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Lesson Plan in English 2

I. Objective
a. Recognizing that some words mean the same (synonyms)
b. Underline the word/s that has the same meaning
c. Connect words that has the same meaning

II. Subject Matter

a. Synonyms
b. Pictures , chart, tarpapel
c. No code given

III. Procedure

1. Motvation
Good morning Ethan !!! I have here words that I would like you to read.

clean-neat-tidy dirty-messy-untidy
angry-mad-furiuos warm – hot
beautiful- pretty

Do you know what are these words ? Can you recognize what are these? Yes
, these are words that has the same meaning . I would like you to listen
because I want you to know how important these words to you okay .
2. Presentation
The teacher presents a chart that show words with the same meaning.
3. Discussion

What have you seen in the chart ? Yes these are what we call synonyms. I will read
these to you okay so that you can understand better. Can you give another example of

SYNONYMS- are words with the same meaning or words that are similar in

IV. Evaluation
A.Underline the words that has the same

1.Beautiful - pretty silent fast

2.Dirty - clean tidy messy
3.Hot - cold warm freezing
4.Clean - messy neat untidy
5.Big - huge small tiny
B. Connect the words that has the same meaning

1. Fast • excellent

2. Rich • warm

3. Simple • quick

4. Hot • easy

5. Good • wealthy
V. Assignment
Write the synonym of the following

1. Big - ____________
2.Cry - ____________
3.Hungry - ____________
4.Hot - ____________

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