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Roll No………………………………………………

4th Exam/ECE/ETV/ECE-II/6128/Sep'2020
Duration: 1.15 Hrs. M.Marks:25
Q1. Attempt any three questions. 3x5=15
a. Explain the working of a UJT as a relaxation Oscillator
b. Draw the symbol and working of TRIAC.
c. Describe the principle of operation of a step up chopper?
d. Differentiate between regenerative and non- regenerative drives.
e. Differentiate between series and parallel Inverter.
f. Explain the function of freewheeling diode.
g. Compare AC and Dc Drives.
h. What are the advantages of HVDC transmission?

Q2. Attempt any one question. 1x10=10
i. Draw the layer diagram of an SCR and explain its working principle. Why it is called thyristor?
ii. Draw the circuit and waveforms of a single phase full wave half controlled rectifier.
iii. Draw and explain the working of the Serial inverter.
iv. Draw and explain the working of Dual Converter for speed control of Dc motors.
v. Give comparison of ON Line, OFF-Line and Line Interaction UPS.

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