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Pakistan Studies

Final Project

Submitted to: Aeman Nadeem

Submitted by:

Muqadas Fatima
Ather Saeed
Development is the socio-economic progress of a country and this of course impacts on the all-
inclusive well-being and livelihood of the country. These range of measures combine the very
broad metric of poverty rate, availability of electricity, availability of clean water and food
statistics. The evaluation of the socio-economic situation and the population's general well-being
involves taking all these differences into consideration. Done all by these indicators, reducing
inequality and moving up the residents' living standard depend on a huge knowledge of them. On
the list below, we will find the indices used for Pakistani progress.

Access to clean water is a basic human right and is the very essential factor of a prosperous

society and general wellness of every individual. This implies that we equalize the thought with

making certain that all are able to have water supply that is relatively inexpensive, in its safety

and suitability for drinking, toilet and hygiene. Given this indicator, it is useful to measure the

ease in which water can emerge from taps, the minimized disruptions in supply, and of course,

the presence of an infrastructural setup that facilitates its distribution. Diseases that spread

through water are prevented, people shall observe hygiene and agriculture as well as industries

get ease when water is potable. The restricted access to fresh water can result in rather serious

health problems, a high death rate, and a slow downed economy. Cholera, typhoid and dysentery

are just some of the kinds of outbreaks that are caused after infrastructural decay and poor water

quality. Actually, they normally include schoolchildren and vulnerable groups who suffer most

in the outbreaks (UNICEF, n. d. ). In addition, for women especially . in areas with insufficient

access may consume their labor time and energy that could be meaningfully engaged in

education and job.

Availability of electric power is ensured and is consistent for use in public utilities, commercial

enterprises and residential houses. It is one important item that people need in everyday life. It

provides the basic needs that are required for an economic venture, medical care, learning etc.

This statistic also includes electricity prices, the availability quality of power supply, and energy
coverage by networks. Uninterrupted access to power is an important factor in bettering living

conditions, mechanization, the availability of resources and communication plus ICT.

Electrification increases well-being and leads to social growth, creates educational opportunities

for many communities, and fosters economic development. A situation with no constant energy

results in inefficiency of companies, ineffective provision of critical services by hospitals, and

the struggle of students to carry on with their studies at night, among others. Significantly higher

electricity supply that powers more learning institutions, improved health facilities and

subsequently produces more wealth are critical achievements that result from the availability of


The number of people in society who are living in poverty areas—or those who have incomes

below a poverty threshold—which is set by an income threshold (for example, a person earning

less than S5.5 ). There, it illustrates the economical stance of the country including its population

imbalance. This Output Marker highlights the fact economical prosperity and social services that

are accessible will be reflected by the indicator among them being wealth distribution. A high

poverty level leads to a state of pervasive poverty. This, in turn, puts the need for the essentials

such as food, shelter, education, and medical care in a situation where there is little access to

them all. Scrapping poverty and creating prospects of a safe and prosperous existence for all

peoples is the pinnacle on sustainable development. The existing poverty can cause social

upheaval, a high level of crime and lesser development of human investment. Social protection

through allowances of employment and improvement of health, education, and employment

opportunities are the measures that are usually applied and achieve positive results

The statistical approach on hunger is to quantify the amount of the food insecurity and

undernutrition affecting a population. The indicator is related to importance, which is to show

people's food supply in a way that is sufficient, safe and nourishing. Such measures range from

average food security categories as well as the rates of being undernourished to the frequency of

children with stunting (insufficient height for age) and wasting conditions (insufficient weight
for height). The process of gaining weight and growth of the brain are both inhibited by

malnutrition, but the body's immune system is weakened at the same time and productivity is

greatly reduced as a result. well trained and educated labor factor, well structured and cohesive

society, as well as, sustainable economic growth, all depend on the eradication of hunger.

Children are vulnerable to malnutrition and chronic hunger which triggers a vicious cycle as it

not only affects their growth, intellectual development and productivity, but also makes them

susceptible to diseases (Food and Agriculture Organization, 2020).

Taken altogether, these measures provide a comprehensive scenario of the social-economic

situation of the country and indicate the essence of the proper governmental intervention in

failing sectors. These indicators can play a role in strategic evaluation, leaking information on

weaknesses to the authorities, and can help to address sector development. In the guided

direction of the two nation's achievement as well as challenge, this research will comprise India's

and Pakistan's performance within the last 10 years in the different areas. Under the auspices of

this research, the key insights unveiling the potential areas Pakistan can profitably borrow from

India's experience of developing its sectors will be demonstrated. Pakistan needs to work on

these primary sectors stocks of economic growth as well as increase people's standard if it strives

to have sustainable economic growth.

Term Definition Citation

Hunger statistics Hunger statistics assess the (Global Hunger Index, 2020)
prevalence of undernutrition
and food insecurity within a

Poverty rate The poverty rate measures the (World Bank)

proportion of the population
living below the poverty line,
typically defined by an
income threshold such as
$1.90 per day (international
poverty line).

Electricity access Electricity access refers to the (World Bank, n.d.)

availability and reliability of
electric power for households,
businesses, and public

Access to clean Access to clean water is (UNICEF, n.d.)

ensuring that all individuals
have sufficient, safe, and
affordable water for drinking,
sanitation, and hygiene.

Electricity Access in Pakistan (2013-2022)

The degree of a nation's development in socio economic sense can be measured above all by the

availability of energy sources. It affects education; health; industrial efficiency; and ultimately;

general well-being; among other everyday issues. The contemporary society and its economy

operate on the basis of most reliable power systems that do not fail or get disrupted. It can be

found powering anything that makes or does something, including industrial machinery, medical

devices in hospitals, and lights that let students study the night away. Moreover, the provision of

energy facilitates communication technologies, lighting, and the use of home appliances, so

lifting standards of living. In the last decade, Pakistan increased its supply of electricity and

brought new sections into the electricity grid, which led the proportion of unavailable electricity

throughout the country to drop. One can easily deduce from the governmental interventions, the
infrastructural investments and the legislative actions, which were geared towards bettering the

accessibility and reliability of electric power, that this is pandemic to this era. The successes,

challenges, and development of social economic indicators are reflected through electric

accessibility statistics in Pakistan between 2013 and 2022.

● 2013–2015: 89.3%in 2013 to 91.0% in 2015, the percentage of people equipped with

electricity also climbed up. This period was marked by an energy infrastructure

upgrading process that gradually but stably led to an enhancement in the size of the

electricity grid.

● 2016–2018: Those were the milestones for notable progress. Electricity access being up

from 93. 97% as of 2018 Compared to 91% . 83% in 2016. The significant increase is the

result of the added government energy sector investments and projects, in particular,

construction of new power plants along with the transmission and distribution networks

that were upgraded.

● 2019–2020:Electricity access rose from 93.9% in 2019 to 94.2% in 2022

● 2021–2022:However, the data for 2022 has not been sourced as yet. However, the

established pattern is a fairly dramatic hike in the accessibility that is almost universal.
Clean Water Access:
The development of socio economic systems in countries like Pakistan highly depends on having

availability of clean water as it is not only a basic need but the key element of public health in

general as well, the clean water protects person's and whole community's health, reduces cases of

water-related disease and promotes overall health of the society. Health direct access to clean

water also involves a deal of the developmental objectives which are solely related to the overall

socioeconomic development of the country. To avoid health risks, access to clean water is

essential, especially in overpopulated city areas and the underprivileged rural communities.

Clean water assures prosperous hygiene and sanitation. Through the increased access to better

sanitation facilities and hygiene education, significant impacts are achieved that include low

water-borne infections, enhanced efficiency, and less pressure on health systems. Being a

primary factor for production of goods and services and availing livelihoods at the household

level, water also supports general business operations, power generation and farming activities.

In the agricultural regions where people rely largely on agriculture as their major source of

livelihood, irrigation, animal husbandry, and the basic means of sustenance of individuals

depend very much on having access to clean water. Subsequently, improving the safety and

efficiency of schools through clean water, promoting regular attendance, and enhancing

knowledge will allow the implementation of educational opportunities. Also, conservation of

pollutant-free waters and environment sustainability is dependent on the access of clean water.

This is so, since ecological balance, ecosystem stability and keeping biodiversity are the

functions that heavily depend on clean water. Consequently, provision of access to clean water

by the country will become an imperative if Pakistan wins its developmental targets and raises

the standards of living for its population. It becomes the prerequisite for development in many

sectors and builds the foundation for achieving a healthier, wealthier, and better protected

● 2013–2015: Operationally, water quality improved significantly over this period and the

availability of clean water increased to 41. The unemployment dropped from 45% in

2013 to 43. 46% in 2015. Increased levels are the by-product of continuing projects

meant to enhance the water infrastructure which include the periodic construction of

water treatment systems and frequent implementation of sanitation projects to maintain

the water quality, not only in urban settings but also in the countryside.

● 2016–2018 experienced a significant percentage of clean water coverage, as it boosted

from 44%. 47% to 47. 52%. The dramatic increase can be linked to the governments'

actions and expenditures, the cases of which are the setting up of new water treatment

plants and replacing the obsolete water supplying systems.

● 2019–2020: The number of available clean sources of water increased at each period,

with little slowing of the growth, which remained 48%. 37 in percentage in 2019 and 49

now. 57% in 2020. The little upturn may indicate that despite all the drawbacks the

realization of all the unresolved problems like sustainable water management not only for

the supply but equally for the distribution between urban and rural areas is being

● The 2020–2021 data, however, showed that clean water' availability is rising at a

remarkably fast pace, and it has already reached the 50% mark. 6% in that year. Despite

current data still being for 2022, this pattern may suggest that the number of people who

have access to clean water will be continuously growing. This positive trend may be

supported thanks to the water sector's substantial investments in water infrastructure and

integrated solutions to centralize water quality issues.

Hunger Statistics

The figures on hunger are indeed important indicators of development status and wellbeing of

the people, and in countries like Pakistan where ensuring food access is still little progress there

is a major challenge. In addition to presenting statistical numbers, these figures do also

demonstrate the realities of the individuals and the families who are challenged to find sufficient

foods on a regular basis. Hunger being prevalent today problematizes these structural issues such

as social injustices, poverty, inequality, and outdated infrastructure which provide uneven and

inequitable distribution of food for different parts of the society. In Pakistan, where agriculture is

a significant part of the economy, development and food security two are linked inextricably.

Pakistan’s agricultural sector is plagued by problems such as low yield, unproductive land

conditions, water shortage, climate change, and their adverse impacts. While the country has an

established high potential for agricultural production, these factors may also contribute to food

scarcity. Besides these, the factors that relate to socioeconomic status are also important and they

cover issues like unemployment, inadequate education, poverty and low quality health services

that aggravate the problem and facilitate the recurrence of the inequality and suffering. With far-

reaching effects, it may be easier to understand problems of global food insecurity. Malnutrition

caused by inadequate food intake in the children throws into question their physical growth and

prevents them from realizing their cognitive potential, which further predisposes them to

diseases. Lack of education as well as good healthy living conditions helps in their ability to
compete economically thus lowers their quality of life. Furthermore, a hungry adult will usually

lack enough energy and have lower productivity, which negatively affects overall economic

development and progress. It is about finding ways to stand on both sides, discovering and

treating the main sources of food shortage as well as giving immediate assistance to those in

need. Producing more food and the redesign of food networks would mean the reallocation of

agricultural, infrastructural, hydrological and climate resilience investments. Likewise, the

employment of job opportunities, nutritional programs, education plans, and social welfare can

be applied to greatly eliminate poverty, and as a result, enhance the availability of food

supplies.Food security and nutrition may get the first place in order that an all-around progress,

an improvement of welfare and a prosperous future might be achieved for the Pakistan people.

● In 2013 hunger statistics can be observed at 14%,.

● The figures for hunger gradually drop by 14% to 10%.Taken this way, the society has

made some progress in management of food insecurity for the whole period.

● A decline in that tendency could be seen in his later years. The hunger rate increased by

about 11 percent during the period in 2018, then saw more notable increases in 2019 and

2020, to 13. 10% and 16. 00%, respectively.

● The wildest peak was in 2021, the one when the hunger rate roared to 18% goes to

disclose one of the major signs of the drastic decline of the food security in the previous


As a rule, these data illustrate an uneven degree of progress in solving this issue in different

periods of time, some of which result in disappointment. The prediction for 2022 will not be any

easier than finding useful information due to the uncertainties of this trend. While the recorded

spike in hunger during 2021 has highlighted worsening hunger among population groups and the

need to secure everyone permanent access to healthy, inexpensive food, it also provides a

possibility for immediate intervention.

Poverty Rate:

Poverty is a multifaceted, and trans-boundary issue that has affected millions of global

population. The thing that actually keeps people from moving forward and progressing is

poverty, which is not only the material deprivation but also the fact that people don't have an

access to fundamental resources, possibilities, and abilities. The effects manifest beyond simply

economic distress which then trickle down to other domains of well-being such as health,

education, social inclusion, and human dignity. Poverty is an inexorable entity to complex socio-

economic structures as it is both a factor producing as well as a manifestation of

underdevelopment. It is through these ever-lasting processes of procurement and trade that need

and imbalance are perpetuated at the civilizational level. This link between poverty and

development has been a subject of debate as poverty stands in the way of development and

development increases the chance of reducing poverty and societal prosperity. In a nutshell,

poverty takes away the means to clothes, food, and shelter, and thereby puts a person and her

community at a disadvantage. The lack of a requisite amount of acceptable nutrition, unpolluted

water, safe shelter, proper healthcare, and education, are risk factors and usually result in a

perpetual cycle of poverty. It not only saddles individuals but also leaves behind all other social
groups and the entire economy. Confining poverty hinders the growth of human capital of a

specific nation, which ultimately limits the productive performance of a country’s workforce and

does not allow it to innovate, compete, and succeed in the world economy. Conversely, poverty

is very navigated by social exclusion, margination, and utilization of resources/opportunities in

an unequal way. Discriminatory acts which are based on parameters such as gender, ethnicity,

race or disability collectively exacerbate the pre-existing inequalities as they rather represent the

features that are responsible for poverty and extend the divide between those who are privileged

and the deprived. Hence poverty could be a vicious circle in which educational and economic

prospects which are vital to socio-economic transformations cannot be achieved, leading to

poverty among individuals, families and communities which occur from one generation to


To overcome the complex and multi-dimensional nature of poverty, development programs

should implement comprehensive strategies which combine both an approach to addressing its

main causes and a path to equitable and wide-spread economic growth. The tasks of dedicating

resources to education, healthcare, social security, infrastructures, and jobs agenda are crucial for

the development of resilience and the empowerment of individuals and thus, the break in

poverty. Going forward it is imperative therefore to establish an environment that is by nature

pro-fair and equal access to resources and has in place a system that protects the rights of

marginalized people against discrimination. This factor is essentially crucial in making sure that

the society we have can truly embody a better and fairer world for everyone.
● In 2013, the poverty rate was recorded as 86. 5%, fighting against the economic

hardships that one tends to encounter and thwarting the chances of living a good life.

● It is rather challenging to make an estimation regarding the poverty trend in the calendar

years of 2014, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021 and 2022 because of the lack of data for those


● It's a poverty rate that fell to 83% which demonstrated some progress in poverty

reduction programs and an improvement in the economy. It is hard to know exactly how

sustainable this improvement is, although I would not be able to say until more years of

data are collected.

The research data illustrates a pervasive problem of the comparability of poverty rates at

different periods of time. Long term trends cannot be followed, similarly any programme and

policy meant for reducing poverty cannot be evaluated since this inconsistency.Improving

existing data collecting methods so as to more reliably monitor the development of poverty and

use data therefrom as evidence to support decision-making is what is apparent from the lack of

data for several consecutive years. However, the data presented here give only the figures on

poverty rates referred to the current year, not the complete picture of poverty over the last decade

or more.
Development of Indicators and Political Regimes

Clean Water Access

PML-N Government (2013-2018):

It was then in 2013 and 2015 when there were nearly 41 occasions when they avoided cases

because the safe drinking water supply was made available. 45% to 43. The PML-N’s

government has implemented an amendment which resulted in sixty percent distribution of water

in the rural community. 47% to 46. 5% out of the total amount of the fund was spent on large

projects about 1 million dollars concerning the conception and construction of the water-

treatment plants over former but still efficient.

Policies and Reforms

In accordance with the Pakistan Vision2025 stipulates equal access to clean water by all

members of society. As already highlighted in the National Water Policy 2013, the water

resource systems are a non-renewable resource and, therefore, a need to ensure sustainable

management is essential through among others, infrastructure development.

PTI Government (2018-2022):

The poor also benefit from the PTI government's approach to poverty. The latter is more reactive

than proactive. Therefore, this calls for a firm policy that avails the services in the matching

units, i. e. The slums and rural areas which mainly have the low-income population. To add to

the discussion of 2021-22, the number of high school graduates increased, which was followed

by a high number of college goers reaching 50 as well. 6% by 2022. With the objective of

financing public water systems and devoting human resources in place to conserving water, her

agenda included policy measures focused on raising public finance as well.

Policies and Reforms

The Clean Green Pakistan Campaign in 2018 is a national campaign whose main purpose is to

remove the white pollution and raise the green environment level. At the top of the listings we

have access to clean water as one of the steps we shall take in the campaign. Under the process

of upskilling and learning, water and sanitation facilities became part of the process of the

commercial development program. At the end it eventually was selected for the Kamyab

Pakistan Program.

Electricity Access
PML-N Government (2013-2018):

The potential for obtaining electricity accelerated from 89% of population in 2013 up to 92% of
population in 2015. 3% to 91. If that was our strategy, clearly, we were badly mistaken. 100%.
We have the power management and the energy infrastructure at the two ends of the table. These
should be our top priority. In 16-18 of July , the rate went over the tops which has been (91).
83% to 93. 97% percent. The examples of the measures taken were the construction of the power
stations and the modernization of grid voltage as well as the power distribution networks.

Policies and Reforms

Among many power projects initiated within the framework of CPEC, coal-fired power plants

and hydroelectric projects are a few critical ones, enhancing the energy sources and enabling

them to cater more people. A smart grid is incorporated into the renewed 2013 National Power

Policy to allow for resilience against power shortages, and provide a more effective resource


PTI Government (2018-2022):

By 2019-2020, I realized that this extra opportunity designed it for me to communicate my

feelings or thinking more clearly. Therefore, access has been overtaken by 93% . 9% level to 94.

This marking / critical point of this trend clearly tends to one degree, by 2021-2022, which is a

worrying phenomenon. 92% in 2021. The authorities provided support to renewable energy

projects by the means of government strategies to combat the long-term risk of power cuts.

Policies and Reforms

Renewable and alternative energy energy policy (2019) intended to pave a way for

diversification of the energy sources such as wave, wind, solar with eventual access. The Roshan

Pakistan initiative will deploy solar power, of course, particularly in areas not having the electric


Poverty Rate
PML-N Government (2013-2018):

The programs for social welfare together with economic growth were used as the policy tools for

the decrease of the large number of poor people. The administration lifted Keynes‘ ideology and

augmented the structure of infrastructures.

Policies and Reforms

Progress toward the eradication of poverty which is equally important with the goal of shared

economic development is being kept at sight with the help of Benazir Income Support

Programme (BISP)

PTI Government (2018-2022):


Economic difficulties, ranging from inflation to unemployment, have caused people only

postponed poverty reduction and sometimes even minor progress. The already existing issues

hang on the people’s mind but the COVID=19 pandemic worsened the situation.
Policies and Reforms
The Ehsaas Program was created with the purpose to serve the last pyramid, i.e. the households

with the least income, through a coherent approach which covered both individualized social

protection (such as stipends, free health insurance, and nutrition) thing. The intention of the

program was designing the assistance to be done among families who are living below the

poverty line.

Hunger Statistics
PML-N Government (2013-2018):
The prevalence was found to be 14%. 00% to 12. The livestock recorded an increment of 10% in
the three consecutive years, 2013 and 2015, signifying greater food security and the increased
output in the agricultural sector. From 2016-2018, the downward trend was maintained with
increasing settlement rates reaching 10. The good news is that the poverty rate has consistently
declined with 2017 registering 80%. However, it rose to a slight increase of 11% in 2018. 00% in

Policies and Reforms

The pan-national Zero Hunger Program is aimed at getting rid of the problem of hunger and that
is by way of brief focused endeavors in food-insecure areas. The impact of the programs on the
small scale farmers and their resultantly increased food output was positive.
PTI Government (2018-2022):

In 2019 - 2020, hunger rates went up, which under 13 indicators represented hunger. From 10%

in 2019 to 16% nowadays, Indigenous' people 's workforce increased. Yet, FIE managed to show

a slight drop of the total of 00% in the economy between in 2020, majorly the cause of the

economic shocks and breaks in the supply of food. Continued growth to 18. As of 2021, there is

an increasing food insecurity of 50% characterized by the Covid pandemic being among the

majority reasons.

Policies and Reforms

The Ehsaas Nashonuma program will try to decrease the number of hungry children through the

support of the government to the programs that are health and nutrition based and has connection

to the conditional cash transfer. The agriculturists who launched start-ups benefited from the

Kamyab Jawan Program for greater food production and better food security.

The record of water and electricity quality, as well as hunger and poverty statistics in Pakistan

from the year 2013 to the year 2022 shows not only instances of marked progress and successful

interventions, but also some struggles as well. The PML government played the role of initiating

the development of infrastructure with the help of large fundings as a result, living standards

were improved with the help of renewed energy access, lower poverty and hunger rates and

better water suppliesThe PTI administration (2018–2022) continued these campaigns, but a lot of

economic problems and in the disarray of Covid-19 pandemic which affected poverty and hunger

statistics as well, had to be faced. Whether being communist or not, these regimes appeared as

key factors that defined the final ratio based on the policies and programs they applied.

Inter-country Comparison (India)

Electricity access

The advancement in electricity access for both countries India and Pakistan recorded some

considerable development between the years 2013 to 2022. However Pakistan developed at a

steady rate, slowly gaining more and more ground while reaching almost universal access by

2021 at which time India fully achieved their targets. In 2014, the figure of electricity

accessibility in Pakistan was hugely 89 per cent, signifying that the electricity system had

undergone some serious deficiencies and ineffectiveness.

It is difficult to list all the reasons why two countries have different pace of development, yet

there are a bunch of issues which lead to their different rates. Two major Indian government

projects that will be discussed later in both of them being the Deendayal Upadhyaya Gramme

Jyoti Yojana (2015) and the Saubhagya Scheme (2017). Apart from these have been the

investments made in the renewable energy projects and the electric distribution infrastructure

improvement which are further behind India’s goals.

The CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) and National Power Policy (2013 ) were

strongly linked to the success story of our country. However, such an idol more often than we do,
encountered problems such as political instability, small budgets, a weak infrastructure, and slow

growth in the Indian case.

The political stability of India provided the country with the opportunity to often implement

programmes and make possible massive infrastructural investments, which play no role, however

small, in the race of gaining energy access. The deteriorating political situation and the

incompetence of project execution certainly bring to light the fundamental necessity for a more

reliable and reliable project execution. Consequently, despite the fact that both countries have

reasonably good cases to present, India shows that the governments that operate successfully

coupled with efficient policies are the key to reaching this level of access to electricity.

Clean Water Access

In several sectors, India has done for internal promotion of clean water availability. Since its

unveiling in 2014, the Swachh Bharat Mission has had a strong on-the-ground presence,

emphasizing the connection between infrastructure, behavior modification, and community

involvement. In addition, the Jal Jeevan Mission’s launch in 2019 aims to ensure supplies for
clean tap water to each rural household so as to support the growing water needs. Through the

improvement of distribution channels, rainwater collection systems, in addition to water

disinfection systems, one can add to the number of people with access to clean water.

Pakistan on the contrary faces numerous paradoxes in delivering clean water to everyone. Where

Pakistan may have been placed way ahead of India in the initial ranking, the scarce water

resources, ineffective institutions and even the bad infrastructure have left it behind since the

year 2013. It is the fact that Pakistan depends on a few given rivers to irrigate as well as it having

to fight with the needs of industries, agriculture and household usage for the limited water.

Additional complications in natural resource governance, especially water conflicts extending to

neighboring riparian countries, further convolutes the water management and governance

situation in Pakistan.

A number of the factors, associated with uneven accessibility to adequate water between India

and Pakistan are as below. India has been able to make the progress possible by its visionary

approach to water management - an approach that relies on government's sustained funding and

comprehensive legislature. On the other hand, the country is facing different challenges such as;

weak institutions, poor infrastructure and exterior pressure which are also causing obstruction

along the way towards fulfillment of Pakistan's goals. Furthermore, as it pertains to the nature of

historical factors and geopolitical events together, they have not just impacted the way that

resources are being distributed and administered in both countries, but have also intensified the

observed problems. Therefore, the focus of the strategy should be to develop new frameworks

and promote common efforts along with providing a sustainable water security to the entire

community of South Asia.

Hunger statistics

The percentage of the population who acknowledged being the victims of hunger in Pakistan

ranged from 2013 and to 2022, testifying to food insecurity in Pakistan. 2013 had a labor force

participation rate of 14%. by 2017 it had dropped to 10. However,, in 2021, the percentage has

gone up to as much as 16.60%. Regrettably, hunger somewhat increased in the past few years as

well, reaching the peak of 13% in 2018. In 2017, the net new wages in the industry was 10%.

This was also the case in 2021 but with a higher value of 16.60%. However, hunger levels have

escalated in the recent past whereby this may be attributed to a combination of these

socioeconomic factors such as poverty, environmental destruction, and food insecurity.

The cases of hunger in India were on a swinging scale during the time period in question. In

2013 the number was 21,15. In 2016, the figure had increased to 60%; by 2017, the rate of

uptake had progressively transformed to 12%. 10%. This situation prevailed till 2017, when

hunger was recorded, 4% increased to 13%. Depreciation will reach 10% until 2021 and size by

this cap rate afterwards. In spite of the fact that in 2022 the level of hunger hit the unbelievably

low rate of 0%, which may be attributable either to the improvement here or to the statistical

aberration. A number of elements which have led to hunger decline set in place comprise
government programs, economic advancements, and social security produce to mitigate food

insecurity and hunger.

It is possible to link the findings where a similarity is observed as well as point out a remarkable

disparity in both the hunger figures from Pakistan and India. As a result of the changing levels of

hunger worldwide, in both countries and even between two countries it becomes clear that the

many factors affecting food security only increase their complexity in interactions with each

other. However, in the last few years, Pakistan's hunger rate has noticed a major jump in contrast

with India's much smaller fluctuation. This is critical to the sustainability of the population, so it

deserves the greatest attention; all-embracing strategies that involve the raising standards of

living, the development of agriculture, the creation of social welfare programs, and, in the last

place, ensuring that everyone has the right to access food without impediments are essential in

approaches aimed at overcoming the problem of hunger and food insecurity.

Poverty rate

The poverty rates in Pakistan were time-dependent; data on poverty rates from 2013, 2015, 2018

and 2021 are available. The poverty rate is 86% among the population, it is proof that the huge

population of Pakistan is living below the poverty line. The statistics in 2013 was very high

which stated that poverty was a major issue in the country as a whole income is very less which
often is not enough to establish a good living.Many numbers for producing data in 2014, 2016,

2017, 2019, 2020, and 2022 are not available and there is no sufficient data to examine the

situation of poverty.

The time frame of 2015-2022 is accounted for by the numbers shown on the graph that presents

the poverty rate in India. In 2015, 88.90% citizens were in the poverty level according to the

offense percentage. In the following few years, poverty took the form of an undulating line (with

significant decreases and increases.)As a significance has shown in 2021 when the poverty rate

laid at 81.80%. However, it was only by 2022 that the poverty rate increased somewhat reaching


Beginning with the obvious discrepancies where data quantum and historical patterns are being

compared while looking at the poverty rate of Pakistan with India, we see that there is obviously

divergence. But Pakistan sometimes announced fluctuations in poverty figures, while India

published annual data which demonstrated a consistent drop-in poverty plunge. Nevertheless,

because of this challenge that both of these countries experience, we might have a better

understanding of the matter that economic growth, and effective poverty plans are still needed.
Indian Government Initiatives (2013-2022)

Clean Water Access

The Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), started in 2014, attempted to ensure sanitation for

everybody and to eliminate open defecation across the country. The need for clean water with

quality focuses at all stages, from building the toilets, wastewater treatment plants, to promoting

hygiene practices, through SBM. Then they also have the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM): JJM

established by 2019, has to ensure pipes reach all homes in rural India before 2024. To tackle the

problem of clean water sustainably, it links decentralized water governance, water infrastructure

construction, and community.

The National Food Security Act (NFSA), passed in 2013, has the objective of providing quality

food and nutrition security for all members of the society. It ensures that those who are poor and

destitute get access to subsidized food grains through a scheme called Targeted Public

Distribution System. It aims primarily at the deprived cohort like the pregnant ladies,

breastfeeding mothers, infants and poor families. The Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) launched

in 1995 can be reckoned as one of the great initiatives that has spread gradually nationwide. It

provides free lunch to school going children which enhances their nutritional level, promotes

school attendance and combats hunger and malnourishment.

The PMJDY, which was launched in 2014, is a policy aiming to drive financial inclusion by

offering the previously bankless population with banking services, insurance, and pension

programs, consequently lifting such people out of poverty. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

(PMAY), which was launched in 2015, aims to provide a house at subsidized cost to all the

people who are eligible, It centers its action on the homeless and the people who belong to the

disadvantaged who are typically poor. It aims at improving living standards and eradicating


Electricity Access

Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (Saubhagya): Launched in 2017, Saubhagya

initiative is to ensure that all households be provided with electricity connection, irrespective of

the areas being rural or urban ones and so as to provide a continuous electricity source. It

emphasizes the last-mile connectivity character, primarily at remote, forgotten places of the

network by means of electrification, and utilization of off-line solutions, like solar power

systems. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY): In 2015, the DDUGJY was

launched, one of its purposes was to add new and upgrade the old network responsible for

supplying electricity to the rural areas. It emphasizes on the separation of feeder lines, upgrading

the system and improving the overall grid infrastructure for the purpose to make quality and

reliance on countryside electricity. Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY): This is a

scheme that was found in 2015 and seeks to revive the institution of about state DISCOM

(Distribution Companies) that have faced financial problems. As such, its main purpose is to

replenish power efficiency, reduce losses, and promote proper financing to make the provision of

electricity a sustainable plan for all. NSM, the National Solar Mission that got kicked off in
2010, intends to be able to promote the use of solar energy in India so that the country can get

the least dependence on fossil fuels and have enough of the renewable energy to supply the

power. All these activities fall under it namely installation of solar panels on roof top, utility

scale solar projects and solar parks to aid in the promotion of electricity supply as well as its

overall environmental friendliness.

Comparison of India and Pakistan Policies (2013-


Clean water access

India, including The Swachh Bharat Mission and The Jal Jeevan Mission which emphasizes on

the way of sanitation and water access, has entirely worked in this area. The initiatives tailwind

favorable infrastructure improvement, community participation, and life transformation. In

Pakistan, there does seem to be progress in the area of clean water, for example, Pakistan Clean

Water Project and others, it is slow. Suboptimal facilities, shortage of water, and inappropriate

bureaucracy are a few typical problems.


Indian Policies like the National Food Security act as well as the Mid Day Meal Scheme that

focus on breaking the cycle of hunger by distributing subsidies, food grains and meals to the

poorest of the poor individuals in an attempt to ameliorate hunger in the country. These

initiatives look to boost food security and counter food to feed problems. Amongst the options
available to Pakistan is the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), however, it is a programme

that awards cash transfer to recipients who are indigent.

Indian undertakings namely the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Awaas

Yojana aim to overcome poverty via the method of financial inclusion and affordable housing.

Such programs are created to assist people who belong to the lower income groups as well as to

raise their economic situation. Having started the country-wide poverty reduction programs, such

Ehsaas, focusing on the social protection aspect with poverty eradication and human capital

development as project goals. Nevertheless, you have seen resourceful distribution, wise

governance, and political calmness which are the barriers to the success of poverty alleviation


Electricity Access

Two initiatives aligned with the Indian Policies namely Saubhagya and DDUGJY look at the

incremental energy reach for all the households, mostly in remote and rural areas. Grid extension

and off-grid rewards, as well as renewable energy promotions comes first to enable access that is

reliable and renewable. The way forward for Pakistan's quest to supply energy to all people

contains the details of the Prime Minister's Energy Reform Program. On the other hand,

infrastructural blocks, problems with utility finances, and inter-sectoral governance issues

hamper the adoption of these renewables.


1) Notable Advances in Clean Water Access: The per capita water resource availability

hiked upwards in Pakistan as well as India from 2013 to 2022. Besides the last few years

another sign of this pattern is that India has made a strongly substantial and speedy


2) Impacts of Governmental Programmes People from diverse regions of India require clean

water now more than ever. The success of governmental programmes such as India's

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and the Jal Jeevan Mission has been able to make this happen.

Varieties of factors rendered the Pakistani stares to some extent ineffectual despite their

continuous efforts.

3) Investment in Infrastructure: It is India which has benefited from large money flow in

water delivery infrastructure while Pakistan has faced financial and logistical issues

constraints that resulted in low levels of comparable growth.

4) A political stability thus appears conducive to India’s rapid progress where politics has

been in stable conditions and policies are consistently put in force. Pakistan, in spite of all

that, has had a revolving door of rulers and political upheavals, yes, but progress still

hasn't been halted.

5) Economic Aspects: The economic problems of Pakistan have put a ceiling on the

country’s potential to get almost at a par with India, however, India being the strong

economic player is able to give much more considerable resources for water

infrastructure establishment.

UNICEF. "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene." UNICEF Pakistan.

World Health Organization. "Pakistan: Health Profile." WHO.

World Bank. "Access to electricity (% of population) – Pakistan." World Bank Data.

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