tokenomics, plus they are able to utilize a more efficient
currency that can not only enhance purchasing power but will most importantly act as a hedge
against business risk.

Furthermore, when a business is productive it will also provide additional value to every other
individual and enterprise participating with AXIA.

What should I do if I want to propose a partnership?

Please feel free to send me a PM and it can be passed along to management.

Who should I contact with a marketing offer?

Please send a PM to @victoriclifton. Thank you.

Will AXIA be listed everywhere at the same time or one exchange at a time.
AXIA is already available at AXIA Capital Bank and listed on KuCoin and BitMart. We will share
any other forthcoming exchange listings in the channel as soon as they become available.

Will AXIA Coin be listed on the exchanges of the listed partners?

The listed partners are companies we have a direct relationship with. As for the ones who are
exchanges, we will be providing more information on the shape of those relationships very

Is KuCoin going to change to USDC ?

Due to a poor technical integration at BitMart via the initial launch, it was decided in partnership
with them that we should migrate the pairing. This adjustment puts AXIA in the best position for
long term success. This decision was taken with BitMart only. There are no changes to the
trading pairs available at KuCoin.

Why did you change the trading pair?

Due to a poor technical integration at BitMart via the initial launch, it was decided in partnership
with them that we should migrate the pairing. This adjustment puts AXIA in the best position for
long term success.

When will AXIA Coin be listed on CoinMarketCap?

A partnership between AXIA coin and CoinMarketCap has yet to be announced but as soon as
this takes off we'll get back to you.

How do I become an AXIA adopter?

Becoming an adopter couldn’t be easier, simply fill out our Adopter Form, send it off, and a
member of our team will be in touch.

What are the benefits of AXIA partnering with MadLipz?

AXIA is very excited about our collaboration with MadLipz!

Our teams are working together to progress plans on both the technical and marketing side to
integrate AXIA into their platform, allowing their large user base to benefit from all the unique
services, rewards, and applications that come with being an AXIA community member.

To find out more about our partnership, you can see our original announcement here:
K. Distributed Stakeholders
Who controls AXIA? Not to be confused with authorized/locked supply
There is no single person, corporation, or government in control of AXIA as AXIA is designed to
be a distributed stakeholder model. AXIA participants have a stake in the network and the
economy, in addition to possession over their AXIA Coin holdings.

The AXIA Network offers the gateway to deliver the value to the participants, but it is the
participant who creates the value that is delivered.

To find out more about the distributed stakeholder model, please review the White Paper which
can be found in the resources section of the website.
L. AXIA Foundation
What is the purpose of the AXIA Foundation?
The AXIA Foundation acts as stewards of the established decentralized framework and
ensures transparency, utility, security, and the continued evolution of the technological
architecture of the AXIA Network, AXIA Ecosystem, and AXIA Coin.

What steps have been taken by the foundation to ensure transparency?

The AXIA Foundation has entered into agreements with trusted third parties to meet the
following organizational requirements:

1. A public audit and reporting structure is in place for both the operations and holdings of the
AXIA Reserve

2. Independent third parties are running master nodes on the AXIA Blockchain so as to confirm
the validity of the transactions taking place therein and that these transactions are publicly
disclosed to the AXIA community.

Is an updated roadmap available?

A more detailed roadmap will be established and released by the Project Team, but for now
you can join our channels to see all the existing exciting news on partnerships and additional
features that will be deployed in the coming months.
M. AXIA Project Team
What are some of the ways that the founders have shown their support for
The founding team, along with other senior members of the project team and advisors, have
agreed and preferred to only accept AXIA Coins, symbolizing the fact that the value proposition
of AXIA exceeds that of their native currencies.
N. AXIA Coin Supply And Management

What steps have been taken to assure trust?

Anyone, anywhere, anytime is able to view the real-time custodial balances via the

AXIA offers a unique dual blockchain solution that delivers superior security and transparency.
A global brand-name auditor will confirm asset existence quarterly plus full annual audits for
public release have been conducted.

To find out more, please feel free to review the available resources on the website.

How does AXIA ensure transparency?

Assets held in AXIA's Reserve are visible in real-time by visiting the AXIA Tokenization
Platform page.

What factors will affect the price of AXIA Coin?

No price-related discussions are permitted in the channel.

When does a coin move from authorized to circulating supply?

A token only moves from authorized supply to circulating when an asset of equal value or
greater value is exchanged for AXIA tokens. The total AXIA Tokens exchanged will be
determined based on this calculation:

Asset Value / AXIA Token Market Price = Total AXIA Token exchange

Any asset(s) that are exchanged for AXIA Tokens are then transferred into the AXIA Reserve.

To find out more about AXIA's Tokenization platform and tokenomics, please feel free to check
out the resources available on
Concerning the market cap displayed on the network dashboard
Please be aware that AXIA offers transparency by allowing individuals to view network
statistics regarding many aspects of the project. We invite the public to continue to view this
activity and information provided in real-time regarding the project both before and after listings
take place.

Regarding CHANGES to authorized supply calculations

In order to enable the AXIA Coin community to visualize the tokenomics of AXIA Coin more
easily, we have adjusted the way things are calculated and displayed on the website.

To elaborate, all coins have been created (MAX supply). This is the number that can be seen
on Etherscan, and what previously appeared as the authorized supply on the dashboard. The
total MAX supply is divided into two categories - Circulating and Authorized. As more coins
move from Authorized Supply to Circulating Supply, this will be displayed in real-time on the

Put simply, the calculation is as follows: circulating + authorized = Total MAX supply as shown
in our contract.

How is the circulating supply calculated / who controls the circulating supply?
AXIA Coin is an asset-related currency, meaning that coins will only move from authorized to
circulating when something of equal value has been deposited in the #AXIAReserve.

The total MAX supply is divided into two categories - Circulating and Authorized. As more coins
move from Authorized Supply to Circulating Supply, this will be displayed in real-time on the

Coins that are already included as part of the circulating supply are not controlled by any one

In accordance with the tokenomics displayed in our White Paper, Asset Contributor Coins and
some others that aren't freely tradeable are not included in the circulating supply and the
associated calculations.

This is portrayed in such a way as to provide an accurate representation of the tokenomics

displayed on the dashboard.

To read more about the tokenomics surrounding #AXIACoin please feel free to read our white
paper, which can be found at
Regarding the calculations used for market cap on the website
In accordance with the tokenomics displayed in our White Paper, Asset Contributor Coins and
some others that aren't freely tradeable are not included in the circulating supply and the
associated calculations.

This is portrayed in such a way as to provide an accurate representation of the tokenomics

displayed on the dashboard.

For more details, please review the Resources ( section of the
website where you can find our White Paper.

How big will be AXIA's fluctuations in value?

Price-related discussions are not permitted in the channel.

How are transactions and rewards processed?

The movement of AXIA Coins between wallets will be confirmed by a network consensus
protocol with block rewards being offered in the native network token.

How is transparency surrounding tokenomics assured?

Anyone with a connection to the Internet will have a real-time view of the AXIA Coin Circulating
Supply, AXIA Coin Authorized supply, the net asset value (NAV) of the AXIA Reserve, AXIA
Coin price, along with all network activity all in real time through the website dashboard.

If AXIA is a non-profit, who’s paying for the project?

AXIA is a self-funded project from the contributions of the early adopters, ensuring that
any new participant is entering into a fully built functioning ecosystem with a suite of
ready to use applications to the advantage of everyone.

Why are the initial AXIA Asset Reserve tokens not included in the circulating
The initial AXIA Asset Reserve Contributors were the first to tokenize assets. This
occurred as the AXIA community just began to form.

AXIA Coins that were exchanged for the assets cannot begin to be placed into
circulation until the AXIA Reserve increases in terms of volume by a minimum of 25%
as noted from the date of the audit, as an additional commitment to the long term
success of the project. The benefits that the initial AXIA Reserve contributors will
receive come from the creation of value by community members through
decentralized activity across the AXIA Network.

Why the 5 zeros at the end of the circulating supply?

Whereas fiat currencies have a maximum of 2 decimal places, AXIA Coin like many
cryptocurrencies can be broken down into much smaller increments, therefore allowing them to
be partitioned even further.

Why has the circulating supply changed to 106 mil from 315 mil?
In order to enact our new fee burning approach, AXC was removed from the circulating supply.
A lowered circulating supply is advantageous to coin holders and Ecosystem members. You
can read a full overview of the change to the tokenomics and the project's thought process
behind it on our website and in our updated whitepaper:

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