Or2 HW5

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作業研究 (下) HW #5 Queue

 作業繳交規則請參考上課網頁,沒有遵守者,作業分數 0 分。
 Deadline: 5/21 (cycu ilearning)
 等候線系統 3, 3.2 - 3.5.2, 3.5.4 - 等候線系統 4.1 - 4.5.2

1. Consider the problem in slide 3.30 Example on Transition Probabilities. If the
service in this system is provided only when three customers are present.
(a) Please state its transition rate matrix.
(b) If Lambda = 0.2 and mu = 1, please compute its steady state distribution as
in Section 3.5.4.
(c) How do you interpret the result in (b)?
2. (problem 17.2-3 in the10th and 11th edition) Mom-and-Pop’s Grocery Store …
3. (problem 17.5-3 in the10th and 11th edition) Consider the birth-and-death …
4. Please derive the formula for 𝜋𝑛 on slide 4.30 for M/M/1/K Queue.
5. (problem 17.6-10 in the10th and 11th edition) The Friendly Neighbor Grocery
Store … (Please work on problems (a)(c)(e) only.)

1. Consider the four pictures of exponential distribution in slide 3.12.
(a) (Python) Please redraw those pictures for normal distribution. Please use a
mean of 0 for all pictures. For the top 2 pictures, please use a standard
deviation of 1. For the bottom 2 pictures, please use a standard deviation of
3. (Hint: Please change the commands of exponential functions to
np.random.normal and scipy.stats.norm.pdf)
(b) What is the impact of the sample size and the standard deviation on the
shapes of the outcomes?
2. (problem 17.6-22 in the10th and 11th edition) People’s Software Company …
3. (problem 17.6-29 in the10th and 11th edition) George is planning …

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