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I, Collocation là gì?
Collocation là cách thức các từ kết hợp với nhau trong một ngôn ngữ nhằm tạo ra lời nói và câu
viết tự nhiên. Nói đơn giản đó là những cụm từ thường đi với nhau và khi bạn dùng đúng những
cụm này thì cách diễn đạt sẽ tự nhiên, gần với người bản ngữ hơn.
II, Các dạng Collocation
1. Adj + Noun
Ví dụ:
- nuclear family: gia đình gồm có 2 thế hệ sống dưới một mái nhà
- extreme weather: thời tiết khắc nghiệt
- a rapid change: thay đổi nhanh chóng/mau lẹ
- abrupt/sudden end: kết thúc đột ngột
- heavy traffic: ách tắc giao thong
2. Verb + Noun
Ví dụ:
- cause damage: gây thiệt hại
- make excuse: viện cớ
- make decisions: quyết định
3. Noun + Verb
Ví dụ:
- time passes: thời gian trôi qua
- the sun sets: mặt trời lặn
4. Adv + Adj
Ví dụ:
- absolutely gorgeous: cực kì xinh đẹp
- seriously ill: ốm nặng
- painfully shy: vô cùng xấu hổ
- completely exhausted: hoàn toàn kiệt sức
5. Verb + Adverb
Ví dụ:
- rain heavily: mưa to
- increase dramatically: tăng mạnh
- congratulate sb warmly: nhiệt liệt chúc mừng ai
- speak highly of: nói tốt về
6. Prepositional phrase
Ví dụ:
- in favor of: ủng hộ
- on the verge of: trên bờ vực của
- in danger of: có nguy cơ, gặp nguy hiểm
7. Noun + Gerund
Ví dụ:
- food poisoning: ngộ độc thực phẩm
- a second helping: phần ăn thứ hai
8. Noun + Noun
Ví dụ:
- food additives: chất bảo quản thực phẩm
- sales manager: giám đốc kinh doanh
- counterfeit bills: tiền giả

III, Exercise.

1, My wife is going on her business next week so I have to _______ most of the chores around
the house.
A, distribute B, hold C, take D, handle
2, In my family, my father always takes charge of doing the _______ lifting.
A, hard B, heavy C, strong D, huge
3, To Carol, her father is the greatest person in the world and he always sets a good _____for her.
A, example B, action C, behavior D, role
4, He likes to _______ a nap for an hour when he arrives home from work.
A, make B, do C, take D, get
5, It’s not too late to _______ your bad habits (smoking, drinking, overeating, etc.) and
immediately start living a happier, healthier life.
A, get rid B, get on C, remember D, kick
6, The telescope will photograph distant galaxies, ________ an attempt to understand their past.
A, in B, with C, for D, on
7, I’m trying to ________ the nerve to walk in and tell Mr. Green I want a 20 percent raise,
or else I’ll look for another job where they’ll pay me what I’m really worth.
A, get on B, calm C, lose D, control
8, They had a global _______ hit with their album concept about “The dark side of the Moon”.
A, hot B, top C, smash D, popular
9, Befriending can offer volunteers the opportunity to provide support and friendship to a
person who may be going _______ a difficult period.
A, up B, down C, through D, off
10, You’d better _______ a commitment to being a volunteer on a regular basis.
A, promise B, make C, do D, pull
11, On the door of the house where Louis Braille was born are the words ‘He opened the
door of _______ to all those who cannot see.’
A, knowledge B, information C, news D, material
12, Football superstar David Beckham has a huge _______ for kids in need.
A, heart B, head C, strengths D, memory
13, Superstitions _______ an important part in the lives of many people in Viet Nam.
A, take B, make C, occupy D, play
14, Some Koreans believe that it’s impolite to _______ eye contact with a person who has a
high position.
A, maintain B, lose C, show D, put
15, I really don’t _______ the point of taking the exam when you are not ready for it.
A, take B, have C, get D, see
16, It is likely that artificial intelligence might decide to _______ an end to humanity simply
because it surpasses human intelligence.
A, put B, come C, make D, take
17, When I first started learning English ten years ago, I could hardly _______ a word -
"hello‛, ‚goodbye‛, ‚thank you‛ was just about it!
A, speak B, say C, tell D, talk
18, Helen is much more confident with her English now. She can actually _______ a
conversation with her teacher in English without difficulty.
A, keep B, do C, hold D, improve
19, The purpose of running a business is to make a _______.
A, service B, profit C, contribution D, money
20, My grandpa is the most conservative person in my family. He never _______ about way
of life.
A, changes his mind B, gives his view C, give his opinion D, keeps in mind
21, After graduating from university, I want to _______ my father's footsteps.
A, continue B, follow in C, go after D, success in
22, When the factory closed, over a hundred people were _______ redundant.
A, put B, had C, made D, given
23, My father used to ______ many challenges before establishing his own insurance company.
A, constitute B, face C, survive D, oppose
24, I would be grateful for an opportunity to visit your company and discuss my application with
you _______.
A, in person B, in privacy C, individually D, privately
25, Thanks to many investors, my dream to set up my own trading company came _______.
A, true B, right C, precise D, real
26, The director informed that no candidates _______ all the criteria for the administrative
A, completed B, fulfilled C, achieved D, suited
27, The government must take _______ action against environmental pollution.
A, important B, unstable C, decisive D, soft
28, Everyone can help the needy by making a _______ to a charity organization.
A, devotion B, donation C, statement D, promise
29, Many people who took part in the fight _______ illiteracy considered it an honorable
job to help others.
A, against B, back C, for D, with
30, One aim of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is to further _______awareness
of disability issues.
A, raise B, rise C, increase D, pull
31, Elderly housebound patients are often those most in _______ of pharmacy services.
A, case B, need C, time D, trouble
32, The Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into _______ 3rd May
A, force B, action C, truth D, reality
33, Children with cognitive impairments may have _______ in learning basic skills like
reading, writing, or problem solving.
A, ability B, determination C, difficulty D, refusal
34, Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and _______ high ranks in
many sports.
A, hold B, keep C, mark D, score
35, To get ready for the presentation, we can start preparing the slides while Jeremy will
do the _______.
A, speaking B, telling C, talking D, speech
36, When I worked as a waiter, the hotel manager found _______ with everything I do.
A, blame B, mistake C, fault D, complaint
37, If you need to _______ the teacher's attention, just put up your hand.
A, attract B, put C, pay D, win
38, They _______ sacrifices so that their only child could have a good education.
A, made B, did C, provided D, lent
39, She has a wonderful voice but unfortunately, she never gets the _______ to sing in public.
A, occasion B, ability C, chance D, event
40, During the lesson, if you have questions or comments, please feel free to _______ them.
A, increase B, enlarge C, go up D, raise
41, Although it was more than an hour late, the superstar finally showed up and _______
the attention of the audience.
A, grabbed B, held C, paid D, took
42, Each child had to _______ a short speech to the rest of the class.
A, do B, carry out C, make D, take
43, Poaching _______ the greatest threat to many species.
A, creates B, presents C, poses D, produces
44, The tiger is _______ of extinction. It is difficult to find them in the wild.
A, on the wing B, on the rocks C, on the verge D, on the ground
45, It is not always easy to _______ the difference between fact and opinion.
A, make B, say C, tell D, do
46, I don't need a car; we live _______ easy reach of the shops.
A, towards B, upon C, within D, at
47, The objective is to promote the role of inhabitants and communities in the development
of a modern architecture imbued _______ national identity.
A, by B, for C, with D, against
48, Some people feel a strong _______ to keep their cultural identities.
A, pressure B, craving C, urge D, wish
49, Unluckily, David's dangerous and incredible journey in search of the Blue Fairy is in ______.
A, advance B, danger C, vain D, end
50, Researchers have _______ to the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes.
A, arrived B, got C, reached D, came

Idiom là những câu hoặc cụm từ được cấu tạo bằng nhiều từ khác nhau tạo thành một câu
nhưng không mang nghĩa đen của nó. Idiom được người bản ngữ sử dụng rất nhiều trong
văn nói và viết, vì vậy hiểu được ý nghĩa của Idiom sẽ giúp chúng ta sử dụng Tiếng Anh hiệu
quả hơn rất nhiều.
1, Jose had a hard time comparing the iPhone to the Samsung phone because to him they were
apples and oranges.
A, containing too B, very similar C, completely D, very complicated
many technical details different
2, Peter is the black sheep of the family, so he is never welcomed there.
A, a beloved member B, a bad and C, the only child D, the eldest child
embarrassing member
3, There's a list of repairs as long as ________
A, your arm B, a pole C, your arms D, a mile
4, I tried to talk to her, but she was as high as a ________
A, kite B, house C, sky D, wall
5, We're over the ________! Who wouldn't be? We've just won £1 million!
A, planet B, moon C, clouds D, stars
6, I've never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they're not really my ________
A, piece of cake B, biscuit C, sweets and candy D, cup of tea
7, You never really know where you are with her as she just blows hot and cold.
A, keeps going B, keeps taking things C, keeps changing her D, keeps testing
8, "Edwards seems like a dog with two tails this morning." - "Haven't you hear the news? His
wife gave birth a baby boy early this morning."
A, extremely happy B, extremely C, exhausted D, very proud
9, Thomas knows Paris like the back of his ________. He used to be a taxi driver there for 2
A, head B, hand C, mind D, life
10, Josh may get into hot water when driving at full speed after drinking.
A, get into trouble B, stay safe C, fall into disuse D, remain calm
11, You have to be on your toes if you want to beat her.
A. pay all your attention to what you are doing B. upset her in what she is doing
C, get involved in what she is doing D, make her comply with your orders
12, By appearing on the soap powder commercials, she became a ________ name.
A, housekeeper B, housewife C, household D, house
13, When his parents are away, his oldest brother ________
A, knocks it off B, calls the shot C, draw the line D, is in the same boat
14, Hearing about people who mistreat animals makes me go hot under the________
A, collar B, sleeves C, chin D, vest
15, I know you are upset about breaking up with Tom, but there are plenty more ________
A, horses in the stable B, cows in the shed C. tigers in the jungle D, fish in the sea
16, When the kids asked him about his girlfriend, he'd go as red as a ________
A, chilly B, strawberry C, tomato D, beetroot
17, Shake a leg or you will miss the train.
A, hurry up B, slow down C, keep calm D, watch out
18, If you are at a loose end this weekend, I will show you around the city.
A, occupied B, free C, reluctant D, confident
19, I am sure your sister will lend you a sympathetic _____when you explain the situation to her.
A, eye B, ear C, hand D, nose
20, I can't give you the answer on the________; I'll have to think about it for a few days.
A, place B, minute C, scene D, spot


1. My father hit the roof when he found that I'd damaged the car.
A. was over the moon B. burst with anger C. went with the flow D. kept his shirt on

2. I refuse to believe a word of it; it's a cock-and- ________ story.

A. hen B. goose C. bull D. duck

3. William was as ________ as a cucumber when the harsh punishment was meted out to him by
the judge.
A. cool B. cold C. placid D. impassive

4. One way to let off ________ after a stressful day is to take some vigorous exercise.
A. cloud B. tension C. steam D. sweat

5. I wish you'd do the accounts. I don't have ________ for numbers.

A. a head B. a mind C. the heart D. the nerve

6. He sent his children to the park so that he could have some ________
A. fresh and quiet B. quiet and peace C. peace and quiet D. fresh and peace

7. I think the main problem in this area is the lack of a good bus service.
- You're right. You've hit the ________ on the head.
A. nail B. wall C. lips D. hand

8. She is walking on the ________. She doesn't know how to say.

A. air B. road C. street D. garden

9. When you do something, you should ________

A. pay through the nose B. turn over a new leaf
C. weigh up the pros and cons D. huddle into a pen

10. Someone who is inexperienced is ________

A. red B. blue C. black D. green

11. The year-end party was out of this world. We had never tasted such delicious food.
A. enormous B. terrific C. strange D. awful

12. The nominating committee always meet behind closed doors, lest its deliberations become
known prematurely.
A. privately B. safely C. publicly D. dangerously
13. She's so ________; you really have to watch you say or she'll walk out of the room.
A. high and dry B. prim and proper C. rough and ready D. sick and tired

14. Wendy is on the horns of a dilemma: she just wonders whether to go for a picnic with her
friends or to stay at home with her family.
A. unwilling to make a decision B. able to make a choice
C. eager to make a plan D. unready to make up her mind

15. At every faculty meeting, Ms. Volatie always manages to put her foot in her mouth.
A. move rapidly B. trip over her big feet C. fall asleep D. say the wrong thing

16. Thanks to her regular workouts and sensible diet she certainly strikes me as in the pink.
A. in absolute health B. in good health C. in clear health D. in extreme health1

17. He was such a wet blanket at the party tonight!

A. He made people at the party wet through.
B. He spoiled other people's pleasure at the party,
C. He bought a wet blanket to the party.
D. He was wet through when going home from the party.

18. That the genetic differences make one race superior to another is nothing but a tall story.
A. cynical B. unbelievable C. untrue D. exaggeration

19. You should accept the Nokia mobile phone as a 16-birthday present from your parents
Don't ________
A. look gift horse in the mouth B. buy it through the nose
C. pull my leg D. take it for granted

20. Failing to submit the proposal on time was ________ for Tom.
A. a real kick in the pants B. an open and shut case
C. a shot in the dark D. a nail in the coffin

21. At first, no one believed she was a pilot, but her documents ________ colour to her
A. provided B. got C. borrowed D. lent

22. Mr. Simpkims is the big ________ in the company as he has just been promoted to the
position of Managing Director.
A. bread B. meat C. cheese D. apple

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