Evs Imp Question Bank

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Q. S.Q. Question Marks
1 a Identify the reasons for depleting nature of mineral resources. 05 01 CO1

b Compare conventional and non-conventional energy sources. 05 02 CO1

2 a Classify resources with suitable examples. 05 02 CO1

b Identify and explain any two scarce resources which are diverted to 05 01 CO1
make luxury items.
3 a Illustrate the role of individual in recourse conservation, with suitable 05 04 CO1

4 a Appraise the necessity of equitable use of resources for sustainable 05 05 CO1

b Identify ecosystems around you and explain any one along with its 05 01 CO1
5 a Explain the concept of Ecosystem. 05 01 CO1
b Enlist various natural resources and problem associated with them 05 01 CO1

6 Write short notes on 10 01 CO1

a) World food problem
b) Desertification
c) Soil pollution
7 a List five endangered and endemic species of India. 02 01 CO1
b Discuss changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing. 04 02
c Discuss the value of land resources. 04 02

8 a Explain various types of ecosystems with examples. 05 02 CO1

b Identify the causes of land degradation. 05 01

Q. S.Q. Question Marks
1 a Explain an ecosystem? Describe pond ecosystem. 05 01 CO2
b Describe the function of ecosystem. 05 01
2 a Write note on producer, consumer, and decomposer. 05 02 CO2

3 a Enlist few animals that are herbivorous, carnivorous, and omnivorous. 05 02 CO2
Explain biochemical cycles? Describe anyone.
b 05 01
4 a Write short notes on 10 01 CO2
1) Food chain 2) Food web 3) Ecological pyramids
5 a Write short not on 10 01 CO2
i) Habitat loss
ii) Wildlife poaching
iii) Man-wildlife conflicts
4 a Appraise the need of protection of wildlife. 05 05 CO2

b Describe the need of biodiversity in detail. 05 01 CO2

5 a Define following terms 05 01 CO2

i) Endangered species ii) Vulnerable species iii) Rare species iv)
Threatened species
b Describe Indian as a mega biodiversity nation and discuss various hot 05 01 CO2
spots of biodiversity in India.
6 a Describe the strategies employed for biodiversity conservation. 05 01 CO2
Illustrate the reasons for the extinction of wildlife.
b 05 01

7 a Illustrate the causes of the biodiversity depletion. 05 04 CO2

b Defend the necessity of study of biodiversity for human life. 05 05

8 a List five contributions of biodiversity 05 01 CO2

b Articulate the strategies for protection of wildlife 05 03

Q. S.Q. Question Marks
1 a Enlist most common air pollutants and their effects on human body 05 01 CO3
Articulate the measures for water pollution control
b 05 03
2 A Describe photochemical smog. 05 02 CO3
05 02
b Classify the various types of air pollutants.
3 a Explain biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD ) and how is it related to 05 02 CO3
water quality.
b Discuss the role of an individual in Air pollution control. 05 01

4 Write short note on 10 01 CO3

i) Pesticide and herbicide contamination

ii) Greenhouse effect
5 a Explain noise pollution. Discuss its sources and effects. 05 04 CO3

b A factory uses 2,00,000 liters of furnace oil per month. if for one million 05 01
litres of oil used per year the particulate matter emitted is 3.0 tons per
year, SO2 emitted is 59.7 tons per year, NOx emitted is 7.5 tons per year
hydrocarbon emitted are 0.37 ton per year and Carbon monoxide is 0.52
tons per year, calculate the height of the chimney required to be provided
for safe dispersion of the pollutants.
4 a List five ways to reduce surface and ground water pollution 05 05 CO3

b A factory uses 1,00,000 liters of furnace oil per month. if for one 05 01
million litres of oil used per year the particulate matter emitted is 4.0
tons per year, SO2 emitted is 50 tons per year, NOx emitted is 9.5 tons
per year hydrocarbon emitted are 0.5 ton per year and Carbon
monoxide is 0.67 tons per year, calculate the height of the chimney
required to be provided for safe dispersion of the pollutants

5 a Describe briefly how air pollutants can be checked. 05 01 CO3

b Enlist the causes of solid waste pollution.

05 01
6 a Enlist and explain various types of composting 05 01 CO3
Describe the phases disaster management
b 05 01

7 a Explain any one air pollution episode. 05 02 CO3

b Articulate the measures for solid waste management 05 03

8 a Discuss various types of composting 05 01 CO3

b Idetify various methods of solid waste disposal. 05 01

Q. S.Q. Question Marks
1 a Describe the concept of Watershed. 05 01 CO4

b Appraise the necessity of rainwater harvesting 05 05

2 a Defend the necessity of rainwater harvesting 05 05 CO4

b Write short note on wasteland reclamation. 05 01

3 a Relate the ‘Consumerism’ with the waste generation. 05 04 CO4

b Summarize Environmental Ethics 05 02

4 a Articulate the issues climate change and Global warming. 05 03 CO4
Advocate the necessity of rainwater harvesting. 03
b 05

5 a Describe the Phenomenon of acid rain. 05 01 CO4

b Explain watershed management. 05 01

6 a Recognize the stages of Disaster management 05 01 CO4

b Write the role of disaster managers. 05 06

7 a Describe the Phenomenon of Acid Rain 05 01 CO4

b Explain watershed management technologies in brief. 05 01

8 a Recite any Episode of nuclear disaster. 05 01 CO4

Describe ‘Global Warming’
b 05 01
Q. S.Q. Question Marks BT CO
1 a List the problems of population growth. 04 04 CO5

b What do you understand by population explosion? Explain in detail 06 02 CO5

2 a Outline the effects of Population explosion 04 04 CO5

b Explain the factor affecting population change in city also explain 06 02 CO5
logistic curve for population change.

3 a What do you understand by population explosion? Explain in detail 04 01 CO5

b Estimate the population of the town in 2021 using following data with 06 04 CO5
geometric increase method

Year 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981

Population (in 221

72 85 110 144 184

4 a Give reasons behind the increased population growth in the less 05 03 CO5
developed nations compared with developed nations

b Explain Population Forecasting . 05 02 CO5

5 a Enlist the different methods of population forecasting .Explain any one 04 02 CO5

b For a town data is given for the period from the year 1930-1980 . 06 04 CO5
Estimate the population of the city for the year 2010 by incremental
increase method
Year 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980

Popul 75000 87000 115000 141300 187000 225000

6 a Describe the factors influencing the family size and its impact on the 05 02 CO5
economy of a society.
b Write explanatory notes on 05 06 CO5
i. Value Education
ii. Declaration of human rights
7 a State the role of information technology in environment and human 05 03 CO5
b Discuss the various health schemes initiated by Indian government . 05 01 CO5

8 a What is the universal declaration of Human Rights? What is its 06 05 CO5

importance in achieving the goals of equity, justice and sustainability?
b Evaluate the objectives of public awareness. 04 05 CO5

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