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History Paper Questions :D

Name:________________________________ ( ) Class:_________________ Date:___________________________________

i. Each question is worth one mark unless mark allocation is stated

ii. Please use a pen to complete all the questions

Part 1: My School
1.Classify the following sources: (6 marks)
a. A plastic statue of the Parthenon
b. The Parthenon
c. A metal model of the Parthenon
d. A history book about the Parthenon
e. An interview with an archaeologist about his findings of the Parthenon
f. A pot uncovered near the Parthenon

Classification of Sources Primary Sources Secondary Sources

Written Sources

Non-Written Sources

2.Arrange the events in chronological order:

a. (i) Ms Chen Lam Ngar Sheung retired and Mr Poon Chau Kau became Principal
(ii) Dr Anissa Chan retired and Mr Poon Siu Chi became Principal
(iii) Dr Woo retired and Ms B.M.Kotewall became Principal
(iv) School moved to present site at 33 MacDonnell Road
(v) Celebration of the Centenary

( )->( )->( )->( )->( )

b. (i) People use simple drawings to record things

(ii) The spoken language was developed
(iii) The first book was made
(iv) The written language began to develop

( )->( )->( )->( )

c. (i) The Computer Age
(ii) The Age of Metals
(iii) The Stone Age

( )->( )->( )

3. A man was born in 1342 B.C. and lived for 70 years. In which year did he die?

4. A man was born in 44 A.D. and died in 97 A.D. How long did he live?

5. What does Anno Domini mean?


6a. When did people learn to write?


b. What is the historical period before (a) ?


7a. What happened in 1453?


b. What is the historical period after (a) ?


c. What is the historical period before (a) ?


8. In which year did the Western Roman Empire fall?


9. A man was born in 1697 A.D. and died in 1729 A.D.

Which century was he born in? How long did he live? (2 marks)
Part 2: Early Civilisation

1. The Old and New Stone Ages are in the Prehistoric Times / Historic Times .

2. Meaning of Civilisation (12 marks)

Complete the table.

Uncivilised Civilised

1. What was their method of keeping


2. What tools did they make and


3. Where did they live (in)?

4. Who were their leaders? (Further

explanation about governments and
laws if applicable)

5. How did they get their food?

6. Any religion?

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

7. How did they trade?

3. People living in the Old Stone Ages led a __________________________________ life.

4. Write A, B, C, D, E, F or G in the brackets provided. (Multiple choice) (5 marks)

a.Who settled in the Indus Valley? ( )
A. The Shang People
B. The Ancient Egyptians
C. The Dravidians
D. The Sumerians

b. Which rivers can be found In Mesopotamia? ( )

A. Huanghe
B. River Tigris
C. River Tigeris
D. River Euphrates
E. The Nile
F. River Tigris and River Euphrates
G. River Tigeris and River Euphrates

c. Which deserts/plateaus/mountains are protecting the Nile Valley? ( )

A. Sahara Desert
B. Gobi Desert
C. Sahara Desert and Ethiopian Plateau
D. Ethiopian Plateau and Himalayas
E. Gobi Desert and Ethiopian Plateau
d. What deserts/plateaus/mountains are protecting Mesopotamia? ( )
A. Sahara Desert
B. Arabian Desert
C. Zagros Mountains and Arabian Desert
D. Zagros Mountains and Sahara Desert
E. Sahara and Arabian Desert

e. Which of the following are the civilizations in Mesopotamia? ( )

1. The Sumerians
2. The Assyrians
3. The Akkadians
4. The Babylonians
A. 1,2,4 B. 1,2,3 C. 2,3,4 D. 1,3,4 E. All of the above

5. Why is an area in Mesopotamia called the Fertile Crescent? (2 marks)



6. Name the two seas that surrounds Mesopotamia (2 marks)


7a. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words (5 marks)
1. King Nebuchadnezzar II of the New Babylon built _____________________________________________
2. ___________________________________ defeated the Persians
3. __________________________started to build city-states, and built the ziggurat in Ur
4. King Hammurabi of the Old Babylonians set up _________ laws
5. The ______________________ conquered the Sumerians

b. Arrange the above (event) statements in chronological order

( )->( )->( )->( )->( )
8. If you were the leader of a clan, why would you choose to live next to a river? Explain and elaborate your answers
(6 marks)













10. Fill in the blanks and complete the paragraph (13 marks)
a. The earliest forms of writing are called _____________________________. _______________________ are written on the
square-shaped tablets made of __________________ and written with _________________________________.

b. _________________________________ and ________________________ were the pillars of the Meosopotamian economy. They
used the ___________________ to trade for goods and services.

c. People irrigated their land through a system of _________________ and _______________.

d. ______________________ were used for calculating weight.

e. _________________________ were temple towers. It was the center of the city and the center of worship.

f. The highest duty of the people was to ________________________________________________________.

g. The Sumerians invented _________________________________.

11. Arrange the following events in chronological order by numbering the statements (4 marks)

( )Neo Assyrian Kingdom

6 Persian Kingdom
( )Akkadian Kingdom
( )Babylonian Kingdom; King Hammurabi unified the Fertile Crescent and set up Babylonian Empire
( )Neo Babylonian Kingdom
1 Civilization began in Sumer. The Sumerians were the first people in history to establish cities and invent writing
Part 3: Hong Kong Early Settlers

1. How long is the recorded history of Hong Kong? ( )

a. ~200 years
b. ~1000 years
c. ~2000 years
d. ~6000 years

2. Hong Kong came under the rule of the Chinese emperors since the ______________________________________. During
the Qin and Han Dynasty, Hong Kong was part of the ____________________________ of ________________________ Country.
(3 marks)

3. Complete the table (12 marks)

Settlers When did they settle? Where did they settle? What were their major





4. Explain the meaning of a clan (2 marks)


5. Name the five great clans of the New Territories and state where they lived. (10 marks)







6. Why did the five great clans settle in the New Territories? Explain. (2 marks).




7. Why did the members of a clan live together? Explain. (2 marks)





8. Name 4 characteristics of a traditional Chinese walled village? (4 marks)


9. Complete the table (12 marks)

Type of Buildings/ Examples Functions How do the buildings

Structure reflect the status, power,
culture and tradition of
the Tang clan?

Walled Village

-Tang Ancestral Hall

-Yu Kiu Ancestral Hall

Study Halls

Temples/ religious
buildings and structures

10. What did the students study in those days? (2 marks)



11. The structure of an ancestral hall is called ___________________________________________________________________________

Part 4: Ancient Greece

1. The civilization of ancient _______________ and ___________________ formed the basis of ___________________________
civilization. We call this civilization the ___________________________________________ or the
___________________________________ civilization.

2. Name 4 aspects of how the Greco-Roman civilization influences our life today. (4 marks)




3. Where are the Ancient Olympic Games held? ( )

a. Athens
b. Sparta
c. Olympia
d. Marathon

4. Fill in the blanks.

City-states were ___________________________ cities which rule and protect themselves like small countries. They had
their own ______________________________________________________________________________, but they share common

5. Name two seas that are found near Greece. (2 marks)



6. What refers to the term ‘freemen’? (5 marks)



7. What is the type of the Athenian Government called? What does it mean? (2 marks)


8. All freemen talked and voted about issues such as _________ and ___________ in the ______________________________.

9. The _________________________________ carry out _______________________ (Take action). They were chosen by

10. Name four differences between Sparta and Athens. (4 marks)







11. When and where were the first Ancient Olympics Games held? Why were they held? (3 marks)



12. How important were the Olympic Games to Greeks? Explain. (3 marks)



13. Why did the Ancient Olympic Games end?

14. When did the Olympic Games revive? Why? (2 marks)



15. Complete the table (10 marks)

In terms of… Ancient Olympic Games Modern Olympic Games






16. Philosophy in Greek means ________________________________________________________.

17. Fill in the blanks and complete the paragraph.

a. ______________ was a famous poet. His key publications were the Odyssey and the _______________. He made
unparalleled influence on __________________________________________________ today. (3 marks)

b. ___________________ didn’t write any books. He learnt by ___________________________________________. He didn’t

support ____________________________ as he thinks it would lead to ______________________________________________
_____________________. He died because he was made by Athenian leaders to ___________________________________
_____________________ as he was accused of ______________________________________________. His influence on the
modern world include inspiring the ____________________________________________________________________ (the
Socratic method of challenging ___________________________) and inspiring modern politicians to
_________________________________________________. (9 marks)

c. ________________ was a student of Socrates. He believes that it is important to use ___________ and ____________
To examine oneself and control natural desire. One of the books he has written was __________________________
____________________ (To study the best form of ______________________). He set up _______________________________
__________________________ to nurture ______________________________________. He influenced the modern word
with his ideas of how to improve ___________________________________________________ and how
_________________________________ works (e.g. how to prevent _____________________________) (10 marks)

d. ______________________________ was a student of Plato. He was also the teacher of ______________________________

__________________________________. He achieved true knowledge by _____________________________________________
__________________________________. He found the _________________ and he inspired modern science by his study
of animals or organisms by __________________________________ and using experiments to study science.
(_______________________) (7 marks)

e. __________________________________ was also known as the Father of Medicine. He wrote the

___________________________________________________. (2 marks)

f. __________________________________ was famous for the ___________________ relating to the lengths of the three
sides of a right-angled triangle. (2 marks)

g. _______________________________ was famous for his development of geometry.

h. _______________________________ discovered a method to measure circumference. He also discovered the

principle of ‘mass=density x volume’

18. Common ancient Greek architecture features include _______________________________ and _________________________.

19. The Parthenon (The Temple of _________________) is situated on the ______________________, the walled-area on high
ground. ___________________ columns are used.

20. The three types of columns are ___________________________________________________________________________ (3 marks)


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