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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : XI (sembilan) / Ganjil

Waktu : 2 x 45 (90 Menit)

1. Soal terdiri dari 20 soal Pilihan Ganda dan 5 soal uraian.
2. Periksa jumlah lembar soal, dan pastikan jumlah lembar soal dan nomor soal sesuai, jika
lembar soal kurang atau rusak dapat minta ganti pada pengawas.
3. Jawablah pada lembar jawab yang tersedia.
4. Gunakan Pulpen warna hitam untuk mengisi lembar jawab
5. Jawablah terlebih dahulu soal yang dianggap mudah.
6. Teliti terlebih dahulu lembar jawab sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.
Contoh : a b c d

A. Answer the question by choosing A, B, C or D!

Read the text to answer questions 1-5

Mr. And Mrs. Charles were on a tour to Europe. They were travelling on a guided tour to five
countries. They were going to travel through the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and France
for two weeks. The guide for the tour was a swiss.

On the first day of the travel the guide told them to check their passports, their traveller cheques
and their foreign cash. He told them to keep them safety.

They traveled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music and video. The guide stopped the coach at
many famous places. He explained the cultural importance of the places. They stayed in big hotels for the
might and ate in the restaurants.

1. The text is about.................

A. Travelling B. Shopping C. Tracking D. Visiting

2. Where did they go?

A. Netherlands B. Europe C. Australia D. America

3. “ ..........At many famous places“

The underlined word has the synonym with ………
A.Good B. Ugly C. Popular D. Bad

4. We buy (membeli) foods and drinks

(makanan dan minuman) in ……..
A. Classroom C. Zoo
B. Canteen D. house
5. ‘He explained the cultural importance of the place’ (Paragraph 3) The word ‘He’ refers
A. Mr. Charles B. Mrs. Charles C. Thir friends D. The guide

6. “They enjoyed the twoo-week tour tremendously” (Last Paragraph)

The underlined word has the same meaning as.......................
A. Got bored with B. Got pleasure from
D. Became amazed at C. Became addicted to

Read the text to answer questions 7-9


For : Neyra
Date : December 24th, 2015
Time : 7.00 p.m.
Place : Pesona Laut Restaurant
Clothes : White dress(Girl) – Red shirt (Boy)
You are invited to the greatest birthday party ever!
Please confirm if you couldn’t come.


7. When will Fernando hold hisparty?

A. In the morning C. In the evening
B. In the midnight D. In the afternoon

8. What should Farel do if he can’t come to the party?

A. Tell the restaurant waiter C. Send back Neyra’s invitation
B. Confirm to Neyra a few days before D. Contact Neyra’s parents

9. Neyra will the party

A. White dress B. White shirt C. Red Shirt D. T-Shirt

Read the text to answer questions 10-12

Dear fernando,

I will arrive at home about seven p.m and your father will arive about six p.m.
Take care at home and don’t forget to turn on the lamp.

10. Who write the message?

A. Fernando C. Fernando’s father
B. Fernando’s mother D. Fernando’s sister

11. Who will arrive earlier at home?

A. Fernando C. Fernando’s father
B. Fernando’s mother D. Fernando’s sister

12. What must Fernando do at home?

A. Come earlier C. Turn on the lamp
B. Arrive at home about five p.m D. Key the door

13. Bird has wings

‘Bird’ artinya adalah ……
A. Kancil C. Ular
B. Katak D. Burung

14. It is my bag. ‘Bag’ artinya ……

A. Buku C. Tas
B. Pensil D. Pulpen

For questions 15 to 17 choose the suitable word to complete the text below!
Lion is .......... It belongs to .......... animal, but some of people like it. We
can see lions in the...............

15. A. Herbivore B. Tame C. Pet D. Carnivore

16. A. Tame B. Pet C. Insect D. Wild
17. A. Zoo B. Pet shop C. Garden D. Backyard

18. Arrange the following words into a good sentence!

I – my – Bicycle – In – The – Washed- Afternoon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 6-5-7-4-3-2-1 B. 1-6-2-3-4-5-7 C. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 D. 1-6-2-3-5-4-7

19. Fadil and Rajata……… their holiday together

A. Spends B. Spent C. Are spending D. To spend

20. I have a cat. It’s name is Kitty.

‘Cat’ artinya adalah …….
A. Burung C. Kambing
B. Ayam D. Anjing

1. Buatlah contoh “Modal” menggunakan :

a. Can

b. Must

c. May

2. Tuliskan 3 nama benda yang ada di sekitar

sekolah dalam bahasa Inggris!

3. Tuliskan 3 nama binatang buas dalam bahasa


4. Write to English
“Kita suka bermain bola kaki, bermain bola voli, bermain tenis meja dan bermain
basket tapi mereka tidak suka bermain, mereka suka membaca buku”

5. Complete The Following Dialogue

Fakhrul : Will you join us for dinner tonight?
Salma : ………………..I have to go to visit my grandmother

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