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Student A
Career Counselor
Ask your client the questions below to help decide what possible careers he/she would like.

What are your career goals? Or what kind of jobs interest you?
What kind of jobs or extracurricular activities have you had in the past? What did/didn’t you like about them?
Which skills do you like/dislike using?
Describe some of your key qualities.
How important are the following things to you: salary, time off, working with people?
How do your courses and/or your extracurricular activities prepare you for the careers you’re interested in?

With the client, discuss three jobs that they might enjoy and why.

Student B
Client / Job Seeker
You will answer the career counselor’s questions to help identify what careers or jobs might be good for you.
Take notes on the following before your meeting.

What are your career goals and interests?

Describe past (or current) jobs or extracurricular activities. List a few things you like/dislike about them.
List the top three skills you like to use/don’t like to use.
List three of your key qualities.
List three important things a job should have for you.
List your schools and the subjects you have studied.
Think of three careers or jobs you might like to do.

Discuss jobs with your counselor and why they might be good for you.

T-246 Evolve Level 4 Teacher’s Edition PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2020

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