Hanson Maci

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The Mystery at the beach.

By: Maci Hanson

Just the way to end my day.

It is around 9:15pm and I am about to end my shift when a group of about 15 people walk

in, and every single one gets into the line to order something. Of course, I am the only one

working right now. Just great. The last thing I wanted to see right now was a group of people

from school walking in, but they did. As soon as they walked in, I wanted to walk right out.

While dealing with the massive line and getting all their ice cream, we ran out of coconut ice

cream. Not surprising, it is the top seller in summer. By the time I came back with more coconut

ice cream, there were 10 more people waiting in line. I was ready to lose it right then in front of

everyone, but I cannot do that obviously.

“Oh my god, I'm so sorry!”

I was so stressed that I dropped a customer's ice cream right out of my hand and right

onto their shirt, and to make matters worse, it was a bright blue ice cream, on a white shirt. To be

honest I wouldn’t mind if somebody dug a six-foot hole and put me in it, so I never had to see

the world again. But that wouldn’t happen, so I had to continue dealing with the stress.

“No, your fine honey I can promise you i have tons of the same shirts just like this one,

seriously it’s not a big deal and i can clearly tell you’re stressed from all these customers. We

can just pretend this never happened, ok?”

“Thank you so much, you don’t understand how stressful it is being the only one working

at an ice cream shop, it’s crazy, especially in the summer.”

“Yes, I know, it's crazy how they let only one person work, they should have a minimum

of at least two or three people-”

“I’m sorry to end this conversation but i must serve the other customers, here is your ice

cream, sorry again.”

“Oh, I'm terribly sorry to hold you up, I didn’t even realize, have a nice rest of your night


“You too!”

At least she's a decent person, everyone else in here is acting loud and obnoxious, and it

is driving me crazy. Five more customers, and then you can go home. This has been one of the

craziest shifts I have worked here in six months. After I moved from Hawaii, I decided that I

would figure out more about where I wanted to go to college, so I am working at an Ice cream

shop in Miami, Florida.

“Have a good night.” I say to the last group of customers as they walk out of the door.

Finally. I can finally go home and sleep in my comfy bed. Except for I have to walk home, and it

is now pitch black. Great. At least I have my friends in Hawaii to call since their time is 6 hours

behind mine, so it will be light out for them.


“Hey Malia, what up.”

“Oh, nothing much, I was just walking home from work, and I didn’t want to walk home

in complete silence.”
“Oh well this isn’t the greatest time to call, we’re trying to plan a surprise birthday party

for Ava. You remember her right.”

“Of course, I do, but I understand if you must go. Tell her I said happy birthday if you

have a chance.”

“I will for sure, stay safe, hope to see you soon Mal!”

“Ok, bye Kal!”


Typical Kali, Shes always wrapped up in being the leader for everything, and she never

has time for herself. Well now I have to walk home in the complete dark by myself. Suddenly, I

hear a rustle in the bush, and instead of staying quiet, I scream.


Why am I so stupid, now they’re going to know where I am. Just when I thought it

couldn’t get any worse, I hear a gunshot. Instead of staying quiet and hiding, I sprint for my

apartment since it is only one block away.

“Finally,” I sigh to myself. I nearly ran back into the wall when I heard the meow of my

cat. How could you forget you have a cat, Malia.

“Hello?” I hear it coming from my front door.

Do not open the door Malia, it could be the shooter.

“Please let me in, they're coming.” Do not let them in.

“Nobody’s home!” Somebody is home now.

“Please I am begging you, I will do anything, I swear.”

I looked through my peep hole in my door, and to my surprise it was the lady I spilled the

ice cream on at the ice cream shop earlier, except for there was no stain on it now. You

must let her in now; she could be in danger. But then that would also put me in danger.

But with me being my stupid self, ten seconds later, I found myself letting her in.

“Thank you so much, you don't know how much I thank you.”

“Of course, but before anything, do you know what is happening out there.”

“Not a clue, I was just taking my dog on a walk when suddenly, I heard a gunshot, and

my dog ran away, so after that I ran to the nearest place I could find, which is your


“Oh ok, well do you need anything?” Why am I offering stuff to this lady I met one time.

Am I stupid? I really hope she says no.

“Actually, if you don’t mind, can I have a towel, it just started raining out of nowhere.”

“Yes of course.” Thats weird, I didn’t see any rain from my apartment this whole time.

As I walked back to give her the towel she asked me for, she was nowhere to be found.

Either I'm hallucinating, or this is really weird. I turned around, and to my surprise she

was standing right there. I nearly screamed, but if i did, she would think there is

something wrong with me.

“Here’s your towel, and also I never caught your name Mrs.”

“Thank you so much Malia, my name is Katy by the way.”

“How do you know my name-”

“It was on your name tag in the ice cream shop silly.”

A silent shhh went by, and she disappeared again, this time for good.

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