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STUDENT BOOK Compiled by James Blocksom, Fátima Torres, and Gerhard Roux

2015 Edition Edited by Gerhard Roux

WORKBOOK Compiled by Gerhard Roux


2015 Edition

Unit One
Helpful phrases in the classroom and elsewhere, The alphabet, Introducing yourself and others,
Verb "to be", Question words

Unit Two
Nationalities, Verb "to be", Present simple, Positive statements, Negative statements and Questions
Unit Three
Use of "a" and "an", Occupations, Cardinal numbers, Days of the week, Regular verbs conjugation,
Questions with short answers, negatives, Revision Units One to Three
Unit Four
Vocabulary, Colors, Months of the year, Prepositions, Ordinal numbers, Dates, Seasons
Unit Five
The weather, Seasons, Prepositions, Time
Unit Six
Big Numbers, There is, There are, Home vocabulary, Prepositions of location, Vocabulary, Revision
Units Four to Six
Unit Seven
Likes and dislikes, Vocabulary, Daily and other activities,
Unit Eight
Adjectives: This and That, These and Those, There is/there are, Family Members
Unit Nine
Past Simple, countable and uncountable nouns, some and any, a few, a little, many, not much, a lot,
lots of
Unit Ten
Comparatives, Superlatives, Present Continuous, Adverbs of Frequency, Going To, Will
Unit Eleven
Describing people, Adjectives, Opposites, Questions with "Like", Clothing, Body parts
Unit Twelve
Possessive pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, and articles






Unit One
Helpful phrases in the Classroom and elsewhere, The alphabet, Introducing yourself and others,
Present simple, Verb "to be", Question words

Helpful phrases in the Classroom and elsewhere

How do you spell your last name? How do you spell his name?
How do you pronounce that?

The Alphabet A-Z

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm

Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Consonants (by pronunciation)

B C D G P T V Z (American)



1. Listen and repeat the alphabet.
2. Spell your names.
3. Practice the pronunciation of the alphabet going round the class.

1. Introductions - Everyday Greetings

Good morning

Good afternoon


Good evening Goodbye

Verb “to be” : am / is / are

What's your name?

What is his name?
What´s her name?
What are their names?

Here are expressions to introduce yourself and others:

Expressions to introduce yourself:
 My name is Cecil.
 I'm Veronica.
 Nice to meet you. I'm George.
 Pleased to meet you all. I'm Sandra.
 Let me introduce myself. I'm Paul.

Expressions to introduce others:

Jack, this is Nicolas.
Donna, do you know Jack?
I want you to meet Liza.
Let me introduce you to Betty.
Leila, this is Barbara. Barbara this is Leila.

Useful responses when introducing yourself or other people:

Nice to meet you (too).
Pleased to meet you.
How do you do?
It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Example Dialogue:
Stephan who is the new manager talks to staff members. Notice how they introduce themselves:

Stephen: Hi! My name is Stephen Martins. I’m the new manager.

Brian: Hi! I'm Brian Jackson. Nice to meet you, Mr. Martins.
Stephen: Brian, please meet Mr. Robert Powel, my assistant.
Brian: How do you do?
Robert: How do you do?

Things to remember:
When introducing yourself or other people in a formal situation use full names.
"I'm Alan Stevens."
"How do you do?" isn't really a question; it just means "Nice to meet you."

Greeting acquaintances.
S1: Hi, Jacob. How are you?
S2: Fine, thanks. And you?
S1: I’m fine too.

Read the following dialogue:

CARMEN - Hi! My name's Carmen. What's your name?
PAULO - I'm Paulo.
CARMEN - Are you a new student?
PAULO - Yes, I am. I'm from Brazil. Where are you from?
CARMEN - I'm from Spain.
PAULO - Nice to meet you.
CARMEN - Nice to meet you too.

Exercise - Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. name your What is ?
2. new student Are you a ?
3. name is Carmen My .
4. meet you Nice to .
5. from Where you are ?

Vocabulary - Some key words:

housewife - ama de casa; house - casa; home - hogar
husband - esposo/marido; wife - esposa/señora man - hombre; woman - mujer
one - uno; two - dos; three - tres
child - niño; children - niños; son - hijo; daughter - hija

Exercise - Read the introduction from Lidia and then answer the questions.
Hi! My name is Lidia. I'm from Peru. I am a housewife. I have a husband. His name is
Jorge. I have two children. Their names are Veronica and Alberto. Nice to meet you.

Refer to the above and answer in complete phrases.

What is her name?
Where is she from?
What is her husband's name?
How many children does she have?
What are her children's names?

Write your own short introduction, and then read it to the class:

Grammar - Conjugation of the Verb "to be" (“to be“ is the Infinitive form)
+ (pos) - (neg) ? (quest)

I am Yo soy / estoy I’m not No soy / estoy Am I? Yo soy /

You are Tu eres / estás You aren’t Tu no eres / estás Are you? estás /eres
** tu?
He is El es / está He isn’t El no es / está Is he? El es?
( Papá, Tio, Cuñado, El está?
Pedro, Alumno,
Primo, Hermano)
She is Ella es /está She isn’t Ella no es / está Is she? Ella es?
(Madre, Maria, Tia, Ella está?
Alumna, Abuela,
Hermana, Amiga)
It is Lo /La (Auto, Libro, It isn’t No es / está Is it? Lo es?
Casa, Pieza, Sol, Lo está?
Día, Gato, Aula,
Examen, Agua)
We are Nosotros somos / We aren’t No somos / estamos Are we? Somos?
** estamos Estamos?
You are Uds. son /están You aren’t Uds. No son / están Are you? Uds. Son?
** Están?
They are Ellos, Ellas son / They No son /están Are they? Ellos son?
** están aren´t Estan?

Using the Verb "To be"
Write the correct form of the verb "To be" in the Present Tense

En inglés la conjugación de los verbos ES LA MISMA para Tu, Ud./s., Nosotros/as, Ellos/as

Example: I (be) am happy.

1) I (be) _____ tired.
2) I (be) _____ hungry.
3) I (be) _____ late!

Example: He / She / It (be) is happy.

4) He (be) _____ cool.
5) She (be) _____ pretty.
6) It (be) _____ fast.

Example: You / We / They (be) are happy.

7) You (be) _____ nice.
8) We (be) _____ sleepy.
9) They (be) _____ funny.
10) John (be) _____ excited.
11) Tiffany and Uma (be) _____ my friends.
12) Ricardo, John and I (be) _____ watching movies tonight.
13) Hector (be) _____ kind.
14) Alisa (be) _____ young.
15) The hammer (be) _____ new.
16) My mother and father (be) _____ cooking dinner together.
17) Rachel (be) _____ driving to school today.
18) Nico and Billy (be) _____ playing at the park this Saturday.
19) The students (be) _____ studying English at the university tomorrow.
20) The test (be) _____ hard!
21) My best friend (be) _____ coming to my house tomorrow evening.

Write the following conversations in the correct order: A; B; A; B

1. On the phone:
Very well, thank you./ Hello, This is Nancy Scott speaking./I’m fine thanks, and you?/
Hi Nancy, it’s Stephen. How are you?/

A: Hello, This is Nancy Scott speaking .


2. In the office:
Goodbye, Fred. / Is 8pm OK with you Linda? / OK, see you then. Bye. /
Yes, 8pm is fine.

3. On the phone:
I’m fine thank you. How are your parents? / Not bad, thanks. How are you? /
Hello, Sandra speaking. / They’re fine too, thanks. /
Hi Sandra, it’s me, Ben. How are you?

Complete the Answers: Negative answers have more than one form.
Is Boris Russian? Yes, he .
Is his last name Smith? No, it .
Are they students? Yes, they .
Are you an accountant? No, I’m .

Oral practice – 3 Students complete the gaps and then present the dialogue.
S1: Good evening. I’m . What’s your name?
S2: Hello, I’m . Pleased to meet you .
S1: This is my friend . He/she is from .
S2: Nice to meet you .
S3: Nice to meet you too . What do you do?
S2: I’m a student, and you?
S3: I’m a student too.

Write the Short Forms:

1. He is a student. He’s a student.
2. My name is Fanny.
3. She is married.
4. They are from Peru.
5. I am from Brazil. I am not from Spain.
6. They are from Germany. They are not French.
7. She is a doctor. She is not a nurse.

Question Words
We use question words like what, who, where, why, when, whose, which, and how
to ask for information:
What do you do? I’m a student.
Where do you live? In Brazil.
Who is your friend? Her name’s Betty.
Why don’t you drink coffee? I don’t like it.
When do you get up? At 6 o’ clock.
Whose car is that? It’s hers.
Which students went to England last week?
How do you travel to work? By car.

Choose the correct question word

are you going tomorrow?
are you traveling?
would you like to have for dessert?
are you crying ?
one do you like?
do you feel today?
time are they leaving?
books are those?
one of the books are yours?
has broken this vase?
don't you see a doctor?

Choose the correct question word

1. are you so happy? Because I have a birthday party on Saturday.
2. is sitting behind you? Rita.
3. do you go to school? By bus.
4. does the first lesson begin? At 8.00 o'clock.
5. is the police-station? In front of the park.
6. is the weather like in Israel? It's hot.
7. much do the tickets cost? I don't know. About $15, maybe.
8. does your mom go to work in the morning? By taxi.
9. does he usually have for lunch? Rice and fish.
10. one of the T-shirts do you prefer?
11. wants to sing this song? Tamara does.
12. car is the fastest?

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Unit Two
Nationalities, Verb To Be, Verb conjugation, Do and Does

Introducing Countries and Nationalities

Countries (from) Nationalities
The United States (US) I’m American - Yo soy ...
Brazil You’re Brazilian - Tu eres ...
Chile She’s Chilean - Ella es ...
Argentina We’re Argentine/Argentinian - Nosotros somos ...
Mexico They’re Mexican - Ellos / Ellas son ...
Canada You’re Canadian - Uds. Son ...
France French
Germany German
Greece Greek
Ireland Irish
China Chinese
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Portugal Portuguese
Russia Russian
Spain Spanish
Australia Australian
England English
Paraguay Paraguayan
Venezuela Venezuelan
Russia Russian

a. Complete the conversation.
S1: Hi, What's your name?
S2: Marco. What's ______ _______ ?
S1: My name____ Belinda. Where ______ you_________ Marco?
S2: I_____ from Peru. _________ ______ you from?
S1: _______ __________ Madrid.

b. Write sentences: Where are you from?

I'm from Paraguay or I’m Paraguayan
Pedro: I'm from Mexico.
Anne and Cecil: We're English.
Diego: _____________from_______________________
Hiroshi is_______________________________________
Marco and Diana are _____________________________
Jenny: _________________________________________
Jack and Jill: ______________from___________________

c. Conversation practice. Ask and answer questions about your classmates

using country and nationality. Use he/his and she/her
Practice: Use the example below.
(S1) Ask your classmate (S2) about other classmates (S3 and S4, etc).
Then change partners.
S1 - What’s her name?
S2 - She’s Karina ( or Her name’s Karina).
S1 - Where’s she from?
S2 - She’s from Russia. She’s Russian.
S1 - What’s his name?
S2 - He’s David ( or His name is David).
S1 - Where’s he from?
S2 - He’s from England. He’s English.

d. In groups of three or four introduce your classmates to one another.

Irene: Hello, Henry. How are you?
Henry: Hi, Irene! I’m fine thanks, and you?
Irene: Fine too thanks.
Henry: Irene, this is John. John, this is Irene.
Irene: Nice to meet you John.
John: Nice to meet you too Irene. How are you?
Irene: I’m fine thank you, and you?
John: I am fine too, thanks.

Write a similar conversation and use your own names:

e. Complete the sentences with am, is, or are.

S1: Hi. My name ___________ Isa (or use your own name)
S2: Hello S1. Where _________ you from?
S1: I _______ from Canada.
S2: This _______ my brother / sister / friend. Her /His _______ name_____ Peter (S3).
S1: Hello Peter (S3). Nice to meet you. Where ______ you from?
S3: I ______ from New York. We_______ Australian.

We use the present simple to talk about habits and routines.

In the simple present we use the verb “to be” (ser / estar) with nouns and adjectives.
It is often used to describe people.
“To Be” is the infinitive form.

I am a manager. (NB! you cannot say: I be, or you be, or we be - etc)
You are a good worker.
The wall is blue.
He is a student.
She is married.
They are Italian.
We are secretaries.

For questions we put the verb “to be” at the beginning:

Is she a teacher?
Are they students?
Am I in the right class?
In the answers we do not use the short form (contraction):
Are you a doctor? Yes, I am. (NOT Yes, I’m.)
Is she a secretary? Yes, she is. (NOT Yes, she’s.)
Are they students? Yes, they are. (NOT Yes, they’re.)

The present simple tense: Grammar Rules
Positive statement: I play, He plays
To ask Questions and for Negative sentences, we use the auxiliary verb “Do”. NOT used with “to be”!
Negative statement: I do not play (I don't play), He does not play (He doesn't play)
Questions: Do you play? Does he play?
Negative questions: Do you not play? (Don't you play?) Does he not play? (Doesn't he play?)

The "-s "ending (plays) and the "-es " ending (does) are only used in the third person singular.
BUT, When we use Do, Does, Don’t, Doesn’t, the Main Verb DOES NOT HAVE ANY CONJUGATION!
That means that with Questions and Negative sentences we do not use “-s” or “-és” with the verb.

The auxiliary verb do is NEVER USED to make questions or negative statements with the verb To Be;
Are you a student? Is he in London? I am not at home. He is not happy.

More verb conjugation examples with: he, she, it – IMPORTANT - Don’t forget to add “s” or “es”.
He works in an office (work). He doesn’t work in an office. Does he work in an office?
John eats vegetables (eat) John doesn’t eat vegetables. Does John eat vegetables?
Alice dances a lot (dance). Alice doesn’t dance a lot. Does Alice dance a lot?
Use these verbs: break, fish, kiss, watch, fix, study, to complete the exercises negative /question
The dog breaks the fence. _________________________ / ___________________________?
He fishes at the sea. _________________________ / ___________________________?
She kisses her boyfriend. _________________________ / ___________________________?
Mary watches the trains. _________________________ / ___________________________?
He fixes his car _________________________ / ___________________________?
Peter studies English. _________________________ / ___________________________?

Simple Present Tense – complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb:
a. Affirmative
b. Negative
c. Interrogative
1. a. I (travel) ................. to London every week.

2. a. He (travel) ................. To London every week.


3. a. You (be) ................. a good student.


4. a. Mary (work) ................. in a bank.


5. a. John (do)................. The laundry every Saturday.


6. a. You (study) ................. English at school.


7. a. The dog (break) ................. the fence.


8. a. The car (be) ................. in the garage.


9. a. My father (have) ................. a nice coat.


10. a. She (read) ................. detective stories in English.


11. a. We (live) ................. in Paris.


12. a. George (sell) ...................... peaches and apples.


13. a. I always (visit) ................. my grandmother.

14. a. Alice (go) ................. to the church.


15. a. They (be) ................. my best friends.


16. a. You always (pay) ................. the tickets.


17. a. London (be) ............. a big and nice city.


18. a. My cousin (paint) ............... the house.


19. a. I (study) ................. and (work) ................. in Madrid.


20. a. Mirta (do) ................ her homework every night.


Exercise - Select the Nationality for each Country.

1. China 11. Australia
2. United States 12. Poland _____
3. Britain 13. Japan ___________
4. Argentina 14. Mexico ___________
5. Iraq 15. Taiwan ___________
6. France 16. Brazil ___________
7. Venezuela 17. Italy ___________
8. Greece 18. Portugal ___________
9. Germany 19. England ___________
10. Spain 20. Canada ___________

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Unit Three
Use of "a" and "an", Occupations, Cardinal numbers, Days of the week, Regular verbs
conjugation, Questions with short answers, negatives, Revision Units One to Three

Grammar: Use of “a” and “an”

We use “an” before a, e, i, o, u (vowels sounds): He’s an architect.
We use “a” before b, c, d, etc. (consonant sounds): She’s a director.
We do not use “a” or “an” with plural nouns: They are engineers.
Example - a or an?
What's this in English?
It’s a desk.
It’s an exercise book.
Two pens.
Three books.

What do you do? What does he do? What does Sandra do? What do they do?
She’s a teacher He’s a fire fighter She’s an engineer
VOCABULARY - OCCUPATIONS – What do you do? What does she do?
In the squares below write “a” or “an”:

An actor/actress A salesperson An author

A writer A receptionist An architect
A businessman/woman An office worker A graphic designer
An engineer A technician A manager
An accountant A salesman
___ Attorney ___ Fire fighter ___ Mechanic

___ Actor / Actress

___ Doctor ___ Nurse

___ Police Officer ___ Bus driver ___ Cashier

___ Pilot ___Businessman

___ Hairdresser

___ Engineer

___ Maid

___ Waiter / Waitress

___ Postman ___ Taxi driver


___ Architect

___ Barber
___Cook (Chef)

a. Complete the blank spaces. Write about your friends or people you know:
My girlfriend is a lawyer. She’s from Argentina.
I'm an actress. I’m Paraguayan.
________________________________. ______________________________
________________________________. ______________________________
________________________________. ______________________________

b. The indefinite article a/an - Exercise 1

Use a or an. Write the correct forms of the indefinite articles into the gaps.
Example: We read __ book. Answer: We read a book.
1) Lucy has dog.
2) Let's sing _ song.
3) Emily needs new desk in her room.
4) I need blue pen.
5) Ben has old bike.
6) Peter has __ aunt in Berlin.
7) We listen to English CD.
8) She has exercise book in her school bag.
9) The speed of this car is 160 miles ___ hour.
10) They finished unit.

The indefinite article: a, an

Which article a or an can be put before the following words or phrases?
Write the words or phrases below into the correct column.

pilot, son, cup of coffee, actor, ear, older sister, idea, end, book, animal, brother

a an

c. Singular and Plural Nouns

Read the following text:

There are many things in my kitchen at home. In the refrigerator, there are some
apples and some oranges. There is some cheese, some butter and some oil. I have a
few pieces of beef but there isn't any fish. In the kitchen, there are many pictures on
the walls and my children like to put pictures on the refrigerator. Sometimes, I have
some men friends visit me and we make lunch together. At other times, I have
women friends visit me and we have dinner together.

Forming the plural in English is very easy. Add '-s' to any singular word Example:
apple - apples and you have made the plural! Some words are formed differently:

Words ending in '-y'. Add '-ies' if '-y' is preceded by a consonant.
Example: candy - candies, jelly - jellies
Words ending in '-ch'. Add '-es'
Example: watch - watches, peach - peaches

Words ending in '-s'. Add '-es'

Example: grass - grasses, glass - glasses

Some important exceptions to the plural rule include:

man - men
woman - women
person - people
child – children

Practice: What are the plural forms of the words between brackets?
1. There were two young (lady) walking in the garden.
2. I see two (dish) on the table.
3. These two (child) are watching TV.
4. Could you give me some (information) about your project?
5. These (box) are too heavy to carry by myself.
6. My (trousers) are dirty.
7. I can see many dead (leaf) in the garden.
8. Your (luggage) is too heavy.
9. The (deer) are running in the forest.
10. I lost my (key) this morning.
11. I really need some new (furniture) .
12. I would like some (potato) on my plate please.

Role play ( First with one partner. Then change partners. Move around)
You are at a party. You must introduce yourselves using all of the above plus
Loren: Hello. I’m Loren Young.
Mark: Pleased to meet you, Loren. My name is Mark Preston.
Loren: Nice to meet you too. What do you do?
Mark: I’m an engineer. And you?
Loren: I’m a graphic designer.
Mark: Where are you from?
Loren: I’m from the United States. What about you?
Mark: I’m from England. Where is your office?
Loren: It’s in Baltimore. How about yours?
Mark: It’s in London.

Use the above example to write your own conversation:

Cardinal Numbers

0 Zero / Oh

1 One 11 Eleven

2 Two 12 Twelve 20 Twenty

3 Three 13 Thirteen 30 Thirty

4 Four 14 Fourteen 40 Forty

5 Five 15 Fifteen 50 Fifty

6 Six 16 Sixteen 60 Sixty

7 Seven 17 Seventeen 70 Seventy

8 Eight 18 Eighteen 80 Eighty

9 Nine 19 Nineteen 90 Ninety

10 Ten 100 One hundred

Days of the week

The Working Week The weekend

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Students ask each other:
What day comes before Friday? It is
What day comes after Monday? It’s
What day is today?
What day is tomorrow?
What day was yesterday? Etc. It was

Crossword: Numbers 10 to 90 - Fill in the words for the bold numbers

Across Down

3) 8) 1) 6)

4) 10) 2) 7)

5) 11) 3) 9)

Across Down

3) 8) 1) 6)

4) 10) 2) 7)

5) 11) 3) 9)

Don’t forget the “-” or space between bigger numbers: thirty-five OR thirty five

1 2

5 6

8 9



Sentence order: Subject - Verb - Object
Normally, a sentence describes a relationship or someone or something. It also gives
an order, or asks a question. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period,
question mark, or exclamation mark.
The basic parts of a sentence are the subject and the verb. The subject is usually a
noun: a word (or phrase) that names a person, place, or thing.
The verb usually follows the subject and identifies an action or a state of being.
Nouns can also be objects in sentences. The subject usually performs the action.
The object receives the action and usually comes after the verb.
The girls (subject) play (verb) tennis (object).
The teacher (subject) drinks (verb) coffee (object).
We can speak English.
Pronouns can also be objects:
Before eating the apple, Nancy cleaned it.
When I visit my mother, I kiss her.

Verb Conjugation
Verbs such as paint, claim, pour, play, read, or jump: Add "-ing" to create the
present participle, and add "s" to create the 3rd person present.
Conjugation for "play":
Infinitive play
I play
You play
He, She, It plays
We play
You play
They play

Verbs such as dance, save, or devote: Add "s" to create the 3rd person present.
Conjugation for "devote":
Infinitive devote
I, you, we, they devote
He, She, It devotes

Verbs such as such as kiss, bless, box, polish, or fax: Add "es" to create the 3rd
person present.
Conjugation for "polish":
Infinitive polish
I, you, we, they polish
He, She, It polishes

Verbs such as comply, fly, copy, or magnify: such as comply, copy, or magnify:
Replace the final "y" with "-ies" to create the 3rd person present.
Conjugation for "copy":
Infinitive copy
I copy
You copy
He, She, It copies
We copy
You copy
They copy

Questions with Short answers

Question Answer
Is he from London? Yes, he is/No, he isn't.
Are the boys at your school? Yes, they are/No, they aren't.
Can you play ice-hockey? Yes, I can/No, I can't.
Have we got ketchup? Yes, we have/Yes we do/No, we haven't.
Has she got a mobile phone? Yes, she has/No, she hasn't/No, she doesn't.
Do they live in a flat? Yes, they do/No, they don't.
Does he work in an office? Yes, hedoes/No, he doesn't.
Are they writing a test now? Yes, they are/No, they aren't.
Is he going to see his sister? Yes, heis/No, he isn't.

Yes/No answers - to be
Subject and verb change their position in statements and questions.
Statement: You are from Germany.
Question: Are you from Germany?
We always use the short answer, not only "Yes" or "No". This sounds rude.
If the answer is "Yes", we always use the long form.
Example: Yes, I am.

If the answer is "No", we either use the long or the contracted form (short form).
Example: No, I am not - No, I'm not.

Are you from Germany? Yes, I am/No, I am not/I'm not.

Is he your friend? Yes, heis/No he isn't.
Are Peter and John from England? Yes, they are/No, they aren't.

Questions with can Short answer

Can you speak English? Yes, I can.
Can you climb a tree? No, I can't/cannot.
Can he play rugby? Yes, hecan.
Can Mandy read poems? Yes, she can.
Can they sing nice songs? No, they can't/cannot.

Questions with question words Answer
What can Emily ride? Emily can ride a bicycle.
Where can Frank play the trumpet? Frank can play the trumpet in his room.
When can she see her friends? She can see her friends after school.

Yes/No Questions and short answers – Have got

Have you got a cat? Yes, I have.

Have you got a new car? No, we haven't.
Has your brother got a bike? Yes, hehas.
Do you have a cat? Yes, I do.
Do you have a new car? No, we don't.
Does your brother have a bike? Yes, hedoes.

Questions with do in the Simple Present

Do you read books? Yes, I do/No, I don't.

Does Peter play football? Yes, hedoes/ No, he doesn't
What do you play on your computer? I play games on my computer.
When does your mother go to work? She goes to work at 6 o'clock.
Where do you meet your friends? I meet them at the bus stop.

General questions
Are you a doctor? Yes, I am/No, I'm a nurse.
Is he from Colombia? Yes, he is/No, he isn't/No, he's from Peru.
Is it time to go? Yes, it is/No, it isn't/Not yet.
Is she married? Yes, she is/No, she isn't/I don't know.
Are they here yet? Yes, they are/No, they aren't.
Do you live in Oklahoma? Yes, I do/No, I don't/No, I live in Texas.
Does she drink coffee? No, she doesn't/No, she drinks tea.
Does it fly? Yes, it does/No, I don't think so.
Do you need some help? Yes, I do/No, I'm fine.
Can I have this? Yes, you can/No, you can't.

Negatives in the Simple Present - Exercise 1

Make the following phrases negative and write the negative forms.
You can use long forms or short/contracted forms.

Example: we run - _____________________________

Answer: we run - we do not run (or we don't run)
1) I sit -
2) Peggy washes -
3) They go -
4) You watch -
5) He tries -

6) We ask -
7) Mel and John study -
8) She starts -
9) I phone -
10) It hurts -

Simple Present - Negative sentences in English – Exercise 2

Make the sentences negative and write the correct negative form in the
gaps. You can use long or short/contracted forms of the auxiliary.

Tom writes a letter every month. - Tom ______________ a letter every month.
Tom writes a letter. - Tom does not write a letter every month.
or: Tom doesn't write a letter every month.

1) They play volleyball every week. - They volleyball every week.

2) John is nice. - John nice.
3) This car makes a lot of noise. - This car a lot of noise.
4) I like computer games. - I computer games.
5) We are from Greece. - We from Greece.
6) You wear pullovers. - You pullovers.
7) They speak English. - They English.
8) He watches TV. - He TV.
9) I am from Spain. - I from Spain.
10) Steve draws nice pictures. - Steve nice pictures.

Revision units 1 to 3
Fill in the blanks:

Argentina Argentinian,
________________ Argentine
Brazil ______________
Chile ______________
________________ Columbian
Ecuador ______________
Paraguay ______________
________________ Peruvian
________________ Uruguayan
Venezuela ______________

Complete the conversation.
S1: Hi, What's your name?
S2: Marco. What's _________ __________ ?
S1: My name_______ Belinda. Where _________ you____________ Marco?
S2: I_______ from Peru. _________ _________ you from?
S1: _______ __________ Madrid.

Write sentences: Where are you from?

I'm from Paraguay or I’m Paraguayan
Pedro: I'm from Mexico.
Anne and Cecil: We're English.
Diego: _______from___________________ or I’m __________________________
Hiroshi is from __________________________ He’s _________________________
Marco and Diana are _____________________ . They’re from ________________
Jenny: ___________________________. _________ from ____________________
Jacob and Yvonne: ______ ______from________________. ___________________

Complete the sentences with am, is, are, his, her, or your.
1. My name _____ Isa.
2. Where _____ you from?
3. I _____ from Canada.
4. This ____ my brother. _____ name’s Bobby.
5. What's ________ name? My name's Kevin.
6. Monica and Paul _____ from New York.
7. This ____ my sister. _______name's Norma.
8. We ______ from Sydney. We_____ Australian.

Occupations: What do you do? What does he do? What does your mother do?
doctor, engineer, nurse, architect, lawyer, firefighter, policeman, actress, waiter
Complete the blank spaces:
What does she do? She's a lawyer. She’s from Argentina.
What do you do? I'm an actress. I’m from Paraguay.
(He) _________________________________________________________________
(You-singular) _________________________________________________________
(We) ______________________________________________________________________
(She) ______________________________________________________________________

Write the Days of the week in English:

Use a or an. Write the correct forms of the indefinite articles in the spaces.
Example: We read ___ newspaper in the morning.
Answer: We read a newspaper in the morning.
1) Lucy has cat.
2) Let's play game.
3) She wants apple.
4) He wants to go to university in Argentina.
5) When it rains I use umbrella.

Questions and short answers with do/does in the Simple Present

Do you read books?
Does Peter play football?
What games do you play on your computer?
When does your mother go to work?
Where do you meet your friends?

General questions – write your answer

Are you a doctor?
Are they from Colombia?
Is it time to go?
Is she married?
Make the following phrases negative and write the negative forms.
You can use long forms or short/contracted forms.

Example: we run - we
Answer: we run - we do not run. or we don’t run
1) I sit -
2) Peggy washes -
3) They go -
4) You watch -
5) He tries -

Make QUESTIONS for the following answers
1. ? Mark and George are students.
2. ? Pam starts school at 9 o’ clock.
3. ? Bob is a doctor.
4. ? John hates football.
5. ? Yes, I do.

Write the number in Words:

0 Zero / Oh

1 11

2 12 20

3 13 30

4 14 40

5 15 50

6 16 60

7 17 70

8 18 80

9 19 90

10 100

How to write numbers in English. Solve the tasks and write the numbers as English words

1) 6 + 5 = six and five is eleven

2) 15 - 6 = fifteen minus six is nine
3) 14 - 13 =
4) 7 + 5 =
5) 12 - 10 =
6) 7 x 3 = seven times three is twenty-one
7) 8 - 4 =
8) 5 + 3 =
9) 8 - 5 =
10) 2 + 4 =
11) 17 - 12 =
12 ) 10 ÷ 2 = ten divide by two is five

Mid Term IG1 Exam - Useful Vocabulary - See page 151

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Unit Four
Vocabulary, Colors, Months of the year, Prepositions, Ordinal numbers, Dates, Seasons

Classroom objects.


Pencil Drawing pin

Eraser Umbrella
Whiteboard Backpack
Laptop / Notebook Dictionary
Punch Pen
Marker Desk
Chair Paper clip
Ruler Paper
Tape Book
Cutter Scissors

Vocabulary: Colors

Red Pink
Blue Light Blue
Yellow Light Green
Purple Brown
Green Grey
Orange White Black

What color is the chair? It’s _______________.

What color is the stapler? It’s ______________.
What color is your shirt? It’s _______________.
What color is his/her bag? It’s ______________.

Write Questions to Ask about the colors of classroom objects we can see.

Prepositions can create problems for students for whom English is a second language. We
say we are at the hospital to visit a friend who is in the hospital. We lie in bed but on the
couch. We watch a film at the theater but on television.

Prepositions of Time: at, on, and in

We use at to show specific times.
The train is due at 12:15 p.m.

We use on to show days and dates.

My brother is coming on Monday.
We're having a party on the Fourth of July.

We use in for nonspecific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.

She likes to jog in the morning.
It's too cold in winter to run outside.
He started the job in 1971.
He's going to quit in August.

…night …the morning …Christmas day
…half past seven …the afternoon … 1st April
…twenty past one … the evening …Monday
… the weekend …Spring
…Christmas …2005
…Easter …May

More Prepositions of Time examples:

 I have a meeting at 9am.

 The shop closes at midnight.
 Jane went home at lunchtime.
 In England, it often snows in December.
 Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future?
 There should be a lot of progress in the next century.
 Do you work on Mondays?
 Her birthday is on 20 November.
 Where will you be on New Year's Day?

*Note that in some varieties of English people say "on the weekend" and "on Christmas"

Prepositions of Place: at, on, and in
We use at for specific addresses.
Peter lives at 55 River Street in Lambare.

We use on for the names of streets, avenues, etc.

Her house is on MCal. Lopez Avenue.

And we use in for the names of towns, provinces, states, countries, and continents.
She lives in Luque.
Villa Mora is in Asunción.
Windham County is in Connecticut.

Where is your cell phone? It’s in my pocket.

My car is at home
The keys are in the car.
They are on the front seat.
The key are on the table.
My birthday is in March, on the 21st. Her birthday is on August 14th.

Prepositions of Place: in, at, and on

and No Preposition
(the) bed class the bed PREPOSITION
the bedroom home the ceiling downstairs
the car the library the floor downtown
(the) class the office the horse inside
the library school the plane outside
school work the train upstairs

Vocabulary - The Months of the Year - Listen and Repeat

January February March April May June

Abbr. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

July August September October November December

Abbr. Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

The first month of the year is January - The last month of the year is December
Teacher asks individual students, and then students ask each other:
What month comes before April / January / August, etc?
What month comes after February / July / November, etc?
What month is it now?
What is next month?
What was last month?

Teacher asks individual students, and then students ask each other:
S1: What is your name?
S2: Charlie
S1: How old are you?
S2: I’m 22
S1: When is your birthday?
S2: My birthday is in June. On (the) 3rd (of) June or On June 3rd

Ordinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers

Written Written
1st the first 17th the seventeenth
2nd the second 18th the eighteenth
3rd the third 19th the nineteenth
4th the fourth 20th the twentieth
5th the fifth 21st the twenty-first
6th the sixth 22nd the twenty-second
7th the seventh 23rd the twenty-third
8th The eighth 24th the twenty-fourth
9th the ninth 25th the twenty-fifth
10th the tenth 26th the twenty-sixth
11th the eleventh 27th the twenty-seventh
12th the twelfth 28th the twenty-eighth
13th the thirteenth 29th the twenty-ninth
14th the fourteenth 30th the thirtieth
15th the fifteenth 31st the thirty-first
16th the sixteenth

Decide whether the following words belong to Cardinal numbers or Ordinal numbers.
Write them into the correct column:

thirty-third, four, forty-six, eighth, fifteen, second, twenty-five, ninth, seven, twenty-first

Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers


Exercise: How to write the date in English

Write the date into the gaps in both the ways it is written in English. Look at the example.

Example: 11 – Nov 11th November or November 11th

22 – Nov
1 – Jan
12 – Jul
5 - Sep
21 – Mar
4 - Oct
2 – Apr
20 – Jun
3 – May
9 – Feb

Students say the above dates out loud - Ask individuals

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Unit Five
The weather, Seasons, Prepositions, Time

The Weather
What’s the weather like in_______________ (season)?

In Paraguay there are four seasons. Each season is spread over 3 months:-
Listen and repeat.

Spring Fill in the months Fill in the months

September __________ _________


December __________ _________


March __________ _________


June __________ _________

Hot Rainy
Cold Windy
Mild/Cool Cloudy
Warm Humid

Very hot Freezing

Summer (very cold)

Warm Cold
Spring/Summer Autumn/Winter

Sunny Cloudy

Windy Stormy

Snowy Rainy
Winter Spring

What is the weather



__________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________

CHOOSE: snowy, sunny, cloudy, stormy, rainy, windy

Look at the weather forecast below and

complete the sentences.

Weather Forecast
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

According to the above Chart:

If today is Tuesday the weather is_______________________________________

Yesterday, Monday, the weather was____________________________________
Tomorrow, Wednesday, the weather will be_______________________________
My favorite weather is ___________________________________

Weather Vocabulary
Vocabulario del Tiempo

sunny - soleado
cloudy - nublado
clear - despejado
rainy - lluvioso
windy - ventoso
snowy - nevado
foggy - brumoso
wet - mojado
dry - seco
icy - helado
humid - húmedo
hot - caliente
warm - cálido
cool - fresco
cold - frío
rain - llover
snow – nevar

Weather - Scrambled Letters - Exercise 1
Find the correct words and write them into the gaps.
Example: bzeeer - __________________
Answer: bzeeer - ____breeze
1) sown -
2) awmr -
3) nwidy -
4) sinnushe -
5) eowshr -
6) arin - __
7) fgogy -
8) lcdous -
9) fosrt -
10) mepraettrue -

Prepositions of Time and Place: in/on/at

USE: With days of the week.
Months of the year.
Exact dates.


1. We always decorate 2. Halloween is 3. I train football 4. My parents do the

the house AT ON Monday and shopping AT
Christmas. ON October 31st. Thursday afternoon. weekends.

5. I meet my friends 6. They sometimes 7. Alice goes to bed 8. The Blacks are
ON Saturday. ski IN winter. AT 10:45 p.m. having a baby IN

9. We have a big party 10. Thanksgiving Day 11. Sheila gives 12. We have lunch
ON New Year’s Eve. is IN November. presents to Mary with my grandma ON
ON her birthday. Sunday AT 2 p.m.

13. Dad goes jogging 14. Mozart was born 15. I usually get up 16. Jim studies and
ON Friday morning. IN the 18th century. AT 6:55 a.m. ON does homework IN the
weekdays. afternoon.

17. Kennedy was 18. Mr Jones 19. Beautiful flowers 20. We take the
assassinated in sometimes eats a grow in the country school bus AT
Dallas IN 1963. sandwich IN spring.
8 o’clock.
AT lunchtime.

I was born _____ March.
He started school _____ Monday.
I get up _____ 6am.
The classes are _____ the morning.

Which of the following prepositions: at, in or on, can be put before the following words or
the beach the right
my birthday the evening
French earth
Night food
7 o'clock Good Friday

Telling the time.

1. How to read the clock

2. Examples
6.45 It's a quarter to seven.
9.00 It's nine o'clock.
11.10 It's ten past eleven.
2.25 It's twenty-five past two.
4.30 It's half past four.
5.55 It's five to six.

Time Vocabulary

Could you tell me what time it is?

What time is it?
Excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is please?
Do you know what time it is?
Can you tell me the time please?
Excuse me. Do you have the time?

When it's "on the hour" we say "o'clock". But only when it's on the hour.

Twelve o'clock Six o'clock


One o'clock Seven o'clock

Two o'clock Eight o'clock

Three o'clock Nine o'clock

Four o'clock Five o'clock

Five am Eleven o’ clock
Five pm

00:00 and 24:00 =

Twelve midnight (or
midnight) 12:00 = Twelve
noon (or noon)

Eight twenty
2:15 Two fifteen 8:20
Twenty past
Quarter past two

Six-o-five Seven ten

or or
6:05 7:10
Five past six Ten past seven

Three twenty-five Half ________

3.25 ______________ 9:30 ____________

_________ three
Nine ________

Twenty-five to five Twenty to

Four __________ ____________
4:35 10:40
Ten _________

Quarter _____ ____________

______________ ____________
5:45 11:50
Five __________

3. Dictation:
Listen and write the times you hear. Then compare with a classmate.
Teacher Dictates Different Times – Students Write the time in Numbers and in Words

Write the correct time in English into the gaps Write the numbers in words.

Example: 9:22 It’s twenty two minutes past nine.

1) It's ___________________________________________________ .

2) It's ___________________________________________________.

3) It's ___________________________________________________.

4) It's ___________________________________________________.

5) It's ___________________________________________________.

6) It's ___________________________________________________.

7) It's ___________________________________________________.

8) It's ___________________________________________________.

9) It's ___________________________________________________.

10) It's __________________________________________________ .

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Unit Six
Numbers, There is, There are, Home vocabulary, Prepositions of location, Vocabulary,
Revision Units Four to Six

Big Numbers
Notice that hundred, thousand, etc. is NOT followed by an ‘s’.
We say: Two hundred NOT two hundreds

NOTE: British English says 'and' between 'hundred and ...' American English omits 'and'.
In the examples below, this is represented by: (AND)
350 – three hundred (AND) fifty 425 – four hundred (AND) twenty-five

15,560 – fifteen thousand five hundred (AND) sixty
786,450 – seven hundred (AND) eighty-six thousand four hundred (AND) fifty

2,450,000 – two million four hundred (AND) fifty thousand
234,700,000 – two hundred (AND) thirty-four million seven hundred thousand

Numbers in thousands. (Years)

1. Listen and repeat
2. Read the numbers aloud. WRITE
A thousand 1.000 Six thousand ____________________
One thousand 1.000 Seven thousand ____________________
Two thousand 2.000 Eight thousand ____________________
Three Thousand 3.000 Nine thousand ____________________
Four thousand 4.000 Ten thousand ____________________
Five thousand 5.000 A (one)hundred thousand ____________________

3. Dictation:
Listen and write the numbers you hear. Then compare with a classmate.
Teacher Calls Random Numbers – Students Write in Figures and Words

4. Years are read as follows.

1066 Ten sixty-six but 2000 two thousand
1814 eighteen fourteen 2005 two thousand five
1958 nineteen fifty-eight 2009 two thousand nine
2010 twenty ten 2014 twenty fourteen

4b. Teacher reads random years - Students write the years they hear in figures

4c. Students read the above written years aloud.

5. Ask and answer each other the following questions:

i. S1: What year were you born?
S2: (I was born in 1986) ____________________________________
S1: Dennis was born in ____________________________________

ii. S1: When is Christmas?

S2: Christmas is on 25 December.
Iii. S1: When is Easter?
S2: Easter is in April.

iv. S1: When is _____________________________________?

S2: It is ________________________________________

v. S1: When is your birthday?

S2: It is ________________________________________

There is / there are

How to use:
We use there is a (+ singular noun) to say that something exists
or doesn’t exist:
There is a chair behind the desk.
There isn’t a computer in the room.

We use there are together with some in positive statement,

and there aren’t with any in negative sentences:
There are some students in this room.
There aren’t any classes on Sundays.

We use is there a / are there any to ask questions:

Is there a desk for me?
Is there any coffee?
Are there any pencils?

"There is" or "There are"
Use "there is" for one item (singular nouns). Use "there are" for plural nouns.


1. There a snake in the window. ?

2. There a zebra in the grass.
3. There lions in the zoo.
4. There a bird next to the tree.
5. There an elephant in the zoo.
6. There birds in the zoo.
7. There a cat in the tree.
8. There monkeys in the tree..
9. There a rock near the tree.
10. There an eel in the aquarium.

Prepositions of Location:

Prepositions are used before nouns to give additional information in a sentence. Usually,
prepositions are used to show where something is located or when something happened.

Our house is in front of the supermarket.
Our house is behind the tennis court.
The cat is under the table.
Our house is near the cinema.
Our house is between the supermarket and the school.
Our house is next to the supermarket.
Our house is to the left of the supermarket.
Our house is to the right of the school.
The magazine is on the table.
We live in Paraguay.
The bedrooms are upstairs.
The kitchen is downstairs.

Rooms in a House:

Attic People store things in the attic.

Box Room A small room used for storage.

Cellar Underneath the house.

Dining Room A room where people eat (see eating at home).

Games Room A room in large houses where games are played.

Hall The entrance passage to a house.

Lounge Another name for living room.

Office or Study A room where people work.

Pantry A small room used to store kitchen and dining items.

Sitting Room Another name for living room.

Spare Room/ A room where guests sleep.

Guest Room
Toilet A room where people go to the toilet (often known as WC)

attic | bathroom | bedroom | kitchen | living room
Write the names of the rooms on the picture above
Below draw a house and put furniture in each room:

Bathroom Living room
Shower Sofa
Bath Armchair
Mirror Coffee Table
Hand Basin Stereo
Medicine Cabinet Television

Kitchen Dining room Various rooms

Counter Table Closet
Cabinets Chairs Rug
Sink Sideboard Picture
Cooker Bookcase

Living Room Furniture

Armchair Baby Bed Bed

Bookcase Cabinet Chair

Desk Lamp Stool

Bathroom Furniture

basin(s) bath(s) /tub (s) toilet(s)


Bedroom Furniture

bed(s) bedside cabinet(s) bedside table(s)

nightstand (s)

dressing table(s) wardrobe(s) chest of drawer(s)/dresser

crib (s) pillow(s) sheet(s)

Kitchen Furniture and Appliances

Cooker/Stove Microwave Liquidizer / Blender Dishwasher

Fridge Coffee maker Tap Cupboard

Things we do in the kitchen

People prepare food in the kitchen. People cook in the kitchen.

People sometimes eat in the kitchen. Make coffee or tea in the kitchen.

Put the food away in the kitchen cupboards.

Useful Kitchen Vocabulary

knife (knives) fork(s) spoon(s) teaspoon(s)

plate(s) bowl(s) cup(s) saucer(s)

Use the above vocabulary together with the drawing you made above and write a
dialogue to describe some rooms plus the furniture in the rooms.
In my house there

With a partner Write and then Ask and answer questions about their house – Example:
S1: What furniture is there in the living room?
S2: There is a TV, a radio, a coffee table and there are three shelves and two arm chairs.
S1: Is there a kitchen? / How many bedrooms are there?
S2: There is /There are ……….. Etc.

Revision Units 4 to 6

Time and Place Prepositions: at, in or on,

Look at each sentence (a – d) and choose the rule (1 - 4) below which applies to it.
a. My birthday is on April 7
b. Easter is usually in April.
c. The meeting is at quarter past eight.
d. Classes are on Friday afternoons.

1. With days of the week.

2. With months of the year.
3. With exact dates.
4. With time.
Put the following prepositions: at, in or on, before the following words or phrases:
the park
your birthday
7 o'clock
the left
the evening
Good Friday

"There is" or "There are"

Use "there is" for one item (singular nouns). Use "there are" for plural nouns.

1. There snakes in the park.

2. There zebras in the bush.
3. There a lion in the zoo, too.
4. There birds on the roof.
5. There an elephant in the zoo.

Write the time in words:

8:50 Ten to nine


Write a correct preposition
Our house is __________ front of the supermarket.
Our house is __________ the tennis court.
The cat is ________ the table.
Our house is ____________ the cinema.
Our house is ____________ the supermarket and the school.
Our house is ____________ the supermarket.
Our house is _________________ of the supermarket.
Our house is _________________ of the school.
The magazine is _________ the table.

Final Exam IG1 Useful Vocabulary - See page 186



Unit Seven
Likes and Dislikes Used with the Present Simple
We usually add “–ing” to the verb to form an activity
To express that we like something we use the following phrases:

I love reading. Me encanta leer.

I like computers. Me gustan las computadoras
I'm interested in traveling. Me interesa viajar.
I'm fond of... Me gusta...
I enjoy playing chess…. Disfruto jugar al ajedrez.

To express that we don't like something we use the following phrases:

I hate reading. Odio leer.
I dislike computers. No me gustan las computadores
I don't like traveling. No me gusta viajar.
I'm not interested in... No me interesa...
We dislike reading poems…No nos gusta leer poemas

In both cases the expression is followed by a noun or a verb + "-ing".

I like dancing. Me gusta bailar.
I love learning English. Me encanta aprender inglés.
I'm fond of cooking. Me gusta cocinar.
I don't like playing video-games. No me gusta jugar a los video juegos.
I hate writing letters. Odio escribir cartas.
I'm not interested in going to the cinema. No me interesa irme al cine.
I don't mind sleeping on the couch. No me importa dormir en el sofá.

We use -ing or the Infinitive after the following verbs:

begin He began talking.
He began to talk.
continue They continue smoking.
They continue to smoke.
hate Do you hate working on Saturdays?
Do you hate to work on Saturdays?
like I like swimming.
I like to swim.
love She loves painting.
She loves to paint.
prefer Pat prefers walking home.
Pat prefers to walk home.
start They start singing.
They start to sing.
advise They advise walking to town.
They advise us to walk to town.

allow They do not allow smoking here.
They do not allow us to smoke here.
encourage They encourage doing the test.
They encourage us to do the test.
permit They do not permit smoking here.
They do not permit us to smoke here.

We use the following structures with the word recommend:

recommend They recommend walking to town.
They recommend that we walk to town.

Likes and dislikes

1. I like fruit. What kind? Oranges and bananas.

2. Helen likes sports. What kind of sports? Football and tennis.

3. Ms. Cramer doesn't Really? Does she like tea? Yes, she does.
like coffee.
4. Tony does not like Oh. What kind does he like?
action movies. Yes, he does / No, he doesn't. (He likes) drama.
5. Does Teresa like swimming? No, she does not / Yes, she does.
6. Do you like soft drinks? Yes, I do.
7. Does Sheila like salad? No, she doesn’t / Yes, she does.
8. Do you like Chinese food? A little.

Exercise 1

First study all the food groups below and on the following pages.
Then practice your new vocabulary by using the expressions above.

Fruits and Vegetables Meats Dairy Products

Apples Beef Milk

Oranges Chicken Cheese
Lettuce Pork Cream
Bananas Fish Yogurt
Carrots Lamb Eggs
Peas Turkey Butter

Desserts Others

Ice cream Soup

Pie Salad
Cake Rice
Cookies Noodles

Fast Foods Drinks

Hamburger Beer
Pizza Wine
French fries Soda
Hot dog Juice
Sandwich Coffee

Meat and Fish:

Animal Meat







potato (potatoes) cucumber(s) pepper(s)

onion(s) olive(s) mushroom(s)

lettuce cauliflower(s) garlic

pea(s) corn carrot(s)

cabbage(s) broccoli


Strawberry Cherry
Apple(s) Banana(s) Grape(s)
(Strawberries) (Cherries)

Kiwi(s) Lemon(s) Lime(s) Melon(s) Orange(s)

Peach(es) Pear(s) Plum(s) Pineapple(s)

Dairy Products:

77 Margarine Butter


Other Food:

Bread Flour Roll(s)

Jam Pasta/Noodle(s) Rice

Pepper Salt Cake(s)

Pie(s) Pizza(s) Sugar


Cake Ice cream

Pie Brownies Cookies


A glass of water
A cup of coffee/tea juice / milk

Now practice Exercise 1 on page 55

Exercise 2
With your partners ask and answer the following questions:
S1 to S2: Do you like apples? - S2: Yes, I do (or No, I don’t).
S1 to S3: Does he/she like apples? - S3: No he/she doesn’t (or Yes he/she does).
And so on.

Exercise 3
In groups of 3 write and then talk about likes and dislikes.
S1: I like grapes, but I don’t like oranges.
S2: He likes beef, but he doesn’t like fish.
S3: My mother likes chocolate, but she doesn’t like biscuits.

When we want to say how much we like something or dislike something, we can use one of the
following expressions:

Positive Normal Negative

I love it. I quite like it. I don't like it at all.
I really like it. It's ok. I hate it.
I like it very much. It isn't bad. I really don't like it

Exercise 4
Likes/dislikes - Write the right answer.
1. Chrissie loves (eat)___________ crisps.
2. I hate (go)____________ to the dentist's.
3. Patrick enjoys (walk)____________ to school everyday.
4. They don't mind (eat)__________ fish.
5. Kate doesn't really like (do)________ sport.
6. The children love (watch)____________ TV.
7. My mum doesn't like (drink)____________ sodas at all.
8. We are crazy about (play)___________ football.
9. His brother really likes (swim)______________ .
10. We hate (wake up)______________ early.

Exercise 5
The boys usually ……………….....… (ride) their bikes to school. They …………….
………........………… (like / ride) their bikes.
Mary ……………...………….. (like / eat) sweets. She …………………………………..…… (not /
like / eat) fruit or vegetables.
…………………… Peter …………………….. (like) watching TV?
Tom ………………………………………… (like / ride) a horse in his free time.

Basic Verbs - Daily and Other Activities

We use the present simple tense to talk about routines and habits.
Go (to bed/sleep) (shopping) Take a shower/bath
Get up Have breakfast/lunch/dinner
Arrive Study
Leave Finish
Come Read
Watch TV/DVD Listen to music/radio
Cook Play (sports) (game)
Work Start
Get dressed Stop

Daily Activities In The Morning:

On Weekdays I usually wake up at 8am.
I stay in bed about 10 minutes before I get up.
I wash my face and take a shower.
Then I dry and comb my hair
I have breakfast at around 8.30.
After breakfast I brush my teeth.
I put on makeup.
I get dressed
I leave home at around 8.50a.m.

Daily Activities Outside:

I take a bus to work.
I arrive at work at around 9.30.
I have a cup of coffee while I read the newspaper.
Then I check my emails and file my papers.
I usually make some telephone calls.
Then I report to my boss.
At around 1pm I have lunch. I usually work on the computer.
I have afternoon tea at around 4pm and eat some snacks.

Daily Activities After work:
I leave work at 5.30.
I take a train and go to the gym before I go home.
I work out for almost an hour.
I arrive home at around 7.30.

Daily Activities In The Evening:

I get undressed.
I take a bath.
I get into my pajamas.
If I don't feel too tired I cook dinner.
I have dinner at around 9.
I relax on my couch and watch TV.
I wash the dishes and feed my dog.
I lock the door and brush my teeth.
At around 11.30 I set the alarm and read a book for about 30 minutes.
Then finally at around 12pm I turn off the lights and go to bed.

Daily Activities At The Weekends:

On Saturdays, I usually go grocery shopping early in the morning.
I do the washing and hang the clothes out to dry.
I water the garden and wash my car.
Then I do the ironing.
At night, I go out with my friends and have some fun.
On Sundays I go to church in the morning.
Then In the afternoon, I go to the mall by car and do some shopping.
Then I usually hire a movie and watch a movie.
Before I go to bed I make sure that I recharge my cellphone and
I meditate to reduce the stress I get during the week.

Below the pictures showing activities, describe the routines by using:

I, You, We, or They, and also use He or She. Also write one Negative form, write a Question, and
include the time if needed.
You brush your hair at in the morning.
She brushes her hair in the morning.
I don’t brush my hair in the morning.
Does she brush her hair in the morning?

________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

Write the above routines using: I, You, We, or They, and using He or she. Write some as questions.

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Unit Eight
This and That, These and Those, There is/there are, Family Members

What’s this? What’s that?

This arrow That star

This, That, These and Those

Why do we use this and these?
We use this (singular) and these (plural) as pronouns:
- to talk about people or things near us:
This is a nice cup of tea.
Whose shoes are these?
- to introduce people:
This is Janet.
These are my friends, John and Michael.
We don’t say These are John and Michael.
We say This is John and this is Michael.
- to introduce ourselves to begin a conversation on the phone:
Hello, this is David, Can I speak to Sally?
Why do we use that and those?
We use that (singular) and those (plural):
- to talk about things that are not near us:
What’s that?
This is our house, and that’s Rebecca´s house over there.
Those are very expensive shoes.

- We also use that to refer back to something someone said or did in the PAST:
Shall we go to the cinema?
Yes, that’s a good idea.
I’ve got a new job.
That’s great.
I’m very tired.
Why is that?

We also use this, these, that and those with nouns to show proximity.
We use this and these for people or things near us:
We have lived in this house for twenty years.
Have you read all of these books?

… and that and those for things that are not near us:
Who lives in that house?
Who are those people?

Complete the sentences using this, that, these or those.

Example: I like this picture. (this, these)

1. shirt looks great. (That, Those)
2. Look at man over there. (this, that)
3. is a beautiful day today. (That, This)
4. Do you like flowers? (that, those)
5. What are the answers to questions? (this, these)
6. I love shoes but I don't like shirt. (these, that), (those, that)
7. Let's watch a movie. a good idea. (This is, That's)
8. Whose house is ? (those, that)
9. This book isn't very good , but book over there is great. (that, this)

For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices

I need to stop for a coffee. Is __________________ all right with you?

A this B that C these D those
Do you like __________________ trousers that I showed you yesterday.
A this B that C these D those
Look at __________________ man over there! He's not wearing a shirt!
A this B that C these D those
Her new house cost over half a million dollars. ________________ a lot of money.
A This is B That's C These are D Those are
Hello. __________________ Patrick. Can I speak to Murray, please?
A This is B That's C These are D Those are
__________________ boots that the woman outside is wearing look very expensive.
A This B That C These D Those
My grandmother never wore slacks she was young. In _________ days it wasn't acceptable.
A this B that C these D those
I'm going to London again __________________week-end. Do you want to come?
A this B that C these D those

Yes, let's go to the restaurant tonight. __________________ a great idea.
A This is B That is C These are D Those are
What's the name of __________________ song by Bryan Adams we heard yesterday?
A this B that C these D those
Oh, I love __________________ pair of trousers in the window. I want to buy myself a pair!
A this B that C these D those
Here we are. __________________ is where I live.
A this B that C these D those

Demonstrative Adjectives - Practice

CHOOSE: this / these

1. picture 8. erasers 15. weather
2. page 9. car 16. news
3. words 10. church 17. coats
4. flower 11. books 18. money
5. people 12. dish 19. boxes
6. classes 13. woman 20. girls
7. store 14. Child

CHOOSE: that / those

1. boy 11. word
2. doctors 12. children
3. girls 13. man
4. women 14. baby
5. box 15. dorms
6. bar 16. showgirls
7. hearing people 17. hearing aid
8. deaf person 18. jacket
9. milk 19. beer
10. pretzels 20. pizza

Review - from Unit 6

there is / there are
How to use:
We use there is a (+ singular noun) to say that something exists or doesn’t exist:
There is a chair behind the desk.
There isn’t a computer in the room.

We use there are together with some in positive statement,

and there aren’t with any in negative sentences:
There are some students in this room.
There aren’t any classes on Sundays.

We use is there a / are there any to ask questions:
Is there a desk for me?
Is there any coffee?
Are there any pencils?

There is / There are: Statements, Questions, and Negtatives

Complete the sentences about Asunción.
Use There is, There isn’t, There isn’t a, There are, There aren’t, or There aren’t any.
1. There aren’t any supermarkets on River Street.
2. ______________ movie theater across from the Supermarket.
3. ______________ a shopping mall next to the theater.
4. ______________ two restaurants on the street, too.
5. ______________ parking space on Center Street.
6. ______________ trees in the park.

There is I There are

Answer these questions using Yes, there is / are or No, there ísn't / aren't.
a. Is there a bank in your street? Yes, there is. / No, there isn't
b. Is there a public swimming pool in Asunción? __________________________________________
b. Are there two chairs in your bedroom? _______________________________________________
c. Is there a television in your living room? ______________________________________________
d. Is there a bus stop in your street? ___________________________________________________
b. Is there a cat in your home? _______________________________________________________
e. Is there a computer in your bedroom? _______________________________________________
f. Are there any posters in your bedroom? ______________________________________________
i. Are there any animals in your home? _________________________________________________
j. Are there any flowers in your living room? _____________________________________________

2.Make questions using Is / Are there ... ? and answer them.

a. tigers / Canada Are there tigers in Canada? No, there aren't (any) .
b. elephants / Thailand
c. penguins / Brazil
d. lions / Uganda
e. camels / Argentina
f. crocodiles / Texas
g. a chair / bathroom
h. a fridge / kitchen
i. hotel / your street
j. a bus stop / your street

3. Write sentences using There are and one of these numbers:
2 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 24 - 30 - 52 - 365 - 975 - 3.600
1. days / in a week There are seven days in a week.
2. hours I in a day
3. players! in a football team
4. planets / in the solar system
5. students / in a class
6. seconds / in an hour
7. pencils / in my pencil case
8. weeks / in a year
9. days / in a yea r
10. students / in my school

4. Complete the sentences using there is / are, there isn't / aren't, is / are there?
a. There are many old houses in Asunción.
b. How many students in your class?
c. any chairs in my bedroom.
d. a photograph of my friend Peter on the wall.
e. a computer in your bedroom?

Family Tree

Father Mother
Parents Sister
Brother Cousin
Uncle Aunt
Grandmother Grandfather
Granddaughter Grandson
Niece Nephew
Son Daughter
Children Grandchildren

In Pairs Talk and Write:

1. Tell your partner about the names of the members of your family.
2. Describe your family and their jobs.
S1: My father’s name is Max, and my mother’s name is Joan.
S2: What do they do?
S1: My father is a/an____________ (his job), and my mother is a/an ________________ (her job)

Vocabulary: Family, Relatives - Find the correct English word for each phrase.
Example: the woman that a man is married to - ____
Answer: the woman that a man is married to - wife
1) the husband of your aunt -
2) a person's father or mother -
3) your brother's wife -
4) the son of your sister -
5) a person's female child –
6) the father of your father -
7) a child of your uncle -
8) two sons of mother and father -
9) a woman on her wedding day -
10) the man that a woman is engaged to -

For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the choices below.
You know Sarah has two children, a son and a ________________.
A daughter B girl C husband D cousin
Albert´s father and my father are brothers. We're _______________.
A parents B sons C cousins D nephews
I've got two brothers, Mark and Simon and a younger __________ called Mary.
A nephew B son C girl D sister
My sister has had a baby, so now I'm a/an _____________.
A parent B uncle C cousin D grandparent
There are three generations in my house. Me, my mother and father, and my
A nephews B cousins C grandparents D uncles
I love my brother, but I don't like Sonia, his ________. They've been married for three years.
A wife B sister C daughter D girlfriend
My sister has a new boyfriend. They have been going ______________ for 2 months..
A through B about C in D out
In England it's normal to live with your ________ when you are 18, but not when you are 50.
A sisters B parents C children D brothers
My sister met her _________ when they were at university and they got married soon after.
A brother B step father C husband D parent
My uncle and aunt live in Australia, so I don't see my ____________ very often.
A cousins B sisters C grandchildren D nephews
Everyone came to the party - my brother, his wife, and also her parents, my ____________.
A step parents B in-laws C outlaws D uncles
My father re-married, and his new wife already had one son, so I have a ____________.
A nephew B half-brother C brother-in-law D step brother

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Unit Nine
Past Simple, countable and uncountable nouns, some and any, a few, a little, many, not
much, a lot, lots of

Simple Past


1) For an action finished in the past

I visited Berlin last week.

2) For a series of completed actions in the past

First I got up, then I had breakfast

Time Expressions - Signal words

yesterday, last week, a month ago, in 2002

Simple Past - Signal words

These words tell you what tense you have to use. For the Simple Past these are expressions
of time in the past.
Signal words are any reference to the time that something took place or happened in the

- with regular verbs: infinitive + " -ed"
- with irregular verbs: 2nd column of the table of the irregular verbs. See end of book.

Affirmative sentences:

Regular verbs Irregular verbs (Page 134)

I played football. I went to the cinema.

We visited Alaska last year. We were in Rome yesterday.

Use the same form of the verb every time regardless of the subject

Negative sentences:
Always use the auxiliary did (Simple Past of to do) for negations.

I played football.
I didn't play football.
He didn't play football.

NOTE: Short forms in negative sentences in the Simple Past are used quite often.


Use the auxiliary did (Simple Past of to do).

Did you play football?

Use the auxiliary did (Simple Past of do) every time regardless the subject.

regular verbs irregular verbs - see page 134 for list

Did you play football? Did I go to the supermarket?

Pronunciation of the ending -ed in the Simple Past.

In the Simple Past we add -ed to regular verbs. Be careful when pronouncing the verbs:
If a verb ends with a “t” or a “d” or the ending sounds like a “t” or a “d”, We pronounce the
ending as -id
wanted, needed, excited, decided

With all other verbs the -e is silent, and the ending sounds like a “t” or a “d”
Example: I stopped - say I stopt
He walked – say he walkt

You cleaned – say cleand

They borrowed – say they borrowd

Simple Past Tense- Revision

Tanto en la forma interrogativa como en negativa se utiliza como auxiliar DID que es la
forma pasada del verbo "TO DO" y acompaña al verbo principal en su forma infinitiva. En las
negaciones puede utilizarse la forma contraída de DID NOT o sea DIDN'T. En el cuadro
superior se emplea el verbo To Play (Jugar) a modo de ejemplo.

Al expresar una oración en Pasado Simple se entiende que la acción no guarda relación con
el presente, como vemos en los siguientes casos:

He lost the keys. Él perdió las llaves.

(Puede que en el presente las haya encontrado).

She lent me a book. Ella me prestó un libro.

(Puede que ya se lo haya devuelto).

También es posible indicar el momento en que se desarrolla la acción para indicar el tiempo
con mayor precisión:

They saw the movie last night. Ellos vieron la película anoche.
We went to London yesterday. Nosotros fuimos a Londres ayer.

To be able to make a Past Tense sentence we must distinguish between two types of verbs:
REGULAR VERBS and IRREGULAR VERBS (Irregular Verb List Page 133).

In the first group the simple past is formed by adding "-ed" to the infinitive, while in the irregular
verb group there is no determined pattern. For this reason they are called IRREGULAR VERBS and
have to be studied individually - See end of Book for a list.

Exercises Simple Past

Write a short sentence with the past forms of the irregular verbs.
Infinitive Simple Past Affirmative Question or Negative
1. meet
2. drive
3. speak
4. put
5. write
6. sing
7. do
8. sit
9. stand
10. run

Write the past forms of the verbs
Example: She (travel) ....traveled....... by train to London last weekend.

1. She (cut) .................... the lettuce with a knife this morning.

2. The film last night (be) .................... boring.
3. The president (speak) .................... very slowly during the conference yesterday.
4. Sarah (sing) .................... perfectly in the concert last Saturday.
5. Peter (decide) .................... to paint the house blue.
6. My mother (have) .................... her birthday party last night.
7. This morning the lawyer (try) .................... to convince the jury.
8. My dog (bite) .................... Ann in her leg yesterday.
9. I (meet) .................... John at the old restaurant last week.
11. Charles (water) .................... the garden last weekend.
12. The children (watch) .................... TV the whole day yesterday.
13. Susan (leave) .................... the house early last night.
14. The burglars (break) .................... the window with a hammer last week.
15. Clara (make) .................... a beautiful dress for her sister 2 days ago.
16. The students (know) .................... all the answers of the exam they had.
17. W. Shakespeare (write) .................... several novels.
18. We (stay) .................... at home because the weather was bad last Friday.
19. I (invite) .................... Thomas and his wife to my wedding a month ago.
20. On Saturday my mother (suggest) .................. We go to the cinema.

Do the exercises below using the simple past tense - write the correct form of the verb.
(Before doing the exercises you may want to revise the simple past tense p. 74 - p. 76)

Put the verbs into the simple past:

Last year I (go) to England on holiday.
It (be) fantastic.
I (visit) lots of interesting places. I (be)________ with two friends of mine.
In the mornings we (walk) in the streets of London.
In the evenings we (go) to pubs.
The weather (be) really fine.
It (not / rain) a lot.
But we (see) some beautiful rainbows.
Where (spend / you) your last holiday?

Complete the table below in the simple past.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
He wrote a book
He did not sing
Was she pretty?

Change the sentences into simple past.

We move to a new house. →
They bring a sandwich. →
He doesn't do the homework. →
They sell cars. →
Does he visit his friends? →

Write sentences in the simple past.

Janet / miss / the bus →
she / tidy / her room →
Nancy / watch / not / television→
she / read / a book →

Choose "Was“ or "Were“:

The teacher nice.
The students very clever.
But one student in trouble.
We sorry for him.
He nice though.

Some, any
Use some for affirmative statements, offers, requests and in questions when you expect the answer
to be "yes"

Use any for negative statements, and questions

Have you got any bananas? No, we haven't got any. But we've got some oranges.

Exercise 1. Some, any in sentences - Some or any? - Choose the correct answer.
1) We need ____________ bananas.
2) You can't buy ____________ posters in this shop.
3) We haven't got _____________ oranges at the moment.
4) Peter has bought _____________ new books.
5) She always takes ____________ sugar with her coffee.
6) I have seen ____________ nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
7) There aren't ____________ folders in my bag.
8) I have _____________ magazines for you.
9) There are _____________ apples on the table.
10) Pam does not have ____________ pencils on her desk.

Some, any in sentences and questions - Exercise 2

some or any? - Choose the correct answer.

1) Have you got tomatoes?
2) There are exercise books on the floor.
3) Did you get the ketchup? No, they hadn't got .
4) You should eat fresh fruit.
5) We had to wait for time.
6) Is there lemonade left?
7) They didn't sing songs.
8) Here are cornflakes, but there isn't milk.
9) I'm looking for good music.
10) There is no butter in the fridge. Let's go and get .

Much or many / a lot / lots of / a little / a few

Use much for: uncountable nouns: milk, marmalade, money, time etc.
Much is normally used in the NEGATIVE ONLY: He doesn't have much money.
Use many for countable nouns: bottles of milk, glasses of milk, dogs, minutes etc.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Some nouns are countable. Each unit can be counted easily. Some examples of countable
nouns are: pencil, table, chair, house, and car.

With countable nouns it is possible to ask: ‘How many?’ How many pencils are there on the
Some nouns are uncountable. It is difficult to count each unit. For example: sugar, rice,
water, milk, information.
You cannot ask ‘How many sugars are there?’. Have you ever counted sugar or rice? With
uncountable nouns we must ask: ‘How much?’ How much rice is there in the bowl?
Abstract nouns are also uncountable: love, freedom, interest, honesty, recreation, pleasure,

Uncountable nouns:
These nouns can't be combined with numbers. Here is an example:
If you want to express a quantity, you have to use a special phrase e.g. a glass of
water/beer/milk etc.
Some nouns can be either countable or uncountable. We recommend you use a good
dictionary. Here is an example: hair - hairs
You've got some hairs on your T-shirt. (There might be 5 or 6 of them.)
Your hair looks lovely. (Here you think of the hairstyle.)

Other Examples:
How much money have you got?
How many dollars do you have?

Countable Uncountable
Bottle Milk
Cup Oil
Bowl Water
Bag Salt
Finger Electricity
Room Rice
Book Sand

It is not the phrase a lot of or lots of which determines singular or plural, but the subject of
the sentence (see below: water and computers).

A lot of water is wasted. singular

Lots of water is wasted.
A lot of computers are needed at schools.
Lots of computers are needed at schools.

In formal English plenty of or much and many are used for a lot of/lots of.
Much is usually used only in the negative form.

Plenty of water is wasted. singular

Not much water is wasted.
Plenty of computers are needed at schools.
Many computers are needed at schools.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
How many? How much?
1, 2, 3 …a couple, a few, several, many,
A little, some, a lot. 1 liter, I kilogram,
a little bit of,
ntable nouns have a singular and plural form. Example: One pen. Two pens.

Uncountable nouns have only the singular form. Example: A little water. A lot of water.

* If you find “a”/“an” in front of the word or “s” at the end of a word, this word must be a
countable noun. For examples, when you see “a car” or “cars”, the word “car” must be

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

oranges, carrots, onions, pineapples, bread, lettuce, milk, cheese, rice, beef,
pears, bananas, sweets, noodles, oil, garlic, meat, salt, ice-cream, sugar,
tomatoes, mushrooms, grapes, pork, food, water, chicken(meat),
strawberries, apples, eggs, snacks, butter, soup, tea, coffee, money
potato chips, vegetables, cakes,

Sometimes countable and sometimes uncountable

egg, ice-cream, lettuce, coke, chocolate, chicken,

Words used with countable nouns Words used with uncountable nouns

many, a few, few(close to zero), much, a little, little(close to nothing),

fewer less

Words used with both countable and uncountable nouns

some, a lot of(=lots of) , plenty of, enough, any, more

‘Any’ can be used in the interrogative (?)
and negative (-) forms, but not in the positive (+).
Are there any apples?
No, there are not any apples.
Yes, there are any apples..
Yes, there are some apples.
Any/some - revision
Any and some can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns.
The verb ‘to be’ changes. Examples:

Countable Uncountable
Are there any apples? Is there any water?
Yes, there are some. Yes, there is some.
Are there any oranges? Is there any milk?
No, there aren’t any oranges. No, there isn’t any milk.

PRACTISE Some / a lot of / any

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use some, a lot of, or any.
1. There are some tall buildings in my hometown.
2. There are __________ nice stores on Main Street.
3. There aren’t __________ hairdressers on Main Street.
4. There aren’t __________ big banks.
5. There are __________ trees in the parks.
6. There aren’t __________ buildings in the parks.

Exercise 2
1. Can you give me _________ information?
a. some
b. a few

2. I want ___________ bottles of milk.

a few
a. a lot

3. I don’t know __________ Chinese (the language).

a. much
b. Many
4. I don’t know __________ Chinese (people).
a. much
b. Many

5. How ________ money do you have?
a. much
b. Many

When we want to count the uncountable nouns, we can put a phrase in front of the word. See the
following examples:
a bar of chocolate, 2 bars of chocolate,
a bottle of milk / juice, three bottles of milk / juice
a carton of milk / juice, 5 cartons of milk / juice
a bowl of rice, a few bowls of rice
“Milk” and “rice” are uncountable but “carton”, “bottle” and “bowl” are countable. You
cannot say "1 milk, 2 milks" but you can say “1 bottle of milk”, “two bottles of milk”.

Exercise 3: not much or many? - Choose the correct answer.

1) pupils
2) time
3) money
4) dollars
5) milk
6) children
7) water
8) fun
9) dogs
10) people

Not much or many / lots of (or a lot of)? - Choose the correct answer.
1) CDs
2) music
3) cups
4) juice
5) time
6) pencils
7) cheese
8) cornflakes
9) pizzas
10) lemonade

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Mid Term IG2 Exam Useful Vocabulary - See page 199

Unit Ten
Comparatives, Superlatives, Present Continuous, Adverbs of Frequency

Comparitives and Superlatives

The forms of comparison:
- comparative
- superlative
Comparatives with -er and and Superlatives with -est
clean - cleaner the cleanest
A - We use -er and -est with the following adjectives:
1) adjectives with one syllable
white whiter than the whitest

new newer than the newest

cheap cheaper than the cheapest

2) Adjectives with two syllables and the following endings:

2 a) adjectives with two syllables, ending in -y
dirty dirtier than the dirtiest

easy easier than the easiest

happy happier than the happiest

pretty prettier than the prettiest

2 b) adjectives with two syllables, ending in -er

clever cleverer than the cleverest

2 c) adjectives with two syllables, ending in -le

simple simpler than the simplest

2 d) adjectives with two syllables, ending in -ow

narrow narrower than the narrowest

2 e) other adjectives with two syllables
modern more modern than the most modern

Spelling of the adjectives using the endings -er/-est

large larger than the largest Only add –r / -st

big bigger than the biggest

Double the consonant after short
sad sadder than the saddest

dirty dirtier than the dirtiest Change -y to -i (consonant before -y)

Here -y is not changed to -i.

shy shyer than the shyest
(although consonant before -y)

B - Comparatives and Superlatives with more and most

Example: difficult - more difficult (than) - (the) most difficult
We usually use more and most with all adjectives with more than one syllable (except
some adjectives with two syllables as you can see above: 2a to 2e)

More vs Most

You use “more” when comparing two things:

I like pink ponies more than red ponies.
The shops are always more crowded just before Christmas.
Is there anything more boring than reading about grammar?
My sister is more careful with her writing than I am with mine.
Russian grammar is more difficult than English grammar.
My sister is much more intelligent than me.†
I find maths lessons more enjoyable than science lessons.
The older you get, the more relaxed you become.

You use “most” when comparing three or more things:

Which do you like most: pink ponies, blue ponies or red ponies?
I like pink ponies the most.
Some people think that Russian is the most difficult language.
Albert Einstein was the most intelligent person in history.
My most enjoyable class is English.
You are the most irritating person I have ever met!

C - Irregular adjectives
good better than the best
bad worse than the worst
much more than the most uncountable nouns
many more than the most countable nouns
little less than the least
little smaller than the smallest

Sentences with comparative adjectives

Comparison: as ... as

1. A=B
Our car is as fast as Peter's car.

2. A><B
a) John's car isn't as fast as our car. (A<B)
b) Our car is faster than John's car. (A>B)
Our car is faster than Peter's car.
Peter's car is slower than our car.

John is taller than me.
Max is as tall as me.
Do not confuse than with then.

Adjectives - Comparison - Exercise 1

Explanation: Comparison of adjectives
Fill in the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.
new - _______________________ _____________________________
Answer: new - newer newest
1) old
2) bad
3) difficult
4) large
5) good

6) big
7) easy
8) much
9) little
10) interesting

Present Continuous - Use

NB! ALSO REVISE Simple Present in Unit 1: Page 5 to Page 8
The present continuous tense: grammar rules
Positive statement: I am playing, You are playing, He is playing
Negative statement: I am not playing (I'm not playing), You are not playing (You aren't playing),
He is not playing (He isn't playing)
Questions: Are you playing? Is he playing?
Negative questions: Are you not playing? (Aren't you playing?) Is he not playing? (Isn't he playing?)
It is formed with the verb to be and the present participle (-ing ending). The negative questions
normally express a surprise: Isn't he working?

1. We use the present continuous tense for activities that are happening just now.
Examples: I am learning English at the moment. You aren't listening! Why is he sitting here?
2. We use it for an action happening about this time (today, this week), but not necessarily at the
moment of speaking. It is a temporary activity.
I am in London. I am staying at the hotel. (But just now you can be somewhere else.)
She can't go out. She is writing her essay today. (But she can be having lunch at the moment.)
You can't borrow this book today. Mary is reading it. (But not right now.)
3. With a future time expression (soon, on Monday) it is used for definite arrangements in the near
future. The present continuous tense is more personal than the simple present tense, because it
expresses the speaker's plan.
I am leaving soon. We are meeting on Monday.

Have a look at the following examples:

1) actions happening at the moment of speaking (now, at the moment)
Peter is reading a book now.
She’s listening to the radio.
2) fixed plan in the near future
She is going to Basel on Saturday.
3) temporary actions
His father is working in Rome this month.
4) actions happening around the moment of speaking (longer actions)
My friend is preparing for his exams.
5) trends
More and more people are using their computers to listen to music.
6) repeated actions which are irritating to the speaker (with always, constantly, forever)
Andrew is always arriving late. (I don't like it.)

Signal words show when to use “-ing” (present continuous:
Now, At the moment, Look! Listen! Right now,
Form to use for Present Continuous: to be (am, are, is) + infinitive verb + -ing

Affirmative sentences:
I am playing football. You are playing football.
I'm playing football. You're playing football.

Negative sentences:
You are not playing football.
I am not playing football.
You're not playing football.
I'm not playing football.
You aren't playing football.

Am I playing football? Are you playing football?

Long forms and short forms in the Present Progressive/Continuous

We often use short forms of the auxiliaries. The Present Progressive is formed with the
auxiliary to be (am, are, is), so short forms are very frequent.


Long form Short form

I am reading I'm reading

he, she, it: he, she, it:

he is reading he's reading

we, you, they: we, you, they:

we are reading we're reading

negative (not) - after to be

long form short form

I am not reading I'm not reading

he, she, it: he, she, it:

he isn't reading
he is not reading
or he's not reading

we, you, they: we, you, they:

we aren't reading
we are not reading
or we're not reading

Spelling Rules: Adding –ing /-ed

Often we need to add -ing or -ed to a verb to make other forms of the verb, for
example: I was talking when John arrived.
Spelling Rule 1
Just add -ing or -ed to the end of the base verb:
 work > working > worked
 play > playing > played
 open > opening > opened

If the base verb ends in: do this: and For example:


consonant + vowel + double the final -ing stop > stopping > stopped
consonant consonant begin > beginning
-ed tap > tapping > tapped
and a stressed syllable But, for example:
open > opening > opened
(because no stress on last
syllable of open)

consonant + -e remove the -e -ing phone > phoning > phoned

dance > dancing > danced
-ed make > making
rake > raking > raked

-ie change the -ie to -y -ing lie > lying

die > dying

nothing -d lie > lied

die > died

PRESENT CONTINUOUS - Write the “ –ing” form of these verbs

Break clean wash live

Come die enjoy go
Make play sing jump
Write start get feel
Begin put hit rain
Rob shop dream sleep
Shout sit stand talk
Turn open visit forget

1. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the present continuous tense
1. John and I ....are staying................. (stay) in a beautiful hotel.
2. Kevin .......................................... (work) at home today.
3. I ...................................... (wait) for a very important letter.
4. You ...................................... (walk) too fast.
5. We ........................................... (plan) our next holiday.
6. The girls ............................................ (visit) their grandmother today.
7. She ....................................... (read) in her bedroom at the moment.
8. The baby ...................................... (learn) how to walk.

2. Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Use the present continuous

1. They ....aren't buying........................ (buy) a new car.
2. He ............................................... (learn) to read.
3. I .................................................. ( look) for your keys.
4. We ............................................... (sell) the house.
5. They ........................................ (drink) tea.
6. You ....................................... (work) very hard.
7. Jack and Jill ....................................... (run) downhill.
8. I ....................................... (go) home now.

3. A) Write the questions. Use the present continuous

1. What /Jessica / do? What is Jessica doing?
2. Why / John and Patrick / laugh?
3. What book / you / read?
4. What / we / watch?
5. Where / they / stay?
6. Why / we / sit in the dark?
7. Where / they / wait?
8. What / you / sell?

b) Make questions and then write the short answer ( affirmative and negative)
1. It / rain?
Is it raining?
Yes. it is.
No, it isn't.

2. You / learn / French / at school now?


3. I /speak / clearly this time?


4. Angela and Fred / dance / together?


5. The plane / land/ now?


6. The Smiths / plan / a party?


7. The children / study / in their bedroom?


8. Chris / wave/ at us?


Choose the correct verb form. Write sentence in the Simple Present or the Present Continuous.
1) John ______________________ (play) football at the moment.
2) We often __________________ (write) tests at our school.
3) I _____________________ (talk) to my teacher now.
4) Look! Mandy and Susan ______________________ (watch) a film on TV.
5) Olivia ____________________ (visit) her uncle every weekend.
6) Now the sun______________________ (shine).
7) They sometimes ____________________ (read) poems in the lessons.
8) Listen! The band ____________________ (try) the new guitar.
9) First I __________________ (wash), then I dress.
10) Every morning my mother __________________ (get) up at 6 o'clock.
11) Andy sometimes _________________ comics. (to read)
12) We never _________________ TV in the morning. (to watch)
13) Listen! Sandy __________________ in the bathroom. (to sing)
14) My sister usually ________________ in the kitchen. (to help)
15) My mother ___________________ breakfast now. (to make)
16) They often ________________ the bathroom. (to clean)
17) Look! The boys __________________ home. (to come)
18) Every day his grandfather ________________ for a walk. (to go)
19) I ___________________ with my friend at the moment. (to chat)
20) Cats _______________ mice. (to eat)

Rewrite: He / like watching TV / but / he / not / watch / at the moment / because / he /

sleep What / Wendy / do / at the moment / ? She / clean / her teeth / bathroom
mother / can ( - ) / help me / now / because / she / cook / kitchen

Going to - future - Use

1) planned actions in the future
We are going to sing at the party.
2) You are certain that something. is going to happen in the future.
Look at that car! It is going to crash into the yellow one.
to be (am, are, is) + going to + infinitive

Affirmative sentences:
I am going to play handball. You are going to play handball.
I'm going to play handball. You're going to play handball.

Negative sentences:
You are not going to play handball.
I am not going to play handball.
You're not going to play handball.
I'm not going to play handball.
You aren't going to play handball.
Am I going to play handball? Are you going to play handball?

In the going to-future we put the auxiliary (am, are or is) before the subject
Auxiliary (am, is, are), then the Subject: going to (Verb) study?.

Am I going to play handball?
Is he/she/it going to play handball?
Are we/you/they going to play handball?

Do not confuse "going to" with the Present Continuous!
going to-future Present Continuous

He's going to read the book tomorrow. He's reading the book.

BUT REMEMBER: We usually use the Present Continuous with go and come rather than the
going to future:
NOT: I am going to go to the zoo. -> BUT: I am going to the zoo.
NOT: I am going to come to your house. -> BUT: I am coming to your house.

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use the going to - future.
Example: She _____________ a present for her mother. (to buy)
Answer: She is going to buy a present for her mother. or
She's going to buy a present for her mother.

1) He _______________________ his friend. (to phone)
2) We _______________________ a new computer game. (to play)
3) My sister __________________________ TV. (to watch)
4) You ______________________ a picnic next Tuesday. (to have)
5) Jane _____________________ to the office. (to go)
6) They _____________________ to the bus stop this afternoon. (to walk)
7) His brother ________________________ a letter to his uncle today. (to write)
8) She ______________________ her aunt. (to visit)
9) I ________________________ my homework after school. (to do)
10) Sophie and Nick ______________________________ their friends. (to meet)

We use the will-future:
1) Future actions that happen without the speaker's intention (birthday, weather, etc.)
The sun will shine tomorrow.
Peter will be 15 years old next Tuesday.

2) Predictions, assumptions (I think, I hope, I'm sure, I'm afraid)

I think Sue will arrive in Paris at 6 pm.

3) Spontaneous actions (not planned)

Don't worry. I'll talk to him about your problem.

Form: Future with WILL

will + infinitive
Affirmative sentences:
He will play football.
He'll play football.

Negative sentences:
He will not play football.
He won't play football. or He'll not play football.

Will he play football?
When will you send me the email?
What will you need for the party?
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use the will-future.
Example: The weather ______ nice at the weekend. (to be)
Answer: The weather will be nice at the weekend.
1) Tomorrow it _____________ in the north-west. (to rain)
2) My friend ___________ 12 next Monday. (to be)
3) Hey John! Wait a minute. I ___________ you a ride. (to give)

4) She ________________ her boss next week. (to contact)
5) I think you ____________ this job. (to get)
6) They _____________________ at about 6 pm. (to arrive)
7) The teacher ___________________ this exercise. (to explain)
8) He _______________ the bottle of water. (to drop)
9) Lots of accidents _________________ in that weather. (to happen)
10) She ___________________ if you show her the spider. (to scream)

Negations in the will-future

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form negative sentences in the will-future.
Example: The rain __________ in the afternoon. (not/to stop)
Answer: The rain will not stop in the afternoon. or
The rain won't stop in the afternoon.

1) Tim _______________ the teacher. (not/to tell)

2) I hope I _________________ the train to Manchester. (not/to miss)
3) She _________________ her hair green. (not/to dye)
4) He _____________________ breakfast tomorrow morning. (not/to prepare)
5) The manager _______________________ trees in front of the office. (not/to plant)
6) Melissa _______________________ jeans at her party. (not/to wear)
7) My friends _______________________ in a city. (not/to live)
8) We __________________________ about the bad weather. (not/to worry)
9) I ______________________ in this lake. (not/to swim)
10) You _____________________ the vase on the shelf. (not/to reach)

Choose: will or going to?

Put the verbs in brackets into the gap. Use will-future or going to-future.
Example: I hope, that the sun ____________ tomorrow. (to shine)
Answer: I hope, that the sun will shine_____ tomorrow.

1) Philipp ____________ 15 next Wednesday. (to be)

2) They __________________ a new computer. (to get)
3) I think my mother ___________________ this CD. (to like)
4) Paul's sister _______________________ a baby. (to have)
5) They _____________________ at about 4 in the afternoon. (to arrive)
6) Just a moment. I ___________________ you with the bags. (to help)
7) In 2020 people _______________ more hybrid cars. (to buy)
8) Marvin ______________________ a party next week. (to throw)
9) We ______________ to Venice in June. (to fly)
10) Look at the clouds! It _____________________ soon. (to rain)

always, usually, regularly, normally, often, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, seldom,
and never are all called: Adverbs of Frequency.

The position of these adverbs is: Before the main verb:

Adverb of frequency Verb

I always get up at 6.45.
Peter can usually play football on Sundays.
has sometimes got lots of homework.

After a form of to be am, are, is (was, were):

Verb Adverb of frequency

Susan is never late.

The adverbs often, usually, sometimes and occasionally can go at the beginning of a
Sometimes I go swimming.
Often we surf the internet.
Sometimes these adverbs are put at the end of the sentence.
We read books often.

We mostly use the present simple with adverbs and expressions of frequency:
She always wears sandals.
He usually sleeps in the afternoon.
They often go to the cinema.
I sometimes play tennis on Saturdays.
You never read the newspaper.

Write these sentences with the adverb in the correct place:

1) Do you go to pop concerts? (ever)

2) Peter doesn't get up before seven. (usually)

3) Our friends must write tests. (often)

4) They go swimming in the lake. (sometimes)

5) The weather is bad in November. (always)

Position of adverbs of frequency

Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its correct position.
Example: I play tennis on Sundays. (often)
Answer: I often play tennis on Sundays.
1) He listens to the radio. (often)

2) They read a book. (sometimes)

3) Pete gets angry. (never)

4) Tom is very friendly. (usually)

5) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)

6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)

7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)

8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)

9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)

10) Christine smokes. (never)

11) He plays tennis on Saturday. (sometimes)

12) The weather is bad in winter. (always)

13) She gets up at seven o'clock. (usually)

14) I go to London. (never)

15) We go to the disco on Saturday night. (often)

16) She smokes cigarettes. (rarely)

17) I work at the weekend. (never)

18) I have milk with cereal for breakfast. (usually)

19) They don't go to the cinema on Monday. (always)

20) They go to the park with their children. (often)

Revision - Present Simple or Present Continuous?

Hint: These Time Expressions usually show you when to use the Present Simple Tense:
Every day/ nearly always / on Fridays / these days /every afternoon / hardly ever / very often /
when I’m tired / in the evening / rarely / usually / never

1. Vegetarians are people who don't eat (not / eat ) meat.
2. Look out! My father (come)
3. Some people still (think) the sun (go) round the earth.
4. I (play) tennis every weekend.
5. Who (sit) in my chair?
6. What (happen) in golf if you (lose) the ball?
7. Look! She (wear) the same shoes as me.
8. A: What (you/look) at? B: A strange bird!
9. I (stay) with John for a few weeks until my flat is ready.
10. We (usually/stay) with Peggy when we go to Chicago.
11. What time (you/go) to bed on Saturdays?
12. Why (you/wait) outside the door?
13. Look outside! It (snow).
14. I (have) lunch at the moment.
15. When (he / leave) for work?
16. (Listen) to all that noise. What (happen) outside?
17. A: (you/wear) a uniform at your school? B: Yes,
18. This is a great party. I (have) a lovely time.
19. We can’t use the lift because it (not/work). Usually it’s very reliable.

20. A:What (you/do) here today? B: Nothing.
21. A: (Penny/like) cheese sandwiches? No,
22. A: What time the sun (rise)? B: It (rise) at 7.30.
23. We (not/watch) videos at school.

Leisure activities usually end in “-ing”.

a. Go to the gym or Going to the gym
b. Ride a bicycle or Riding a bicycle
c. Go to the movies (cinema), a restaurant, concert or theatre or Going to the….
d. Play (sport), (an instrument) or computer or other games or Playing …..
e. Go (jogging, running).
f. Do (exercise, aerobics) or Doing ….
g. Go to a football match or other sporting event or Going to ….

Like + (–ing)
We normally use the “-ing” form after the following verbs:
Like, enjoy, love, hate, adore, dislike, mind
She likes playing tennis.
He enjoys reading.
We dislike reading poems.
I love playing chess.
I don't mind sleeping on the couch.
They adore using their cell phones.

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Unit Eleven
Describing people, adjectives, Opposites, Questions with "Like", Clothing, Body parts

Describing people

Personality and Appearance Description

1.Tell me about your father. Well, he's very friendly, smart and funny.
What kind of person is he? He's young, short and handsome.
2. What does he look like? He has straight black hair and green eyes.

3. What does your mother look like? She's tall, thin and beautiful.
She has blonde hair and wears glasses.
4. How about your little sister? She has curly red hair and a cute smile.
Everybody likes her.

5. What is your brother wearing? He's wearing light brown pants and an orange t-
6. What kind of shoes does he shirt.
have (on)? Sneakers, and he's wearing white socks.
7. Is Susan wearing a dress? No. She's wearing a blue skirt and a yellow
8. Anything else? blouse.
Yes. She's wearing boots and carrying a purse.

tall short
fat thin
young old
big small
long short
beautiful ugly
handsome ordinary
neat untidy

1. Describe each other as per the above examples.

2. Describe what people are wearing.

Adjectives describe nouns. If you describe a noun using more than one adjective, you
should place the adjectives in a certain order.

Usual Adjective Order

Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origin Material Purpose Noun
1. Crazy old American woman.
2. Round white china plate.
3. Big carving knife.
4. Long straight black hair.

Rewrite the sentences putting the adjectives in the correct order.

Example: He wore a shirt. (blue, denim, stylish)
He wore a stylish, blue, denim shirt.

1. The shop assistant put the gift into a bag. (brown, small, paper)
2. They're showing a movie at the cinema tonight. Do you want to go? (action, new)
3. I’m going to a party tonight. I bought a dress to wear. (sexy, white, short)
4. The man ran down a street to the police station. (long, narrow)
5. Paul sang a song to his girlfriend. (slow, love)
6. It was so nice to come in from the cold and eat a meal. (hot, delicious)
7. She was a beautiful lady with blonde hair. (curly, long, lovely)
8. I just bought a sports car. (German, black, new)
9. Watch out! There is a dog over there. (black, ferocious, big)
10. Do you want to play badminton? It’s a sunny day outside. (lovely, bright)

Questions with “Like”

What does she look like? (physical appearance)

She is tall, with blue hair.

She is slim, with black hair.
She is very pretty. She is very thin.

What is she like ? (personality)

She is really friendly. She is stubborn.
She is a kind person She is too strict.

What does she like (doing) ? (hobbies)

She likes
She likes painting and
making things with her hands.
She likes playing tennis.

What would you like (to) ? (this is more polite than 'what do you want ')

What would What would

you like to you like to
drink? order?

A beer please. A steak please.


He is tall. He is short. He is normal height.


She is skinny. (negative) She is fat. (negative)

She is underweight. (negative) She is overweight. (negative)

She is thin. (negative) She is plump. (neutral)

She is slim. (positive) She is stocky. (neutral)

She is slender. (positive) She is pretty. (positive)

Hair: Long, short, straight, wavy, curly
Colors: Blonde, brown, red, black, grey.

Type of hair

She has She has He has no She has She has medium She has short
long hair short hair hair. = He medium length hair hair
is bald length hair

She has She has She has She has medium She has
long black short black medium length, red hair short,blonde
hair hair length hair
blonde hair

Eyes: Small, Big, blue, green, brown, dark

Clothing Accessories
Sandals Bracelet
Pants/trousers Earrings
Jeans Rings
Shorts Watch
Shirts Sunglasses
Blouse Glasses
T-shirt Beret (boina)
Skirt Necklace
Dress Clasp (broche)
Sneakers/tennis shoes

Men's Clothes | Women's Clothes | Uni-Sex | Baby Clothes

Holiday/Leisure Clothes | Nightwear | Underwear | Footwear

Men's Clothes

suit(s) shirt(s) tie(s)

Women's Clothes

dress(es) blouse(s) skirt(s)



coat(s) jacket(s) t-shirt(s)

trousers jeans shorts

jumper(s) pullover(s) cardigan(s) sweatshirt(s)

with a hood = hoodie(s)


Holiday/Leisure Clothes

swimming trunk(s) bikini(s) swimsuit(s)

swimming costume(s)
bathing costume(s)


nightdress(es) pyjama(s) dressing gown(s)


Underwear - Mens

boxers y-fronts

Ladies (Lingerie)

bra(s) pant(s) / knicker(s)

stocking(s) tight(s) / pantyhose


shoe(s) sandal(s) boot(s)

wellington(s) slipper(s) sock(s)


belt(s) handbag(s)

headscarf (headscarves) scarf (scarves)

glasses sunglasses watch(es)

glove(s) hat(s)



bracelet(s) necklace(s)

ring(s) earring(s)

Parts of clothes

Put the words in the correct order.
1. hair is My frizzy.

2. a detective has mustache. The

3. tall. very This boy is

4. man bald. The is

5. eyes. blue have I

6. Her is long. hair

7. am short. quite I

8. mother very pretty. is My

9. is mess. hair funny her It's because a in

10. short. boy and is The fat

11. like curly blond hair. I

12. straight I hate hair.

The Human Body

Ankle, arm, chest, foot, hand, knee Back, bottom, calf, elbow, head,
leg, neck, shoulder heel, thigh

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Unit Twelve
Possessive pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, and articles

Possessive pronouns, prepositions, and articles.

a. Where is your book? (possessive pronoun + object)
b. It’s at home. (preposition + object)
c. Where is the cinema? (article + object)?
d. It’s in town (preposition + object)

Possessives - Nouns.
Talk about your family members.
Minerva is George’s wife.
George is my brother.

Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns

Personal pronouns Possessive Possessive

adjectives pronouns
as subject as object

I me my mine

you you your yours

he him his his

she her her hers

it it its its

we us our ours

you you your yours

they them their theirs

We have some
The books are for us. These are our books. The books are ours.

Possessive Adjectives
We use possessive adjectives to show who owns or "possesses" something. The possessive
adjectives are: my, your, his, her, its, our, their AND whose (interrogative)

number person gender Posses- example sentence


singular 1st male/female my This is my book.

2nd male/female your I like your hair.

3rd male his His name is "John".

female her Her name is "Mary".

neuter its The dog is licking its paw.

plural 1st male/female our We have sold our house.

2nd male/female your Your children are lovely.

3rd male/female/ their The students

neuter (it) thanked their teacher.

singular/plur 1st/2nd/3rd male/female (not whose Whose phone did you

al neuter) use?

1. I am practicing ______ English.
2. You are working with ________ teacher
3. We are doing _________ work.
4. They are in _______ house.
5. Open ________ books and turn to the first lesson.
6. She wants to see ______ father.
7. It has _________ own food.
8. ________ name is (your name here).
9. ________ name is John.
10. ________ name is Julia.

Possessive Pronouns
We use possessive pronouns to refer to a specific person/people or thing/things (the
"antecedent") belonging to a person/people (and sometimes belonging to an
animal/animals or thing/things).
We use possessive pronouns depending on:
 number: singular (eg: mine) or plural (eg: ours)
 person: 1st person (eg: mine), 2nd person (eg: yours) or 3rd person (eg: his)
 gender: male (his), female (hers)

Below are the possessive pronouns, followed by some example sentences. Notice that each
possessive pronoun can:
 be the subject or the object

number person gender (of "owner") possessive pronouns

singular 1st male/female mine

2nd male/female yours

3rd male his

female hers

plural 1st male/female ours

2nd male/female yours

3rd male/female/neuter theirs

 Look at these bicycles. Mine is the big one. (subject = My bicycle)
 I like your flowers. Do you like mine? (object = my flowers)

 I looked everywhere for your key. I found John's key but I couldn't find yours.
(object = your key)
 My flowers are dying. Yours are lovely. (subject = Your flowers)

 All the essays were good but his was the best. (subject = his essay)
 John found his passport but Mary couldn't find hers. (object = her passport)
 John found his clothes but Mary couldn't find hers. (object = her clothes)

 Here is your car. Ours is over there, where we left it. (subject = Our car)
 Your photos are good. Ours are terrible. (subject = Our photos)

 Each couple's books are colour-coded. Yours are red. (subject = Your books)
 I don't like this family's garden but I like yours. (subject = your garden)

 These aren't John and Mary's children. Theirs have black hair. (subject = Their
 John and Mary don't like your car. Do you like theirs? (object = their car)

Notice that the following (with apostrophe [']) do NOT exist: her's, your's, their's

Notice that the interrogative pronoun whose can also be a possessive pronoun (an
interrogative possessive pronoun). Look at these examples:

 There was $100 on the table and Tara wondered whose it was.
 This car hasn't moved for two months. Whose is it?

I am a teacher.

This is my website.

This website is mine.

You are a student.

Is that your chair?

Is that chair yours?

He is playing his guitar.

The guitar is his.

This is a woman.

Her hair is red.

My hair is brown. Hers is


This is a crocodile.

It's showing its teeth.

("Its" is used for animals

and things.)

We are working on our


The websites are ours.

(mine + yours = ours)

You are students.

You are in your

classroom. This
classroom is yours.

They are children.

They are eating their

popsicles. The popsicles
are theirs.

Use the correct personal pronouns. Note the words in brackets.
Example: _________ often reads books. (Lisa)
Answer: She often reads books.

1) ____ is dreaming. (George)

2) is green. (the blackboard)
3) are on the wall. (the posters)
4) is running. (the dog)
5) are watching TV. (my mother and I)

Choose the correct pronoun:

1) The teacher always gives the students homework.

2) I am reading the book to my little sister.

3) The boys are riding their bikes.
4) My father is writing a letter to John.
5) I don't know the answer.
6) Sally is going to Anne.
7) Open the window, please.

Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns

Part A. - Possessive Adjectives

Directions: Use the correct possessive adjective. The subject in each sentence will help you
with your decision.
1. I have a computer on _________ desk.
2. You have a computer on _________ desk.
3. He likes to play with _________ dog.
4. We don't know __________ neighbors very well.
5. The cat doesn't like __________ food.
6. The students left _________ classroom very quickly.
7. You all have __________ own ideas about politics.
8. I really want to see __________ friends this weekend.
9. They spend __________ money on junk.
10. Robert is very happy with __________ new job.
11. Mary thinks __________ apartment is too small.
12. Where are you going on __________ vacation?
13. The city has _________ own fire department.
14. You and I are having lunch with _________ teacher.
15. Did you finish __________ work on time?
16. Jim and Sal love __________ new house.
17. Can I have __________ car back, please?
18. John can't fix __________ sink.
19. Does Martha have ___________ keys?
20. We should bring __________ coats to the game.
Part B. - Possessive Pronouns
Directions: Write the correct possessive pronoun in the blank space following each sentence or

Example: This pen is her pen. hers

1. This classroom is my classroom. __________
2. Are these books your books? ____________
3. He has his own car and I have my own car. _________
4. Her English is good, and his English is good too. ________
5. I think this money is her money. __________
6. Your children are smart, and so are our children. _________
7. Our work is finished; their work isn't. ___________
8. Those tickets are his tickets. ___________
9. Your garden looks great, but my garden doesn't. _________
10. Her song was good, and I liked your song, too. _________

Part C. Fill out the chart below with the correct possessive adjectives and possessive

Subject Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

I my mine







Revision of Prepositions in expressions of time

Exercise - Choose the correct preposition of time: - at, in, on -
Example: ____ midnight (at/in/on) Answer: at midnight
1) September (at/in/on)
2) 12 o'clock
3) winter
4) Easter Monday
5) 4th July, 1776
6) Christmas
7) Tuesday
8) the weekend
9) my birthday
10) the end of the week

Write the correct preposition.
Example: He concentrates __ physics.
Answer: He concentrates on physics.
1) My friend is good ___ playing volleyball.
2) They are afraid ___ losing the match.
3) We are looking forward ___ going out at the weekend.
4) Laura dreams _______ living on a small island.
5) Andrew apologized ____ being late.
6) The girls insisted ___ going out with Kerry.

Write the correct prepositions in the gaps.

Example: Look! The people are getting ___ the train.
Answer: Look! The people are getting on the train.
1) She was born ___ 2004.
2) They are waiting ___ the bus.
3) Don't forget to bring some flowers _____ me.
4) I haven't smoked ___ ages.
5) You can look up the word ___ a dictionary.
6) She is allergic ___ insect stings.
7) I'm looking ___ my keys. Have you found them?
8) The song was written ___ Madonna herself.
9) He lives in the USA but he likes to travel ___ Spain in summer.
10) The police caught the robbers ___ the park.
Articles - Revision
The indefinite article - a, an
Which article a or an can be put before the following words or phrases?
Write the words or phrases into the correct column.

pilot, son, cup of coffee, actor, ear, older sister, idea, end, book, animal, brother

a an

The definite article "the"
Decide whether to use the definite article "the" or not.
If you do not need the article "the", use " X" .
1) Last year we visited ___ St. Paul's Cathedral and Tower.
2) Mount Everest is ___ highest mountain on earth.
3) Loch Ness is ___ most famous lake in Scotland.
4) most children like ___ sweets.
5) ___ summer of 1996 was hot and dry.
6) ___ Plaza Hotel is on the corner of 59th Street and 5th Avenue.
7) My sister often stays at ___ Grand Hotel in Detroit.
8) Our friends ___ Millers moved to Florida last August.
9) ___ smog is a problem in big cities.
10) Our children go to ___ school by bus.

The articles a/an and "the" If you do not need any article, use " X" .
1) I like ___ blue T-shirt over there better than ___ red one.
2) Their car does 150 kilometers ___ hour.
3) Where's ___ USB drive I lent you last week?
4) Do you still live in ___ city of Bristol?
5) Is your mother working in ___ old office building or the new one?
6) Carol's father works as ___ electrician.
7) The tomatoes are 99 cents ___ kilo.
8) What do you usually have for ___ breakfast?
9) Ben has ___ terrible headache.
10) After this tour you have ___ whole afternoon free to explore the city.

English conversation practice - See Page 120

Final Exam IG2 Useful Vocabulary - See page 215

English conversation practice - Greetings: Meeting People

Conversation A

S1. Hello. How are you?

S2. Pretty well, thanks. And you?

S1. I'm fine, thanks.

S2. It's good to see you again.

Conversation B

S1. Where have you been lately?

S2. I've been busy with extra work.

S1. I've had a lot of work to do too.

S2. Yes. I haven't seen you for quite a while either.

Conversation C

S1. Hello. How's everything?

S2. Fine, thanks. How about you?

S1. Just fine. What's new?

S2. Nothing much.

Conversation D

S1. I'm pleased to meet you.

S2. I'm pleased to meet you too.

S1. I've heard John speak about you often.

S2. Only good things, I hope.

Conversation E

S1. Look who's here!

S2. Are you surprised to see me?

S1. Sure. I thought you were in Europe.

S2. I was, but I got back yesterday.

Conversation F. Practice with a classmate and present to class
A: "Hi, how are you doing?"
B: "I'm doing great. How about you?"
A: "Not too bad."
B: "Do you come to this restaurant often?"
A: "I've been here a couple of times, but not too often. What have you been up to?"
B: "I'm pretty busy at work these days, but otherwise, everything is great."
A: "Well, have a good evening."
B: "You too."

Conversation G. Practice with a classmate and present to class

A: "It's nice to meet you. My name is Jack."
B: "I'm Petrokov. It's a pleasure to meet you."
A: "What was your name again?"
B: "Petrokov."
A: "So Petrokov, What do you do for a living?"
B: "I work at the public library. How about you?"
A: "I'm a University student."
B: "That's great. It was nice meeting you."
A: "Yeah. It was a pleasure meeting you too."

Conversation H. Practice with a classmate and present to class

A: "Hey Jack, it's good to see you."
B: "Wow. How long has it been? It seems like more than a year. How are you doing?
A: “I'm doing pretty well. How about you?"
B: "Not too bad. What movie did you come to see?"
A: "I came here to see Matrix Revolution. How about you?"
B: "I'm going to watch Finding Nemo."

Conversation I. Practice with a classmate and present to class

Person A: "Hi, my name is Steve. It's nice to meet you."
Person B: "I'm Jack. It's a pleasure to meet you, Steve."
Person A: "What do you do for a living Jack?"
Person B: "I work at the bank."

Conversation J. Practice with a classmate and present to class

Person A: "What is your name?"
Person B: "Jackson."
Person A: "What was that again?"
Person B: “Jackson, J-A-C-K-S-O-N.”

Practice with a classmate and present to class
Person A: "Hey John, how have you been?"
Person B: "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?"
Person A: "I'm doing very well. How about you?"
Person B: "I finally have some free time. I just finished taking a big examination, and I'm so relieved
that I'm done with it."

Practice with a classmate and present to class

Person A: "Hi Nancy, what have you been up to?"
Person B: "The same ole same ole." Or, "The same as usual. How about you?"
Person A: "I'm pretty busy at work these days, but otherwise, everything is great."

Practice with a classmate and present to class

Person A: "Andy, it's been a long time, how are you man?"
Person B: "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?"
Person A: "Do you come to this restaurant often?"
Person B: "I've been here a couple of times, but I don't come on a regular basis."

Practice: You are eating in a Chinese / Italian / Mexican... restaurant. Make conversations and
practice with friends.

Eating Out - Waiter =W Customer = C

W: Good evening.
C: A table for two please.
W: Certainly. Just here, sir.
C: Could we sit by the window?
W: I'm sorry. The window tables are all reserved.
W: Are you ready to order, sir?
C: Yes. I'll have tomato soup for starters and my wife would like prawn cocktail.
W: One tomato soup and one prawn cocktail. What would you like for main course?
C: I'll have the plaice and my wife would like the shepherd's pie.
W: I'm afraid the plaice is off.
C: Oh dear. What do you recommend?
W: The steak pie is very good.
C: OK I'll have that.
W: Would you like anything to drink?
C: Yes, a bottle of red wine please.

Buying Clothes - A= Assistant C= Customer
A: May I help you?
C: Yes, I'm looking for a pair of trousers.
A: What colour would you like?
C: Black.
A: And what size are you?
C: I'm not sure. Can you measure me?
A: [measures customer] You're 34" waist. How about these?
C: What material are they?
A: Wool.
C: Do you have anything in cotton?
A: Yes, these.
C: Can I try them on?
A: Of course. The fitting room's over there.
C: [tries trousers] They're a little long. Do you have anything shorter?
A: These are shorter.
C: I'll take them.

Telephone English
A: Good afternoon, Fowler's, may I help you?
B: Extension 237 please.
A: I'm sorry, the line's busy, will you hold?
B: Yes, I'll hold.
A: I'm putting you through.
C: Marketing, Harry Webb speaking.
B: Could I speak to Maurice Caine please?
C: I'm sorry, he's in a meeting at the moment.
B: Do you know when he'll be back?
C: He should be back around four. Can I take a message?
B: Yes, please ask him to call David Jones on 629 3478
C: 629 3478, right?
B: That's right.
C: OK, I'll see he gets your message

Making Plans
A: Let's go to a movie together.
B: I'd love to. When shall we go?
A: How about next Friday evening?
B: Let me see..... Oh, I am sorry, I'm having dinner with a friend.
A: How about the following Tuesday?
B: That'd be great. What shall we see?
A: Star Wars?
B: No, that's boring. How about Austin Powers?
A: Sounds good to me. When shall we meet?
B: Seven? In the Kent Tavern?
A: Great, see you there.

Making Excuses
A: Would you like to come to a movie with me?
B: When do you want to go?
A: How about next Friday evening?
B: I'm sorry, I can't. I'm having dinner with a friend.
A: How about the following Tuesday?
B: I go to evening class on Tuesdays.
A: Oh, maybe some other time?
B: Yeah, I'll give you a call.

i)You want to go to an exhibition with your friend;
ii) someone asks you to dinner but you don't want to go.
Make conversations and practice with a friend.

Borrowing: S = Son F = Father

S: Dad. Can I borrow the car tomorrow?

F: Why do you want to borrow the car?
S: I'm going to the beach with Tony.
F: Last time you borrowed it you had an accident and dented the door.
S: I promise I'll drive carefully this time.
F: And the gas tank was almost empty.
S: I'll fill it up before I get home.
F: Well, OK then, provided you're home by 8. I'm going out tomorrow evening and I need the
S: Great. Thanks dad, I'll be home by 7:30

R: Good evening. How may I help you?
G: Do you have any rooms?
R: Yes. Single, double or twin?
G: Single, please.
R: Would you like a room with a shower or a bath?
G: Just a shower will do.
R: Room 319. That'll be $12.50 a night, including breakfast. How long will you be staying?
G: Just a couple of nights. What time is breakfast?
R: Breakfast is from 7 to 9.
G: And what time is dinner?
R: Dinner's from 6:30 to 8:30. You'd better hurry, the restaurant closes in 15 minutes.
G: Thanks.

Buying Electrical Goods - A = Assistant C = Customer
A. Good morning, can I help you?
C. I hope so. I'm looking for a television.
A. The Toshiba TV5 is on special offer this week.
C. How much is it?
A. Only $299.95.
C. It's a little expensive. Do you have a cheaper one?
A. Yes. This one's only $150.
C. What make is it?
A. It's a Panasonic.
C. I like it, but it's still a little too expensive. Is there any chance of a discount?
A. Hmmmmm, OK, we can do it for $140.
C. Great, I'll take it. Do you accept credit cards?
A. Yes we do.

Talking about the Past - The police are interviewing a suspect:

P: Where were you last Tuesday evening?
S: I was staying in a hotel in Brighton.
P: Who were you with?
S: I was with my girlfriend, Joan.
P: What was the name of the hotel?
S: The George and Dragon.
P: What was your room number?
S: It was 213.
P: Did you speak to anyone?
S: Yes. I spoke to the waitress and the barman.
P: What was the barman's name?
S: His name was Colin
Booking a flight
A: I'd like to book a flight to Tokyo please.
B: Which airline would you like to use?
A: Which is the cheapest?
B: When do you want to travel?
A: Next week, the 15th.
B: Would you like a return ticket?
A: Yes, I'm coming back on the 30th.
B: Let me see....... ABC costs $299.00, but you have to transfer at Hong Kong. XYZ is the
cheapest direct flight at $349.00, both tourist class of course.
A: How long does the ABC flight take?
B: Total time is 15 hours, XYZ takes 11 hours.
A: I may as well go with XYZ then.
B: How many seats would you like?
A: Just the one, and could I have a vegetarian meal?
B: Certainly, there's no extra charge.

At the check-in desk
C: Good morning, may I have your ticket please?
D: Certainly. Can I take this as carry-on baggage?
C: Yes, that'll be fine.
D: And can I have an aisle seat in the smoking section?
C: I'm afraid this is a non-smoking flight, sir. But you can have an aisle seat. Here's your
boarding pass. Have a nice flight.
D: Thank you.

At passport control
E: May I see your passport please?
F: Here you are.
E: What is the purpose of your visit?
F: I'm on business.
E: How long will you be staying?
F: Fifteen days.
E: Thank you very much. Enjoy your stay.

At customs
G: Do you have anything to declare, sir?
H: Just some wine and cigarettes.
G: How much wine do you have?
H: Four bottles.
G: That's fine, and how many cigarettes?
H: I have 20 packs.
G: I'm afraid you're only allowed 280 cigarettes. You'll have to pay duty on the rest.
H: Oh! How much is it?
G: It's $12.95.
H: Here you are.

Finding an Apartment - A = Agent M = Man

A: Hi, what can I do for you?
M: I'm interested in the apartment in Marine Drive. What can you tell me about it?
A: It's a conversion on the second floor of a beautiful, four-storey building. It has two
bedrooms and a large living room overlooking the sea. The kitchen and bathroom have recently
been re-fitted.
M: Is it centrally heated?
A: Yes, it's centrally heated throughout, and double-glazed too.
M: Does it have a parking space?
A: No, but there's plenty of unrestricted parking in Marine Drive and nearby.
M: How much is it?
A: It's $139,995, but I believe the owner would be willing to accept an offer.
M: How long is the lease?
A: There's no lease, it's a condominium.

Practice: You want to rent a house. Make a conversation and practice with a friend.

Reporting a Crime O = Officer W = Woman

O: Hartford Police Station. Can I help you?
W: I hope so. My house has been burglarized.
O: Where do you live?
W: 28 Southbrook Road.
O: When did you discover the burglary?
W: When I got home from work. About 5 minutes ago.
O: Was anything stolen?
W: Yes. All my jewellery's gone, and my computer too. And they sprayed graffiti on my walls.
O: How did they get in?
W: They forced the back door.
O: An officer will be round in about half an hour. Please don't touch anything.

i) Your car has been stolen. Report it to the police.
ii) You were waiting in the bank when there was a robbery. Tell the police what you saw.
Make conversations and practice with friends.

Complaining - a faulty TV
A: Good afternoon, can I help you?
B: I hope so. I bought this television here about three months ago, but the sound and picture
quality are awful. The picture is always flickering and there's a dark line down the left-hand side of
the screen. And there's an annoying hissing sound in the background.
A: Do you have an outdoor antenna?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Have you tried adjusting the antenna?
B: Several times.
A: Hmmmmm. I'll get our engineers to have a look at it.
B: A friend of mine bought the same model here and had exactly the same problems. I want a
A: I'm afraid it isn't our policy to give refunds, sir.
B: I want to see the manager.

A bad holiday
A: Good morning, can I help you?
B: I'd like to make a complaint about my holiday in Hawaii last week.
A: I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly was the problem?
B: First of all the bus taking us to the hotel broke down and we had to wait for over two hours
in the sweltering heat before a replacement arrived. Then when we got to the hotel we found our
room hadn't been cleaned.
A: Oh dear, did you complain to the hotel staff?

B: Of course, but we were told all the chambermaids were off duty. Anyway, that's not all. The
people in the room above sounded like they were having all-night parties, every night. I demanded
another room but the receptionist told me the hotel was full.
A: Oh, I see.
B: And to cap it all the food in the hotel restaurant was awful. It was so bad we had to eat out
all the time despite having paid for meals in the price of our holiday.
A: I do apologize. I'd like to offer you a 20% discount on the price of one of our Autumn breaks
as a gesture of goodwill.
B: A 20% discount, you must be joking. I want to see the manager.

Practice: Make conversations:

i) You had beef curry at the Grand Hotel a couple of evenings ago. That night you had stomach ache,
sickness and diarrhea. The doctor said you had food poisoning. You're feeling better now and have
gone back to the hotel to complain.
ii) You bought a used car from Micky's Motors three months ago. Since then your car has needed a
new exhaust and gearbox. Both of these were fitted by Micky's under the car's warranty. Yesterday
the brakes failed and you almost had an accident. You want a refund.

iii) You recently moved to a new home. Ron's removals moved your furniture. The removal men
smashed an antique vase. You can't find your family photo album though you're sure you packed it.

Obligations and Rules

Bert is starting a new job.
A. Welcome to Smith & Jones, Bert. Do you have any questions?
B. Yes, what time do I have to start work?
A. You have to start work at 8.30.
B. What do I have to do?
A. You have to type letters, make tea and answer the telephone.
B. Do I have to wear a uniform?
A. No, you don't have to wear a uniform, but you must wear a tie.
B. Can I smoke?
A. No, you mustn't smoke in the building. You'll have to go outside if you want to smoke.
B. Do I have to work overtime?
A. Yes, you have to work overtime every other Saturday

Company Policies
"How long are we allowed for lunch?"
"How long is our lunch break?"
"If I only take a 30 minute lunch, can I leave 30 minutes earlier?"

"What time should I report to work?"

"Is there a strict policy on working hours?"
"Are we allowed to start work an hour later if we work an hour more?"

"What is the dress code here?"

"Are we allowed to wear casual clothes on Friday?"
"Does this company have the casual Friday thing?"

"If I have ten vacation days, am I allowed to use them all at once?"
"What holidays do we have off?"
"Do our vacation days expire?"

"Does this company allow telecommuting?"

"Are we allowed to work from home?"
Printer Problems
"Do you know what's wrong with the printer?"
"Who do we call to report a problem with the printer?"
"When is the printer going to be fixed?"
"The printer next to the break room is broken. Where is the other printer?"
"The copy machine is jammed again."
"The copy machine is broken."
"We need to get the copy machine fixed."
"A technician is coming this afternoon to fix the copy machine."
"Where is the paper for the copy machine?"
"We need to order more paper. We're running low."

Office Basics - Interactive Practice

A: "I can't get the printer to work."
B: "Did you check to see if it had paper?"
A: "Yeah. That's the first thing I checked."
B: "I don't know then. You might have to call the technician."
A: "How do I do that?"
B: "Just tell the admin and she should take care of it."
A: "Is there another printer that I can use?"
B: "Yeah. There's one down the hall next to the supply room."
A: "Oh yeah... I remember that one. Thanks."
B: "No problem."

A: "Do you have a lot of work?"

B: "Yeah. I'm pretty busy. Why?"
A: "Oh. I needed some help on documenting this process."
B: "Does this have to be done right now?"
A: "The manager wants it by Friday."
B: "I'll try to free up my schedule. Remind me again tomorrow morning, and I'll help you in the
A: "Do you need to read the documents first?"
B: "Yeah. That would help."
A: "I'll print you a copy and then drop them off."
B: "Make sure you drop it off before five because I have to leave early."
A: "No problem. Thanks."

A: "Are you new here?"
B: "Yeah. I just started yesterday."
A: "Welcome aboard. I'm Jack."
B: "I'm Mark. Nice to meet you."
A: "What are you going to be working on?"
B: "I'm going to work on the planning team. But I haven't started yet. I'm still in training."
A: "The planning team is great. Our marketing team works with them closely. We'll end up working
together sometimes."
B: "That's great. Oh, can I ask you some questions?"
A: "Sure."
B: "Does this company have a casual Friday?"
A: "Not really. You can get away with wearing slacks, but I've never seen anyone wear jeans."
B: "That's alright. Do you know any good places to eat around here?"
A: "Yeah there's a deli right across the street. They have fresh sandwiches and sometimes hot dishes
like teriyaki. It's pretty good."
B: "That sounds good. Thanks for the info."
A: "No problem. If you need anything, I sit right around the corner here."

Business Phone Call - Interactive Practice

A: "Hello? This is Steve."

B: "Hi Steve, this is Mary from ABC Company. I'm returning your call."
A: "Hi Mary. How are you doing?"
B: "I'm doing great thanks."
A: "Thanks for returning my call. I couldn't figure out why the ending balance on fiscal year 2003
didn't match the beginning balance on of 2004."
B: "When I checked, it was matching. How much is the difference?"
A: "The amount is exactly $42,000."
B: "Oh. I know what the problem is. We opened another bank account at the end of fiscal year 2003.
I might not have included the new bank statements when I sent over the information."
A: "That makes sense. I'm just glad it wasn't out of my miscalculation. Can you send over the
statements? I should be done by end of day since everything looks good."
B: "Sure. I'll fax them to you immediately. Is 555-123-4567 the number I should fax it to?"
A: "Yes. That is the correct number."
B: "I'll do it right now."
A: "Thank you for your help."
B: "I should have sent them over to you the first time. I apologize for that."
A: "No problem."
B: "Thank you."
A: "Thank you. Bye."

A: "Hello, ABC Company."

B: "Hi, this is Janet from Consult R Us. May I speak with Alex please?"
A: "He's in a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message?"

B: "Yes. Can you have Alex call me back when he is available? My name again is Janet, and he can
reach me at 555-987-6543."
A: "It's Janet at 555-987-6543. Can I tell him what this is regarding?"
B: "He sent over a fax, and the last page didn't print out. I will need for him to resend the fax to
A: "I'll let him know."
B: "Thank you."
A: "Thank you for calling ABC."
B: "Good bye."
A: "Bye."

A: "Microsoft, this is Steve."

B: "Hi Steve, this is Richard from Third Hand Testing. I'm calling in regards to the MSN assignment.
Do you have a minute to answer a couple of questions?"
A: "Sure. What can I help you with?"
B: "We originally agreed on 5 testing procedures, but our program manager received a mail
indicating 4 testing procedures. Is 4 the correct number?"
A: "Yes it is. We found that we can do the last one here."
B: "Great. Does the timeline change because we reduced one of the testing procedures?"
A: "We don't have to change the timeline. Our original timeframe was very aggressive."
B: "That makes our job a little easier."
A: "Do you have any other questions?"
B: "No. That's all I had. Thanks for your time."
A: "No problem."
B: "Ok. Good bye."
A: "Bye."

Quitting or Leaving Work - Interactive Practice

A: "Hi Mark, I have something important to tell you."
B: "Come on in. What's on your mind?"
A: "Well, I have decided to leave the company. I had a wonderful time here, but it is time to move
on for me."
B: "May I ask why?"
A: "I got an offer from ABC Company. It's a management position and I really don't want to let this
opportunity pass me by. You know I have been looking for a management position here, but all the
positions here are full."
B: "I understand your decision and you have my support."
A: "Thanks for understanding. I can work here two more weeks."
B: "Ok. Will you be able to finish your current assignment?"
A: "Yes I will. And if you hire someone within two weeks, I would be happy to provide training on my
B: "That would be great. We're going to miss you here."
A: "I'm going to miss this place too. Thanks."

A: "Hi Mary, I interviewed with another company and they offered me a position. I wanted to let
you know before I made my decision."
B: "I'm sorry to hear that. But I appreciate you telling me before you accepted the offer."
A: "I really enjoy my work here, but I was concerned about the lack of opportunities. I put in effort
to gain more experience here, but the projects are limited."
B: "What would help you to decide to stay?"
A: "I would consider staying more if I could change my position. I would love working in this same
group, but I would like to be doing something different. And finally, they offered me 6 percent more
than my current salary."
B: "When do you have to make a decision by?"
A: "They want me to respond in a week."
B: "Let me see what I can do and I'll let you know tomorrow or on Wednesday. Can you wait until
A: "That's not a problem."
B: "Great. I'm going to do everything I can to keep you on board."
A: "I appreciate what you are doing for me."
B: "It's the least I can do. You're a valuable asset here."


Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

be was / were been
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
bite bit bitten
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
dig dug dug
do did done
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
find found found
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
get got got (gotten in USA)
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
hit hit hit
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept

know knew known
lay laid laid
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
lose lost lost
make made made
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
quit quit quit
read read (pronounced /red/) read (pronounced /red/)
ride rode ridden
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
understand understood understood
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written


Unit 1

Nice to meet you - Gusto de conocerte

Contesta las preguntas.

Lee el siguiente diálogo:

CARMEN - Hi! My name's Carmen. What's your name?

PAULO - I'm Paulo.
CARMEN - Are you a new student?
PAULO - Yes, I am. I'm from Brazil. Where are you from?
CARMEN - I'm from Spain.
PAULO - Nice to meet you.
CARMEN - Nice to meet you too.

Práctica Escribe las palabras en orden para construir las oraciones correctamente.

1. name your What is ?

2. new student Are you a ?

3. name is Carmen My .

4. meet you Nice to .

5. from Where you are ?

Repaso de Palabras Claves
housewife - ama de casa two - dos
husband - esposo children - niños

Hi! My name is Lupe. I'm from Mexico. I am a housewife. I have a husband. His name is
Jorge. I have two children. Their names are Veronica and Alberto. Nice to meet you.

Contesta en una oración completa.

What is her name?

Where is she from?

What is her husband's name?

How many children does she have?

What are her children's names?

Repaso de Verbos en el Presente y el verbo to be:

Afirmativo y Negativo Interrogativo

I am (I'm) Am I _____?
I am not (I'm not) Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

He is (He's) Is he _____?
He is not (He's not, He isn't) Yes, he is. No, he isn't.

She is (She's) Is she _____?

She is not (She's not, She isn't) Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

It is (It's) Is it _____?
It is not (It's not, It isn't) Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
You are (You're) Are you ____?
You are not (You're not, You aren't) Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

They are (They're) Are they _____?

They are not (They're not, They aren't) Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

We are (We're) Are we _____?

We are not (We're not, We aren't) Yes, we are. No, we aren't.

(Arriba las contracciones están en paréntesis.)

(y el Negativo en letras cursivas)

Using the Verb "To be" Write the correct form of the verb "To be" in Present Tense

Example: I (be) am happy.

1) I (be) _____ tired.
2) I (be) _____ hungry.
3) I (be) _____ late!

Example: He / She / It (be) is happy.

4) He (be) _____ cool.
5) She (be) _____ pretty.
6) It (be) _____ fast.

You / We / They (be) are happy.
7) You (be) _____ nice.
8) We (be) _____ sleepy.
9) They (be) _____ funny.

Now use nouns instead of pronouns…

10) John (be) _____ excited.
11) Tiffany and Uma (be) _____ my friends.
12) Ricardo, John and I (be) _____ watching a movie.
13) Hadil (be) _____ kind.
14) Alisa (be) _____ young.
15) The hammer (be) _____ new.
16) My mother and father (be) _____ cooking dinner.
17) Rachel (be) _____ driving to school.
18) Nikkos and Billy (be) _____playing at the park.
19) The students (be) _____studying English.
20) The test (be) _____ hard!
21) My best friend (be) _____coming to my house.

Unit 2

Nationalities. Prácticar. Seleccionar la nacionalidad para cada país.

1. China

2. United States

3. Britain

4. Argentina

5. Iraq

6. France

7. Venezuela

8. Vietnam

9. Germany

10. Spain

11. Australia

12. Poland

13. Japan

14. Mexico

15. Thailand

16. Brazil

17. Italy

18. Portugal

19. England

20. Canada

Tiempo Presente
Afirmativo y Negativo Interrogativo

I walk.
Do you walk?
You don't walk
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.

He walks Does he walk?

She doesn't walk Yes, he does.
It No, he doesn't.

(Negativo en letras cursivas)

Se agrega "s" al final del verbo en tercera persona singular (he, she, it). Si el verbo termina
con "s", "ch", "sh", "x", o "o", agrega "e" y luego la "s". Si el verbo termina con consonante
y luego "y", cambie la "y" a "i" y luego agrega "es":

walk - walks
wash - washes
try - tries

Práctica Escribe la primera parte de la oración afirmativa y la segunda parte negativa.

I/have/car/computer (Nota - Se escribe una coma en estas oraciones antes de "but.")
I have a car, but I don't have a computer.

1. They/like/apples/oranges

2. Jack/eat/pizza/hamburgers

3. Sharon/watch/TV/movies

4. My friends/go/to parties/to bars

5. She/read/magazines/newspapers

6. They/drink/coffee/tea

7. We/study/English/Japanese

Práctica Corrige los errores en los verbos de las oraciones abajo.
She w ashes the dishes.
She washs the dishes.

1. The baby crys a lot.

2. Mildred work at the university.

3. He dosen't speak English.

4. He don't like to drink coffee.

5. William play soccer on the weekends.

6. She isen't scared of the dark.

7. Frank doesn't lives in an apartment.

Unit 3

Ejercicios: Artículo Determinado e Indeterminado

1. En esta oportunidad te proponemos realizar ejercicios aplicando los conocimientos

que te hemos proporcionado acerca de Artículo Determinado y Artículo

1. .......... plane arrived early. El avión llegó temprano.

2. Peter is.......... boring student. Peter es un estudiante aburrido.
3. ........... book is very interesting. El libro es muy interesante.
4. .......... apple is not sweet. La manzana no es dulce.
5. It is .......... expensive car. Es un automóvil costoso.
6. She bought .......... new dress. Ella compró un nuevo vestido.
7. ......... meal was perfect. La comida estuvo perfecta.
8. My father buys .......... newspaper every day. Mi padre
compra el periódico todos los días.
9. Sarah is .......... friendly woman. Sarah es una mujer amistosa.
10. .......... film was awful. La película era horrible.

1. .......... ships arrived to Sydney. Los barcos llegaron a Sidney.

2. My sister was wearing .......... ugly hat. Mi hermana estaba
usando un feo sombrero.
3. It is raining and I will buy .......... umbrella. Está lloviendo y
compraré un paraguas.
4. I drank .......... excellent wine at the restaurant. Yo tomé un excelente vino
en el restaurant.
5. Yesterday, I had .......... problem. Ayer yo tuve un problema.
6. .......... farmhouse is very old. La granja es muy vieja.
7. My brother saw .......... elephant in Africa. Mi hermano vió un elefante en
8. John wants .......... apple pie for his birthday. John quiere un pastel de
manzana para su cumpleaños.
9. .......... piano was bought by my grandfather. El piano fue comprado por mi
10. My father has .......... important job. Mi padre tiene un trabajo importante.

En este ejercicio deberás colocar el verbo que figura entre paréntesis en
Present Simple:

1. I (travel) .......... to London every week. Yo viajo a Londres todas las semanas.
2. They (run) .......... in the park every Saturdays. Ellos corren en el parque todos los
3. My mother (clean) .................. the house. Mi madre limpia la casa.
4. You (be) ............... a good student. Tú eres un buen estudiante.
5. Mary (work) .................. in a bank. Mary trabaja en un banco.
6. John (walk).................. to his office. John camina a su oficina.
7. You (study) ................ English at school. Ustedes estudian inglés en la escuela.
8. The dog (break) ............... the fence. El perro rompe la cerca.
9. The car (be) ............... in the garage. El coche está en el garage.
10. My father (have) ............... a nice coat. Mi padre tiene un lindo saco.
11. We (live) Paris. Nosotros vivimos en París.

1. George (sell) .................... peaches and apples. George vende duraznos y manzanas.
2. I always (visit) ..................... my grandmother. Yo siempre visito a mi abuela.
3. Alice (go) ........................ to the church. Alicia va a la iglesia.
4. They (be) ...................... my best friends. Ellos son mis mejores amigos.
5. You always (pay) ...................... the tickets. Tú siempre pagas los boletos.
6. London (be) ................ a big and nice city. Londres es una ciudad linda y grande.
7. My cousin (paint) ....................... the house. Mi primo pinta la casa.
8. I (study) ............... and (work)................. in Madrid. Yo estudio y trabajo en Madrid.
9. Mike never (do) ................. the homework. Mike nunca hace la tarea.

Short answers with: am, are, is

Answers the questions below:

1) Are you from England? - Yes, .

2) Is she nice? - Yes, .
3) Are the friends at school? - Yes, .
4) Is the dog in the garden? - Yes, .
5) Are you 12? - No, .
6) Is your school bag black? - Yes, .
7) Is he a teacher? - Yes, .
8) Are your parents from Italy? - No, .
9) Are we students? - Yes, .
10) Am I your friend? - Yes, .

Exercise on Short Answers
Complete the short answers with the correct form.
Are you from Germany? - Yes, I am ./ No, I’m not. .
Are Peter and Sue your friends? - Yes, . / No, .
Has your sister got a car? - Yes, . / No, .
Do you speak English? - Yes, . / No, .
Can he play football? - Yes, . / No, .
Is she going by bus? - Yes, . / No, .
Do you study with him- Yes, . / No, .
Have you been waiting for long? - Yes, . / No, .
Will she send us a mail? - Yes, . / No, .

Write do or does into the gaps.

1) Peter live with his father?
2) you learn Spanish?
3) Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school?
4) they play in the garden?
5) Sandy's hamster live in a cage?
6) the cats sit on the wall?
7) we work in front of the computer?
8) you play the drums?
9) Steve wear pullovers?
10) I clean the bathroom?

Write do or does into the gaps.

1) you write with a pencil?
2) your father often make breakfast?
3) your teachers always check your homework?
4) you and your sister feed the pets?
5) you send text messages?
6) your friend visit museums?
7) your cats climb trees?
8) you learn to cook at school?
9) your sister play badminton?
10) your grandparents go on holiday in winter?

Answer the questions. Use short answers.

1) Has Jacob got a skateboard? - Yes, .
2) Does Elisabeth have lots of comics? - Yes, .
3) Have you got a red football shirt? - Yes, .
4) Do the twins have the same hobbies? - No, .
5) Do you have lunch at school? - No, .

6) Does Matthew have a new smartphone? - Yes, .
7) Do we have a nice house? - Yes, .
8) Has Olivia got an electric guitar? - No, .
9) Does the shop have a security system? - Yes, .
10) Have they got a parrot? - No, .

Answer the questions as in the example.

Example: Have the Millers got a garden? - Yes, __________.
Answer: Have the Millers got a garden? - Yes, they have.
1) Have you got a brother? - Yes, .
2) Has she got a dog? - Yes, .
3) Have they got a green van? - No, .
4) Has he got two sisters? - No, .
5) Do we have nice teachers? - Yes, .
6) Does Anne have a blue school bag? - No, .
7) Do your friends have pets? - Yes, .
8) Have Rick and Max got lots of computer games? - Yes, .
9) Has Henry got a TV in his room? - No, .
10) Have the girls got pink pencil cases? - Yes, .

Short answers with: can, can't

Fill the gaps
1) Can she fly a kite? - Yes, .
2) Can they write these words? - Yes, .
3) Can he sing? - No, .
4) Can I open the window, please? - Yes, .
5) Can Doris speak French? - Yes, .
6) Can we meet our friends? - Yes, .
7) Can he ride a snowboard? - No, .
8) Can the girls swim? - Yes, .
9) Can you help me? - Yes, .
10) Can the frog sing? - No, .

Short answers with: be, can, have got. Complete the sentences. Use short answers.
Example: Can you play football? - Yes, ____ .
Answer: Can you play football? - Yes, I can.
1) Is he nice? - Yes, .
2) Can they play hockey? - No, .
3) Is she new at our school? - Yes, .
4) Are the boys in the garden? - No, .
5) Is John from France? - No, .

6) Are Ron and Max your friends? - Yes, .
7) Has your sister got a cat? - No, .
8) Are you from Germany - Yes, .
9) Have your grandparents got a cat? - Yes, .
10) Is the cat in her basket? - No, .

Fill in the spaces using these question words:

Why? How often? When? What? Which?
Who? How much? Where? What time? How long?
1. do you live?
2. do you want to stay in this city? Until when?
3. do you speak English outside your school?
4. do you prefer to study - at night or in the morning?
5. are you studying English?
6. do you prefer - wine or beer?
7. does this lesson finish?
8. is the best student in this class?
9. coffee do you drink every day?
10. do you do on Saturdays?

General English Practice do or does? Fill in the gaps.

1) Peter live with his father?

2) you learn Spanish?
3) Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school?
4) they play in the garden?
5) Sandy's hamster live in a cage?
6) the cats sit on the wall?
7) we work in front of the computer?
8) you play the drums?
9) Steve wear pullovers?
10) I clean the bathroom?

Complete the following sentences. Use do, don't, does, or doesn't).

Example: Peter works in a shop, but he _________ work in an office.
Answer: Peter works in a shop, but he doesn't work in an office.
1) My mother likes chocolate, but she _________ like biscuits.
2) What _________ the children wear at your school?
3) Lena's father watches badminton on TV, but he _________ watch judo.
4) Where _________ the Masons buy their fruit?

5) _________ the cat like to sleep on the sofa?
6) Dogs love bones, but they _________ love cheese.
7) Where _________ Sam and Ben hide their CDs?
8) We eat pizza, but we _________ eat hamburgers.
9) _________ Mrs Miller read magazines?
10) _________ the boys play cricket outside?

Complete the following. Use the correct form of “to do” (do, don't, does, doesn't).
Example: The students practice football, but they ______ practice English.
Answer: Peter works in a shop, but he doesn't work in an office.
1) The girls love tennis, but they _________ love riding.
2) What _________ Sandra sell?
3) Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he _________ speak German.
4) Where _________ your grandparents live?
5) _________ Brenda and Henry bake muffins for their party?
6) Max plays tennis, but he _________ play hockey.
7) _________ Mr Smith teach English?
8) Doris and Eric read comics, but they _________ read books.
9) What _________ you have for lunch, Lisa?
10) _________ the children learn to cook at school?

Put in do or does into the gaps.

1) ______ Peter live with his father?
2) ______ you study Spanish?
3) ______ Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school?
4) ______ they play in the garden?
5) ______ Sandy's hamster live in a cage?
6) ______ the cats sit on the wall?
7) ______ we work in front of the computer?
8) ______ you play the drums?
9) ______ Steve wear pullovers?
10) ______ I clean the bathroom?

Put in the auxiliaries do or does into the gaps.

1) ______ you write with a pencil?
2) ______ your father often make breakfast?
3) ______ your teachers always check your homework?
4) ______ you and your sister feed the pets?
5) ______ you send text messages?

6) ______ your friend visit museums?
7) ______ your cats climb trees?
8) ______ you learn to cook at school?
9) ______ your sister play badminton?
10) ______ your grandparents go on holiday in winter?

1) repeated actions
My friend often _________ (draw) nice posters.

2) things in general
The sun _________ (rise) in the East.

3) fixed arrangements, scheduled events

The plane _________ (fly) to London every Monday.

4) actions in the present - one follows after the other

First he _________ (get up), then he _________ (have) breakfast.
5) instructions
_________ (Open) your books at page 34.
6) with special verbs
I __________________ (understand) English.

Signal words
every day, often, always, sometimes, never


Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Present in the statements.
Example: I _______ in the lake. (to swim)
Answer: I swim in the lake.
1) We ________ our dog. (to train)
2) Emma _________ during the lessons. (to dream)
3) They _________ at birds. (to look)
4) John _________ home from school. (to come)
5) I _________ my friends. (to meet)
6) He ___________ the laptop. (to repair)
7) Walter and Frank ______ hello. (to say)

8) The cat ______ under the tree. (to sit)
9) She _________ water. (to drink)
10) She always __________ the lunchbox. (to forget)

Complete the sentences as in the example. Use the long form of the auxiliary.
Example: Jane ___________ a book. (not/to read)
Answer: Jane does not read a book.
1) We ____________ handball at school. (not/to play)
2) Laura ______________ her room. (not/to clean)
3) Mark _____________ his homework. (not/to do)
4) Susan and Jerry _________ TV. (not/to watch)
5) They _____________ at 6.30. (not/to wake up)
6) You ____________ shopping. (not/to go)
7) Mrs. Smith _____________ a big box. (not/to carry)
8) My brother _____________ English. (not/to teach)
9) The teachers _______________ stories. (not/to tell)
10) I _______________ in a plane. (not/to fly)

Complete the sentences as in the example. Use the long form of the auxiliary.
Example: Jane ___________ a book. (not/to read)
Answer: Jane (does not read) a book.
1) Tom _____________ stamps. (not/to collect)
2) You ____________ songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing)
3) Julie _____________ in the garden. (not/to work)
4) I _____________ at home. (not/to sit)
5) Tina and Kate _____________the windows. (not/to open)
6) Adam ________________ French. (not/to speak)
7) His sister ________________ lemonade. (not/to like)
8) We ______________ to music. (not/to listen)
9) My father ________________ the car every Saturday. (not/to clean)
10) Johnny and Danny ________________ in the lake. (not/to swim)

Make the sentences negative. Write the negative form of the verbs into the correct gaps.
You can use long or short/contracted forms of the auxiliary.
Example: Tom writes a letter. - Tom ______________ a letter.
Answer: Tom writes a letter. - Tom does not write a letter. or
Tom doesn't write a letter.
1) They play volleyball every week. - They _______________ volleyball every week.
2) John is nice. - John _______________ nice.

3) This car makes a lot of noise. - This car _______________ a lot of noise.
4) I like computer games. - I ________________ computer games.
5) We are from Greece. - We ________________ from Greece.
6) You wear pullovers. - You ___________________ pullovers.
7) They speak English. - They ___________________ English.
8) He watches TV. - He _________________ TV.
9) I am from Spain. - I ______________ from Spain.
10) Steve draws nice pictures. - Steve __________________ nice pictures.
Make the sentences negative. Write the negative form of the verbs into the correct gaps.
You can use long or short/contracted forms of the auxiliary.

Jack plays in the school handball team. - Jack _____________ in the school handball team.
Jack plays in the school handball team. - Jack does not play in the school handball team. or
Jack doesn't play in the school handball team.

1) She feeds the animals. - She the animals.

2) We take photos. - We photos.
3) Sandy always does the housework. - Sandy always do the housework.
4) The boys have two rabbits. - The boys two rabbits.
5) Simon can read English books. - Simon English books.
6) He listens to the radio at night. - He the radio at night.
7) Anne is the best singer of our school. - Anne the best singer of our school.
8) The children are at home. - The children at home.
9) The dog runs after the cat. - The dog after the cat.
10) Lessons always finish at 3 o'clock. - Lessons at 3 o'clock.

Put What, Where, Why, When, and How, into the gaps to make questions.
Example: _______ often do you play volleyball?
Answer: How often do you play volleyball?

1) _______________ is the weather like today?

2) _______________ don't you like apple juice?
3) _______________ about a walk through the forest?
4) _______________ do you play volleyball?
5) _______________ is my red sweat shirt, Mum?
6) _______________ do Anne and Betty get to school every day?
7) _______________ does your father go to work?

8) _______________ is the dog's bone?
9) _______________ are we going for a holiday by the sea again?
10) _______________ do you like your coffee?

Rewrite the words using digits (numbers). Write the Answers in words

1) nineteen - 1) 12 - 8 =

2) twenty-three - 2) 4 + 4 =

3) seventy - 3) 8 + 7 =

4) thirteen - 4) 14 - 1 =

5) eight - 5) 30 + 50 =

6) forty - 6) 2 + 3 =

7) fifty-five - 7) 24 - 10 =

8) twelve - 8) 70 - 20 =

9) thirty - 9) 20 - 2 =

10) eighteen - 10) 38 + 2 =

Primer Parcial IG1 - Useful Vocabulary

have fill in walk

drive wake up hate
fluent drive garden
purchasing walk holiday
choose fruit early
supply buy exercises
write sentences aunt eat
themselves uncle stay
work cousin want
play father evening
games mother grow
dancing brother get up
homework sister correct form
put travel

Unit 4


Time Prepositions One

Write the correct preposition (at, in, on, or no preposition):
1. Lucy is arriving ____ February the 13th ____ 8 o'clock ____ the morning.
2. The weather is often terrible in London _____ January.
3. It’s better to get a taxi if you are out alone _____ night.
4. She got married _____ September.
5. They usually go to the south of France _____ the summer.
6. Columbus sailed to the Americas _____ the 16th century.
7. The Beatles were popular _____ the 1960s.
8. I graduated from university _____ 2001.
9. His birthday is _____ June.
10. I usually go to my parents’ house _____ Christmas. We eat turkey together _____
Christmas Day.

Time Prepositions Two

Write the correct preposition (at, in, on, or no preposition):
1. There was a loud noise which woke us up ____ midnight.
2. Do you usually eat chocolate eggs ____ Easter?
3. What are you doing ____ the weekend?
4. ____ last week, I worked until 9pm ____ every night.
5. My father always reads the paper ____ breakfast time.
6. She plays tennis ____ Fridays.
7. The trees here are really beautiful ____ the spring.
8. I’ll see you ____ Tuesday afternoon, then.
9. Shakespeare died ____ 1616.
10. She studies ____ every day.
11. John is going to buy the presents ____ today.
12. In my hometown the shops open early ____ the morning.
13. She met her husband ____ 1998.
14. The party is ____ next Saturday.
15. We are meeting ____ Friday morning.
16. I often get sleepy ____ the afternoon.
17. His daughter was born ____ the 24 th of August.
18. Mobile phones became popular ____ the nineties.
19. The meeting will take place ____ this afternoon.
20. Luckily the weather was perfect ____ her wedding day.

Prepositions of Place 1

Write the correct preposition (at, in, on, or no preposition)

1. He’s swimming ______ the river.

2. Where’s Julie? She’s ______ school.
3. The plant is ______ the table.
4. There is a spider ______ the bath.
5. Please put those apples ______ the bowl.
6. Frank is ______ holiday for three weeks.
7. There are two pockets ______ this bag.
8. I read the story ______ the newspaper.
9. The cat is sitting ______ the chair.
10. Lucy was standing ______ the bus stop.
11. I'll meet you ______ the cinema.
12. She hung a picture ______ the wall.
13. John is ______ the garden.
14. There's nothing ______ TV tonight.
15. I stayed ______ home all weekend.
16. When I called Lucy, she was ______ the bus.
17. There was a spider ______ the ceiling.
18. Unfortunately, Mrs Brown is ______ hospital.
19. Don't sit ______ the table, sit ______ a chair.
20. There are four cushions ______ the sofa.

Prepositions of Place 2

Write the correct preposition (at, in, on, or no preposition)

1. The wine is ______ the bottle.

2. Pass me the dictionary, it's ______ the bookshelf.
3. Jennifer is ______ work.
4. Berlin is ______ Germany.
5. You have something ______ your face.
6. Turn left ______ the traffic lights.
7. She was listening to classical music ______ the radio.
8. He has a house ______ the river.
9. The answer is ______ the bottom of the page.
10. Julie will be ______ the plane now.
11. There are a lot of magnets ______ the fridge.
12. She lives ______ London.
13. John is ______ a taxi. He's coming.

14. I'll meet you ______ the airport.
15. She stood ______ the window and looked out.
16. The cat is ______ the house somewhere.
17. Why you calling so late? I’m already ______ bed.
18. I waited for Lucy ______ the station.
19. There was a picture of flowers ______ her T-shirt.
20. She has a house ______ Japan.

We use “to” between verbs and after verbs that represent movement.
E.g.: I need TO go TO my house

Complete the blanks with the correct Preposition of Time at, on, in.

Sometimes there is NO preposition.

1. _______ every day

2. _______ Friday
3. _______ the morning
4. _______ twelve o’clock
5. _______ 2007
6. _______ May
7. _______ 2nd June
8. _______ 10:30
9. _______ Easter
10. _______ Christmas day
11. _______ The afternoon
12. _______ the end of the week
13. _______ last summer
14. _______ the weekend
15. _______ weekdays
How to say the date in English - Write the date in words.

Example: _____________________

Answer: The eleventh of November

or November the eleventh

Numbers mixed - Crossword: Fill in the words for the BOLD numbers

1 2

3 4 5







Across Down

1) 10) 1) 6)
3) 11) 2) 8)
5) 13) 4) 9)
7) 14) 12)
9) 15)

Unit 5


La preposición AT se utiliza para referirnos a las horas del día:

At 4.30
A las 4.30
At 9 o'clock
A las 9 en punto
También para mencionar momentos puntuales del día:
At night
A la noche
At noon
Al mediodía
At midnight
A la medianoche
Y finalmente para hacer referencia a celebraciones:
At Easter
En Pascuas
At Christmas

En Navidad
At Halloween
En Noche de Brujas

La preposición IN se utiliza para expresar partes o divisiones del día:

In the morning
En la mañana
In the afternoon
En la tarde
Para hablar sobre los meses:
In September
En septiembre
In May
En mayo

y se usa IN también como expresión de futuro, para hacer mención sobre un suceso que tendrá
lugar dentro de un período de tiempo específico:
In eight months' time
Dentro de ocho meses

La preposición ON la podemos utilizar para acompañar los días de la semana:

I will visit you on Saturday
Te visitaré el sábado
She travelled on Tuesday
Ella viajó el martes
o también para las partes o divisiones del día, pero en este caso debemos aclarar
de que día hablamos:
They will travel to Europe on Sunday morning.
Ellos viajarán a Europa el domingo a la mañana.
I didn't go to work on Tuesday afternoon.
No fui a trabajar el martes a la tarde.

y finalmente utilizaremos ON para mencionar fechas:

On 23rd September (Lean: On the twenty-third of September)
el 23 de septiembre
On 12th April (Lean: On the twelfth of April)
el 12 de abril

Tom ran a hundred meters ....IN........... ten seconds.

1. I always go to church …………… Sundays.
2. I am very busy so I can´t meet John ............... this moment.
3. Sarah will be back ............... a few minutes.
4. We can organize the party ............... night.
5. Peter is travelling to New York ............... the morning.
6. Columbus discovered America ............... 1492.
7. My parents will arrive in the village ............... 7:30 p.m.
8. Sam’s birthday is ............... January 10th.
9. I am going to Susan’s house ............... Wednesday evening.

1. I will be studying for the final exam .................... Monday.

2. My father has a lot of work to do ............... this moment.
3. The Cathedral was built ............... 1956.
4. ............... Saturday I will be visiting you at the hospital.
5. Sally has travelled abroad and she will return ............... ten months.
6. ............... 6 p.m I have an appointment with the dentist.
7. We will meet my mother at the airport ............... the morning.
8. Alice will see me ............... 3 o’clock.
9. The train arrives ............... 8 am.
10. I will be with my mother ............... a minute.

Ejercicios: Preposiciones de Lugar (AT - IN - ON) (2)

Coloca las preposiciones de lugar de manera correcta en las siguientes

1. She is practicing yoga ............... the beach.

2. Michael wrote a poem .............. school last class.
3. We usually go out ............... London at night.
4. She arrived ............... her mother's house in the morning.
5. It has been raining ............... our city for the last three days.
6. I met Carol ............... the port.
7. Hundreds of thieves are caught ............... jail ............... Britain.
8. Newspapers are only delivered weekly ............... remote areas.
9. The Hotel Miramar is located ............... top of the cliffs.
10. The house is situated ............... a good area.

Ejercicios: Preposiciones de Lugar (AT - IN - ON)

¿Serías capaz de completar las siguientes oraciones con las preposiciones de lugar
correspondientes?... Te sugerimos que luego realices tus propios textos con el fin de seguir
ejercitando sobre el tema:

1. You can taste delicious desserts ............... the hotel.

2. A couple of dogs were playing ............... the streets among the cars.
3. When you finish, put the documents ............... my desk.
4. Peter stayed ............... home tonight.
5. Sam stood ............... the bedroom door during the whole night.
6. Scientists discovered a big red spot ............... the Moon.
7. You can find the key ............... the drawer.
8. A lot of plant species live ............... the ocean.
9. Place the new carpet ............... the office floor.
10. I will meet John ............... the bus station.

1. Jane is swimming ............... her new pool.
2. My parents are having a party ............... the new restaurant.
3. Susan put her watch ............... her pocket but it was broken.
4. First, choose the ingredients and put them ............ the table.
5. When I entered the room I saw Sarah liying ............... the ground.
6. Your father is waiting for you ............... the hotel.
7. The kids poured milk ............... the carpet.
8. Tom is playing ............... the garden.
9. The camera was kept ............... the case.
10. It is possible to find the products ............... the local market.

1. Alice is watering the plants ............... the garden.

2. We enjoy our holiday ............... Finland.
3. George spent ten hours ............... the entrance.
4. She was embarrassed because she arrived late ............... the party.
5. Sue forgot her bag .............. the plane.
6. He found his cases ............... the street.
7. You must leave the project ............... the office.
8. My father spent the whole night ............... the hospital.
9. Sofia lives ............... the outskirts.
10. As my brother arrived ............... his job very late, he was fired.

Write the correct time in English into the gaps. Write the numbers in words.

1) It's ____________________________________________.

2) It's ____________________________________________ .

3) It's ____________________________________________.

4) It's ____________________________________________.

5) It's ____________________________________________.

6) It's ____________________________________________.

7) It's ____________________________________________.

8) It's ____________________________________________.

9) It's ____________________________________________.

10) It's ___________________________________________.

Write the correct time in numbers and then words

1. a quarter past one _____ 3.35

2. a quarter to two _____ 1.15
3. half past two _____ 4.25
4. five to four _____ 4.05
5. five past four _____ 1.25
6. twenty-five to four _____ 2.30
7. twenty-five past four _____ 3.55
8. twenty to five _____ 4.40
9. five past one _____ 1.45
10. ten to two _____ 1.40

Unit 6

Write Numbers in digits and in words

1. Read and write the number in digits. Don't forget commas!!

a) sixteen
b) twelve
c) twenty-nine
d) one hundred and six
e) three hundred (and) forty
f) two thousand and two
g) nineteen seventy-one
h) one thousand six hundred and twenty-eight
i) six hundred thousand four hundred and twelve
j) three hundred forty eight thousand two hundred (and) ninety nine

2. Now write the number in words

a) 129

b) 25,832

c) 99,213

d) 125,315

e) 489,257

f) 333,928

g) 999,999

h) 23,559

i) 1,572

j) 313

k) 39,248

There is / There are: Statements, Questions, and Negatives

Complete the sentences about Asunción.
Use There is, There isn’t, There isn’t a, There are, There are some, There aren’t, or
There aren’t any.

1. There aren’t any supermarkets on River Street.
2. ______________ movie theater across from the Supermarket.
3. ______________ a shopping mall next to the theater.
4. ______________ two restaurants on the street, too.
5. ______________ park on Center Street.
6. ______________ trees in the park.

Some / a lot of / any

Complete the sentences. Use some, a lot of, or any.
1. There are ___________ tall buildings in my hometown.
2. There are __________ nice stores on Main Street.
3. There aren’t __________ hairdressers on Main Street.
4. There aren’t __________ big banks.
5. There are __________ trees in the parks.
6. There aren’t __________ buildings in the parks.

Complete the sentences. Use is, isn’t, are, or aren’t.

1. There are a lot of buildings in River City.
2. There _________ some stores downtown.
3. There _________ any taxi cabs on the streets.
4. There _________ a hotel next to the movie theater.
5. There _________ some students on Palma Street.
6. There _________ a lot of people in the park.
7. There ________ any museums in Asunción.
8. There ________ an airport in Paraguay.

Review and Challenge

Find the mistakes in each of the following conversations. Correct the mistakes.
1. A: Is there an art museum here?
B: Yes, there is. It’s on Park Avenue
B: Yes, there are. It’s on Park Avenue.
2. A: There is a new bank on Palma Street.
B: There are a new bank on Estrella Avenue too.
B: There is a new bank on Estrella Avenue too
3. A: Are there any cheap apartments in Asunción?
A: Are there a cheap apartments in Asunción?
B: No, there are. The apartments are expensive.
B: Yes, there are some.
4. A: There is a good restaurant next to the movie theater.
B: There’s good restaurants on Palma Street, too.
5. A: There are a lot of store here.

B: Yes, there are. They’re good stores.
6. A: Is there a shopping mall across from the hospital?
B: No, there aren’t some stores on that street.
7. A: Is there a famous waterfall in your country?
B: No, it isn’t.
B: Yes, there are.
B: Yes, there is.
8. A: Is there any good schools here?
B: Yes, there are.
B: Yes, there is some.

There is / There are / There isn’t / There aren’t

Choose There is or There are to complete the sentences.
1) a bag on the table.

2) a calendar on the wall.

3) two posters in my room.
4) a banana in this basket.
5) six chairs in the kitchen.
6) lots of books in the shelf.
7) a mirror in our hall.
8) 12 cushions on the sofa.
9) a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom.
10) children in the yard.
1. a fly in my soup. (There is, There are)
2. many parks in New York. (There is, There are)
3. any tigers in Africa. (There isn't, There aren't)
4. lots of hotels in big cities. (There is, There are)
5. a bank near here? (Is there, Are there)
6. life on Mars? (Is there, Are there)
7. a telephone I can use? (Is there, Are there)
8. a football game tomorrow. (There is, There are)
9. 8 students in my class. (There is, There are)
10. many people in my town. (There isn't, There aren't)

1. 2 tables in the living room.
2. a cinema in the city?
3. any shops in this street ?
4. two persons in the room.
5. not any playing fields.
6. a hotel next to the station.
7. a swimming pool ?
8. a park opposite the restaurant.
9. not any cinemas.
10. a shopping center ?
11. 24 classrooms.
12. a school orchestra ?
13. a cat in the bathroom.
14. any fast-food restaurants ?
15. two rabbits in the bedroom.

Use either "there is" or "there are" to complete

1. a nice girl in our class.

2. no cakes left on the table.
3. a big car in front of our garden?
4. a lot of noisy students in the classroom?
5. no books on your desk.
6. a pencil on the floor?
7. a knife in the kitchen.
8. no eggs left.
9. a new computer in Peter's room.
10. a dog in the shop.
11. a pump on your bike.
12. any dog biscuits on the kitchen table?
13. a clerk in the bank.
14. no blue crayons in the cupboard.

Review prepositions of place
Preposiciones de lugar son palabras para describir donde está algo.

on - encima de
under - debajo de
in - en
inside - adentro
outside - afuera
in front of - en frente de
behind - atrás
next to - al lado
between - entre (dos) among - entre muchos
across from - del otro lado (también se dice "opposite")
opposite - del otro lado
above - arriba
below - abajo
around - alrededor
on the right - a la derecha / to the right
on the left - a la izquierda / to the left
along – por, a lo largo

Estudia las preposiciones del cuadro abajo y selecciona la preposición correcta en las
oraciones según la posición en el mapa.

next to - al lado
between - entre
across from - del otro lado de la calle

1. The police station is the bank and the store.

2. The drug store is the police station.

3. The school is the restaurant.

4. The train station is the school.

5. The drug store is the movie theater and the post office.

Estudia las preposiciones del cuadro abajo y selecciona la preposición correcta según la
posición en el dibujo.

in front of - en frente de
behind - atrás
between - entre
above - arriba
below - abajo
on the right - a la derecha
on the left - a la izquierda

Corregir las oraciones a continuación según la posición en el dibujo.

1. The house is the car.

2. The dog is the sun.
3. The tree is to the of the house.
4. The car is the house.
5. The sun is the dog.
6. The house is the dog and the tree.
7. The dog is to the of the house.

Ejercicios: Preposiciones de Tiempo (AT- IN - ON) (2)

Aquí tienes más oraciones donde puedes colocar de forma correcta las preposiciones de
tiempo correspondientes:

1. I usually go camping with my family ............... summer.

2. Mark always leaves home ............... 8 a.m.
3. Michael will arrive from Canada ............... April 27th.
4. My town is very quiet ............... winter.
5. The Second World War began .......... 1939 and ended .......... 1945.
6. A lot of people come to England ............... summer.
7. I have to leave now but I will be back ............... half an hour.
8. My parents usually visit me ............... July.
9. The best hotels are always full ............... high season.
10. The papers are delivered ............... the morning.

1. I am going to the gym ............... Monday and Wednesday.
2. Where do you often go ............... holidays?
3. Rose often gets up ............... 7 o’clock.
4. He collects the money ............... the end of each month.
5. George will be in his office ............... the morning.
6. The ship arrives at the port ............... Saturday.
7. Paul behaves in the same way ............... these occasions.
8. The children are playing in the garden ............... the moment.
9. ............... Monday I will be starting a new job.
10. Sally saw Fred ............... 8:30 ............... Thursday.

Writing Practice - Write the words in the correct order

baby her a gives apple the red . mother

eat to apple tries the the baby

small his but is mouth too

any teeth he . have and doesn't

his brother apple the wants .

There are mistakes of SPELLING, PUNCTUATION and CAPITALIZATION in this text. Can you
correct them all?

the name of this university is colombia There are more than one
tousand students hear from all over The werld. meny students
dont no english so thay have inglish lessens?
do you like you're new school.

Correct the sentences below, then write your answers

1. what is your naim? ?

2. where are you form

3. who old are you

4. wich grade are you in

5. who is Your English teatcher

6. what is your locker number

7. waht is your Telephone number

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise – write the sentence in the correct word order

love other . brothers two each the

the were . children hungry

an adult am I .

are her old . shoes

am I . by always myself

friends . many have I

angry she her is . husband at

a tractor drives . the farmer

husband . and a the baby to want have wife

has . blue he car a

dark sky in the clouds are

bird his in nest . baby is the .

. looks watch at he his

big eyes brown . she has

the . chicken and duck are the friends

he to hands wants wash . His

idea a . that's good

girl is little thirsty . The

starts the the engine pilot .

is Susan's party . birthday it

Write a paragraph to describe a place in your house where you like the most.
Take a look at the sample writing below:

My bedroom
My bedroom is a wonderful and special place for me. It is small, but it is very nice looking
with blue walls. It help me feel relaxed after a tiring day of learning. On the left, there are a
lovely bed and a big wardrobe which is very convenient for my clothes. On the right, there
is a small study desk by the window. I often entertain in my room by listening to music. I
feel comfortable in my bedroom whenever I am tired of learning. It is little space to help me
have a good sleep. My bedroom is always the best place for me.

Present Simple Tense Quiz - Write the correct form of the verb
1 Do you likes chocolate milk?
2 He is not want to come to the movies.
3 Is we too late to catch the bus?
4 It are a beautiful day today.
5 Sorry, Lisa am not here at the moment.
6 Is I correct?
7 Robert is not go to my school.
8 My parents lives in a 2 bedroom apartment.
9 We do be European.
10 You looks so happy today!

Exercise Using the Verb "To be"

Write the correct form of the verb "To be" in present tense.
I (be) _____ tired.
I (be) _____ late!
You (be)_______ happy.
We (be) _____ sleepy.
They (be) _____ funny.
John (be) _____ excited.
Tiffany and Uma (be) _____ my friends.

Ricardo, John and I (be) _____ watching a movie.
Henry (be) _____ kind.
Alisa (be) _____ young.
The hammer (be) _____ new.
My mother and father (be) _____ cooking dinner.
Rachel (be) _____ driving to school.

Present Simple Sentences - Write the Negative

Luis likes pop music.
I go to class in the evening.
He runs more than 500 meters in a minute.

Present Simple Sentences - Write the Affirmative in the correct order.

teacher / my /like / music
David / hate / alcohol
my / sister / parties / enjoy
my / play / brothers / basketball
Pat / and / Sofia / like / ice cream
go / the / disco / to / he / Saturday / on
brother / your / friendly / look

Do or does?
_____he buy crisps?
_____you help in the garden?
_____she help at home?
_____you eat seafood?
_____ Sarah get up at 8 o´clock?
_____ you use a cooker every day?
_____ Sarah use a copier?
_____ you speak German?
_____ she drink white wine?
_____ you live in a big town?
_____ she swim in the river?
_____ they cook tomato sauce?
_____ he drive a lorry?
_____ you write tests at school?
_____ your friends skate on holiday?
_____ he live in a big house?

_____ he speak Polish?
_____ Jack like school?
_____ they visit their children at Christmas?
_____ you buy magazines?
_____ John live near the river?
_____ Sarah wear ear-rings?
_____ you ride a horse?
_____ she play hockey?

_____ they like swimming?

_____ you drink red wine?
_____ Kate like holidays?
_____ she eat ice-cream?
_____ you visit your teacher on holiday?

Do, does, don't or doesn´t

1 - ____ you want some coffee?
2 - Where ____ they come from?
3 - No, she _________ like spicy food.
4 - What ____ Micheal and I have in common?
5 - ______ your father drive a red car?
6 - ______ Angela have a boyfriend?
7 - They ______ work on Sunday.
8 - _____ we have school tomorrow?
9 - _____ your parents smoke?
10 - _____ children play here?

Complete the sentences and use the right form of “to do” (do, don't, does, doesn't).
1) My mother likes chocolate, but she _______ like biscuits.
2) What _____ the children wear at your school?
3) Lynn's father watches badminton on TV, but he _______ watch judo.
4) Where _____ the Masons buy their fruit?
5) _____ the cat like to sleep on the sofa?
6) Dogs love bones, but they _______ love cheese.
7) Where _____ Sam and Ben hide their CDs?
8) We eat pizza, but we _______ eat hamburgers.
9) _____ Mrs. Miller read magazines?
10) _____ the boys play cricket outside?

Fill in the blanks with "do", "does", "don't" or "doesn't".

1- Does a postman deliver mail? Yes, he ________.
2- Do firefighters deliver mail? No, they ________.

3- Do waiters and waitresses work in bars and restaurants? Yes, they ________.
4- Does the cook prepare meals? Yes, he ________.
5- Does the waitress cook? No, she ________.
6- Do detectives investigate? Yes, they ________.
7- Does a secretary answer the phone ? Yes, she ________.
8- ________ she type letters? Yes, she does.
9- ________ a saleswoman look after patients? No, she _________ .
10- _________ mechanics repair cars? Yes, they _________

Use: do, don't, does, doesn't

1.________ you like rap music?
2. We really ________ enjoy going to the theatre.
3. What color ________ you prefer?
4. ________ Samantha have a dog?
5. Where ________ they live?
6. I ________ think Mary is here.
7. These shoes ________ fit me.
8. This car __________ go fast.
9. What music ________ he listen to?
10. I ________ think he likes it.

REMEMBER: We only use the auxiliary “do “ with questions and negatives.
NOT with the affirmative. However, you can use the verb “do” in the affirmative.
1. Please ________ play with your food.
2. This cafe _________ serve alcohol.
3. ______ they listen to pop music?
4. What _________ that mean?
5. She _________ like animals so she won't go to the zoo.
6. I ________ want to talk about it anymore.
7. She _________ the cleaning three times a week.
8. I ________ much more work in the evenings.
9. _______ you like coffee?
10. Your friend _________ speak Spanish.


SUBJECT : Subject Pronouns and Verb “ To Be “

A) Fill in the blanks using “HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY”:

cat and horse………… Mary…………… Tom ……………

Jack and I ………….. books …………. sister ………….
You and Dave ……….. plane …………. sunshine ……….
cheese ……………… cactus ………… parents …………..
Pamela ……………… news ................ scissors ...................
geese ……………. flowers ………… piano …………….
school …………. daughter ………… milk ……………
children ……….. sugar ……….. feet …………..
bicycle ………… Ann and Kate ………. tennis ………….
son ……………. mice …………… sky …………….
shop ……………. buses ………….. papers …………
Mr. Green …………… brother-in-law ………… picture ………..
friendship …………. dolphin ………… The Riggs family ………..

B) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:
It ……………. an onion. (+)
Jasmine ……….. a student. (-)
We ……….friends. (+)
I ………. hungry. (-)
Mark ............. 20 years old. (+)
A bee ……….. a big insect. (-)
Newsweek ……… a magazine. (+)
I …………. a professional football
player. (-)
I know you. You ……. in my class. (+)
Cows ……....… insects. They …….
mammals. (- / +)

11. Izmir ………….. a city. (+)

12. He ……… a postman. (+)
13. It ………. nine o’clock. (+)

14. Manhattan …………. an island. (-)
15. Mr. Richards …… a lawyer. (+)
16. I ……..ill. I ………. happy. (+ / -)
17. London ……….. a big city. (+)
18. Dave and Adrian ………… sisters. They …….. brothers. (- / +)
19. New York ……near to New Jersey. (+)
20. Susan and I ……….. teachers. We ……….. students. (- / +)

C) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:

1. Germany, England, and Spain ………… cities.

2. A lemon ……….. sweet. It …….. sour.
3. Copper ……….. cheap. Diamonds ………… expensive.
4. Airplanes …….. slow. They ………. fast.
5. Ice cream and candy …….. sweet.
6. Today ……… cloudy. It …….. bright.
7. My brother ……… married. He …… single.
8. I ……… from Turkey. I …….. from Canada.
9. Maths ……… hard. It ……….. easy.
10. Maria …. a beautiful girl. She ……… ugly.

D) Rewrite the sentences by using “ IS, ISN’T, AM, AM NOT”:

1. London aren’t a country. …….London isn’t a country……………..

2. The United States aren’t a city. …………………………………………….
3. An elephant am not a small animal. …………………………………………….
4. English and Turkish isn’t sister languages. ………………………..........………….
5. Mercedes aren’t a bike. …………………………………………….
6. Is I a student ? …………………………………………….
7. Mrs. Stuart aren’t a poor woman. …………………………………………….
8. Cigarettes isn’t good for people. …………………………………………..
9. The North Pole am not hot. …………………………………………..
10. Simon are from United Kingdom. …………………………………………..

E) Complete this postcard by using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT , ISN’T,AREN’T”:

My name ….is….. Jack, and this ….is… Sue.
She ……. my sister. Sue …….. twelve years old and I ….......… sixteen.
We ……..... adults. We …….. students. We ……...….. Canadians. We ………..
We ……….. from Chicago. Chicago ……….. in the United States.
Best regards,

F) Write short sentences: Example:

(Chris, 9, student, short, not Chinese)

…..Chris is nine years old. He is a student. He is short. He isn’t Chinese…….. .

1. (Leonard and Mike, 25, firemen, tall, American)

2. (Patty and Brian, 12, not electrician, short, not Turkish children)

3. (Natalie and I, nurse, not tall, French)

4. (Mark, 19, accountant, short, British)
5. (Gengiz, 23, lieutenant, not blonde, Turkish)

G) Build up sentences:

1. Mike / drummer (-) …..Mike isn’t a drummer…………...................

2. Charlie and Chris / policemen(+) ..........…………………………………… 3. Danny and Rick /
singers (-) ………………………………………………….
4. Salem and Lucky / puppies (+) ………………………………………………….
5. Rome / London / cities (+) ………………………………………………….

H) Choose the best answer:

1. Maggie and Carol …………… good friends.

a) am b) are c) is d) isn’t
2. Sue ………. a science teacher.
a) are not b) is c) are d) am
3. Mark Steven ………….. a student at Kennedy High School. It …….. an old school.
a) am / is b) are / is c) is / am d) is / is
4. Margarita ……….. from Spain. I ………….. from Turkey.
a) is / am b) are / is c) am / is d) is / are
5. You and I ……………… at the same age.
a) am isn’t c) are d) is

I) Change the sentences into questions:

Example: I am an engineer. ……Am I an engineer?……….

1. You are ill. …………………………………………………..

2. Linda is a pretty girl. …………………………………………………..
3. Belinda is a singer. …………………………………………………..
4. Nick is an actor. …………………………………………………..
5. We are good friends. …………………………………………………..
6. He is an officer. …………………………………………………
7. It is an eraser. …………………………………………………

8. You and Eddie are partners. …………………………………………………
9. Rosie is angry. …………………………………………………
10. Jack and I aren’t good swimmers. …………………………………………………

K) Give long or short answers:

Example: Are you a scientist? …Yes, I am a scientist. ……No, I’m not………

1. Are you a student? Yes, …………………………………………….

2. Is Tom in the park? No, ……………………………………………..
3. Is it a poetry book? Yes, …………………………………………….
4. Are Mary and John friends? Yes, …………………………………………….
5. Am I an executive ? No, ……………………………………………..
6. Is Thomas fifteen years old? Yes, …………………………………………….
7. Are your earrings expensive? No, ………………………………………..
8. Is ice cream hot ? No, ……………………………………………..
9. Are lemons yellow and sour? Yes,……………………………………………..
10. Are Andy and Jack girls? No, ……………………………………………..
L) Build up questions and give answers:

Example: engineer / William

Is William an engineer? Yes, he is an engineer. (+) No, he isn’t. (-)

1. good rider / Steve ……………………...........…… ? ….……........…………(+)

2. lazy students / Mark and Lucy ……......………………..? …………..…..(-) 3. soup /
hot ……..………………….…? ……......……..................……………(+)
4. the baby / asleep ……………………….......……? ………………..………... (- )
5. L.A. Lakers / basketball team …………………....…? .............……………...(+)

M) Answer these questions:

1. Are trees green or gray? ………...……………………………………

2. Are clouds brown or white? ………………………...……………………
3. Is it an English or French dictionary? (French) ……………………………….........
4. Is it a sports car or a classic car? (classic) …………………………………………..
5. Is Egypt in Europe or in Africa? ………….......…………………………….……..
6. Is it a butterfly or a bee? (butterfly) ……………………………………….……..
7. Are they skirts or pullovers? (pullovers) …………………………………….……..
8. Is he an outlaw or a sheriff? (outlaw) …………………………………….……..
9. Is your father young or old? (old) ……………………………………………...
10. Are we army officers or police officers? (army) ………………………………......

A. Use a preposition ( ON, IN, AT, BY ) in each blank:

a. Jane goes to work …………………. bus.

b. My birthday is …………………. March.
c. We are going to meet …………… 4:00 p.m.
d. Students must go to school …………….. weekdays.
e. Do you do play tennis ……………….. the weekend?
f. His birthday is ………………… November 5th
g. We have art lesson ……………. Mondays.

B. Write a verb in each blank. Use the correct forms of the VERBS:

1. Can you ………………………… a motorbike?

2. Tim can ………………………… the guitar?
3. ................Sam ………………….. milk for breakfast?
4. “Who is that lady?”
5. “I don’t …………………. .”
6. Emma can ……………………. Spanish and German, but her sister can’t.
7. I always …………… my homework on Saturdays.
8. “………………………………. your name, please.”
9. “G-A-R-R-Y”
10. Excuse me. Can I …………………………. you a question?
11. Please go to the supermarket and ……………………….. some cheese.
12. He …………………………. water when he is thirsty.

C. Complete the sentences using DO / DOES / AM / IS / ARE / HAVE / HAS

1. …………………….. the children want toy for their birthday?
2. Daisy ………………….. a new dress for the party.
3. When …………………… your brother’s birthday?
4. How much …………………. these glasses? “ 80. “
5. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson ……………………… two children.
6. ……………………. your uncle like chocolate?
7. ……………………. I your friend?
8. How much …………………… your new tennis racket?

SUBJECT : Prepositions (at / in / on)

Fill in prepositions of time “AT / IN / ON” as in the example:

1........on....Saturday 2................July 3. ………. 1984

4. ………. March 25th
5. ………. Friday
6. ………. summer
8. ………… 9 o’clock
9. ………… Christmas
10.…. September 28th

11…………. 1991
12. ……..........July 28th
13. ……….. ......winter
15. …….....…… Autumn

16................half past two

17...........Monday morning
19.................10 o’ clock
20........Thursday afternoon
7. ………. the morning
14. …….... the evening

B) Fill in “AT / IN / ON” as in the example:

1. …in….. December 2. ………. midnight 3. ………. 1982 4. ………. April
6. .........February 8th 7.......... noon 8...........1964 9. ........spring 10. .......night
11. …... a quarter past six 12. ........Saturday night 13. ........ Friday evening 14. .......Monday
5. ……. April 2nd .......June 26th

C) Fill in the blanks with “AT / IN / ON” as in the example:

1. We always go on holiday ….. in ……. summer.
2. My mother usually goes shopping …………….. Friday morning.
3. I always do my homework ……………… the evening.
4. The circus usually comes to our town ………………. spring.
5. Sophia’s birthday is …………… May 16th
6. I usually get up ……………….. seven o’clock.
7. My favorite television programme begins …… 6:30 …. the evening.
8. Sometimes it snows ……………….. winter.
9. My friend’s birthday is ……………… June.
10. Some birds and animals come out ……………… night.
D) Choose the correct answer:
1. My lesson starts ___at____ five o’clock.
a) on b) at c) in
2. My father usually buys a newspaper ___________ the morning.
a) on b) at c) in
3. We wear warm clothes _________ winter.
a) on b) at c) in
4. We get presents ________ Christmas.

a) on b) at c) in
5. I usually visit my grandparents __________ Sunday afternoon.
a) on b) at c) in
6. John’s birthday is __________ August 16th
a) on b) at c) in

7. The film finishes ___________ 9:30.

a) on b) at c) in
8. The supermarket is closed __________ Sunday.
a) on b) at c) in

E) Fill in “AT“, “IN” or “ON”:

My birthday is …. on ….. the 30th of July. Last year I had a great day. I got up ………….8
o’clock …………. the morning and tidied the house. Then …………. the afternoon I went into
town with my friend to buy food for the party. The party started …………. 7 o’clock ……….the
evening and didn’t stop until very late …. night! ……… the 31 of July. I was very tired, so I
went to bed early …………. the evening.

F) Fill in the spaces in the invitation with “IN”,”ON” or “AT”:

I’m going to have a party! I hope you can come!!

It’s going to start ……… 5 o’clock …….. the afternoon
……….. the second Saturday ……… August. We’re
going to have it ..... Tom’s house ...... Wilton Avenue.
There’s a big garden and we’re going to have the party in
the garden.
Did you know that my birthday is …….. the eighth? But
as you can see, the party is going to be ………. the tenth.
Why? Parties are better ………. the weekend!

SUBJECT : Prepositions
A) Put in the correct prepositions AT / ON / IN:
1. Columbus discovered America …………… 1492.
2. You can see the stars …………… night, if the sky is clear.
3. Tom isn’t here …………. the moment. He’ll be back …………. five minutes.
4. The course begins ……….. 7 January and ends ………… 10 March.
5. Tom’s grandmother died ……….. 1977 ……….. the age of 79.
6. The price of electricity is going up …………. October.
7. Ann works hard during the week, so she likes to relax …………. weekends.

8. I can’t be at home ………… the morning. Can you phone me ………. the afternoon instead?
9. Jack’s brother is an engineer but he’s out of work ……….. the moment.
10. …………. Sunday afternoons I usually go for a walk in the country.
11. Tom doesn’t see his parents very often these days- usually only ……….. Christmas and
sometimes …………. the summer for a few days.

12. The telephone and the doorbell rang …………. the same time.
13. I walk up a lot of stairs everyday. My flat is …………. the third floor and there is no lift.
14. We went to the theatre last night. We had seats ………… the front row.
15. It can be dangerous when children play football ………….. the street.
16. I can’t find Tom ………… in this photograph.
17. Do you take sugar ………….. your coffee?
18. You can find the sports results ………….. the back page of the newspaper.
19. Sue and Dave got married …………… Manchester four years ago.
20. Paris is ………….. the river Seine.
21. Mr. Boyle’s office is …………. the first floor. When you come out of the lift, it’s the third
door ………….. your left.
22. Turn left …………. the traffic lights.
23. In most countries people drive …………. the right.
24. Last year we had a lovely skiing holiday …………… the Swiss Alps.
25. She spends all day sitting …………. the window and watching what is happening

B) Fill in the blanks using correct prepositions:

1. Hank lives ………….. 810 Maple Street.
2. The course begins …………. 8 June and ends ………….. October.
3. Peter is …………. class 2 B.
4. Peter goes to school ………….. Monday …………. Friday. (de...a...)
5. Students haven’t got any lessons …………. the weekends.
6. Sheila gets up …………. 6.30 every morning.
7. Mike and his family go for a walk ………… the evenings.
8. Michael has got a lot of posters and pictures ………….. cars ………. the wall ………. his room.
9. I go to school ……….. bus, not ……….. foot.
10. I went to bed …… midnight and got up ……… 10.00 …… the morning.
11. Mozart was born ………….. Salzburg …………. 1756.
12. There is a car in ……….. ………….. our house.
13. Who is sitting ………….. to you?
14. There is a light …………… the table.
15. Hurry up! We are going to the cinema …………… five minutes.
16. I haven’t seen Ann for a few days. I last saw her …………. Tuesday.

17. Jack’s brother is an engineer but he’s out of work ………… the moment.

C) Fill in the blanks using correct prepositions:

1. I looked at the bookcase and saw an interesting story book …………. the top shelf.
2. ……………. sunny days we usually go on a picnic.
3. I usually listen ……….. pop music, because I’m interested ………… it.
4. Mary was born ……… 20th March ………… 1982.
5. We had to work everyday ………….. last summer.
6. ………….. Christmas I’d like to visit my relatives.
7. I last saw him ………… last March.
8. Section 5 is ………….. the first floor of the Prep School.
9. You mustn’t smoke …………… a bus.
10. Ahmet’s grandmother died ……….. 1990 …………. the age of 81.
11. Were there many people …………. the concert?
12. He speaks quite good French. He studied ……….. Paris for a year.

D) Fill in the blanks using correct prepositions:

1. Mr. Mailer: Where’s Dr. Perez’s office?
Miss King : You need to go ………… one floor. His office is on the third floor, not the fourth
2. Jimmy was getting ready for school. He was looking for his clothes. His mother said,
“Your shirt is ……….. the chair. Your socks are ………… the drawer. Your shoes are …………….
the bed.”
3. Get ……….. the bus! It’s about to go.
4. The car ………….. mine braked very hard and hit my car.
5. You walk very fast. You’re always five steps ……………. me.
6. There are emergency telephones all ………… the E-5 Motorway.
7. I will be very angry with you if I see your bicycle leaning …… the rose tree again.
8. There’s a big dog ………… you. Quick! Run away!
9. Someone parked his car ………. ………… of my gate. I can’t go out.
10. There is a concert. A lot of people are ……………. the stadium.
11. Mary is sitting …………… John and Sebastian.
12. The dog is swimming …………. the river.

SUBJECT : Articles
A) Put in A / AN or THE. Sometimes you don’t need either word – you must leave it blank.

1. There was ………….. waiter standing at ………… entrance of ………… restaurant. I ordered
him ……….. glass of ………. vodka with some juice in it.
2. There was ……….. question I wanted to ask ……….. biology teacher about ………. Kangaroo.
She had said ………… Kangaroo carried her baby in ……….. kind of bag in ………. front part
of ……….. her body. I wanted to know how many baby kangaroos it could carry at ………..
3. “Is that your wife?”
“No, my wife’s ………. woman in ………. red dress.”
4. I work with ………. man and two women. ………. man is quite nice, but ………. women are
not very friendly.
5. What’s in ……… newspaper?
6. Can you show me ………. that book, please?
7. What’s ………. name of ………. woman in ………. blue dress?
8. ……….. water turns into ……….. ice at 0 degree C.
9. I like ………… steak, but I don’t like ……….. eggs.
10. She lives in ………… nice flat on ………. fifth floor of ……….. old house.
11. It’s terrible - ……….. eggs are $ 2 ……….. dozen.
12. There was ………. boy and ………. girl in the room. ……….. boy was Japanese but ……….. girl
looked foreign. She was wearing ………… fur coat.
13. This morning I bought …………. newspaper and ……….. magazine. ………. newspaper is in
my bag but I don’t know where ………… magazine is.
14. “Have you got ………. car?”
“No, I’ve never had …………. car in my life.”
15. We don’t go to ……….. cinema very much these days. In fact, in ………. town where we
live there isn’t ………… cinema.
16. Don’t stay in that hotel. ………… beds are very uncomfortable.
17. After I leave ………… school, I want to go to ………… university.

Examen Final IG1 - Useful Vocabulary

have themselves fill in

drive work wake up
fluent play drive
purchasing games walk
choose dancing fruit
supply homework buy
write sentences put aunt

uncle walk stay
cousin hate want
father garden evening
mother holiday grow
brother early get up
sister exercises correct form
travel eat




My Day
Look at the following daily activities:
I wake up at 7.I
I get up at 7:15
I take a shower and wash my hair at 7.30.
I have breakfast at 8.
I leave my home at 8.30.
I start my job at 9.
I have coffee at 11 during the break.
I have lunch at 1.
I return to work at 2.
I have coffee at 11.
I have tea at 4.
I finish work at 5:55
I leave work at 6.
I arrive home at 7.
I have dinner at 8.
I watch television at 9.
I read the newspaper at 10.
I go to bed at 11.

Now rewrite the above and use:
He / We / She / You (tu) / They / You (Uds.)

Like + ing Complete the sentences.

1. Dogs __________________________ (like/eat) meat and bones.

2. My cat __________________________ (like/sleep) on my bed.
3. Monkeys __________________________ (like/climb) trees.
4. Rhinos __________________________ (like/ swim) in the river.
5. The giraffe __________________________ (like/eat) leaves.
6. Zebras __________________________ (like/ run) on the plains.
7. A zebra __________________________ (like/run) on the plains.
8. Elephants __________________________ (like/drink) water.

Exercise: like - likes / doesn't like - don't like

Sue ___________________ playing the piano. (+)
My friends ___________________ Maths. (-)
Dad and I ___________________ fishing. (+)
My dog ___________________ cats. (-)
Jake and Jill ___________________ apples (-) but they ___________________ oranges. (+)
Mom ___________________ chicken (+) but she ___________________ pork. (-)
I ___________________ reading (+) but my friend (-) .

Maria's week:
"On weekdays, I _____ up at half past seven. I _____ a shower, _____ my hair and _____
dressed. I go to school _____ car. School _____ at a quarter _____ eight. _____ is from
quarter past eleven _____ quarter to twelve. School _____ at half past two. I _____ lunch
at three o'clock."

Carlos' week
"Every afternoon, I _____ to the gym, I also _____ with the computer, _____ TV and _____
the net. _____ Saturdays and Sundays I play basketball."
Every day, he _____ his homework and at nine o'clock he _____ a shower and _____
dinner. Then, he _______ to his bedroom to listen _____ music.

Alejandro's week
On Saturday, he _____ hockey in the morning. In the evening, he _____ to the cinema and
_____ to bed at half past one. Sunday morning he _____ _____ homework and in the
evening _________ TV.

Unit 8

El adjetivo demostrativo THIS también puede utilizarse para presentar a alguien:

John, this is Mike. (John, este es Mike).
También se utiliza THIS para comenzar un relato de manera coloquial:
This is the story... (Esta es la historia...)

THAT sirve para indicar algo que ha ocurrido o algo que alguien ha dicho.
That was an incredible story. (Ha sido una historia increíble).
Ahora te proponemos completar las siguientes oraciones con el adjetivo
demostrativo correspondiente:

1. Esta casa es demasiado grande. .......... house is too big.

2. Estos son mis alumnos. .......... are my pupils.
3. Esta ventana es pequeña. .......... window is small.
4. Este es mi libro. .......... is my book.
5. Estas flores son hermosas. .......... flowers are beautiful.
6. Estos zapatos son negros. .......... shoes are black.
7. Este perro es malo. .......... dog is bad.
8. Estos niños juegan en la calle. ......... children play in the street.
9. Estas son mis fotos. .......... are my pictures.
10. Esta mesa es mía. .......... table is mine.

Complete the sentences using this, that, these or those.

Example: I like this picture. (this, these)
1. __________ shirt looks great.(That, Those)
2. Look at __________ man over there.(this, that)
3. __________ is a beautiful day today.(That, This)
4. Do you like _________ flowers?(that, those)
5. What are the answers to ___________ questions?(this, these)
6. I love __________ shoes but I don't like _________ shirt.(these, that), (those, that)
7. Let's watch a movie. ____________a good idea.(This is, That's)
8. Whose house is __________?(those, that)
9. This book isn't very good , but ____________ book's great. (that, this)

Demonstrative Adjectives
This, That, These and Those
1 You shouldn't do it like that, do it ____ way.
2 - Take one of _____ books from that pile.

3 - Everyone does it _____ days.
4 - Everyone did it in _____ days.
5 - If ____ class doesn't stop making so much noise, I'm going to tell them to shut up.
6 - Can you see what _____ car's registration is? It's too far away for me.
7 - I'm leaving ____ Tuesday.
8 - I spoke to her a few hours ago- at the meeting _____ morning.

9 - The flat we looked at today was better than ____ two we saw at the weekend.
10 - 'Waiter, I think ____ wine is not good.'

My family - Scrambled Letters - Exercise 1

Find the correct words and write them into the gaps.
Example: horadgmthner - ____________
Answer: horadgmthner - grandmother
1) fathre - 6) necul -
2) osn - 7) aarndgfther -
3) rbthoer - 8) atnu -
4) sesitr - 9) nriachgdld -
5) othemr - 10) agdtuehr -

My family - Scrambled Letters - Exercise 2

Find the words and write them into the gaps.
Example: horadgmthner - ____________
Answer: horadgmthner - grandmother
1) scioun - 8) sno-ni-alw -
2) fwie - 9) usospe -
3) cenie - 10) ooerdgtmh -
4) peermsotht -
5) reptans -
6) bandhus -
7) pehwen -

Vocabulary list: Family, Relatives
Find the correct English word for the given phrase.
Example: the woman that a man is married to - ____
Answer: the woman that a man is married to - wife

1) the husband of your aunt -

2) a person's father or mother -
3) your brother's wife -
4) the son of your sister -
5) a person's female child -
6) the father of your father -
7) a child of your uncle -
8) two sons of mother and father -
9) a woman on her wedding day -
10) the man that a woman is engaged to -

Unit 9

Grammar Exercises - Simple Past Tense.

Do the exercises below on the simple past tense.
(Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on the simple past tense)
Put the verbs between brackets into the simple past:
Exercise 1
1) I ______ my Maths homework yesterday. (to do)
2) ______ Susan _______ to England by plane? (to go)
3) They ____________ a farm two weeks ago. (to visit)
4) Jenny and Peggy _______________ their brother. (not/to help)
5) The children ______________ at home last weekend. (not/to be)
6) When _____ you ____________ this wonderful skirt? (to design)
7) My mother ______________ into the van. (not/to crash)
8) The boys _______________ the mudguards of their bicycles. (to take off)
9) _____ you __________ your aunt last week? (to phone)
10) He _______________ milk at school. (not/to drink)

Exercise 2
Change the verbs in the following sentence into past tense.
1. Yesterday, I (go) to the restaurant with a client.
2. We (drive) around for 20 minutes in order to find a parking space.
3. When we (arrive) at the restaurant, the place (is) full.
4. The waitress (asks) us if we (have) reservations.
5. I (say), "No, my secretary (forgets) to make them."
6. The waitress (tells) us to (come) back in two hours.
7. My client and I slowly (walk) back to the car.
8. Then we (see) a small grocery store.
9. We (stop) at the grocery store and (buy) some sandwiches.
10. That (is) better than waiting for two hours.

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences

Example: Last week I go to the cinema. Went

1. Last night, Samantha have pizza for supper.

2. My pet lizard was died last month.
3. Yesterday I spend two hours cleaning my living room.
4. This morning before coming to class, Jack eats two bowls of cereal.
5. What was happened to your leg?

Put the verbs between brackets into the simple past:
1 I ______ to the mall after school (go).
2 My brother _______ a bear an hour ago (see).
3 _____ Mike _________ his grandmother last night (visit)?
4 Alex _______________ last weekend (not work).
5 ________ Judy and Liz at last month's meeting (be)?
6 We _________ not happy after the sad ending (be).
7 ________ you ______ Jody's new dog yesterday (see)?
8 Sorry, I _______________ you at the door (not hear).
9 I ____________ English for two years (study).
10 What ________ you _______ for lunch yesterday (eat)?

Write the past simple - positive, negative or question

1) I (work) in a bank for ten years. +
2) Where (you/live) when you were young? ?
3) She (not/study) French at university. -
4) He (travel) through the middle east last year. +
5) (they/visit) the Louvre in Paris? ?
6) She (not/watch) TV yesterday. -
7) We (buy) a new car last weekend. +
8) Where (you/teach) before you came here? ?
9) He (not/think) that he was right. -
10) I (cook) steak last night. +

Writing and Speaking practice - Write about an event in the past and then talk about it.
A movie you saw
What you did last weekend
About a book you read
About you last holiday
Vocabulary: después, luego, = later, afterwards, after that, then, later on

Use some and any in sentences and questions
Use some: for affirmative statements, and in offers.
Use any: for negative statements , and for questions.
Have you got any bananas? (or: Do you have any bananas?)
No, we haven't got any. But we've got some oranges.
or: No, we don't have any. But we have some oranges.
If it doesn't matter which object you choose, then you use ANY

Some/any - Which do you need to complete the sentence?

1) Do you have ................... Kiwi fruit?
2) We saw ........................ dolphins in the sea.
3) They went to town without .................... money.
4) Buy some apples if you see .......................
5) Would you like ........................ more tea? (This is an OFFER)
6) Come and see me ........................ time you want.
7) He never does ........................ work.
8) You can take ......................... bus to the city center.
9) Peter never gives his mother ....................... help.
10) I wash a lot of clothes, but I only iron ................ Of them.

Some, Any
1) Ann has ................... candies.
2) Bill doesn't have ........................ money.
3) Sue will give us ....................... information.
4) There is ........................... milk in the fridge.
5) There isn't ........................ beer.
6) There aren't ...................... boys in my family.
7) Bill won't give me ........................... biscuits.
8) Ann shouldn't smoke ...................... cigarettes.
9) Sue must do ....................... homework tonight.

10) My brother can't speak ................. Chinese.
11) My sister can speak .................... Spanish.
12) I can't speak ......................... Chinese or Spanish.
13) I must study ........................ second languages.
14) Bill isn't ................... smarter than Jane.
15) Ann should eat .................. fresh fruit.

Fill in all the gaps with "some" or "any".

1 I can see a house, a lake and .................... trees.
2 We've got one dog, two cats and ................. fish.
3 I like ................... songs by Ricki Martin but not all of them.
4 There are ................... chocolate biscuits in the cupboard.
5 I can't find ..................... books about dinosaurs.
6 Natalia hasn't got .................. friends in Athens.
7 There aren't ...................... banana trees in Scotland.
8 Have you got ....................... games for your computer?
9 Are there ..................... messages for me?
10 Would you like .................... grapes?
11 We haven't got ................. eggs.
12 I've got ..................... pens in my bag.

Some/any - Which do you need to complete the sentence?

1. Would you like ................... cake?
2. I'd like ......................... more, if there is any.
3. Do you have ...................... more cigarettes?
4. I don't mind which one I have. I'll be happy with .........................
5. I don't want them. I don't like .......................... of them.
6. I like ............................. of them, but others are awful.
7. I'm a big fan of U2's music but I don't like .................. of the songs he has written.
8. I also like Elvis Costello. I would happily listen to .................. of his songs right now.
9. I don't like the Spice Girls. I don't like ..................... of their songs.
10. I hate doing these English Lessons. .................... fool can see that they are too easy.

Choose the correct one: Much, Many, A lot of, a few, A little, Lots of,
1. You can borrow money from your uncle. He has ............. Money.
2. You cannot borrow money from your brother. He only has ............. Money.
3. You should buy a new car. Your old car has ............. problems.
4. The classroom is almost empty. There are only ............. people here.
5. Jane eats toast with ............. butter.
6. The printer is expensive. It uses ............. ink.
7. Malinda isn't very busy. She doesn't have ............. Homework.

8. Lina has a lot of free time. She only has ............. homework.
9. Only ............. of the computers in the writing center are broken.
10. Harold had only ............. time to finish this lesson.
11. How ............. ice cream would you like?
12. How ............. money does that cost?
13. How ............. cars are in the parking lot?
14. Dennis only has ............. books about geology.
15. Rudy only has ............. time to correct papers.
16. ............. of the furniture is damaged.
17. There isn't ............. time left.
18. There are only ............. pictures in the writing center.
19. How ............. questions did you answer correctly?
20. How ............. ice would you like in your drink?

Fill in the blanks with much/many or a few/a little.

Example: My mother has got ....a few......... bracelets. Not many.
1. How ................ money do you have?
2. I don't have .................. pairs of pants.
3. Do you have ................... shirts in your closet?
4. I have .................... scarves. I like to wear them when it's cold outside.
5. How ...................... do you swim in a training session?
6. May I borrow ..................... books about economics from you?
7. Are all your undershirts dirty? No, there are ..................... left in my closet.
8. How ... jewelry do you have?
9. Not a lot, only ........................
10. I wash all my T-shirts, but I only iron ..................... of them.
11. I don't like to wear a lot of jewelry, but I put on ................... make-up every day.
12. I bring ... water when I go shopping.
13. Do you carry ....................... things in your purse?
14. I only carry ........................ money and my glasses in my handbag.
15. How ......................... does that cost?
16. I tried on ....................... pairs of high heels, but I bought a pair of sneakers.
17. Do you wear .................... blouses?
18. No, I prefer to wear tank tops. I only have ...................... dress shirts.
19. I have got ..................... friends abroad, not many.
20. I love swimming very ......................

Choose the right answer (much, many, a lot, a lot of, lots, lots of)
We have ....................... Oranges.
We don't have .........................bananas, and we don't have ..................... fruit juice.
Do you have any cereal? Sure, there's ......................... in the kitchen."
How ....................... is this? It's ten dollars.
How ......................... do you want? Six, please.
He's very busy; he has ........................ work.
David has ... rice, but Tyler doesn't have .......................
London has ......................... beautiful buildings.
They eat ....................... apples.
I wrote ...................... poems.
I have got ..................... money.
I visited ....................... European cities.
Do you like soccer? Yes, .........................
Were there ..................... guests in the wedding? Yes, there were .......................
Leila is popular. She's got .................... friends. Nancy does not have ..........................
She hasn't got ...................... Patience.

Primer Parcial IG2 Vocabulary:

Answer all thirty questions. give

Write the sentence eat
in the correct order have / has
There is one mark per question. always
from sleep
I like apples travel
watch cut
where with
pears lettuce
movies a knife
cats film
tennis boring
do / does train
you choose
I a person's
we your brother's
she father
they wife
first part sister
short answer female child
meat daughter
second son

male table
man married
very aunt
during woman
slowly wife
lunch husband
have lunch your
sing everyone
decide nobody
perfectly leave
house weekend.
paint can
concert choose
blue aunt
fill in the blanks uncle
pairs of pants nephew
carry niece
handbag cousin
swim sister-in-law
wear glasses brother-in-law
training grandmother / -father
bring sister-in-law
go children
at night the whole day
brush burglars
wake up break
verb window
teeth hammer
tooth late
early yesterday
morning make
father know
drive have breakfast
day those days
have lunch these days
every box
have dinner corner
work shop
noon Fill in the blanks
box Find the correct word
other Fill in the correct form of the verbs
over there

Unit 10
Fill in the spaces with the correct comparative adjectives
1. The red jacket is (cheap) than the blue jacket.
2. The shoes are (nice) than the boots.
3. The pink socks are (expensive) than the white socks.
4. The brown sweater is (good) than the blue sweater.
5. The chocolate looks (bad) than the candy.
6. The radio is (new) than the DVD player.
7. The CDs are (old) than the DVDs.
8. These apples are (red) than those apples.
9. This dress is (beautiful) than that dress.
10. Those green tomatoes are (sweet) than the red tomatoes.

Adjectives: comparative and superlative

1. Complete the chart with the comparatives and superlatives:
Adjective Comparative Superlative
long longer than the longest
fast faster than ____________________
pretty _________________ the prettiest
beautiful more beautiful than ____________________
ugly uglier than ____________________
thin _________________ the thinnest
fashionable more fashionable than ____________________

2. Write the comparative:

a. old __older_______ f. good __________
b. Strong ______________ g. large __________
c. happy ______________ h. serious __________
d. modern ______________ i. pretty __________
e. important ______________ j. bad __________

3. Complete the sentences with a superlative:

a. This building is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town.
b. It was a very happy day. It was ___________________________ of my life.
c. It’s a very good film. It’s _________________________________ I’ve seen.
d. It was a very bad mistake. It was __________________________ in my life.
e. It was a very cold day. It was ____________________________ of the year.
f. She’s a popular singer. She’s ___________________________ in the country.

g. He’s a very boring person. He’s _____________________________ I know.
h. This house is very big. It is ______________________________ I’ve lived in.
i. My cousin is very tall. He is ____________________________ man I've seen.
j. Laura is a very pretty girl. She is ___________________________ girl I know.

4. Underline the correct answer:

a. Tom’s car is as big as / the biggest his friend’s.
b. Who is shorter than / the shortest person in your family?
c. Who is more independent than / the most independent person you know?
d. These sofas are more comfortable than / the most comfortable ours.
e. My brother is taller than / the tallest in the class.
f. Is Jason’s dog older than / the oldest yours?
g. Who is the best / better than singer in the world?
h. We are younger than / the youngest the rest of the class.
i. My hair is the straightest / straighter than your hair.
j. He is more popular / the most popular singer in the world.

5. Write the sentences in the correct order:

a. taller / than / Gary / Rick / is. Gary is taller than Rick
b. model / John / got / has / the newest _________________________________________
c. Mary / clothes / likes / more expensive ______________________________________
d. expensive / Rick / wearing / coat / is / the most _________________________________
e. the / Carol / has / scarf / got / shortest ________________________________________
f. the / student / he / tallest / is _______________________________________________
g. actress / Mary / the / was / popular / most _____________________________________
h. He / the / was / footballer / best ____________________________________________
i. plays / than / better / you / Mary ____________________________________________
j. father / is / your / than / stronger / hers ________________________________________

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective in brackets:
a. Carol is as __good_____ (good) as you at sport.
b. We like wearing the ______________ (late) fashion.
c. These trousers are ____________________ (comfortable) than those jeans.
d. He is ______________________ (happy) now than he was last year.
e. You are the ________________________ (pretty) girl in class.

f. My grandma is _______________________ (old) than my grandpa.
g. The red dress is the ______________________ (attractive) in the shop.
h. I always tell the _______________________ (funny) jokes.
i. Your hair is ____________________ (curly) than my hair.
j. My hair is ______________________ (short) than yours.
Repeat all above exercises orally.

Present Continuous Tense

Choose the correct verb form in the Simple Present or the Present Continuous.
1) John ______________ (play) football at the moment.
2) We often ___________ (write) tests at our school.
3) I _____________ (talk) to my teacher now.
4) Look! Mandy and Susan _______________ (watch) a film on TV.
5) Olivia ____________ (visit) her uncle every weekend.
6) Now the sun__________________ (shine).
7) They sometimes ______________ (read) poems in the lessons.
8) Listen! The band ______________ (try) the new guitar.
9) First I ______________ (wash), then I dress.
10) Every morning my mother _____________ (get) up at 6 o'clock.
11) Andy sometimes ____________ comics. (to read)
12) We never ___________ TV in the morning. (to watch)
13) Listen! Sandy ____________ in the bathroom. (to sing)
14) My sister usually ___________ in the kitchen. (to help)
15) My mother ___________ breakfast now. (to make)
16) They often ___________ the bathroom. (to clean)
17) Look! The boys _____________ home. (to come)
18) Every day his grandfather ____________ for a walk. (to go)
19) I ____________ with my friend at the moment. (to chat)
20) Cats ___________ mice. (to eat)

Present simple or present continuous?
1. María ____________ (work) for a TV station.
2. At the moment she ____________ (travel) in the Sahara Desert.
3. Dan ____________ (love) wild animals.
4. He ____________ (not visit) Alaska at the moment.
5. Marta ____________ (not live) in Africa.
6. She ____________ (stay) in Africa at the moment.

7. Dad usually ____________ (cook) dinner.
8. My parents ____________ (go) to Italy every year.
9. My sister ____________ (walk) to school every day.
10. We ____________ (have) lunch now.
11. I never ____________ (stay in) on Saturday evening.
12. I ____________ (go) to the cinema now.
13. My mum ____________ (not work) today.
14. Peter ____________ (not like) rap music.
15. He ____________ (listen) to pop music at the moment.
16. Donna usually ____________ (go) shopping on Saturdays.
17. Let´s go out. It ____________ (not rain) now.
18. Hurry up! Everybody ____________ (wait) for you!
19. The sun ____________ (rise) in the east.
20. Water ____________ (boil) at 100 degrees.
21. The water ____________ (boil). Can you turn it off?
22. I must go now. It ____________ (get) late.
23. I usually ____________ (go) to work by car.
24. It ____________ (not rain) very much in the summer.
25. The moon ____________ (go) round the earth.

My name (to be) Peter; l (to live) in the suburbs of Boston with my
family. Most people (to believe) we (to be) rich because we (to live) in a
big house. But our family (to seem) to be like any other one. Have a look: Maggy, my
wife, (to like) cooking. She (to enjoy) being in the kitchen with her friends. At
the moment she (to make) a cake and you can't talk to her. What really (to
worry) her is our daughter who (to prefer) to chat in front of her computer instead
of cooking with her. Like many teenagers, Jenny (to think) it (to be) easier to get
advice from her friends who she (to go to) see later in class. It's 5 pm. Paul, my
son, (to play) basketball in the garden and I (to watch)
TV. I (to wait) for this delicious cake that Maggy (to bake) .
Like I told you, my family is the same as yours.

Use the correct tense

1. ______________________ (it, rain) at the moment?

2. ________________________/____________________ (not, it, work). I think it's broken.
(two possibilities - simple OR continuous)
3. _____________ (have, I) lunch in the cafeteria every day.

4. ________________________/____________________ sad (look, you). What's the
(Two possibilities - simple and continuous)
5. Sheila _____________________ (love) reading books.
6. I ________________________ (cook) dinner tonight. Would you like to come?
7. I _______________________ (not, like) him because he talks too much.
8. Have we met? You _____________ (look) familiar.
9. B: What ____________________ (you, do)? A: I'm a dentist.
10. A: What is she doing? B: ______________________ (she, take) a bath.
11. Look ! Harry (dance) in the street !
12. The police (arrest) two robbers yesterday.
13. Last year, my father (buy) a new car.
14. I (watch) TV now.
15. Peter (drink) his last beer in 2009.
16. What is Mary doing ? She (sleep) in the armchair.
17. They (be) in Australia in 2000.
18. Stewart (give) me his address last week.

Write positive sentences in going to future: I’m going to study

I / work -
you / dance -
it / rain -
they / ask -
he / stays -
we / speak -
I / give -
she / tries -
they / help -
he / pushes -

Write questions in going to future.

(he / cook dinner / tonight) ?
(you / run / in the race)
(they / climb / that mountain)
(she / exercise / at the gym / at night)
(you / carry / that heavy box)
(computer / crash)
(we / eat / fish / tonight)
(he / play football / tomorrow)
(Lucy / call / a taxi)
(you / sing / a song / for us)

Write positive sentences / answers in going to future.
What does she need the telephone for?
→ (she / call / her boyfriend)
Why are they wearing sport suits?
→ (they / play / squash)
Why has Fiona bought chocolates?
→ (She / visit / her grandma)
Why do you need a map?
→ (we / take a walk / in the mountains)
What do you need the cloth and the bucket for?
→ (we / wash / the car)
Why are you running about with the toothbrush?
→ (I / brush / my teeth)
Why is daddy not coming with us?
→ (he / repair / the car)
Hurry up!
→ (they / light / the bonfire)
Why are all these tapes on the table?
→ (we / learn / Greek)
What do you need the pen for?
→ (I / write / some postcards)

Write negative sentences in going to future.

(I / sell / my car)
(he / help / us)
(they / study / harder)
(we / cook / dinner tonight)
(I / celebrate / my birthday this year)
(she / clean / her room)
(they / move / house)
(she / stay / with Amy)
(they / change / their clothes)
(we / get up early / next Sunday

Write the correct form of going to or will to complete the dialogue.
LAURA: What are you doing this weekend, Jan?
TANYA: I ________________________ (see) a new play tomorrow at the Royal Court
LAURA: Have you got the tickets yet?
TANYA: NO, I __________________________ (get) them this afternoon, actually. Would
you like to come with?
AURA: Oh, thank you, that would be nice.
TANYA: OK, I __________________________ (get) you a ticket too.
LAURA: Great ... what time does it start?
TANYA: Eight o'clock, but we ________________________ (all meet) in the Green Cafe
at 7.15.
LAURA: OK, I ______________________ (meet) you in the cafe, but, er... I
_________________________ (be) there around 7.30.
TANYA: That's fine.
LAURA: Oh, one other thing ... I've got no money at the moment... I
(pay) for the ticket on Saturday. Is that OK?
TANYA: Yes, that's OK, no problem.
LAURA: Great! Why don't we go eat something in the restaurant now?
TANYA: That's a good idea. I ______________________ (phone) the others and see if they
want to come too.
LAURA: Good, and I ________________________ (book) a table for us.
TANYA: Great! I _______________________ (meet) you there in a moment.

Put the verb into the correct form, using WILL or GOING TO
1. A: I've got a terrible headache.
B: Do you? Wait here and I _______________ (get) you some aspirin.
2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
B: I ________________(wash) the car.
3. A: I've decided to repaint this room.
B: Oh, you have? What color _____________________ (you/paint) it?
4. A: Look! There's smoke coming out of that house. I think it´s on fire!
B: I _______________ (call) the fire department right away.
5. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very clean, does it?
B: No, I think we __________________ (have to) paint it.
6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
B: Yes, I _____________________ (buy) something for dinner.
7. A: I can't figure out how to use this camera.
B: It's easy. I ____________________ (show) you.

8. A: What would you like to have: coffee or tea?
B: I __________________(have) coffee, please.
9. A: Has George decided what to do when he finishes school?
B: Oh yes. Everything is settled. He ______________________(take) a vacation for a few
weeks, and then he ________________________ (start) a computer programming course.
10. A: Did you mail that letter for me?
B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I __________________(do) it now.
11. A: What shall we have for dinner?
B: I don't know. I can't make up my mind.
A: Come on, hurry up! Make a decision!
B: Okay. We _________________(have) chicken.
12. JESS: We need some bread for lunch.
DANY: Oh, do we? I _______________ (go) to the store and get some. I feel like taking a
Before he goes out, Dany talks to Jane:
DANY: I ____________________ (get) some bread. Do you want anything from the store?
JANE: Yes, I need some envelopes.
DANY: Okay, I _________________(get) you some.
13. John has to go to the airport to catch a plane. He doesn't have a car:
JOHN: Toshi, can you take me to the airport tonight?
TOSHI: Of course I ___________________ (take) you. I'd be happy to.
Later that day Eric offers to take John to the airport:
ERIC: John, do you want me to take you to the airport?
JOHN: No thanks, Eric. Toshi ______________________ (take) me.

Adverbs of Frequency
Use a suitable adverb

Jane is not a pleasant person. She is_____________in a bad mood.

My sister usually drives to work with a friend. She _____________ drives alone.
Robert goes to the gym only two or three times a year. He ___________ goes to the gym.
John never leaves the college on Friday. He ___________eats at the cafeteria on Fridays.
Jane goes to the beach whenever she can. She ___________ misses a chance to go to the
Carlos is an excellent student. He _____________ goes to class.

Write a sentence with the adverbs!
1 I'm late. (never)
2 They go out in the week. (seldom)
3 We don't see her. (often)
4 I take too long in the shower. (always)
5 Sam arrives on time. (usually)
6 Our class isn't clean. (always)
7 Do you go to the cinema on Fridays? (always)
8 Do you feel sad? (sometimes)
9 That dirty pig cleans his teeth. (never)
10 Our maths teacher smiles. (hardly ever)

Rewrite the sentences with the adverb of frequency in its correct position.
They go to the movies. (often)
She listens to classical music. (rarely)
He reads the newspaper. (sometimes)
Sara smiles. (never)
She complains about her husband. (always)
I drink coffee. (sometimes)
Frank is ill. (often)
He feels terrible (usually)
I go jogging in the morning. (always)
She helps her daughter with her homework. (never)
We watch television in the evening. (always)
I smoke. (never)
I eat meat. (seldom)
I eat vegetables and fruits. (always)

Unit 11

In English, it is common to use more than one adjective before a noun – for example, “He’s a silly
young fool,” or “she’s a smart, energetic woman.” When you use more than one adjective, you
have to put them in the right order, according to type.

Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origen Material Purpose Noun

1.A silly young English man

2.A huge round metal bowl

3.A small red sleeping bag

Check the correct option √

1. He was wearing a ____________________________ shirt.

dirty old flannel
flannel old dirty
old dirty flannel

2. Pass me the ____________________________ cups.

plastic big blue
big blue plastic
big plastic blue

3. All the girls fell in love with the _______________________ teacher.

handsome new American
American new handsome
new handsome American

4. I used to drive _____________________________ car.

a blue old German
an old German blue
an old blue German

5. He recently married a ____________________________ woman.

young beautiful Greek
beautiful young Greek
beautiful Greek young

6. This is a____________________________ movie.
new Italian wonderful
wonderful Italian new
wonderful new Italian

7. She is a ____________________________ supermodel.

beautiful slim Brazilian
Brazilian beautiful slim
slim Brazilian beautiful

8. It's in the ____________________________ container.

large blue metal
blue large metal
blue metal large

9. He sat behind a ____________________________ desk.

big wooden brown
big brown wooden
wooden big brown

10. She gave him a _____________________________ vase.

small Egyptian black
black Egyptian small
small black Egyptian

Unit 12
Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns
Fill in the blank with the correct possessive adjective.

Here are the options: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
1. I like (I)_____________ hat.
2. She lives with (she) ______________ brother.
3. I have (you) _______________ pen.
4. I know (they) ______________ mother.
5. She likes (he) _____________ shoes.
6. The teacher has (she) ______________ book.
7. I buy (we) _______________ food every day.
8. He loves (the radio) _____________ music.
9. She wants (I) ____________ money.
10. I like (Dave and Tanya) _______________ bicycles.

Possessive adjective exercises

(Before doing the exercises read the lesson on possessive adjectives)
Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives:
Where is (I) _________ book?
Here is (we) ________ teacher.
She goes to school with (she) ________ brother.
(They) __________ father works in a car factory.
(You) __________ laptop is very expensive.
(He) _________ favorite hobby is tennis.
(I) ________ husband and I want to go to Paris.
We want to see (it) ________ historical monuments.
Leila likes (she) _________ dog !
(It) _________ name is Bobby.

Choose the right possessive adjective:

Two students didn't do __________ mathematics homework.
I have a car. ________ car is black.
We have a dog. ________ name is Pancho.
Nancy is from England. _________ husband is from Australia.
Farid and Nadia go to a high school. _________ little brother goes to primary school.
Mr O'Brian has a van. ________ van is very old.
We go to a high school. ___________ high school is fantastic.
I like singing. _________ mother sings with me.
François and Alain are French. __________ family are from France.
Mary likes _________ grandmother. She often visits her.

Write the correct possessive pronoun for each sentence:
Example: That car belongs to me. That car is mine.
1. That book belongs to them. That book is ____________.
2. That pen belongs to me. That pen is ___________ .
3. This dog belongs to us. This dog is __________.
4. This car belongs to him. This car is ___________.
5. This house belongs to me and my brother. This house is ____________ .
6. That motorcycle belongs to that man. That motorcycle is ________.
7. These books belong to those students. These books are _________.
8. This hat belongs to you. This hat is ________.
9. This cat belongs to my aunt. This cat is____________ .
10. This ball belongs to those boys. This ball is __________.

Choose whether each sentence requires a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun:

Example: That car is not his. It's mine. (possessive pronoun)
OR That's my car. (possessive adjective)

1. She's not his friend, she's ___________ (my/mine).

2. Robert didn't drink his own coffee. He drank ____________ (her/hers).
3. That is one of __________ (hers/her) friends.
4. His neighborhood is safe, while ______________ (my/mine) neighborhood isn't.
5. His neighborhood is safe, while _____________ (my/mine) isn't.
6. Did _________ (your/yours) mother call?
7. I don't know _________ (them/their) very well.
8. I don't know __________ (them/their) daughter very well.
9. I talked to _________ (my/me) grandmother for three hours last night.
10. I think I got my notes mixed up with __________ (your/yours).

Use the correct personal pronouns according to the words in brackets.

Example: ___ often reads books. (Lisa)
Answer: She often reads books.
1) is dreaming. (George)
2) is green. (the blackboard)
3) are on the wall. (the posters)
4) is running. (the dog)
5) are watching TV. (my mother and I)
6) are in the garden. (the flowers)
7) is riding his bike. (Tom)
8) is from Bristol. (Victoria)
9) has got a brother. (Diana)
10) Have got a computer, Mandy? (Mandy)

Write a correct personal pronoun.

1) am sitting on the sofa.

2) are watching TV.
3) Are from England?
4) is going home.
5) are playing football.
6) is a wonderful day today.
7) are speaking English.
8) Is Kevin's sister?
9) are swimming in the pool.
10) Are at the cinema?

Simple Past - Negation of sentences in English

Exercise 1
Write the negative of the verbs in the gaps. You can use long or short/contracted forms of
the auxiliary.
Example: Tom wrote a letter. - Tom ______________ a letter.
Answer: Tom wrote a letter. - Tom did not write___a letter.
or Tom didn't write ____a letter.

1) He played handball. - He _______________________ handball.

2) Susan waited in the kitchen. - Susan ______________________ in the kitchen.
3) I made the beds. - I ______________________________ the beds.
4) They cleaned the classroom. - They ______________________ the classroom.
5) She asked a lot of questions. - She ___________________________ a lot of questions.
6) Their friends got new computers. - Their friends __________________ new computers.
7) I was in Brazil last weekend. - I ___________________ in Brazil last weekend.
8) You built a house. - You ___________________ a house.
9) Christian bought a new guitar. - Christian ______________________ a new guitar.
10) We went shopping. - We ________________________________ shopping.

Simple Past - Questions

Exercise 2
Write the correct form of the verbs and the pronouns in the gaps. Use Simple Past.
Example: ____________ their friends? (they/to meet)
Answer: Did they meet their friends?

1) after the cat? (the dog/to run)
2) photos when you were on holiday? (you/to take)
3) to music yesterday evening? (Steven/to listen)
4) a cup of tea in the café? (the ladies/to have)
5) text messages during the lesson? (Nancy/to send)
6) pullovers last Friday? (Melissa and Ruth/to wear)
7) hello to people in the street? (your brother/to say)
8) the windows in your classroom? (the teacher/to open)
9) chess two weeks ago? (the girls in your class/to play)
10) breakfast last morning? (your mother/to make)

Some / a lot of / any

Complete the sentences. Use some, a lot of, or any.
1. There are some tall buildings in my hometown.
2. There are __________ nice stores on Main Street.
3. There aren’t __________ hairdressers on Main Street.
4. There aren’t __________ big banks.
5. There are __________ trees in the park.
6. There aren’t __________ buildings in the park.

Complete the sentences. Use is, isn’t, are, or aren’t.

1. There are a lot of buildings in River City.
2. There _________ some stores downtown.
3. There _________ any taxi cabs on the streets.
4. There _________ a hotel next to the movie theater.
5. There _________ some students on Palma Street.
6. There _________ a lot of people in the park.
7. There ________ any museums in Asunción.
8. There ________ an airport in Paraguay.

Examen Final IG2 Useful Vocabulary

dismissed chemicals
the new ones the patient
factory nurse
at the top bring / brought
stand up watermelon
set on fire gift
horrible wedding
together keep / kept

before neat
coach tidy / untidy
foreign ride / rode
the yard candy
Put the adjectives between brackets in the take / took
correct form meet / met
beach trip
exhibition pets
notice travel
mouse / mice empty
choose / chose quiet
sheep quite
hammer Rewrite the sentences
teach / taught


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