VPN Connecting To Access Server

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DevOps / Pages / DevOps / Getting started / VPN: Connecting to Access Server Edit
VPN: Connecting to Access Server
Connecting to OpenVPN Access Server from Linux requires a client program. It will capture the
traffic you wish to send through the OpenVPN tunnel, encrypting it and passing it to the
OpenVPN server. And of course, the reverse, to decrypt the return traffic.
Linux Packages
OpenVPN Access Server openvpn-as
OpenVPN 3 Linux Client openvpn3
OpenVPN open source openvpn

OpenVPN 3 Linux Client - CLI

After following the instructions there to install the client, you’ll need a connection profile.
The file generated by our OpenVPN Access Server installation for your specific user
It contains the required certificates and connection settings. Go to the Client web interface
of our Access Server (https://vpn.phabe.com).
Log in with your user credentials. You will be shown a list of files available to download. Pick
the user-locked profile or the auto-login profile, and you will be sent a client.ovpn file.
Save this file to your Linux operating system.
Once you’ve moved the file to your Linux system, you can import it.
openvpn3 config-import --config ${client.ovpn}

You can start a new VPN session:

openvpn3 session-start --config ${client.ovpn}

You can manage a running VPN session:

openvpn3 sessions-list

OpenVPN 3 Linux Client - GUI

Import a .ovpn file with Network Manager GUI
Open Network Manager from Gnome settings option and select Network tab and click
on the VPN + symbol

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From the Add VPN windows, click on the Import from file… option

You must navigate to your .ovpn file (client.ovpn) and click on Open button:

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Click on the Add button

Finally, click on off button to turn on the VPN: Edit

Downloading and installing(for Client Connect v2)
1. Navigate to the OpenVPN Access Server client web interface.

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2. Login with your credentials.

3. Click on the Mac icon:

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4. Wait until the download completes, and then open it (the exact procedure varies a bit per

5. Open the ‘OpenVPN Connect installer’ to start the installation then click ‘Continue’.

6. Review the installation type. Then click ‘Install’.

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7. Enter your device password, if you have one configured, and click ‘Install Software’.

8. Wait for the installation process to complete.

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9. Click ‘Close’ to end the installation process.

10. If your device asks, click ‘Move to Trash’ to clean up the installer file.

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11. In applications, open OpenVPN.

12. Click on a profile to connect.

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13. If prompted, enter your profile password.

14. In the system tray, the OpenVPN Connect Client is now ready for use.

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