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@ Experiment to show diffusion D.

inc solution
A 10%. Solution of gelatine in water was prepared and a few drops of phenolphthalein
added as an indicator. The solution was
allowed to gel in a test tube
The test tube
inverted and Supported by a retort stand and clampin a beaker Containing dil NaOH. It was left for 2
days. Observation
The Sodium hydroxide ions more upwards against the force of gravity through the gel from the solution
of high Come Into the gel of lower come of alkali The movement is traced by the pink Colouration formed
by the phenolphthalein
6. Experiment to show diffusion of a gen Ans. Procedure & Squares of welted red glass rod litmus paper
pushed with a into a wide glass tube, corked at one end, So that they stick to the side and are evenly
Spaced out. The open end of the tube is closed with a cork carrying a plug af cotton Had Saturated with
a strong solution of ammonic
Observation: The alkaline ammonia vapour
diffuses along inside the tube and at a rate which can be determined by observing the time when each
square of litmus paper turns completely blue
Q. Explain how the order of amino acids, in a protein chain affects the structure of the whole protein.
with in
Ans. The structure of a protein is determined by a variety. of bonds between amino acids the polypeptide
chains. Different amino acids can form different weaker bonds (such as hydrogen bonds, sulfide bonds
and ionic bonds) with other amino acids depending on the how they
they are placed off in the amino acid chain of the protein. These bonds determine the secondary, tertiary
and quart quaternary structure of the protein. So change in a a single amino acid can alter the structure
of the whole protein.
6. Explain why weak hydrogen bonds play a much bigger part in maintaining protein structure than Sulfur
and salt bridges which are much stronger,
Ans. There are many
because they can form
amino acids.
of them
between any
Expt. Expt
Q. Expt to show the effect of removing phloem tissues from stems
Ans. Procedure: Deut fresh willao shoots unde
11) Ring cutting
Shoot at a
point below the leaves by Complete ring of bark and removing the underlying phloem. Smear the ring
with soft paraffin. Leave the control shoot unsinged 111) Insert both shoots in water, keeping the ring
above the water level. Leave aside for
2-3 weeks.
Observation : Adventitious roots will formon
the cut end of the unringed shoot The ringed stem is as
unable to form roots an organic
Substances can not be translocated downwards without phloem tissue swelling of the stem is seen
immediately above the ring of the ringed stem, showing accumulation of Organic Substances.
Experiment to show the importance of certain Chemical elements in green plants.
Ans. Procedure : 1) Green plants can be grown in
sand culture solutions. These are Solutions Containing the essential chemical elements in the form of
soluble inorganic salts needed for metabolism of healthy plants Solutions Containing all the elements are
complete culture Solutions. Solutions with one missing chemical elements are incomplete culture
Solutions. These lack nitrogen, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous or potassium ions.
1) A control solution or complete culture is prepared, and seven other incomplete cultures. Each solution
and the containing tube is heat-Sterilised in a pressure cooker.
111) Fourteen day-old seedlings of maine, wheat barley or oats are grown, allowing them to Consume
their Seed food reserves. The seeddings are washed in cold water and supported with their roots dipping
into the culture Solution. Periodically the Solution is aerated by blowing in a current of sterile air
In The outer surface of the cultured tube is made light proof, and the tubes with their seeddings
maintained together for three weeks ata comtant
Temperature of 30°c

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