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From the ground up

By Jose Taveras

Wee woo wee woo

The sound many hear in their last days out.

“That won’t be me” says Michael Vega with conviction but a scared tone to his voice.

“c'mon you know how it be here everyone is a criminal even if they aren’t. Just how people see

us” said Michael’s friend, Tony.

Tony has been friends with Michael for a while after they met each other in the second grade,

although Tony’s and Michael’s stories and experiences have been very different, they have stuck

together for the longest time.

“I feel school is taking longer than ever before” said Michael with a groan.

“It’s not that bad being at school when you have to come home to this” said Tony with a low sad


They have been living in the same neighborhood all their lives, a neighborhood with bad people

and really bad people. The paint on the walls dripping down, rotten wood in every house, the

living conditions weren’t the worst, but it was nowhere near good. People have adapted to living

there some look for better, but not everyone does it the “right” way. Getting home is a relief for

most, not for all.

“Hello ma!” said Michael relieved to be home.

“Hi Ms. Vega” said Tony in such respectful manner that was uncanny to hear on him.
“How did you kids do today at school” said Meridith Vega, Michael's mom.

“Same old, same old! Just how things are and will be.” said Tony in a sarcastic tone.

Even in times when food was scarce Michael and Tony always found a way of not going to sleep

on an empty stomach, this was something they were proud of, their amazing bond and will to

always help each other.

It was nighttime Tony was going to stay over at Michaels house as he had done many times

before. This time was different, Michael woke up a little earlier than usual, so early you could

barely see the orange toned sun come out. Today the morning was quiet quieter than ever before,

maybe even peaceful, but that isn’t normal.

“Yo Tony wake up man,” said Michael slowly.

“What happened man what's wrong why so early,” said Tony with a grumpy tone.

“Just wake man it’s not that deep,” said Michael

“Alright man alright,” said Tony with a grumpy tone to him.

Going out of the room the first thing Michael did was go see if his mom was awake.

She should have woken up she’s probably going to work soon.

“Ma, are you up” said Michael with a loud whisper.

She might be really sleep let me see

After a staggering 8 minutes that felt like a stab each time a second passed and 3 Family

members that didn’t answer. Michael called emergency number by then Tony was in the room

and he was as hungry as one could be.

“Should we make some food?” asked Tony.

“She isn’t waking up” said Michael in a low voice.

“Huh? What do you mean?” said Tony in disbelief.

“The ambulance should be here soon,” said Michael.

“Man, we can’t get an ambulance,” said Tony

“What do you think is going to happen if I don’t!” Said Michael desperately.

“You can’t afford it!” screamed Tony.

What seemed like a tragic moment became a fight between Michael and Tony. Out in the

moment when Michael had no idea what to do he fought Tony he started off with a try of punch

in the gut, Michael and Tony play fought all the time but for tony this didn’t seem like a game so

he did what he needed to do he walked away, Michael didn’t scream at him, didn’t chase him, he

had to stay there for his mom.

After the ambulance got there many doctors and paramedics came into Michael's house, they

broke things bumping into everything, but they did one thing right they got his mom help.

“I-i-s she going to be fine what do I do, do I help?” said Michael scared for what might happen.

“Stay back kid,” said doctor Bob.

“Re-Really I can help,” said Michael.

“Just stay back kid you did enough” said security while different people tried holding him back.

“Try to find a way to pay for the ambulance or then you'll have the real problem kid,” said Bob
Michael's mom had to stay overnight in the Hospital. Her vitals were back to stable, but he had

to find a way to pay for any necessary treatment. In the morning after Michael and Tony Talked

where Michael apologized for what he had done.

“I need a way to pay for what my mom might need,” said Michael.

“What do you mean,” said Tony.

“If you don’t wake up for that long then she might need treatment or medication,” said Michael

I need to turn my life around turn the odds against Money is what we need and what my mom

needs, at this point I'm rock bottom the only way to go is up.

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