Dupej Rebecca

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By Rebecca Dupej

The clock strikes 8. It's finally time for me to go home. I shut the door and as I leave

work. I was walking through the streets of New York to my car, then i felt the feeling of being

watched. The feeling was terrible. I slowly turned around but no one was there. Before I

went home i went to say hi to my friend. She works in my favorite bookshop.

“Hey!” i shouted.

“Lisa? Is that you?”

“Yeah, i was walking to my car and i wanted to say hi, so hi.” I answered as i walked

up to her.

“I got you something.” she pulled out a little envelope out of her drawer. I opened it


“A gift card?” i asked

“We should go out tonight, we can use it.”

“Yeah sure, thanks!” I yelled out as I put the card in my pocket.

I walked out of her store, I took my keys out of my pocket, and I opened my car. Then

i started driving home. It was getting dark outside, and I wanted to get home early so i

started driving faster. I was getting closer to my apartment and i was just thinking about
how I'm going to go out tonight. I started driving faster so i would get home early. I needed

to get ready.

I was almost home but then I saw someone walking on the street. It was dark and cold, so I

stopped. I need to make sure he was okay. It was a man in his late 40s, he looked dark like

the death. He had night colored clothes on and a face that looked really familiar to me.

“I'm sorry, do you need a ride?” I asked the shadow looking man.

“Yes, but can you help me get my things from the woods over there?” he asked


“Oh yeah sure,” so i turned my car off and I walked over to him.

He started walking but kept looking back to see if I was behind him. The man looked

familiar and i feel like i know him.

“I'm sorry but have we meet before?”

He turned around slowly and looked behind me.

“No,” he answered quickly.

Then he kept on walking still looking back at me. As i was going to ask him where he

was going, where he was leading me, he stopped. I stopped too and i looked at him.

“Wait what is-” i screamed as he grabbed me and threw me in the back of a car.

I woke up in a dark room. All alone in a dark cold room. My first thought was.

Wake up. This is just a dream. Wake up!

It was not a dream. I am trapped in a dark room with nothing but the card that i put

in my pocket when i was walking to my car.

The light turned on. I could finally see the room, but it was not a room. It was an old

basement. I hear someone opening the door. I stood up from the bed and i backed up to

the wall. As the door opened, I felt scared. A man came in, and I froze. He looked

familiar, like the guy I saw on the street.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked, my voice is shaky.

The man smirked and said, "You shouldn't have stopped for me. Now, you belong to us."

I was terrified. I tried to think of a way out. Then, I remembered the card in my pocket.

Maybe it could help. As he started to walk back to the door he said.

‘’Okay see you later then, or not?’’ he laughed.

‘’No wait!’’ i tried to say more to him but it was too late, he had already left.

I sat down on the floor and looked around me. I pulled out the card.

I wish I was out shopping right now. I thought to myself.

Wait, but maybe this could actually help me. I stood up and i put the card between the

door and the frame. I slowly swiped, praying it would open. Suddenly, I heard a click.

The door was unlocked.

I can't believe it.

I thought to myself. Then I slowly pushed the door open, peeking out to make sure no

one was there. Then I walked out the hallway and it looked so empty it made me

question everything about this place. I started walking through the empty hallway, I

needed to find a way out of this place. I looked at the end of the hallway scanning for

any signs of an exit. Every creak and shadow made me jump, but I forced myself to stay

calm. I reached the end of the hallway and found a staircase leading up. I took a deep

breath, and I started going up the stairs, each step made me feel so close to freedom.

As i got to the top, I found a door. I pushed it open and found myself in what looked like

an old, abandoned house. I ran and i couldn't stop running. A couple of hours later i

found myself walking on the road. I felt relief thinking i was finally out of there. When a

car slowly drove past me and then it stopped. I slowly looked inside the car, but it was

so dark i couldn't see who it was.

“And where do you think you're going?”

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